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1、外研版(三起)五年级下册ModulelO单元测试【考试时间:60分钟总分值:100分】题号 四五六七八九十总分得分一、单词拼写。(io分)The(高山)is so high.一Lets go to the(森林).Yeah!The(小ill) looks like an old man.The water in the C可流)is clean.There is a(湖泊)in the park.二、选出以下每组单词中不同类的一项。(10分)()1.A.hot dog()2.A.building()3.A.mountain()4. A. near()5. A. boatB forestB ho

2、useB. hillB. natureB , bridgeC - hamburgerC. pictureC. plantC. besideC. bike三、单项选择。(10分)I want Americanfood.()A. to tryB. tryHes English now.( )A. learnB. learnsC for tryC. learning3. My pet bird canA, speaksEnglish and Chinese.()B speakC, speaking. Her mother is going to her at the airport.()A. met

3、A. metA. metB. meetC A. metB. meetC meets. My father us a joke. It was very funny.( )A. spokeB. toldC. say四、用单词正确形式填空。(10分)Mike wants(play) basketball first.Tomorrow is sunny. We(have) a picnic in the park.Here(be) some juice for you.Wang Bing(not brush) his teeth last night.Our classroom is on the(

4、one) floor.He is going to(buy) some cola.五、将句子与图片匹配。(1。分)()1. Where are you going? Im going to the airport.()2. 一When are you going to get up? 一At half past seven.()3. 一What are you going to take? 一Im going to take my black bag.()4. Whos going to play basketball with you? My brother.六、给以下句子选择恰当的答语。(

5、10分)A. Pm going to take some photos.B My parents will go with me.C. He is in New York now.D He arrived the day before yesterday.E. Grandma met him at the airport. TOC o 1-5 h z .Where is Darning now?().Who met Darning at the airport?().When did he arrive?().Who will go with you?().What are you going

6、 to do?()七、选内容补全对话。(10分)A. How about you?B Im going to Shanghai.I hope youll have a good trip.By plane.Whos going with you?Hi, Peter! Where are you going this summer holiday?B:A: My parents.How are you going there?When are you going there?Next week.Im going to visit my grandparents in Henan.Thank yo

7、u.八、连词成句(10分)there, is, lake, a (?)any, animals, are, there (?)some, ducks, there, are, rabbits, and (.)are, any, the, park, in, there, lakes (?)the, a, house, there, nature, near, is, park (.)九、阅读短文,判断句子正(T)误(F)。(10分)Jenny lives in Beijing with her parents now. It*s the capital of China. Its a big

8、city. It*s very beautiful. There are lots of places to go. They are the Great Wall, the Summer Palace (颂和园),Tian*anmen Square (天安门广场)and the Forbidden City (故宫).Jenny and her parents like them very much. The Forbidden City is about six hundred years old. Many people come to visit Beijing every day.

9、TOC o 1-5 h z Jenny lives in the US now.()Beijing is big and very beautiful.()Jenny doesnft like the Forbidden City.()The Great Wall is about six hundred years old.()Many people come to visit Beijing every day.()十、书面表达。(10分)愉快的暑假就要到来了。如果你有一个去英国旅游的机会,请写出你的旅行计划。要求:语句通顺,条理清晰,不少于40词。提示旅游景点名称:the London

10、Eye, Tower Bridge, Hyde Park 等。A trip to England参考答案:一、1. mountain 2. forest 3. hill 4. river 5. lake二、BCCBB三、ACBBB四、1. to play 2. are going to have 3. is 4. didnt brush 5. first 6. buy 五、C A D B六、CEDBA七、BEDAC八、1. Is there a lake?Are there any animals?There are some ducks and rabbits.Are there any lakes in the park?. There is a house near the nature park.九、FTFFT十、范文:A trip to EnglandThis summer holiday Im going to England with my family. Were going there by plane. In England we*re going to London, because there are lots of bea


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