1、 . Section A 2.A)Quantitative advertising research.B)Questionnaire design.C)Research methodology.D)Interviewer training.3.A)They are intensive studies of peoples spending habits. 4.A)The lack of promotion opportunity. C)Designing questionnaires. 7.A)The United States and Canada can learn from each o
2、ther. .9.A) Governments role in resolving an economic crisis. D) The impact ofthe current economic crisis on people s life.10.A)They will feel less pressure to raise employees wages.B) They will feel free to choose the most suitable employees.C) They will feel inclined to expand their business opera
3、tions. C) Whether exercise enhances ones memory. B) They are beneficial in one way or another. D)Many have benefited from them. C)By changing peoples views of nature. C)How Cubans suffer from tropical storms. . 21.A)It will work closely with the government. 22.A)It wont help the American economy to
4、turn around.B)It wont do any good to the major commercial banks.C)It will win the approval ofthe Obama administration. 24.A)Cognitive stimulation. 25.A)Ignoring the signs and symptoms of aging. D)Seeking advice from doctors from time to time. Section APursuing a career is an essential part of adoles
5、cent development. “The adolescent becomes an adult when he_26_a realjob.”To cognitive researchers like Piaget,adulthood meant the beginning of an_27_.Piaget argued that once adolescents enter the world ofwork,their newly acquired ability to form hypotheses allows them to create representations that
6、are too ideal.The_28_of such ideals,without the tempering ofthe reality of ajob or profession,rapidly leads adolescents to become_29_ ofthe non-idealistic world and to press for reform in a characteristically adolescent way.Piaget said: “True adaptation to society comes_30_when the adolescent reform
7、er attempts to put his ideas to work. ” context,Piagets statement seems harsh.What he was_32 however,is the way reality can modify idealistic reason,community interventions and governmentjob programs that offer summer and vacation work are not only economically_35_but also help to stimulate the adol
8、escent s sense ofworth.A)automatically B)beneficial C)capturing D)confused . J)intolerant K)occupation O)undertakes A “If our economies are to flourish,if global poverty is to be eliminated and ifthe well-being ofthe world s people enhancednotjust in this generation but in succeeding generations we
9、must make sure we take care of the natural environment and resources on which our economic activity depends. ”That statement comes not,as you might imagine,from a stereotypical tree-hugging,save-the-world greenie( 环保主义者 ),but from Gordon Brown,a politician with a reputation for rigour,thoroughness a
10、nd above all,caution.BA surprising thing for the man who runs one ofthe world s most powerful economies to Stockholm.C “The protection and improvement ofthe human environment is a major issue which affects the well-being of peoples and economic development throughout the world, ”read the final decla
11、ration from this gathering,the Summit in Johannesburg three years ago. this years Millennium Goals reviewand you will find that the linkage between environmental protection and Ecosystem Assessment.But finding hard evidence to support the thesis is not so easy.Thoughts turn first to some “environmen
12、t ”has so many dimensions,and there are so many otherfactors affecting wealthsuch as the oil depositsthat teasing out a simple economy-environment relationship would be almost impossible. August,produced several such examples from Africa and Asia;it also demonstrated that environmental degradation t
13、he world alike,whether through unregulated mineral extraction,drastic water use for agriculture,slash-and-burn farming,or fossil-fuel-guzzling(大量消耗 )transport.Of course,such growth may not persist in the long term which entire communities in Newfoundland.Then,abruptly,the cod population collapsed.Th
14、ere were no longer enough the ecosystem re-building itself.It had,apparently,been fished out of existence;and the once mighty Newfoundland idea is that we are taking more out ofwhat you might call the planet s environmental bank balance than it can “ecological overshoot ofthe human economy ”,and fou
15、nd that we are using 1.2 Earths-worth of environmental . environmental issues;while some,like the WRI,maintain that environmental progress needs to go hand-in-hand created to tackle environmental degradation. worse as we get richer? Here the Stockholm declaration is ambiguous.“In the developing coun
16、tries,”it says,“most of the environmental problems are caused by under-development. ”So it is saying that economic development should make for a cleanerworld?Not necessarily; “In the industralised countries,environmental problems are generally related to industrialisation and technological developme
17、nt, ”it continues.In otherwords,poor and rich both over-exploit the natural world,but for different reasons.It s simply not true that economic growth will surely make ourworld cleaner. poorer communities.Citizens ofwealthy nations demand national parks,clean rivers,clean air and poison-free food.The
18、y also,however,use far more natural resources-fuel,water(all those baths and golf courses)and building materials. climate change.As a countrys wealth grows,so do its greenhouse gas emissions.The figures available will not be discernible.As countries become richer,they produce more greenhouse gases;a
19、nd the impact ofthose gases will growth.40.Development agencies disagree regarding how to tackle environment issues while ensuring economic exploiting the natural environment. environment.44.Poor countries will have to bear the cost for rich nations economic development. has been pushed for years. N
20、early a decade ago it was predicted that viewers of “Friends”, a popular situation comedy, would soon be able to purchase a sweater like JenniferAnistons with a few taps on their remote control. “Its been the year of interactive television advertising for the last ten or twelve years, ”says Colin Di
21、xon of a digital-media consultancy. 5 / 22doc 格式 可编辑 .popularization of digital video recorders has caused advertisers to worry that their commercials will be skipped. especially important at a time when marketing budgets are tight. With the launch of interactive advertising, “many of the dollars th
22、at went to the Internet will come back to the TV, ”says David Kline of Cablevision. Or so the triple this year. BSkyB, Britains biggest satellite-television service, already provides 9 million customers with interactive ads.Yet there are doubts whether people watching television, a“lean back”medium,
23、 crave interaction. Click-through 46.What does Colin Dixon mean by sayinIts been the year of interactive television advertising for the last ten or twelve years”(Lines 4-5, Para.1)? C)Interactive television advertising is successful when incorporated into situation comedies. 47.What is the publics r
24、esponse to Cablevisions planned interactive TV advertising program? A)Pretty positive. C)Somewhat doubtful. 49.What do we learn about Unilever s interactive campaign?A)It proves the advantage ofTV advertising. What can be done about mass unemployment? All the wise heads agree: therere no quick or ea
25、sy answers. Theres work to be done, but workers aren t ready to do ittheyre in the wrong places, or they have the wrong skills, Our problems are “structural, ”and will take many years to solve.But dont bother asking for evidence thatjustifies this bleak view. There isn t any. On the contrary, all th
26、e facts suggest that high unemployment in America is the result of inadequate demand. saying that there re no easy answers sounds wise. But its actually foolish: our unemployment crisis could be cured very quickly ifwe had the . below 5%. So the evidence contradicts the claim that were mainly suffer
27、ing from structural unemployment. Why, serious.Ive been looking at what self-proclaimed experts were saying about unemployment during the Great to the opportunities which industry may offer. ”A few years later, a large defense buildup finally provided a fiscal stimulus adequate to the economy s need
28、sand suddenly industry was eager to employ those“unadaptable and untrained ”workers. sufficient scale tojump-start the economy. And that, fundamentally, is why claims that we face huge structural So what you need to know is that there s no evidence whatsoever to back these claims. We arent suffering
29、 from a shortage of needed skills, Were suffering from a lack of policy resolve. As I said, structural unemployment isnt a real problem, it s an excusea reason not to act on Americas problems at a time when action is desperately needed. A)Corporate mismanagement.B)Insufficient demand.C)Technological
30、 advances.D)Workers slow adaptation.52.What does the author think ofthe experts claim concerning unemployment?A)Self-evident.B)Thought-provoking.C)Irrational. B)The wise heads benefit package.C)Nationwide training ofworkers. A)Powerful opposition to government s stimulus efforts.B)Very Serious Peopl
31、es attempt to cripple the economy. D)Economists failure to detect the problems in time.55.What is the author s purpose in writing the passage?A)To testify to the experts analysis ofAmericas problems. D)To alert American workers to the urgency for adaptation. should write your answer on Answer Sheet
32、2.中国的创新正以前所未有的速度蓬勃发展。为了在科学技术上尽快赶超世界发达国家,中国近年来大幅 度增加了研究开发资金。中国的大学和研究所正在积极开展创新研究。这些研究覆盖了从大数据到生物化 .学、从新能源到机器人等高科技领域。它们还与各地的科技园合作,使创新成果商业化。与此同时,无论 在产品还是商业模式上,中国企业家也在努力争做创新的先锋,以适应国内外消费市场不断变化和增长的 Peoples view son the use of robots vary from person to person. Some hold that human life cannot continue Secti
33、on A .10。 A) They will feel less pressure to raise employees wages. 选词填空 长篇阅读 仔细阅读 universities and institutes are actively doing innovative researches, covering various fields of high technology, from . Section A B. It studies the impacts of global climate change on peoples lives. B. what determine
34、s success. . 13. A. They will buy something from the convenience stores. C. They will have their vehicles washed or serviced. line through the centre. B. It came from a 3D printer. 20. A. When she hadjust graduated from her college. 22. A. It is the latest model of a 3D printer. . 25. A.Cooperation
35、with big companies.B. Recruiting more qualified staff. Section A bankmore than once. requires 27 understanding,clear explanation and concisepresentation. and offer theiropinionson important matters. We need more scientists who can explain what they are doing inlanguage that is 29 and growth. By 2008
36、, the figure had fallen into the single33 This occurs at a time when other nations have madesignificant gains in their own researchcapabilities. A. ArenaB. contextualC. ConvincingD. devoted contains information given in one ofthe paragraphs. Identify the paragraphfrom which the information is derive
37、d.You may choose a paragraph more than once.Each paragraph is marked with a letter. Answer the questions bymarking thecorresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2.Are We in an Innovation Lull? . Meanwhile, emerging technologies-the drones,3Dprinters and smart-home devices ofthe world-now seem a bit so man
38、y compatibility issues to thinkabout. No average person wants to figure out whether theirfavorite calendar software works withtheir fridge or whether their washing machine and tablet get along. Having to install a together. And while you may forgive your smartphone an occasional fault, youprobably h
39、ave less patience for error messages from your door lock. technologically possible to what is technologicallymeaningful, said economist Shawn DuBravac. DuBravac works heresearched his predictions for 2016. we are starting to see companies shift from what is the largest screensize, the smallest form
40、factor or the shiniest Googles Android and Microsofts Windows phone. with what companies have to offer: A survey of28,000 consumers in 28 countries releasedby Accenture found consumers are not as excited about technology as they once were. Forexample, when asked whether they would could be another e
41、xplanation forwhy companies seem to bestrengthening their talk ofthe practicality oftheir devices. smartwatches canmake up ground for maturing smartphone and tablet markets. And the survey found flat . Communications commissions, this years list of policy makers also includesappearances from Transpo
42、rtation Secretary Anthony Foxx, to talk about smart cities, and FederalAviation Administration Administrator Michael these great innovations with thepotential downsides they naturally carry with them. 37. This years electronics show featured the presence of many officials from the federal government
43、. innovativeproducts. showiness of electronic devices. getcustomized products and services.43. The Consumer Technology Association is the sponsor ofthe annual Consumer Electronics Show. climate free-riders: causing the majority ofthe problems through high greenhouse gasemissions, while incurring eno
44、rmously from the consumption offossil fuels, while at thesame time contributing disproportionately to the non-smoker getting cancer from second-hand smoke, whilethe heavy smoker is fortunate enough to smoke in these funds, and establishing who is responsible for raisingthem will also be vital for th
45、e future of climate-vulnerable countries. . the agreement if we are to achieve national emissions reductions whilehelping the most vulnerable countries adapt to climate change. 47. Why does the author call some developed countries climate free-riders?A. They neednt worry about the food and water the
46、y consume. 48. Why does the author compare the forced riders to second-hand smokers? C. Pushing the current world leaders to come to a consensus. teenagers who engage in all three of these practices in the extreme who are truly in jeopardy.Becausetheir studys authors. activities. . C. Teenagers ment
47、al problems are often too conspicuous not to be observed. B. They sufferfrom depression without showing any symptoms. D. They do not attract the media attention the high-risk group does. should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.随着生活水平的提高,度假在中国人生活中的作用越来越重要。过去,中国人的时间主要花在谋生上, 很少有机会外出旅行。然而,近年来中国旅游业发展迅
48、速。经济的繁荣和富裕中产阶级的出现,引发了一 . theadvancement of our society. Therare several exampleswhich can be cited to illustrate this concept. I 作文答案全文翻译 Conversation Two . opportunitiesthat come yourway. particularlyinteresting? 10 What caused the volcano s outer layers to wear away?B。短文在描绘魔鬼塔的形成过程时提到,地心熔岩冲出地面形成了火
49、山颈,火山岩冷却硬化后,收缩 碎裂变成了长形的柱子,即魔鬼塔。后来,火山的外层不断被风和水侵蚀,露出了坚硬的核心部分。由此 可知,火山外层是被风和水侵蚀掉的,故答案为 B。 己带饭,每周省下 20 美元存起来用于度假,另外 20 美元用于退休养老,她说这样比吃饭更有意义。这个例子说明,小笔的日常积蓄可以改变一个人的生活,即,小笔的日常积蓄对于一个人的生活意义重大,故 . the word freedom embedded into it. And actually, you can easily download thisjacket, andchange the word to someth
50、ing else, for example, your name or your sweethearts name. 发展有关,内容可能涉及企业发展所面临的问题及解决方法等。 D。讲座末尾提到,如果中小企业有相似的需求,而彼此之间没有直接的竞争关系,那么分担升级成本是解决资金困难的一个非常实用的方法。因此答案为 D。 public 连用构成固定搭配。故推测句 入形容词,且此形容词可以用来修饰 language 言”。根据句意 们能够用令人信服并且让人们听得懂的 . 32 N.reaping。空格位于句子的主体结构之外,描述主句动词所引发的结果,属于结果状语成分,据此 市场对于电子设备的需求现在
51、不是在下降就是没有之前增长的那么快了。 B段第二、三句提到,近年来,智能手机、电视、平板电脑、笔 己本、台式机占据了市场的大部分份 额并引领着创新。但是现在这些产品的增长曲线已经减缓或者在某些情况下市场份额已经缩水因为消费者没有那么想要花钱买一些新的玩意儿了。题干中的 electronic devices 指原文中酶 smartphones, shrinking markets,故答案为 B。 今年的电子产品展上创新产品变少了。 A段提到,很多今年最炫酷的小玩意儿和去年的甚至前年的都一样,题干中的 customized products andservices.slower growth curves 和 to techcompanies to get消费者越来越担心为获得个性化产品和服务而将个人信息交给科技公司的这种做法了。 H段提到,对于科技公司为我们描绘的超连接超智能世界,它们需要大量的消费者数据以提高服务水平,为消费者提供个性化的解
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