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1、U11.相当多 2.当然、自然 3.给的感觉 4.因为,由于 5.去夏令营 6.去度假在 7.去某个有趣的地方 8.照相当多照片 9.做某些特殊的事情 10.看起来无聊 11.玩的高兴 12.到达 13.决定做某事 14.喜欢绕城散步 15.开始下小雨 16.太多人 17.带足够的钱 18.去做滑翔伞运动 19.等候缆车 20.另外两个小时 21.学习某些重要的东西 22.弄明白 23.在我们的学校旅行中做某些特殊的事 24.告诉我继续进行 25.激动地上下跳跃 26.你去哪里度假了?我去了纽约城。 27.你和谁出去了?不,没有人,每个人都在度假。 28.你买了一些特殊的东西了吗?是的,我为我

2、爸爸买了一些东西。 29.食物怎么样?一切尝起来真的很好 。 30.唯一的问题是晚上除了读书无事可做。 31.因为坏天气,我们看不见下面的任何东西。 1.quiet a few 2.of course 3.feel like 4.because of 5.go to summer camp6.go/be on vacation 7.go somewhere interesting 8.take quite a few photos 9.do something special 10.seem to be bored 11.have a good time/have fun12.arrive i

3、n/at 13.decide to do sth.14.enjoy walking around the town15.start raining a little 16.too many people 17.bring enough money 18.go paragliding 19.wait for the train 20.another two hours 21.learn something important 22.find out 23.do something special on our school trip24.tell me to keep going 25.jump

4、 up and down in excitement 26.Where did you go on vacation? I went to New York City. 27.Did you go out with anyone? No, no one was here. Everyone was on vacation. 28.Did you buy anything special? Yes, I bought something for my father. 29.How was the food? Everything tasted really good.30.The only pr

5、oblem was that there was nothing much to do in the evening but read.31.Because of the bad weather, we couldnt see anything below.U2词句1、几乎不 ;2、摇摆舞;3、至少;4、垃圾食品;5、例如;6、多于;7、少于;8、帮忙做家务;9、去购物;10、一周一次11、一月两次;12、一周三次;13、上网;14、吃健康早餐;15、对我的健康有好处;16、想要某人做某事;17、在某人的业余时间里;18、询问某人关于某事;19、一点也不;20、至少一周三到四次;21、为了娱乐

6、;22、做某事是有好处的;23、看游戏类节目;24、放松的最好方式;25、和朋友一起度过时光;26、开始锻炼;27、去牙医处洗牙;28、你经常周末做什么?我总是锻炼。 29、他们周末做什么?他们经常帮忙做家务。30、周末她做什么?她有时去购物。31、你多久去看一次电影?我可能一月去看一次电影。32、他多久看一次电视?他几乎不看电视。33、我们很吃惊90%的学生每天上网。 34、关于看电视的问题的回答也很有意思。35、尽管许多学生喜欢看体育节目,但游戏类节目却是最受欢迎的。36、旧习难改。37、所以在为时太晚之前开始锻炼吧!28, What do you usually do on weeken

7、ds? I always exercise. 29, What do they do on weekends? They often help with housework. 30, What does she do on weekends? She sometimes goes shopping. 31, How often do you go to the movies? I go to the movies maybe once a month. 32, How often does he watch TV? He hardly ever watch TV. 33, We were su

8、rprised that ninety percent of students use the Internet every day. 34, The answers to our questions about watching television were also interesting. 35, Although many students like to watch sports game shows are the most popular. 36, Old habits die hard. 37, So start exercising before too late! U3词

9、句1、关心,在意;2、只要,既然;3、与不同;4、使显现;5、与相同;6、事实上;7、与相像的;8、小学9、和一样;10、歌唱比赛11、在有天赋;12、喜欢做和我一样的事情;13、让我笑;14、在网球方面变得更好;15、把某人最好/最坏的一面表现出来;16、两者都;17、唱得更大声;18、真正关心;19、更不努力得多;20、摔坏某人的胳膊;21、分享一切;22、在英语上有好成绩;23、善待孩子们;24、更擅长网球;25、获得更好的成绩;26、你和你姐姐一样友好吗?不,我更友好。27、谁在学校更努力?Tina 认为她比我更努力。28、那就是我为什么喜欢读书和我在班里学习更努力的原因;29、我以为


11、方式实现他们的梦想;28、在周末去的最好的地方;29、去那儿看街头艺人表演;30、小咖啡店之一;31、适合去的最好的电影院是什么?32、城镇里最差的衣服店是哪个?33、到现在为止你觉得小区如何?34、才艺表演变得越来越受欢迎了;35、观看人们展示其他人的才艺总是有趣的;36、那由你自己来决定;37、然而,如果你不把这些节目太当回事,它们还是有看头的。英文版(答案)(1/2)1, so far;2, havein common;4, be up to;5, play a role;6, make up;7, for example;8, takeseriously;9, the best mov

12、ie theater;10.be the closest to home;11, have the shortest waiting time;12, have the most comfortable seats;13, buy clothes the most cheaply ;14, choose songs the most carefully;15, sit the most comfortably;16, love watching movies;17, find the most interesting roles to play;18.the most talented per

13、son;19, be good at something;20,get more and more popular;21, around the world;22,try to look for the best singer;英文版(答案)(2/2)23,and so on;24, play a role in deciding the winner;25, enjoy watching these shows;26, be fun to watch;27, give people a way to make their dreams come true.28, the best place

14、 to go to on weekends;29, go there to see the street performers;30, one of the smallest coffee shops;31, Whats the best movie theater to go to?32, Which is the worst clothes store in town?33,How do you like the neighborhood?34, Talent shows are getting more and more popular. 35,Its interesting to wa

15、tch other people show their talents.;36, Thats up to you to decide. 37, However, if you dont take these shows too seriously, they are fun to watch.答案(英文版)1, find out 2,soap opera 3, action movie 4, be ready to do sth. 5, dress up;6,take sbs place;7,do a good job 8, want to watch a game show 9,talent

16、 show;10, talk show 11,be more educational 12, plan to do sth. 13, hope to do sth.14,have a discussion about TV shows 15,expect to learn a lot from them 16,think of 17,one very famous symbol in American culture 18,be famous for;19,the black mouse with two large round ears 20,come out;21, the first c

17、artoons with sound and music 22, become rich and successful 23, in the 1930s 24, became so popular 25, one of the main reasons 26,be like a common man 27always try to face any danger 28,such as 29,try ones best 30,go to the cinema to see the little man win31, on the Hollywood Walk of Fame;32,an exci

18、ting action movie 33, plan to watch a movie 34, want to see something enjoyable 35,Do you want to watch the news? Yes, I do. 36,What can you expect to learn from sitcoms ?You can learn some great jokes.37,Why do you like watching the news ?Because I hope to find out whats going on around the world.38, What do you think of talk shows? I dont mind them.U6词句1、计算机程序设计员;2、确信,对有把握;3、确保,查明;4、成为足球队的一员;5、能够做某事;6、成长,长大;7、在开始;8、写下;9、于有关系10、学着做,开始做;11、打算做某事;12、学习计算机科学;13、上表演课;14、想成为一名篮球运动员;15、练习打篮球;16、擅长写


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