



1、2022-2023学年云南省大理市云龙县第二中学高二英语月考试题含解析一、 选择题1. He suggested that we _ the plan later, which suggested that he _ against it.A. discuss; was B. would discuss; should be C. discussed; was D. should discuss; should be参考答案:A2. The couple have five children _ .A. above all B. of allC. in all D. at all参考答案:B考

2、查词意辨析,A首先、尤其是,B在所有当中,C总共,D根本(用于否定句),根据句意:这对夫妇共有5个孩子,故选B。3. _ from heart disease for years, Andy has to take some medicine with him wherever she goes. A. To sufferB. Suffered C. Having suffered D. Being suffered参考答案:C4. _ into English, the sentence was found to have an entirely different word order.A

3、. Translating B. Translated C. To translate D. Having translated参考答案:B5. South Korea is bringing in more foreigners to solve its labor problema(n) shortage of blue collar workers.A. regularB. acuteC. flexibleD. casual参考答案:B【详解】考查形容词辨析。句意:韩国正在引进外国人来解决它的劳力问题-严重的蓝领短缺问题。A. regular定期的,有规律的;B. acute严重的;C.

4、 flexible灵活的;D. casual;非正式的,临时的。由方案“引进外国人”可知蓝领出现严重短缺,故选B。6. After decades of effort, the city is still trying to _ how to ban smoking in public places.A. look through B. get through C. figure out D. take out参考答案:C7. He was the first on the moon. A. land B. to land C. landing D. landed参考答案:B8. _ in s

5、chool uniforms, the students seem to be in good spirits.A. Dressed B. To dressC. Dressing D. Having dressed参考答案:A【详解】考查形容词短语作伴随状态。句意:学生们穿着校服,看起来情绪很好。固定短语:be dressed in“穿着-”,此处是形容词短语作伴随状态,故选A。9. _is no need_ about your parents.A. It; complaining B. That; complaining C. There; to complain D. This; to

6、complain参考答案:C10. There is clear evidence the most difficult feeling of all to interpret is bodily pain.A. whatB. ifC. howD. that参考答案:D 11. With his eyes _ the work attentively, he didnt know what was happening outside. A. focusing onB. focused onC. fixing onD. to fix on参考答案:B略12. _ it is to jump in

7、to a river on a hot summer day!()Awhat funBhow funCwhat a funDwhat funny参考答案:A在炎热的夏季跳进河里洗澡是一件多么开心的事情啊!根据句意可知,此句是一个感叹句原句为It is fun to然后对fun感叹其为不可数名词,意为乐趣感叹句结构为what+a/an+adj+n或者how+adj+a/an+n句中funny意为形容词滑稽的,可笑的,不符合题意13. The new stadium under construction for the next Asian Games the present one is due

8、 to be completed in two months.A. measured three times as big asB. measuring three times as big asC. measured as big as three timesD. measuring as three times big as参考答案:B14. They have produced they did last year.A. twice more grain asB. twice as much grain asC. twice as many grain asD. as twice man

9、y grain as参考答案:B略15. There must be something wrong with your car. You have to have it _.A. repair B. repairing C. repaired D. to repair参考答案:C略16. It is for us to keep people aware of the importance of saving the relics out of being destroyed. A. demanding B. demand C. demanded D. in demand参考答案:A二、 书

10、面表达17. 近日,山东省“假疫苗”的案件再次牵动着全国亿万人的心。假如你是李华,你拟向学校英文报刊投稿,倡导同学们从现在做起,做一名有诚信的中学生。内容包括:1. 诚信的重要性;2. 结合实际谈谈如何做一名诚信的中学生。注意:词数:100词左右。开头已写好,不计入总词数。Recently the illegal vaccine(疫苗) cases in Shandong Province have concerned billions of people in China. .参考答案:Recently the illegal vaccine cases in Shandong Provin

11、ce have concerned billions of people in China. It is obvious that the vaccine dealers endless pursuit of wealth at the cost of public health and honesty is to blame for it. This reminds me of the proverb: Honesty is the best policy.Never can we attach enough importance to honesty. If you are honest

12、all the time, youll be trusted and respected by others. A liar is always looked down upon and regarded as a black sheep by the people around. Once you lie, people will never believe you even if you speak the truth.It is needless to say that honesty is essentially important to us students. What we do

13、 should agree with what we say. When sitting an examination, we should finish the papers on our own without reference to others. In addition, our homework should be completed independently. Dishonesty may bring benefits in the short run, but honesty will promise a bright future in the long term.三、 阅

14、读理解18. When was the last time your family sat down together to have a dinner?The speed at which we live today no longer allows for slow eating habits. Most people work long hours. There is lots of fast food and eating out is now on the increase. Often food is eaten in front of the television in sile

15、nce, or a child eats alone in front of the computer.When I was a child, every evening around the same time, one of the children would be asked to set the table, and then wed go and wash our hands before the meal. This was the time of day when we would talk about our day at school. But now things hav

16、e changed a lot.A family environment plays an important role for children in learning to communicate with others and understanding table manners, such as waiting for others to finish before leaving the table, and not speaking with a mouth full of food. Parents likes and dislikes of a certain food wi

17、ll also influence a childs own likes and dislikes. Studies have shown that children who often eat with their families have better results at school than children who eat with their families less than twice a week.Regular meal times give children the chance to discuss their problems with family membe

18、rs. They can also learn to respect others around the table .Talking to your children during dinner is the best way of having their trust. Children learn good eating habits from their parents at a very young age. Family meals are important. Prepare them for your children.1. Some families eat less together because_.A. Most children live in a school B. people are bus


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