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1、Develop And Manage Marketing StrategiesMARKETING MIX Delivered By: Amy Li Marketing Mix A combination of product, pricing structure, distribution system, and promotional activities which constitute the core of an organizations marketing system. -the 4Ps 市场营销组合是指企业的综合营销方案,即:企业对自己可控制的各种营销因素(产品质量、包装、价格

2、、服务、广告、渠道和企业形象等)的优化组合和综合运用,使之协调配合,扬长避短,发挥优势,以便更好地实现营销目标。Product: Learning OutcomesAfter this session, you should be able to:Explain the meaning of product;Describe the Product Lifecycle;Explain the characteristics of services.Tourism ProductProduct is anything that can be offered to a market for att

3、ention, acquisition, use or consumption that might satisfy a want or need. It includes physical objects, services, persons, places, organizations and ideas. - Kotler A product is the set of tangible and intangible attributes that might satisfy wants.Characteristics of Tourism Product Intangibility I

4、ts impossible for customers to sample services-to taste, feel ,see, hear or smell them-before they buy. Inseperability Some services must be created and dispensed simutaneously.Tourism Product Life CycleLife of ProductIntroductionGrowthMaturityDecline销售Profit0LossDollars 旅游产品生命周期各阶段的营销策略Packaging &

5、Programming Packaging The combination of related and complementary travel and hospitality services into a single-price offering. Programming The development of special activities, events, or programs to increase customer spending or give added appeal to a package or other hospitality or travel servi

6、ce.How to Conduct Packaging ? There are many types of package service in travel and hospitality industry, and they can be divided according to : content of the package service target market time, period or season destinations and way of travelingContents Division All-inclusive package 全包价产品 Escorted

7、 Tours 陪同式团体旅游包价产品 Fly-drive/cruise/rail Packages 航空-自驾/海上/铁路游报价产品 4. Accommodation and Catering Packages 住宿加餐食的报价产品 5. Event Packages 盛事活动游包价产品6. Special-interest Travel Packages 有特殊兴趣活动安排的包价产品Main Points in PackagingA successful package should Provide demand generators or appeals;Provide value for

8、 customers;Provide consistent service in every component of the package.“一个名字、名词、符号或设计,或是上述的总和,其目的是使自己的产品或服务有别于其他竞争者。” 菲利普.科特勒“品牌就是一种类似成见的偏见,成功的品牌是长期、持续地建立产品定位及个性的成果,消费者对它有较高的认同。一旦成为成功的品牌,市场领导地位即高利润自然会随之而来。” 大卫.阿诺BrandBrand awareness refers to customers ability to recall and recognize the brand unde

9、r different conditions and link to the brand name, logo, jingles and so on to certain associations in memory. 品牌知名度是指潜在购买者认识到或记起某一品牌是某类产品的能力。它涉及产品类别与品牌的联系。BrandingProjectDevelop the product mix of your business in both breadth and depth. Please focus on packaging and programming.Find out what stage

10、of lifecycle your product is at. (Remember, PLC refers to the category, not your specific version or brand.) Pricing: Learning OutcomesAfter this session, you should be able to:Explain the meaning of price;List the three main goals in pricing;Distinguish between cost-based, demand-based and competit

11、or-based pricing approaches;Explain two market-entry pricing strategies;List and explain several commonly used types of discounts and allowances.Pricing Price is the money value of an item-its what you pay for what you get. Factors that will affect pricing include manufacturing cost, market place, c

12、ompetition, market condition, and quality of product. 影响旅游产品定价的因素包括:旅游产品的成本、旅游企业营销目标、市场供求状况、旅游产品特点、竞争因素等等。PricingSteps to Follow:1. Determine Pricing Objectives Profit-oriented goalsto achieve a target return, or to maximise profit. Sales-oriented goalsto increase sales volume, or to maintain/ incre

13、ase market share. Status-quo-oriented goalsto stabilise prices, or to meet competition.PricingSteps to Follow:2. Estimate the Demand Curve Because there is a relationship between price and quantity demanded, it is important to understand the impact of pricing on sales by estimating the demand curve

14、for the product. For existing products, experiments can be performed at prices above and below the current price in order to determine the price elasticity of demand. Inelastic demand indicates that price increases might be feasible.PricingSteps to Follow:4. Analyze Environmental Factors Pricing mus

15、t take into account the competitive and legal environment in which the company operates. From a competitive standpoint, the firm must consider the implications of its pricing on the pricing decisions of competitors. From a legal standpoint, a firm is not free to price its products at any level it ch

16、ooses.Pricing Strategies For New Product1. Skim pricing(撇脂定价策略) It attempts to skim the cream off the top of the market by setting a high price and selling to those customers who are less price sensitive. Skimming is a strategy used to pursue the objective of profit margin maximization.2. Penetratio

17、n pricing(渗透定价策略) It pursues the objective of quantity maximization by means of a low price.2需求导向定价法(Customer-oriented) 强调应依据消费者对产品价值的认知和对产品的需求程度来定价。主要包括以下几种定价方法: 理解价值定价法(Perceived-Value Pricing) 理解价值,也叫感受价值、认知价值,是消费者对商品的主观价值判断。 需求差异定价法(Demand Diversity Pricing) 企业针对不同的顾客、在不同的时间和地点,给产品制定不同的价格。 Prici

18、ng Methods3.竞争导向定价法(Competitor-oriented Pricing) 根据市场的竞争状况,为了打败竞争对手,以竞争对手的价格为基础而进行的定价。常采用以下两种定价方法: 率先定价法(Leader Pricing) 指旅游企业采取率先定价的姿态,制定出符合市场需求的价格,并能在竞争激烈的市场中获得良好经济效益的方法。 追随大户式定价法(Follow-the-leader Pricing) 市场份额较小的企业随时对自己的产品价格进行调整,以匹敌市场领袖的产品价格。 Pricing Methods4.诱饵定价法(Loss-leader Pricing) 企业在短期内以低于

19、实际成本的价格提供某产品或服务项目,以此为诱饵去吸引消费者前来光顾,从而促进其他盈利产品或服务项目的销售。5.心理定价法(Psychological Pricing) 通过将价格定得略微低一点,给消费者一种值得购买的感觉。例如,避免所指定的价格为偶数和整数,而采用奇数价格。Pricing MethodsDiscounts & Allowances Quantity discounts Cumulative quantity discount Seasonal discount Cash discount Promotional discountPROJECT Pricing goalsIs y

20、our main aim to make high profit, to increase sales to gain a high market share, or to fit into an existing market and avoid rocking the boat?2. Setting the base priceSet an initial base price using the three methods-cost, demand, competition.3. Discounts and allowancesList any price reductions you

21、will make for large quantities, fast payment or promotions.Place-Learning OutcomesAfter this session, you should be able to:Explain the concepts of intermediaries and distribution channel;Explain two types of distribution channel;Analyse the factors that should be considered when choosing a distribu

22、tion channel;List the main distribution strategies.PLACE Place, also referred to as distribution channel, is the route taken by a product as it moves from producer to end user. 所谓旅游产品销售渠道是指旅游产品从生产者转移到购买者手中所经历的途径或通道,包括直接和间接两种形式。 There are many different companies and organisations in tourism industry

23、. How can we sort them into groups?Groups & Departments in Tourism Industry旅游供应商群组 交通承运商群组旅游中间商群组 旅游目的地营销组织群组 Destination Marketing OrganisationSuppliers Accommodation Catering Cruising Car Rental Scenic Spots&Events GamingCarriers Flight Companies Railway Department Ferry Service Public Service Veh

24、icle Tourist Bus Service Canal DepartmentIntermediary Intermediaries (middlemen) are independent business concerns that operate as links between producers and ultimate consumers. 旅游中间商,是指介于旅游产品生产者和消费者之间的、从事旅游产品流通的、独立的机构和个人。Intermediary Tour wholesalers are business organizations that combine transpo

25、rtation, accommodation and other service suppliers into package tours that are then sold through a distribution channel to the public. 旅游批发商是指借助某一交通工具从事组织和批发包价旅游业务的中间商。Intermediary Tour retailers are business or persons that sell tourism products or service to the consumer. 旅游零售商是旅游批发商和旅游消费者之间的联系纽带,

26、是直接面向广大公众从事旅游零售业务的中间商。Intermediary Tour agents are intermediaries that act on behalf of the producer but do not take title to the products. 旅游代理商是指那些受旅游产品生产者或供应者的委托,在一定区域内代理销售其产品的旅游中间商。旅游代理商的经营范围一般包括:代办预订、代办旅行票据证件、向旅游企业反映消费者意见和要求。Intermediaries Retail Travel Agents Tour Wholesalers & Tour Operators

27、Corporate Travel Agency Incentive Travel Planners Convention/meeting Planners Online Travel Companies Global Distribution System ProductTourismSuppliersTourists/consumersTrvel and Hospitality Product/ServiceProduct Distribution Channel of Travel and Hospitality Product/Service PLACEIntermediariesTyp

28、es of Distribution Channel 1. Derect Distribution 直接销售渠道,即零层次渠道,指旅行社销售给旅游者,没有任何中间环节的介入。最简单、最短的销售渠道。旅游企业旅游消费者Types of Distribution Channel 2. Indirect Distribution 间接销售渠道,指旅行社产品到达旅游者之前介入了旅游中间商。旅游企业旅游消费者旅游中间商Types of Distribution Channellength of the distribution channel旅游企业旅游消费者旅游零售商旅游企业旅游零售商旅游批发商旅游消

29、费者旅游企业代理商批发商零售商消费者图:长、短旅游营销渠道比较Types of Distribution Channelbreadth of the distribution channel 旅游零售商旅游零售商旅游零售商 旅游企业旅游消费者旅游企业旅游零售商旅游消费者图:宽、窄旅游营销渠道比较Dual Distribution Channels旅游企业旅游批发商旅游零售商旅游消费者多旅游营销渠道示意图 Distribution Strategies 1. Exclusive distribution means that the producer selects only very few

30、intermediaries. Exclusive distribution is often characterized by exclusive dealing where the reseller carries only that producers products to the exclusion of all others. 专营性销售渠道策略 是指旅行社在某一个客源市场只同当地一家旅游中间商建立合作关系,双方互为对方在当地的独家代理或总代理。Distribution Strategies 2. Intensive distribution means the producers

31、 products are stocked in the majority of outlets. 广泛性(密集型)销售渠道策略 指通过经营商把产品广泛分派到各个零售商,以满足旅游消费者需求的一种渠道策略。是一种以建立广泛而松散的销售网络为手段,扩大产品销售量的分销渠道策略,其目的是建立一个由大量旅游中间商组成的销售网络。 Distribution Strategies 3. Selective distribution means that the producer relies on a few intermediaries to carry their product. 选择性销售渠道策

32、略 即在一个市场上从众多的旅游中间商中,选择少数几家推销能力强、经营范围广、信誉度高且与旅行社较对口的中间商,设法同他们建立比较稳定的合作关系。 Infuencing Factors When selecting channels of distribution, you should consider several factors: Market considerations-the number of potential customers, the distance and geographic concentration of customers.Product considerat

33、ions-the nature, perishability, level of the product.Intermediary considerations-services provided, availibility and attitude.Company considerations-financial resources, management ability, etc.ProjectSelect your distribution channelWill you distribute to end-users directly yourself or use intermedi

34、aries?If direct, how will you do this-Internet or your own outlets ?If indirect, how many levels and what types of intermediaries will you use?PROMOTION Promotion is the marketing term used to describe all marketing communications activities. Basic objectives of promotion: 1. To present information

35、to consumers. 2. To increase demand. 3. To differentiate a product.PROMOTIONPROMOTION It includes advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, merchandising, public relations and publicity, etc. Promotional Mix (marketing communications mix)1. Advertising. Advertising is a paid for communication.

36、 It is used to develop attitudes, create awareness, and transmit information in order to gain a response from the target market. Advertising medias: - newspapers (local, national, free, trade), magazines and journals - television (local, national, satellite), cinema- outdoor advertising (posters, bu

37、s sides)- mobile, online advertising 1. Advertising.Three types of advertising objective: Informing Persuading Reminding优点:传播面广,效率高;有利于提高知名度;形式多 样,表现力强缺点:费用高,说服力相对较弱难以获得立即回应2. Personal Selling.A process of helping and persuading one or more potential markets to purchase a good/service by sales persons through the use of an oral presentation.It can be a face-to-face selling or a telephone selling. 优点:灵活、针对性强;易于培养长期稳定的客户关系缺点:费时多效率低;人力成本高3. Sales Promotion.Media and non-media marketing communication activities that carried out within an area durin


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