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1、 (CtrlF)进行搜索 题目 This project is too big for me tofinish on time. _. 答案Ill give you aatemployeeswithbetterplanninganddecisionmakingskillswere to be promoted intoementjobsmorelikelyCEOsspendplanningthemore profitable their companies are. 答hemoretimehisangertheemployeescalledhimMrThunderbutthey loved h

2、im. 答案Due to 题ofacecontactwithothersbuttheyspendmuchofit obtaining andsharinginformationNotonlydo 题目 Could you givetfunctionssomedaythisweek_. 答案Id love to, but Im busy thisweek 题目 I think things have been a bit difficult for us theastcoupleofmonthsWevebeenworkinghardbutstillgettingbehindYoure right

3、 题目 Is itksoWecouldletsomeofthestaffworkhatdoyouthinkofitEventhebestcontinuallyseek ways to _ their skills. 答案sharpen 题目It is through enthusiasmandquietintensity_ we transform creativity and vision into the technologies. 答案that 题目Supervisors should_ their employees in two-way communication so that u

4、nderstanding takes place. 答案engage 题目The demandsandrequirementsplacedon the CEO of Sony are different from _ on the manager of your local Wendys restaurant. 答案those 题目The Human Resource Managing Department at Honda is given specific instructions _ employ the best possible workers. 答案on how to 题目The

5、responsibilitiesinhandbook_ that managers have to be concernedwithefficiencyand effectiveness in the work processindicate案 (共 50 分)。UNIT1TL.MP3 操作提示:通过下拉选项框,选择答案。atakingonforherjobCA HowlongwillMelindabetrainedfor her new role?B A. OnemonthBHalfamonthC One year. 3. How often ldMelindareporttotheboar

6、dontheprogressoftherojectAAOnceamonthBTwiceamonthC ceaweekWhatkindofcontractcanMelindasignwith outsidecontractorsBAPermanent worker contract. 答 dardtemporaryworkercontractCStandard contractWhichonedoesNOTbelongtoMelinda nsibilitiesAAFormulatetheindustrystandard aymentBManageandcoordinateherprojectte

7、amC rogresstotheboard 文章内容,判断正误(共 50 分)。 explainitsfallfromthetopofthesmartphone pyramid with factorsoApplethatthe disruptiveiPhonecomingIthasalsobeenargued that it was noneoftheaboveNokialostthesmartphone battle because ofdivergentsharedfearsamongthecompanys middle and topmanagerswhichledtocompanyw

8、ideinertiathat left it thefindings ofanindepthinvestigationand interviews with top and middlemanagersengineersandexternalexpertsthe researchersdiscoveredacultureoffearduetotemperamentaliddlemanagerswerescaredof tellingthetruthThefear that froze the company came from reputationSomemembersof Nokias bo

9、ard and top managementweredescribedasextremelytemperamentaland theyregularlyshoutedatpeopleatthe top of their lungs. It was verydifficult to tell them things they didnt want to hear. Secondlytopmanagerswereafraidof the external environmentandnotmeetingtheirquarterlytargets, which also impactedhowthe

10、ytreatedmiddlemanagers Top managers thusmademiddlemanagersafraidofdisappointing them. Middlemanagersweretoldthattheywere not ambitious enoughto meet top managersgoals. Fearing the reactions of topmanagersmiddlemanagersremainedsilentor provided optimisticfilteredinformationThus middle managers direct

11、ly liedtotopmanagementWorse a culture of status inside Nokiamadeeveryonewanttoholdonto vested power for fear ofresourcesbeingallocatedelsewhereiftheydelivered bad newsorshowedthattheywerenot bold or ambitious enough toundertakechallengingassignmentsBeyondverbal pressuretopmanagersalsoappliedpressure

12、 for faster performanceinpersonnelselection. This led middle managerstooverpromiseandunderdeliverOnemiddle manager told usthatyoucanget resources by promising something earlier, htbe healthyformotivationabusing it can be like overusing a drug, whichrisksgeneratingharmfulside effects. To reduce this

13、risk, leadersshouldcoordinatewiththe varied emotions of the staff. internalcoordinationandfeedbacktounderstand the true stechnology isnot as good as that of Apple. 答案F 2. Nokias middle managerswere frank to tell the truth, but the top ones didnt listentothem答案F 3. Nokias top managers were too moodyt

14、ohear anything good but harsh. 答案T 4. Middle managersinNokiadeliveredresultsmorethantheypromised earlier案F 5. Nokias top managers should have had terconversationtechniquestoencourageinternal coordination and truth. 答案T 单元自测 2 试题及答案 题目 to change your approach somewhat. 答案I can see that 题 e with Gary

15、caused a lot of friction among the team. 答案Are n _,I know it is all my fault. 答案Sorry _actually, it was really frustrating. 答 案Not so good 题目Effective leaders distill complex thoughts and strategies into simple, memorable terms _ colleagues and customers can grasp and act upon. 答案that 题目Every time I

16、 tried to say something, he would _ to something else. 答案move on 题目Hes left now, but productivity hasnt _that much. 答案picked up 题目I think the primary _factor is theres been so much absence lately. 答案contributing 题目If demand is rising but the firm _ from communication failure, then stocks will fall a

17、nd there will be understaffing. 答案is suffering 题 rnedoutitsimportantforemployeestohaveapersonal connectionwithyouandtheworkyoubelievein答案wheredoistokeepthingsshortandsweet just the _. 答案highlights 题目When the message finally reached the Command Center, it _ mutated to become Send three and four-pence

18、, were going to a 案chairing 二、完型填空(共 50 分)HAVEHERELURETOCOMMUNICATEItistheweirdestthing Therearemorewaysthanevertocommunicatewithpeople yetitsometimesseemslike it is more difficult to connect and stay 答案connected with anyone. Should you 答 Skypepokepingorconjurethemuponadigital tin can e technoeaseof

19、countless communication devices, conversationscanstillbetroublesomeQuestionsareasked andanswered案out of order. Instructions and directions adMeetingsarebotchedFeelingsarehurt 读理解:根据文章内容,判断正误(共 50 分)。 nosecretthatgoodleaders are also good communicators. Indeedcommunicationandleadershipare inextricabl

20、y tied. How can you galvanize, inspire or guide others if you dont e Mind the say-do gap. Trust is the bedrock of effective communicationanditmust be congruent with what you say. If youractionsdontalign with your words, you are storing up troubleforthefuture 2. Make the complex simple. Effective lea

21、dersdistillcomplexthoughtsandstrategies into simple, memorabletermsthatcolleaguesand customers can grasp andactuponThe most important thing is to clarify what you wanttosaylook out for technical jargon and avoid business speakwhichaddcomplexity. Say what you mean in as few sdistinctlyyourownhinyourc

22、ommunicationCorrect eoflanguageandgrammarareimportantofcoursebut dontbecomeoverlyfixatedon eloquence for eloquences trateonbeingdistinctandrealPeoplewantreal peoplerespectrealpeoplefollow real. 4. Be visible Visibility is aboutlettingyourkeystakeholders get a feel for who you are and what you care a

23、bout. Dont hide behind a computer and andvoicetovoice and interact with them in a real, substantial wayIntodaysenvironment where people are often burned outits important for employees to have a personal connectionwithyouandthe work you believe in. Show the peoplethat work for you that youre engaged

24、and that you careaboutthemandtheir work. 5. Listen with your eyes as wellasyourears Effective communication is a two-way processandgoodleadersknow how to ask good questions, andthenlistenwithboth their eyes and their ears. Because youareinaposition of authority, others may be reluctant to express th

25、eir real opinions to you directly. You wont always getdirectfeedbackso you need to also be able to read betweenthelinesandlook for the non-verbal cues. 操作提示: dogaphappenswhenpeople derstandtheirleadersintentionFUsingtechnicaljargonmakes a leader convincing. 答案F 4. Communicatingsincerelyisalwaysthe b

26、est. 答案T 5. Observationisasimportantascommunicationwhenyouwant 文章内容,完成选择题(共 50 分)。REThemeaningof communicationgoesalotdeeper than people often think. Communicationisaboutconceivingsending, receiving, and interpretingmessagesaswellasconfirming reception of these messagesAfailureat any point in this c

27、hain can result in ineffectivecommunicationIneffectivecommunication can be disastrousThereis a famous story of a British Army regoingtoadvance back to his Command Center, through a longchainofsubordinatesWhen the message finally reached theCommandCenterit had mutated to become - Send three and four-

28、pence, were going to a dance. The reinforcements neverarrivedYoucan demonstrate this same principle, albeit onalessdramaticscale, by trying to play Chinese Whispers withmorethan0 people. It is highly unlikely the same messageyoustartedwithwill be the one you end with. In a business, there are three

29、main types of communication failure. allocativefailureThisoccurs when a firm is not gathering enoughintelligenceaboutitsmarket or (most often), the informationisnotreachingthe right points. The firm will not be allocatingresourcesinstepwith the shifts in demand. If demandisrisingbutthe firm is suffe

30、ring from allocative communicationfailurethenstockswill fall and there will be understaffingIftheinverse happens, there will be a surplus of staffingThesecondtypeisexecutive failurewherecommunicationto trigger specific events/actions iseitherlatelacking or in error. The symptoms of this are a genera

31、llossofdirectionin the company or departments, a loss ofcoordinationandan increase in complaints from customers penlateornotatallThefinaltypeishuman failureThisoccurswhen the general culture of a business or therelationshipsbetweenparticularindividualsor departments donotfostereffectivecommunication

32、. This leads to alienated staffanincreasein staff turnover, an increase in absenteeism andgeneralfrustrationamongstaff. Creativity, especially that whichtakesplaceacrossdepartmentalboundaries, is likely to suffer hugely as team synergy slips. 操作提示:通过题目后的 gesmeansCA themessagesaresentto right receive

33、rs B. the messages are correctly understood 答案C. the messages are correctly understoodbyrightreceivers2. In the famous British Army Commanderstorywhichstep probably did NOT go wrong in thecommunicationchainAAConceiving B. Sending. C. Receiving. 3. What is Chinese whispers?B A. Who whispers in Chines

34、e. 答案B. A game to pass message around in a whisper. C. Chinese people who dont normally talkveryloudly4. Allocative failure does NOT happen whenA. A. the right information goes to the right place B. a companygathersfalseinformationC. the correct information is notreceivedbytheright department or per

35、son 5. According to thepassagewhichof the following cases does NOT belong to humanfailure?C A. Decreasing creativity across departmentsBInadequate communication between departments. 答案C. Increasing customer complaints. 单元自 测 3 试题及答案 题目顺序是随机的,使用查找功能(CtrlF) 进行搜索 题目 How do you get your members to _ as

36、a m alwaystheonefindingnewways to a situation or challenge. 答案outside of the box 题目 In high school, I am equallymfortableasamemberofateamandindependently 答案working 题目 The team creates an environment _ people are comfortable in communicating, advocating positions, and taking action. 答案in which 题目 Cou

37、ld I 案Sure, here you are. Enjoy your time. 题目 I am sorry for what I have said to you. _ 答案Dont think any more about it. 题目 What are your teammates like? _ 答案They are all warmhearted and helpful. 题目 Will you help me arrange a meeting with Mr. Brown, uI believe that I have a lot to contribute _ a team

38、 environment, and am comfortable in both leadership and player roles. 答案to 题目I have been very lucky to have had If I take the time to talk with my manager at the beginning of a project, we _ off to a great start on the same page. 答 案can get 题目Regular and concrete feedback is important _ who is not p

39、erforming up to her potential. 答案when dealing with a worker 题目Team members are _ asceableexperiencespointsofview andknowledgetocontributeviewed 题目The majority oftheseteamchallenges_ anywhere. 答案can be delivered 二、阅读理解:根据文章内容,完成选择题(共 50 分)。ATEAMWORKGAMEAteamofabout5 employees had cometogetherforateam

40、 building event. They were a young, brightandenthusiasticteam However, one of their chief blemswasthefactthattheywouldntshareinformationor solutionswitheachother and the team leader thought they weretoofocusedonthemselves and not on the team. As a resultshebroughtthem all into the cafeteria. All of

41、the tables andchairshadbeenstoredaway, and fun decorations and hundredsofdifferentcoloredballoonshad been placed around theroomInthe center of the room was a big box of balloons thathadnt been blown up yet. The team leader instructed everybodytopickaballoon, blow it up, and write their name on itbut

42、theyhad to be careful not to burst the balloon. Although theyweregivenasecondchance if their first balloon popped, theywereoutofthe game the second time round. In the end, aboutteam members wrote their names without their balloonspoppingTheywerethen asked to leave the room and,minutestheteamleaderbr

43、oughtthembackinand askedthemtofindtheballoonwiththeirname on it amongst thehundredsofotherballoonsintheroom After 15 minutes of searchingnoonehadfoundtheirballoon and the team were toldthattheywerethengoingtomove on to the third round of theactivityInthisroundeach team member was instructed to finda

44、nyballoonwithanameonitand then give that balloon to thepersonwhosenamewasonitWithin two minutes, everybodyhadtheirownballoonTheteamleader marizedtheactivitythusearemuchmoreefficientwhenwearewillingtosharewith eachotherandmuchbetter at problem solving when we are workingtogethernotindividually. Somet

45、imes, members of teamscreateobstaclesbyfocusing solely on their own pursuitsandgoals Every member of the team should ask themselvesonaregularbasiswhat they are doing and what they can do for the team. 操作提示:通过题目后的下拉选项框 BAhelping theseyoungbrightandenthusiasticemployeesbecomemore concentratedontheirwo

46、rk答案B. making the team members knowhowtoshareinformationorsolutionsand cooperate withherCbuildingupteammoraleThiseventwasheld in A. 答案A. a self-service restaurant B. a coffee shop C. a classroomAbout how many team members were out of the second round of the activity?C A. 30. B. 35. 答案C. 5. 4. Whichs

47、tatementbelow is correct?C A. In the second round, everyoneoftheteam had found their balloons after 15 minutesBIn the third round, the team members were asked themtofindtheballoon with their name on it amongst the hundreds of other balloons in the room. 答案C. In the third roundeverybodyhadtheirown ba

48、lloon with help from others withinminutes 5. What was the event going to teach these employeesA 答案A. Sharing and cooperating with other teammembersismoreefficient when they are working notallowedinworkplace C. Failure of teamwork is caused by individual. 阅读理解:根据文章内容,判断正误(共 50 分)。PSFORTEAMBUILDINGWhe

49、nyouthinkofteam buildingdoyouimmediatelypictureyourgroupoff at a resort y organizationsapproachteambuildinginthiswaybut then, theywonderwhythatwonderfulsenseofteamworkthat had beendisplayedattheretreatortheseminarfails to impact longterm beliefs and actions back at work. Im not averse to retreatspla

50、nningsessionsseminars and team building activities in fact I lead them but they have to form part of amuchlargerteamworkeffort. You will not build teamwork by retreatingasagroupfor a couple of days each year, instead youneedtothinkof team building as something you do every improverealworkprocesses P

51、rovide training in systematic methodssotheteamexpends its energy on the project, not on tryingtoworkouthow to work together as a team to approach andprogresstoobtain broad input, and to coordinate shared workprocessesIfthere is friction between team members, eymutuallyowntheproblem isnotusuallytheir

52、personalities;tisoftenthefactthattheteammembershavent greedonhowtheywilldeliveraproductorserviceorthe sharedoccasionsintotheorganizations agenda hold pot cklunchestaketheteamtoasportingeventsponsor innersatalocalrestaurantgohikingorgotoanamusement rkHoldamonthlycompanymeetingsponsorsportsteams teamw

53、orkexercisesatmeetings these help team members gettoknoweachothersharedetailsabout each others lives, publiclyTherearemanywaysyoucoulddo this, for instance bybuyingeveryonethesameTshirtor hat, putting team membernamesinadrawforcompanymerchandiseand gift certificatesTheonlythinglimitingyouisyour imag

54、ination. If youdothe types of teamwork building listed above, youll be amazedattheprogressyouwillmakein creating a teamwork cultureaculturethatenablesindividualstocontribute more than they ever thought possible together. 操作提示:正确选 dtoplaying gamesatresort答案T 2. The author claims that playing gamestog

55、etherisasimportant as form teams to solve real workissuesandtoimprove real work processes for team building. 答案F 3. Retreat in the first paragraph means withdrawal of troops after a defeat. 答案F 4. Ice breaking mpetewitheachotherF Agoodteamworkcultureenablesindividuals make more efforts together. 答案T

56、 单元自测 4 试题及答案 题目顺序是随机的,使用查找功能(CtrlF)进行搜索 题目 Self-esteem ludethefromaworkplacerewardsclearlycommunicatewithand activelylistento employees is essential to improve their performance. 答案Being able to 题目_ the job, employers dont want to hire people who are difficult to get along with. 答案Regardless of 题目

57、_ You mightas well write a thanks-note. 答案Could you suggest foryourcomplimentsYoud better not push yourself too hard. You can ask the team and listen. _ 答 案You are right. 题目Can I get you a couple of tea? _. 答案 Thats very nice of you题目All the team members tried their best. We lost the game, _. 答案howe

58、ver 题目An appreciated gift 答案light up 题目Companies are _ interested in your soft skills _ they are in your hard skills. 答案asas 题目Fifty-five per cent of the respondents said that praise andattentionfromtheirsupervisorwouldmakethemfeel_ the company cared about them and their well-being. 答案as if 题目I thin

59、k a big part of it is _ we know how to have fun on the job. 答案that 题目Learning new things has always been a great _ for me. 答案motivator 题目The leader _ at creating opportunities to provide rewards, recognitionandthankstohisorherstaff 答案excels 二、听 力理解:听录音,判断正误(共 50 分)。vingthe businessintelligenceapayin

60、centiveeverythreemonthsat the beginning答案F 2. Brad from human resources supports Scottsidea 答案T 3. Carlotta is the manager of HRD. 答 FMenand women in the business intelligence team who havebeenselectedtogettheprizewillreceive the same rewardingthingsF 5. The prize-winner cannot choose theprizethatco


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