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1、高考英语专题名词知识点易错题汇编附答案解析一、选择题Generally there is a sharp between them in their character.A. contactB. contraryC. contractD. contrastSince 1949, die people s living standard, causing a big in population.A. has been raised; riseB. has been risen; raiseC. has raised; riseD. has raised; rose 3 Enough of it!

2、 Nobody here thinks what you are saying should make any.A. excuseB. senseC. useD. valueBe sure to read the in the guidebook before you begin to use the new computer.A. instructionsB. solutionC. descriptionsD. messageNo has proved that eating too much is the main cause of the weight problem.A. doubtB

3、. wonderC. evidenceD. beliefIn spring, hens start laying eggs again, bringing a welcome source of protein.It is that lots of cultures celebrate spring by honoring the egg!A. no doubtB. no surpriseC. no wayD. no needThe went extremely well, with almost all of the audience requesting furtherinformatio

4、n about our 5G products.A. conservation B. imagination C. presentation D. qualificationIf violence is not kept in check by bringing the guilty to, matters will go beyond what the public can tolerate.A. equalityB. justiceC. regulationD. liberationIts her of time to medical research tliat helped Tu Yo

5、uyou win the Nobel Prize.A. supplyB. respectC. devotionD. arrangementA. supplyTo those of you who received honors, awards, and, I say, well done. And to the average students, I say, you, too. can be President of the United States.A. distinctions B. contributions C. solutionsD. attractionsFinding the

6、 to this problem is no easy task .A. relaxationB. imagination C. inventionD. solutionThe on his face suggested that he was extremely angry.D. expressionA. impression B. sightC. appearance 13 . With the COVID-19 quickly around the globe, the whole world are in a(n)ofD. expressionshock.A. gathering, c

7、onditionB. spreading, stateC. to spread, approachD. to gather, stylePoverty alleviation is a high priority of our country and has been put on the top of attwo sessions.A. agendaB. subjectC. directoryD. seminarPresident Donald Trumps first state dinner excluded Democratic members of Congress and the

8、media, which was criticized by many as a(n)from tradition.A. departureB. benefitC. escapeD. lessonLetting virtual assistants, such as Amazons Alexa, take care of your home is a(n)for disaster to some, because Ai-infused systems may demonstrate unpredictable behaviors that can be disruptive, confusin

9、g, offensive, and even dangerous.A. topicB. shortcutC. cureD. recipeThe literature masterpiece Macbeth by Shakespeare will be better understood if readers look at the tragedy in the historical of the Elizabethan and Jacobean periods, an era ofrelative stability.A. contentB. contestC. contextD. conta

10、ct. The of the trees in the water was very clear.A. mirrorB. sightC. reflectionD. shadowWith the of the mid-term examinations, the majority of the students are becomingmore and more nervous.A. approachB. accessC. attachment D. appearanceOlympic athletes bring joy to people across the world with thei

11、r to push theboundaries of human achievement.A. intelligenceB. influencesC. impressionD. attemptsThe good news that he got a to Senior Editor brought great happiness to his family.A. prospectB. promotionC. priorityD. privilegeTraining of the employees was suggested as one to dealing with the problem

12、 of lowefficiency.A. methodB. wayC. approachD. meansIt is a great for our country to hold the 2022 Winter Olympic.A. signalB. functionC. honorD. agreementLuna is a girl of great for she takes a great interest in whatever she sees.A. curiosityB. beliefC. concernD. strengthHow much docs it cost to put

13、 satellite into?A. gasB. orbitC. chemicalsD. vapors【参考答案】*试卷处理标记,请不要删除一、选择题. D解析:D【解析】【分析】【详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:一般来说,他们的性格有明显的差异。A. contact联系:B. contrary相反的事实;C. contract合约:D. contrast明显的差异。根据关键词“sharp”和语 境可知,应该是他们的性格有明显的差异。故选D。A解析:A【解析】【详解】考查时态和名词。句意:自从1949年以来,人民的生活水平提高了,导致了人口的大幅增 长。根据句子中的Since 1949可知,此处

14、应用现在完成时,raise是及物动词有被动,故 C、D项错误:rise为不及物动词无被动,故B项错误,根据句子可知,raise与peoples living standard之间是被动关系,故填has been raised;第二空由a big可知,用名词,rise当 名词讲意为“增长:上升:故选A。B解析:B【解析】【分析】【详解】考查名词辨析。句意:够了!这里没人认为你说的话有任何意义。A. excuse借口,理由; B. sense感知:C. use使用:D. value价值。固定搭配:make any sense讲不通,有任何意 义,结合句意。故选B。【点睛】make构成的短语make

15、 up组成,构成,化妆,编造,和好如初;be made of由一构成(能看出原材料):be made from由一构成(不能看出原材料):be made into被制成了-: be made up of由一-组 成:be made in 由某地制成:make friends 交朋友;make preparations for 为-一做准备: make oneself done 使某人自己被-。这些都是make的常用,常考短语,记住并能在语境中准确使用,本题考查的是make和 sense的搭配。A解析:A【解析】【详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:在你使用新电脑前,一定要阅读说明书上的说明。A.in

16、structions 指示,说明:B. solution 解决方法:C. descriptions 描述:D. message 信息。结合 句意可知,此处用“说明”符合语境,故选A项。C解析:C【解析】【分析】【详解】考查名词辨析。句意:没有证据表明吃的过多是引起体重问题的主要原因。A. doubt疑 问:B. wonder难怪:C. evidence证据:D. belief信念。根据句意理解,没有证据可以证 明肥胖问题的原因这种说法比较通顺容易理解。故选C项。B解析:B【解析】【分析】【详解】考查名词词组辨析。句意:一到了春天,母鸡又开始下蛋了,这给它们带来了蛋白质。许多文化都以鸡蛋来庆祝春

17、天,这并不奇怪。A. no doubt亳无疑问: B. no surprise 不惊讶;C. no way 没门:D. no need 不需要。固定句型:It is no doubt that.”亳无疑问”:It is no surpnse that”不足为奇”;It is no way that”那是不可能的”;It is n。need that”没必要工 结合句意,故选B。C解析:C【解析】【分析】【详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:这场发布展示会进展非常顺利,几乎所有到场的听众都向我们 的 5G 产品咨询更多的信息。A. conservation 保护;B. imagination 想象力:

18、C. presentation 展示;D. qualification资格。结合句意可知,此处用“展示”符合语境,故选C项。 8. B解析:B【解析】【详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:如果不能通过将罪犯绳之以法来制止暴力,事情将超出公众所 能忍受的范围。A. equality 平等;B. justice正义:C. regulation 管理:D. liberation 解放。根 据句意及选项可知,此处使用名词justice。故选B。9. C解析:C【解析】【分析】【详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:正是她对医学研究的投入,帮助屠呦呦获得了诺贝尔奖。A. supply 提供:B. respect 尊重

19、;C. devotion 奉献,投入:D. arrangement 安排。根据 Tu Youyou win the Nobel Prize可知,屠呦呦对医学研究的投入了很多时间。故选Co 10. A解析:A【解析】【分析】【详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:对于你们那些已经收到荣誉、奖励和勋章的人,我要说,做得 好。对于一般的学生,我要对你们说,你也可以成为美国的总统。A. distinctions勋章:B. contributions 贡献:C. solutions 解决方案;D. attractions 吸引。根据 honors, awards 可知此处 用“勋章”符合语境,故选A项。D解析:

20、D【解析】【分析】【详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:找到这个问题的解决办法不是一件容易的事。A. relaxation放 松:B. imagination 想象力:C. invention 发明:D. solution 解决方法。根据后文 to this problem可知是找到问题的“解决方法”。故选D。D解析:D【解析】【详解】考查名词辨析。句意:他脸上的表情表明他非常生气。A. impression印象;B. sight视力, 景象:C. appearance外貌,外表:D. expression表情,脸色。根据on his face可知指面部表 情,故选D。B解析:B【解析】【分析】【详

21、解】考查非谓语动词、动词词义辨析和名词词义辨析。句意:随着新冠肺炎疫情在全球范围内 迅速要延,整个世界都处于震惊之中。gather聚集,聚拢;spread传播:condition条件: state状态,状况:approach方法,方式;style风格。新冠肺炎疫情在全球范围内迅速装 延,所以第一个空应用spread的某种形式。且第一个空考查with+宾语+宾语补足语结构, theCOVID-19和spread之间是主动关系,应用现在分词作宾语补足语。故第一空填 叩reading。全世界处于震惊的“状态”,第二个空应用state。故选B。A解析:A【解析】【分析】【详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:

22、脱贫攻坚是国家工作的重中之重,也是两会的重要议题。A. agenda 议程;B. subject 科目:C. directory 目录:D. seminar 讨论会。根据 Poverty alleviation is a high priority of our country 此处指两会的议程”是脱贫攻坚。 故选A。A解析:A【解析】【分析】【详解】考查名词。句意:唐纳德特朗普总统的第一次国宴排除了国会民主党议员和媒体,许多 人批评这是对传统的背离。A. departure背离,违反:B. benefit益处:C. escape逃跑,逃 避:D. lesson课,教训。分析句子可知,此处表示

23、的意思是“国宴排除了国会民主党议员 和媒体是对传统的背离”,故选A。D解析:D【解析】【分析】【详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:让虚拟助手(比如亚马逊的Alexa)照顾你的家,对某些人来说 无异于一场灾难,因为人工智能系统可能会表现出不可预测的行为,这些行为可能具有破 坏性、混乱性、攻击性,甚至是危险的。A. topic话题;B.shoncut捷径:C. cure治愈:D. recipe配方。分析句子可知,显然让虚拟助手掌握实权带来的是不好的结果,也就是导致 了灾难的发生,a recipe for disaster 后患无穷。故选D项。C解析:C【解析】【分析】【详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:读

24、者们如果关注伊丽莎白一世和詹姆斯一世那段相对稳定的时 代的历史背景下的悲剧,就能更好地理解莎士比亚的文学著作麦克白o A. content内 容:B. contest 比赛;C. context 环境,上下文:D. contact 联系。这里联系 the Elizabethan and Jacobean periods,要用 historical context 表示历史背景”。故选 C 项。C解析:C【解析】【分析】【详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:树木在水中的倒影非常清晰。A.mirror镜子;B.sight视野: C.reflection 倒影:D.shadow 影子。根据 in the

25、water was very clear 可知,指水中的倒影。故 选C项。A解析:A【解析】【详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:随着期中考试的临近,大多数学生变得越来越紧张。A.approach 接近;B. access 通道:C. attachment 连接物,附属:D. appearance 外貌,外观。根 据 “the majority of the students are becoming more and more nervousM 可知,此处是指随着期 中考试的“临近”,故选A项。【点睛】名词词义辨析题注重考查考生结合语境准确选用词语的能力。由于英语词汇丰富,且用法 多变,考生掌握起

26、来有较大难度,因此在平时应注意词汇的积累,理解词语的含义及其常 见的习惯搭配,再联系句子所表述的意义和语境,选出正确的答案。如本题中由语境“the majority of the students are becoming more and more nervous ” 可以推出,空处应选“接近, 临近”的意思。D解析:D【解析】【详解】考查名词。句意:奥运健儿们努力突破人类成就的极限,为全世界人民带来了欢乐。A. intelligence 智力,理解力:B. influences 影响:C. impression 印象,效果:D. attempts 企 图,试图。结合句意可知D项符合语境。B解析:B【解析】【分


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