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1、习语总结 Tony often plays the record very loud at midnight in his apartment.D. It can t be helpedA. Better notB. Just your luck C. That s too muchD. It can t be helpedJust your luck (just my luck 真倒霉。)That s too muc床过分了(抱怨)It can be helped那是没办法的(无计可施)fly off the handle勃然大怒pay through the nose 出高价,花大价钱;被

2、勒索put their heads together 集思广益,群策群力pull each other彼此leg 笑Back in a moment.一会回来Dont count on me. 别指望我Dont fall for it.别上它的当Get off my back.少跟我啰嗦(别跟我唠叨了);不要嘲笑我When Van Gogh was alive, nobody bought his paintings. But now rich people will for one, sometimes morethan five million dollars.A. fly off the

3、 handle B. pay through the nose C. put their heads together D. pull each other s leg Mike, the office is in a mess. Its your turn to clean it up. I did it yesterday and the day before yesterday.A. Back in a moment.B. Dont count on me.C. Dont fall for it.D. Get off my back. Mr Li is the most excellen

4、t engineer in our company despite his poor education background. His technical capacity comes from his devotion and rich experience.A. Four eyes see more than twoB. The end justifies the meansC. Work makes the workmanD. Better late than neverFour eyes see more than two集思广益(同 put their heads together

5、 类似)The end justifies the means 为了正当目的可以不择手段Work makes the workman 勤工出巧匠迟做总比不做好Better late than never迟做总比不做好the pot calls the kettle black 五十步笑百步a fool and his money are soon parted 愚人有钱留不住.笨人难聚财;傻瓜花钱快a good name is better than riches 美名胜于财富。ambition never dies until there is no way out 不到黄河心不死,不撞南墙

6、不回头You said it 你说的对,我完全同意I don t buy it我不相信,我不买账It beats me我也不懂;不清楚;这难倒我了You can say that again 你说的对,我完全同意(同 You said it )35. -Bob and his brothers never stop quarrelling over their property division after their father died.-It happens. It s the game where .the pot calls the kettle blacka fool and h

7、is money are soon parteda good name is better than richesambition never dies until there is no way out-Do you know why a liar like Jack can fool so many people?Oh,.A. You said itB. I don t buy itC. It beats meD. You can say that again-One of the best temporary cures for pride and affection is seasic

8、knessThat s exactly the case! A man who wants to throw up neverA. has green fingers B. puts on airsC. feels blueD. talks horsehas green fingers 园艺能手puts on airs 摆架子;装腔作势feels blue 难过,不高兴talks horse 吹牛(关于文化差异I can eat a horse我能吞下一头牛)Go ahead做吧,干吧,拿吧6.beats my brains out绞尽脑汁6.beats my brains out绞尽脑汁.g

9、ets on my nerves 使我心烦.hangs in there 再等等;再忍忍;坚持下去;(不要放弃).I got it 我明白了10. You bet 没错,的确;当然;11.as clear as day 一清二楚,明若观火12.off the top of my head 临时一想,随口一说under my nose 就在眼皮子底下;公然beyond my wildest dreams 大大出乎意料;大大超过所望的;做梦也想不到33.Frank,I ve learned about your plan.May I make some suggestions?A.Just for

10、 funB.Take it easyC.With pleasure D.Go right ahead35. It really annoys me when one s smart phone goes off during a meeting! Yeah,me too.It really .A.beats my brains outB.pulls my legC.gets on my nervesD.hangs in there35. The rising frequency of smoggy days is making me deeply worried that one day we

11、 will have to rely on masks to survive. ! The government really should do something.A. Good ideaB. I got itC. You betD. That s all right33. What does the stuff on your T-shirt mean? It s nothing. Just something .A.as clear as dayB. off the top of my headC. under my noseD. beyond my wildest dreams35.

12、 Going to watch the WomenolleysbVall Match on Wednesday? !Will you go with me?A. You thereB. You betD. You know betterC. You got meD. You know betterYou there 说你呢(用来引起注意)You got me你难倒我了You know better你明知道不该干(know better明白事理(而不至于做某事),不至于蠢到;学聪明些,不再上当;如:I know better我才不上当呢;你当我傻啊?)face the music:承担后果,面对

13、不愉快的局面。eat like a bird :吃得极少。mend his ways:改过;卖刀买犊;归正;改恶从善Bite my tongue 强忍住不说see the handwriting on the wall 看至U了不祥之兆kill the fatted calf 设宴欢迎Come off it谁信呢?得了吧,别瞎扯了;You made it你做到了 ;你成功了Cheer up 高兴点;振作起来a good Samaritan 心地善良的人;乐善好施者a wet blanket扫兴的人a feather in my cap 锦上添花的事a piece of cake小菜一碟 Jac

14、k should have calmed down at the party!But the kids made so much noise that he couldn t help but.A. face the music B. eat like a bird C. mend his waysD. fly off the handle35题选D。fly off the handle :激动;美口冒火。face the music:承担后果,面对不愉快的局面。eat like a bird :吃得极少。mend his ways:改过;卖刀买犊;归正;改恶从善。 It annoys me

15、when a persons cell phone goes off during a movie!一Yeah, me too. It.A. really bites my tongueB. really gets on my nervesC. makes me see the handwriting on the wall D. gets me to kill the fatted calf- I can t tolerate the air pollution here anymore.r! We ve never had so many chemical factories before

16、.A. You said it B. Come off itC. You made itD. Cheer upI certainly expect to be elected best student of the year. It s really!A. a good SamaritanB. a wet blanketC. a feather in my capD. a piece of cake 35. We all know from young that the Prime Minister Qinhui in the Song Dynasty framed up General Yu

17、efei to death. Yes. .A. A bad beginning makes a bad ending.B. A guilty conscience is a self-accuser.C. A bad thing never dies.D. A man is known by the company he keeps.A bad beginning makes a bad ending. 不善使者不善终;恶有恶报A guilty conscience is a self-accuser. 做贼心虚,良心自诛A bad thing never dies.遗臭万年;坏事传千里A m

18、an is known by the company he keeps. 察友知其人Behave yourself 举止得体;规规矩矩Be my guest 请便Have fun过得愉快Take care保重Give me the cold shoulder 冷淡的对待某人Make my day 使我高兴follow suit 效仿,跟着做,如法炮制Beat around the bush 旁敲侧击;拐弯抹角(但是beat the bushes 意为:到处寻觅,四处搜查)You dont say. 不见得吧?是吗?You are telling me. 这还用你说?()29. I know i

19、t is really a lot to ask, but can I use your apartment during the summer? . I happen to be out of town. It is all for your taking.A. Behave yourself B. Be my guest C. Have fun D. Take care()35. I am at a loss why Mike is always every time I meet him. Believe it or not, we used to be best friends.A.

20、giving me the cold shoulder B. making my dayC. following suit D. beating around the bush Won t Terry be upset? ? He never thinks about anyone but himself.A. Guess whatB. Now whatC. Who caresD.Who knowsGuess what你猜怎么着?Now what 又怎么了?现在怎么办?3. Who cares谁在乎呢?3. Who cares谁在乎呢?Who knows谁知道呢?天知道learn your l

21、esson吸取教训eat your words收回你的话;(公开)承认自己说错了( go back on your word/promise食言)cross your fingersWho knows谁知道呢?天知道learn your lesson吸取教训eat your words收回你的话;(公开)承认自己说错了( go back on your word/promise食言)cross your fingers祈祷I can t help it我忍不住(情不自禁)I wont tell a soul这个秘密我不会告知他人I wouldn t bet on就看不一定;我不相信go thr

22、ough with flying colors大获成果(through with flying colors 出色地,成功地;)land on their feet逢凶化吉,化险为夷cost an arm and a leg 付出很大代价Oh, this is so annoying. Where on earth did I put my keys?-You never.A. learn your lessonB. bite your tongueC. eat your wordsD. cross your fingers32. 一 I will be a vice president in

23、 a year or two. You can t be serious! .A.I can t make it B. I can t help it C. I won t tell a soul D. I wouldn t bet on itCertain people tend to more easily, even when they come across minor matters.A. go through with flying colors B. fly off the handleC.land on their feetD. cost an arm and a leg35-

24、 Why dont you go to the cinema, say, tonight or tomorrow afternoon?A.Its my pleasureC.Lets call it a dayA.Its my pleasureC.Lets call it a day1.Its my pleasure.Take your time.Lets call it a dayD.I wouldnt mind that不用客气别着急慢慢来今天就到这里吧;收工4.I wouldnt mind that我不介意;都可以5.I mean it我是认真的6.I wouldn t say no(非正

25、式表示同意)好的beg to differ 恕我不能苟同I hate to say this不想这样说,不得不说(意为抱歉)There you are!(意思较多)你瞧?我早就这样说过;原来你在这儿;这是你要的东西Believe it or not.信不信由你How come? 怎么会?(惊讶)You got me there!你难倒我了a tough nut难对付的人;棘手的问题our great rock真棒(这个没有找到原词,因为rock可以用来夸人,所以猜是此意)the best fish 好鱼;有价值之物(如: The best fish swim near the bottom.好

26、鱼水底游)an early bird 早起的鸟35.Have you got any paper on you?, but I have none at all.A. I mean itB.I wouldn t say noC. I beg to differD. I hate to say this Amazingly, I ve managed to start my owop online!一 I told you it was easy.There you are!B. Believe it or not.How come?D. You got me there!Will Mr. Bl

27、ack allow us to bring mobile phones to school?-He is and I don t think hgive us permission.A. a tough nut B. our great rock C. the best fishD. an early bird33. The driver shouldn t have escaped after the accident. Now he has toA.sleep like a log B.face the music C. kill the fatted calf D. pull his l

28、egsleep like a log睡得很沉with pleasure乐意效劳never mind没关系,不要紧it s my pleasure 用谢thats right 对的,没错the apple of his eye掌上明珠7. the salt of the earth社会中坚,精英;高尚的人;非常正派(诚实)的人7. the salt of the earth社会中坚,精英;高尚的人;非常正派(诚实)的人a dark horse 黑马a feet of clay 内在的缺陷,致命的弱点burn the midnight oil 熬夜;(学习或工作)开夜车push the limit

29、s挑战/突破极限go with the flow 顺应潮流;顺其自然;随大流,随波逐流a big potato大人物;了不起的人A roaring lion kills no game实干兴邦,空谈误国;少说多做,行动胜于言语A book is a garden carried in the pocket 书中自有黄金屋A bad workman always blames his tools自己笨,怪刀钝(或:拙匠总怪工具差)An old pan is the one that makes good food. 姜还是老的辣 Would you mind holding the door o

30、pen for me?Oh,.A. with pleasure B. never mind C. it s my pleasure D. thats right Andrey really brightens up when he sees his girl. She looks so cute.-Yeah. The girl is. Fortunately, the girl resembles her mother!A. the apple of his eye B. the salt of the earth C. a dark horseD. feet of clay I am wor

31、n out.Me too, all work and no play. So it s time to.A. burn the midnight oilB. push the limitsC. go with the flowD. call it a day We know Mrs. Jones is always the first to help anyone in trouble. Yes, definitely. She is and respected by all of us.A. the salt of the earthB. a wet blanketC. a big pota

32、toD. the apple of our eye35- One cannot achieve anything by sitting around and talking about it.-I cant agree more.Thats why Peterson failed to get into college.A. A roaring lion kills no gameB. A book is a garden carried in the pocketC. A bad workman always blames his toolsD. An old pan is the one

33、that makes good food35. I want to go shopping with my best friend. Could I use your bike, Mum?. It s just over there.Sounds greatGo aheadC. Take careD. Never mindSounds greatGo aheadC. Take careD. Never mindIn case you are still about visiting Shanghai Disneyland, the park has just released some ima

34、ges of its standoutattraction to help you decide.A. over the moonB. not all thereC. on the fenceD. feeling blueover the moon 狂喜not all there 某人的行为表现很奇怪或者很傻;脑子不正常(sb. is not all there他是个二百五)on the fence 犹豫不决;抱观望态度Take it easy 放松Keep it to yourself 自己留着吧You tell me (例:You tell me, you love me. 你许愿你爱我。

35、 另夕卜,Tell me, it was a misunderstanding.这肯定是 一场误会吧?(表示说话人不相信某事的心情,但愿是误会)而you are telling me.我早就知道,不用你告诉我)I m on i我这就去;我正思考这个问题;我在看(做)Thats all right. 没关系Couldnt agree more. 十分同意You must be kidding.你开玩笑吧!By all means.当然可以,一定.Pandoras box灾祸之源.Mickey Mouse course 容易的事(小儿科). you veold it to me 我完全信你(我完全

36、被你的话打动了,你说服我了 =you have convinced me)I lost five pounds just after a month on this new diet. It s definitely worth a try. Right,. I badly need to get in shape for my school reunion.A. it beats me B. I don t buy it C. just can t help it D. you ve sold it to me- Ninety-seven dollars in all. Here is th

37、e change.-Thank you.A. I don t careB. Take it easyC. Keep it to yourselfD. That s too much- How can I book an air ticket on the cellphone?-Sorry!. I never did it before.A. You tell meB. You got me thereC. I ll try my bestD. I m on it30. -How I am eager to see your new car! May I have a look now, Pet

38、er?_. Its great to share.A. Thats all right.B. Couldnt agree more. C. You must be kidding. D.By all means.A. Thats all right.35. This policy, which used to be very successful, is a,though it no longer meets theneeds of the current situation.A. sacred cow B.Pandoras boxC.Mickey Mouse courseD.good Sam

39、aritan情景交际27. We had wanted to surpriseFather with a birthday gift, but my sisterby asking himwhat he would like.A. licked her lipsate her wordsspilt the beanspulled his leglicked ones lips 垂涎欲滴;迫切盼望;咂咂嘴(表示赞赏,满意或垂涎)spilt the beans 说漏嘴;泄露秘密;露馅Don t give me that 少来那套Don t lose your heacO昏了头;不要惊慌失措,不要失

40、去理智Don t trust to chance不要碰运气Don t dream away your time不要虚度光阴Not in the least 一点也不go/be bananas 要发疯了;神经错乱了miss the bus 错失良机;jump ship 跳槽At your service 随时为您效劳Achilles heel A. sacred cow B.Pandoras boxC.Mickey Mouse courseD.good Samaritan情景交际27. We had wanted to surpriseFather with a birthday gift, b

41、ut my sisterby asking himwhat he would like.A. licked her lipsate her wordsspilt the beanspulled his leglicked ones lips 垂涎欲滴;迫切盼望;咂咂嘴(表示赞赏,满意或垂涎)spilt the beans 说漏嘴;泄露秘密;露馅Don t give me that 少来那套Don t lose your heacO昏了头;不要惊慌失措,不要失去理智Don t trust to chance不要碰运气Don t dream away your time不要虚度光阴Not in the least 一点也不go/be bananas 要发疯了;神经错乱了miss the bus 错失良机;jump


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