1、 31/31QUESTION 1Which two options are two characteristics of the HSRPv6 protocol?哪两个选项属于热备份路由协议的特性?A. It uses virtual MAC addresses 0005.73a0.0000 through 0005.73a0.0fff.B. It uses UDP port number 2029QUESTION 2Like OSPFv2, OSPFv3 supports virtual links. Which two statements are true about the IPv6
2、address of a virtual neighbor? (Choose two)OSPFv2和 OSPFv3都支持虚链路,关于IPv6地址的虚拟邻居,哪两个语句是正确的。pri:fksE. It is the global scope address, and it is discovered by examining the intra-area-prefix-LSAs received by the virtual neighbor.他是全球范围地址,通过检查接收到虚拟邻居的区域间、区域内、前缀、链路状态广播来发现对方。F. Only prefixes with the LA-bit
3、 set can be used as a virtual neighbor address.开头为LA-bit的才能用做虚拟邻居的地址。QUESTION 3Witch two statements are true about an EVPL ?(Ethernet Virtual Private Line) rf:rd vi: (to) 涉及,查阅 C. The EVPL service is also referred to as E-line. (EVPL服务也被称为E-line) D. It is a point-to-point Ethernet connection between
4、 a pair of UNIs. 他是在一对用户网路终端设备上的点到点以太网连接。QUESTION 4Witch three statements describe the characteristics of a VPLS architecture.( Virtual Private Lan Service 虚拟专网业务 )A. It forwards Ethernet frames.C. It supports MAC address aging.D. It replicates broadcast and multicast frames to multiple ports. replk
5、et他复制广播和组播帧到多个端口QUESTION 5Witch three statements about EVCs are true? EVC,以太网虚连接(Ethernet Virtual Connection),A. Spanning tree must use MST mode on EVC ports.B. PAGP is supported on EVC ports.( Port Aggregation Protocol端口聚集协议,思科专有)D. LACP is supported on EVC ports. (Link Aggregation Control Protocol
6、,链路汇聚控制协议)QUESTION 6Refer to the exhibit. Which three statements about this configuration are true? A. The default route appears in the global routing table.B. The static route appears in the VRF red routing table.E. The subnet is unique to the global routing table.QUESTION 7Which statement about BG
7、P and diverse path advertisement is true?边界网关协议对不同路径的通告,下列说法正确的是? dav:s lgrmD. The BGP best-path selection algorithm has not been changed.边界网关协议最佳路径选择的算法并没有改变。QUESTION 8How does having an EIGRP feasible successor speed up convergence?如何使EIGRP的FS加速收敛 fi:zbl可行的 knv:dns会聚; 集收敛; 集合;C. EIGRP immediately
8、installs the loop-free alternative path in the RIB.EIGRP在路由表中立刻安装无环选择路径 mi:ditli adv.立即,马上; 直接地; 紧接地 QUESTION 9Refer to the exhibit. Which three statements about the output are true?A. An mrouter port can be learned by receiving a PIM hello packet from a multicast router. (Mroute端口可以学习到从组播路由器接收的PIM
9、hello包)B. This switcher is configured as a multicast router.C. Gi2/0/1 is a trunk link that connects to a multicast router.QUESTION 10Which action does route poisoning take that serves as a loop-prevention method? (哪种功能的毒性路由可以防环? pzn 毒性 prvenn预防)A. It immediately sends routing updates with an unreac
10、hable metric to all devices.不可达时立刻发送触发更新到所有设备QUESTION 11Which two statements are true about VPLS?关于VPLS,哪两个描述是正确的?prpget 通过媒介传送D. It relies on flooding to propagate MAC address reachability information.依靠泛洪来传播MAC地址的可达性E. It can carry a single VLAN per VPLS instance.每个VPLS实例可以携带一个单独的VLAN。QUESTION 12O
11、n which three options can Cisco PfR base its traffic routing? 哪三个选项是以思科性能路由的通信路由为基础的Performance Routing思科性能路由C. Load-balancing requirements 负载均衡需求D. Network performance 网络性能E. User-defined link capacity thresholds用户定义的链路容量阀值(rehld门槛、临界值)QUESTION 13What are two advantages to using Asynchronous mode i
12、nstead of Demand mode for BFD?( Bidirectional Forwarding Detection双向转发检测)BFD使用异步模式而不是需求模式,有哪两个优点?A. Asynchronous mode requires half as many packets as Demand mode for failure detection.异步模式相对需求模式的故障检测,只需要使用一半的数据包。 ekB. Asynchronous mode can be used in place of the echo function.异步模式可使用在回波功能的地方QUESTI
13、ON 14Which three features are common to OSPF and IS-IS?A. They both maintain a link-state database from which a Dijkstra-based SPF algorithm computes a shortest path tree. menten 保持 lgrm算法二者都使用基于“迪杰斯特拉”的SPF算法计算最短路径树来维护链路状态数据库C. They both use hello packets to form and maintain adjacencies.都使用HELLO包来形
14、成和维护邻接关系 desnszE. They both have areas to form a two-level hierarchical topology.拥有区域形成的两级分层拓扑结构har:kkl分级的; 分等级的;QUESTION 15A service provider is deploying L2VPN LAN services in its MPLS cloud. Which statement is true regarding LDP signaling and autodiscovery?服务供应商在MPLS云中部署VPN 2层服务。关于LDP信号和自动发现,哪个描述
15、是正确的?dpl rg:d 关于; 就而论;D. LDP signaling requires that each PE is identified, and that a targeted LDP session is active for auto discovery to take place. adentfadLDP信号需要PE彼此识别,目标LDP会话从自动发现到举行都是活跃的QUESTION 16Refer to the exhibit. Which two statements about the EEM applet configuration are true?(gzbt陈列,
16、展览)关于EEM的小程序,那两个语句的配置是正确的? A. The EEM applet runs before the CLI command is executed.该程序在CLI命令之前运行。ekskju:t 执行C. The EEM applet requires a case-insensitive response.该命令不区分大小写。kesnsenstv不区分大小写 QUESTION 17What are two advantages to using Asynchronous mode instead of Demand mode for BFD?BFD使用异步模式而不是需求模
17、式的两个优点是什么?A. Asynchronous mode requires half as many packets as Demand mode for failure detection.异步模式相对需求模式的故障检测,只需要一半的包。B. Asynchronous mode can be used in place of the echo function.异步模式可用在回波功能的地方。QUESTION 18Which BGP feature allows a router to maintain its current BGP configuration while it adve
18、rtises a different AS number to new connections?当一台路由器通告不同的自制系统号给新的连接时,哪一项BGP特性允许路由器能保持当前的BGP配置。A. local-ASQUESTION 19Packets from a router with policy-based routing configured are failing to reach the next hop. Which two additions can you make to the router configuration toenable the packets to flo
19、w correctly?数据包从一台基于策略路由配置的路由器到达下一跳失败时,增加哪两项可以使路由器配置启用正确的数据流。A. Enable ip proxy-arp on the exiting interface.在出接口启用ARP代理。prksi 代理服务器B. Specify the next hop as an address.指定下一跳地址。(spesfa指定、说明)QUESTION 20Refer to the exhibit. Which two statements are true regarding prefix /24?关于前缀的网段,哪两个描述是正确的?D. The
20、prefix is in policy, and Cisco PfR did not reroute the traffic via Et0/1 because the traffic was previously in policy.前缀在策略中,思科性能路由未能变更通过E0/1的地址的流量,因为流量已经被之前的策略匹配。pri:vsl以前、事先E. Cisco PfR is monitoring the prefix via mode monitor, which provides both NetFlow and IP SLA measurements.(Internet Protoco
21、l Service-Level Agreement的缩写,意思是互联网协议服务等级协议)思科性能路由是监控前缀通过模式的监控器,服务商都提供NetFlow 和 SLA测量。QUESTION 21In the DiffServ model, which class represents the lowest priority with the highest drop probability? prbblt n. 可能性;机率;在思科的差别服务模型中,哪一类代表了最高跌落概率的最低优先级。B. AF13QUESTION 22In the DiffServ model, which class r
22、epresents the highest priority with the highest drop probability? 在思科的差别服务模型中,哪一类代表了最高跌落概率的最高优先级。D. AF43QUESTION 23In the DiffServ model, which class represents the lowest priority with the lowest drop probability?最低跌落概率的最低优先级A. AF11QUESTION 24What is the most common use for route tagging in EIGRP?E
23、IGRP路由标签最常见的使用是?C. to filter routes in order to prevent routing loops为了防止路由环路而过滤路由QUESTION 25Which two values comprise the VPN ID for an MPLS VPN?哪两个值组成MPLS VPN的VPN ID。A. an OUI Organizationally unique identifier (OUI) “组织唯一标识符”, nazenB. a VPN index ndeks 索引QUESTION 26Refer to the exhibit. Which sta
24、tement about the R1 configuration is true?D. Log message sequence numbering is disabled.QUESTION 27Refer to the exhibit. What is wrong with the configuration of this tunnel interface? 这条隧道接口的配置有什么问题吗?D. Router advertisements are disabled on this tunnel interface.QUESTION 28Which two statements about
25、 packet fragmentation on an IPv6 network are true? 在IPv6网络中,关于数据段哪两个描述是正确的?frmenten A. The fragment header is 64 bits long.B. The identification field is 32 bits long.QUESTION 29Refer to the exhibit. Which technology can be used on the switch to enable host A to receive multicast packets for but pre
26、vent host B from receiving them?哪种技术可以使主机A接收到来自的组播流量,但是防止主机B接收。C. IGMP snoopingQUESTION 30Which statement about the EIGRP RTO is true? (Retransmit Time Out重新发送时间)A. It is six times the SRTT. (Smoothed Round Trip Time平均往返时间)QUESTION 31Which two statements are true about RSTP?B. By default, RSTP does
27、not use a separate TCN BPDU when inter operating with 802.1D switches. sep()ret 单独的、分开的 拓扑更改通知 (TCN,Topology Change Notification) BPDUD. By default, RTSP uses the topology change TC flag.QUESTION 32Refer to the exhibit. Which statement is true about why the first-hop PIM IPv6 router is stuck in regi
28、stering? PIM IPv6第一跳卡在注册期C. The R-bit is set in the IPv6 address, but this is not an embedded RP multicast IPv6 address. mbedd嵌入; 埋植; 嵌入式QUESTION 33Which two statements about the ipv6 ospf authentication command are true? (Choose two.) IPsec AH: IPsec 认证头 HYPERLINK /view/36190.htm t _blank 协议A. The
29、command is required if you implement the IPsec AH header. mplment实施,执行;B. The command configures an SPI.支持串行外设接口Serial Peripheral Interface prfrl 外围的; 次要的;QUESTION 34In an STP domain, which two statements are true for a non-root switch, when it receives a configuration BPDU from the root bridge with
30、 the TC-bit set? B. It sets the MAC table aging time to forward_delay time.D. It receives the topology change BPDU on both forwarding and blocking ports.QUESTION 35Which three statements about SPAN traffic monitoring are true? (Choose three.) Switched Port Analyzer 交换端口分析器,复制数据流到监控端口A. Traffic from
31、a non-source VLAN is discarded when it arrives on a source VLAN.接收到源VLAN的流量后会丢弃非源VLAN的流量E. It supports up to 64 SPAN ports per switch.每个交换机支持最多64个SPAN端口F. Only one session can send traffic to an individual destination port. ndvdul 个别的QUESTION 36Which three statements are functions that are performed
32、 by IKE phase 1? (Choose three.) pf:m 执行; 履行; IKE(Internet Key Exchange,因特网密钥交换)在第一阶段执行C. It authenticates the identities of the IPsec peers. 认证对端的IDD. It protects the IKE exchange by negotiating a matching IKE SA policy. ngiet协商,交涉 aidentitiz 身份E. It protects the identities of IPsec peers. QUESTION
33、 37Two routers are trying to establish an OSPFv3 adjacency over an Ethernet link, but the adjacency is not forming. Which two options are possible reasons thatprevent OSPFv3 to form between these two routers? (Choose two.) stbl 建立 desns邻接 f:m 形成; 组成;prvent 预防; 阻止;D. mismatch of instance IDs 实例名不匹配E.
34、 mismatch of area types 区域类型不匹配QUESTION 38Which three actions are required when configuring NAT-PT? (Choose three.)NAT-PT(Network Address Translator - Protocol Translator)附带 HYPERLINK /view/296772.htm t _blank 协议转换器的 HYPERLINK /view/875777.htm t _blank 网络地址转换器。是一种纯IPv6 HYPERLINK /view/47398.htm t _b
35、lank 节点和IPv4节点间的互通方式,所有包括地址、协议在内的转换工作都由 HYPERLINK /view/1158081.htm t _blank 网络设备来完成。B. Specify an IPv4-to-IPv6 translation. spesfa指定C. Specify an IPv6-to-IPv4 translation.D. Specify a :/96 prefix that will map to an IPv4 address.QUESTION 39Which two options are the two main phases of PPPoE? (Choose
36、 two.)A. Active Discovery Phase 激活发现阶段D. PPP Session Phase PPP会话阶段QUESTION 40Which two statements are true about unicast RPF? (Choose three.)reverse path forwarding rv:s 颠倒的;逆向的A. Unicast RPF requires CEF to be enabled.C. Unicast RPF strict mode supports symmetric paths. strkt 精确的 smetrk可配称; 对称的F. U
37、nicast RPF loose mode is typically used with ISP networks. tpkli通常; 典型地; QUESTION 41What is the range of addresses that is used for IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses?E. . . ffff. 0. 0/96QUESTION 42Which three features are common to OSPF and IS-IS?A. They both maintain a link-state database from which a Dij
38、kstra-based SPF algorithm computes a shortest path treeC. They both use hello packets to form and maintain adjacencies.形成和维系E. They both have areas to form a two-level hierarchical topology.QUESTION 43Refer to the exhibit. Why is the neighbor relationship between R2 and R4 shown as ES-IS? n 表明C. bec
39、ause interface S3/0 of R2 is configured as L1QUESTION 44A company is multihomed(多重初始地址) to several Internet providers using EBGP. Which two measures(me 措施) guarantee(grnti: 保证) that the network of the company does not become a transit AS for Internet traffic(流量)? (Choose two.)C. Write AS-path access
40、-list which permits one AS long paths only and use it to filter updates sent to EBGP neighbors.( HYPERLINK /link?url=MhFKOkqfeY2f7k0bwR1DeTeu7q05Gb2kWEuEsBeusBeP5XKuESG-YObqezYItma3hvtbRelD0oogU1UImGkFQukhlpRwrJqWZHalMANhOfC t _blank ip as-path access-list )D. Add the community NO_EXPORT when receiv
41、ing updates from EBGP neighbors. (收到no-export属性的路由不会再向EBGP对等体发送该路由)QUESTION 45Which two actions can you take to allow the greatest number of pertinent packets to be stored in the temporary buffer of Cisco IOS Embedded Packet Capture? p:tnnt 关于的; imbedid 嵌入 最大字节数据包存储到临时缓冲区A. Specify the sampling inte
42、rval.指定采样间隔 smpl 抽样; 取样;B. Specify the capture buffer type.指定要抓取的缓存类型QUESTION 46Which statement about passive interfaces is true?C. The interface with the IS-IS passive interface configuration sends the IP address of that interface in the link-state protocol data units.QUESTION 47Which three stateme
43、nts about GET VPN are true? (Choose three.)A. It encrypts WAN traffic to increase data security and provide transport authentication. 它加密广域网流量以增加数据安全性并提供传输认证 inkriptsB. It provides direct communication between sites, which reduces latency and jitter. 它提供了站点之间的直接沟通,这样可以减少延迟和抖动 letns dtD. It uses a ce
44、ntralized key server for membership control. 为成员控制使用集中秘钥服务器 sentrlazQUESTION 48In which 802.1D port state are the root bridge, the root port, and the designated port(s) elected? dezi,neitid指定的 lekt 选举;A. ListeningQUESTION 49Which two statements about UDP and latency (letns延时)are true? C. UDP is conn
45、ectionless, so latency can increase the size of a UDP stream.UDP面向无连接,所以延迟会增加UDP流量的尺寸 nkri:s vt. 增加,增大,增多;F. Latency can cause jitter on UDP connections. UDP连接的延迟会导致抖动QUESTION 50Refer to the exhibit. Which statement is true?D. The output shows an IPv6 multicast address with embedded RP. 输出显示了内嵌RP的IP
46、v6组播地址QUESTION 51How does MSTP provide backward compatibility with RSTP?如何为提供兼容性 kmptblti 互换性; 通用性;D. It encodes the MSTP-specific region information before the legacy RSTP BPDU 在传统RSTP之前解码地区信息 (spsfk具体的; 明确的; ri:dn 地区,地域;legsi传统、遗物)QUESTION 52Which standard feature can be exploited by an attacker t
47、o perform network reconnaissance?哪种标准特性被攻击者用来执行网络侦查 ksplt 开采; 利用(为自己谋利) pf:m 执行; 履行 rknsns侦察或观测 ;C. ICMP redirects重定向QUESTION 53How are the Cisco Express Forwarding table and the FIB related to each other?思科如何表达转发表和转发信息库之间的关系 forwarding information databaseD. Cisco Express Forwarding uses a FIB to m
48、ake IP destination prefix-based switching decisions. dsn 决定; 决议; 思科转发表经常使用转发信息库作为IP目标前缀的交换判定QUESTION 54Which statement about the bgp soft-reconfig-backup command is true?D. It provides soft reconfiguration capabilities for peers that are unable to support route refresh 不支持路由刷新时为对端提供的软重组能力QUESTION 55
49、What happens when an interface is configured as passive in OSPF?A. No OSPF neighbor ship is formed on the interface.QUESTION 56Which protocol will accept incoming updates when the passive-interface command is configured?哪种协议配置为被动接口后可以接收入向更新C. RIPQUESTION 57What are the three HDLC operating modes? 的三
50、种操作模式A. normal response标准响应 B. asynchronous balanced异步平衡D. asynchronous response异步响应 eskrnsQUESTION 58Which two statements about BPDU guard are true? (Choose two.)A. The global configuration command spanning-tree port fast bpdu guard default shuts down interfaces that are in the Port Fast-operationa
51、l state when a BPDU is received on that port.当开启端口快速转发并接收到BPDU时,默认关闭接口 prenlC. BPDU guard can be used to prevent an access port from participating in the spanning tree in the service provider environment.一般用于阻止参与服务提供商环境下的stp 外界 p:tspet 参与 nvarnmnt 环境QUESTION 59Which three options are best practices
52、for implementing a DMVPN? (Choose three.) prkts实践、惯例 mplment 实现A. Use IPsec in tunnel mode. B. Implement Dead Peer Detection to detect communication loss. 实现对等体存活检测和通信损耗检测 mplm()nt 实现,使生效 dtekn 侦查; 检查; 察觉;C. Configure AES for encryption of transported data.为数据传输配置AES加密QUESTION 60Which two statements
53、 are true about IS-IS? (Choose two.)C. IS-IS works over the data link layer, which does not provide for fragmentation and reassembly.工作在数据链路层,不提供分段和重组 frmenten rsembl 重新组装; mi:dit 立即的; 直接的D. IS-IS can never be routed beyond the immediate next hop.无法超越下一跳路由QUESTION 61Which three statements about OSPF
54、v3 address families are true? (Choose three.) pf:m 执行; 履行;B. Address families can perform route redistribution into any IPv4 routing protocol.地址簇可以执行路由重分布进任何V4路由协议D. IPv4 address family require an IPv4 address to be configured on the interface.需要在端口上配置IPV4地址E. Each address family uses a different sh
55、ortest path tree.QUESTION 62Which BGP feature prevents a router from installing an iBGP learned route in its routing table until the route is validated within the IGP? vldet有效; 验证; 确认哪一种BGP特性阻止路由器加载iBGP学习到的路由进入路由表,直到路由被证明在IGP表中。B. aggregation 路由聚合QUESTION 63Which two statements about TCP are ture? (
56、Choose two.)B. It has a 16-bit window size.C. Its maximum data offset is fifteen 32-bit words.QUESTION 64Which EEM event detector is triggered by hardware installation or removal?Embedded Event Manager (EEM) 嵌入式事件管理器哪种EEM事件探测器触发硬件的安装或移除 trg 引发,触发;C. OIR Event Detector QUESTION 65What are the two req
57、uirements for BGP to install a classful network into the BGP routing table?BGP的哪两个需求会在BGP路由表中加载有类网络C. Auto-summary is enabled.D. A classful network statement with a classful mask is in the routing table.一个有类网络描述(声明)在路由表中的一个有类掩码时。QUESTION 66Independent, multiple OSPF processes are entered on the same
58、 router, and the processes have the same destination route. Which OSPF process is used?ndpendnt自主的 多个OSPF进程进入一个路由器,并且进程拥有相同的目的路由,会使用哪一个进程?C. The first route process that places a route into the routing table is used.第一个路由进程的路由会被存入路由表使用。QUESTION 67Which three statements about implementing an applicat
59、ion layer gateway in a network are true? (Choose three.)在网络中实现应用层网关,哪三种陈述是正确的?A. It allows client applications to use dynamic ports to communicate with a server regardless of whether NAT is being used. 它允许客户端应用程序使用动态端口与服务器通信无论NAT是否已开始使用。B. It maintains granular security over application-specific dat
60、a.维护特定应用层数据的安全。grnjl 颗粒状的C. It allows synchronization between multiple streams of data between two hosts.允许在两台主机之间的多个数据流同步通信。QUESTION 68Which three EIGRP packet types are valid? (Choose three.)D. helloE. queryF. requestQUESTION 69Which two statements about MPLS VPNs are true? (Choose two.)A. PE rout
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