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1、2021年全国中考英语试题-完成句子(保留原题号与答题要求,附答案于后)(2021重庆A卷)完成句子。(每空1分, 共 10 分)根据所给提示, 完成句子。每空一词, 含缩略词。 69. I talked to him on the phone yesterday. (改为否定句)I _ _to him on the phone yesterday. 70. We are going to eat zongzi at home after the exam. (对划线部分提间)_ _ you going to eat zongzi after the exam? 71. They want t

2、o take a rest after a two-hour drive. (改为同义句)They _ _ to take a rest after a two-hour drive.72. 天冷时, 请穿上暖和的衣服。(完成译句)Please _ _warm clothes when its cold. 73. 重庆如此美丽, 以至于每年都有成千上万的人来参观。(完成译句)Chongqing is _ beautiful _thousands of tourists visit it every year. (2021重庆B卷)根据所给提示, 完成句子。每空一词, 含缩略词。69. She

3、has finished her schoolwork.(改为否定句)She _ _her schoolwork.70. Its about 3 kilometres from the school to the park.(对划线部分提向)_ _ is it from the school to the park?71. What time did you arrive at the railway station last night? (改为同义句)What time did you _ _the railway station last night? 72. 离开房间时, 请记得关灯。

4、(完成译句)Please remember to _ _ the lights when you leave the rom. 73. 地震后, 医护人员工作太忙, 没有得到充分的休息。(完成译句)After the earthquake, doctors and nurses were _ busy _ take enough rest.3.(2021四川达州)完成句子(共两节满分10分)温馨提示:只要有大小写、单词拼写、语法等错误,均不给分。第一节句型转换(本题共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)按要求完成下面各句。每空一词。86. The woman hardly eats meat beca

5、use of losing weight.(对划线部分提问)_ _does the woman eat meat because of losing weight?87. Nowadays most people would rather pay online than use cash.(改为同义句) Nowadays most people _paying online _using cash.88. Could you tell us? When does the band start playing this evening?(两句合并成一句) Could you tell us _t

6、he band _playing this evening?89. Mr. Green told us a very exciting story just now. (改为感叹句) _ _ exciting story Mr. Green told us just now!90. Hes made a decision to teach in the village school. (改为否定句) He _ _a decision to teach in the village school.第二节汉译英(本题共5小题,每空0.5分,共计5分)根据所给的中文意思完成句子,每空一词。91. 作

7、为中学生,我们不应该在公共场合有不雅行为。As middle school students, we shouldnt have impolite behavior _ _. 92. 如果你沉迷于电脑游戏,你将落后于其他人。You will _ _others if youre crazy about computer games.93. 请永远不要放弃! 世界上从来没有人未经努力就取得成功。Never give up, please! No one in the world has ever succeeded without _an_ .94. 无论我走到哪里,没有什么能把我和我的祖国分开

8、。Wherever I go, nothing can make me _ _my motherland.95. 中国政府正忙于为2022年北京张家口冬季奥运会做准备。The Chinese government is busy_ _the 2022 Beijing-Zhangjiakou Winter Olympics.4.(2021天津)根据所给中文意思完成句子, 每空限填一词。46. 我们可以在那边种些花。We can grow some flowers _ _.47. 劳驾, 这是去车站的路吗?_ _, is this the way to the station?48. 你如果吃这么

9、多巧克力是会发胖的。Youll _ _ if you eat so much chocolate.49. 让我们整理房间吧。Lets _ _the room.50. 遇到麻烦时,艾伦经常请求帮助。Alan often _ _ help when he is in trouble.(2021甘肃武威)根据所给汉语提示完成句子(共5小题;每空1分, 满分10分)66. 书店在超市的对面。The book store is _ _ the supermarket.67. 成功最终属于努力的人们。Success _ _ the hard-working people in the end. 68. 别

10、忘了在完成写作后仔细检查。_ _ to check carefully after writing the composition.69. 这个航班因恶劣天气延误了。The flight was delayed _ the bad weather.70. 健康取决于食物、锻炼和足够的睡眠。Health depends on food, exercise and _ _.(2021河北)连词成句(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)81. my, it, birthday, was, yesterday_.82. classmates, I, with, had a party, my_.83. sa

11、ng, to, they, me, a birthday song_.84. games, there were, fun, lots of_.85. a great time, we, what, had_!(2021湖南长沙)阅读下面的短文,将划线部分译成英文或中文。YanggeisakindoftraditionalChinesefolk (民间的) dance. Theperformers (表演者) dancetomusic withhandkerchiefs (手帕)or fansintheirhands.66. Its averypopularfestival activityi

12、n north China.Yangge may have different forms from place to place, but all of themexpresshappiness.67.很多人非常喜欢秧歌。Mostdancersareyoungmenand young women. Some are even old ladies. Almost every village in northern Shaanxi Province hasyangge teams. 68. They begin to prepare yangge even a month before the

13、 Chinese New Year. DuringtheSpringFestival,theyangge teamspayNewYearscalls fromhousetohouse.69. They wish people a happy New Year by dancing yangge in the streets. Some young menoftenplaythedrums,andtheperformerswaveredsilkbands ( 挥舞红绸带). Peoplesetofffirecrackers (鞭炮) towelcomethedancers.70.他们邀请表演者品

14、尝自制食物。Thesoundsofsongs,drums and firecrackersform an airoffestivity in thevillage.Nowadays, yangge has spread into city parks, streets and squares, and it has developed into akindofpopularexerciseforcity people.9.70.8.(2021湖南常德)阅读短文, 将文中划线部分译成汉语或英语。Friday is here and most of us enjoy what

15、the weekend brings. 51. Maybe you will spend some time on your hobby.52. 没有爱好就没有真正的快乐。Hobbies help our happiness. They give us purpose, meaning, a creative outlet, and they can even relieve stress. One of my blog entries, from May of 2016, tells us how hobbies can help us identify some of our passio

16、ns and that in turn can giveus interesting content to include in a life story or memoir. 53. Certainly things like playing cards or other games, especially at family gatherings can leadto some goodmemory. Or what about a day on the lake or the golf course?54. You can get geography and history lesson

17、s from collecting stamps or coins from around the world. One of the things I enjoy is playing guitar. Its a hobby-I am not nearly good enough for pubic performances. 5. 但是我喜欢边弹吉他边唱歌, 以此来放松自己 Get me around a few fiends, family members or even a classroom full of students and I might break into a song

18、. I was doing that today with my 5th graders. If you want to start a new hobby or even search for new ideas, then check out A Full Guide On How To Start A New Hobby. Itsposted on the SewingIsAwesome. com website. Some ofthe takeaways for mefrom the article included howhobbies an introduce usto new p

19、eople, widen or knowledge and skills, andimprove our confidence and self-esteem. Win, win and win. 9.(2021湖南岳阳)翻译语篇阅读下面的短文,将文中的画线部分译成汉语或英语。Yuan Longping, “Father of Hybrid Rice(杂交水稻之父),died at the age of 91 in Changsha on May 22nd, 2021. 71. People were completely shocked when they heard the news. A

20、 lot of people hurried to Changsha to express their condolences(哀悼)over his death. As the car with Yuans body was moving down the street, people on both sides of the road cried and shouted his name to the car.Many old people still remember clearly that they didnt have enough food to eat in the early

21、 1960s. Yuan made up his mind to keep all the Chinese people away from hunger(饥饿)。 He and his team began the research on the hybrid rice in 1964. 72.你无法想象成功的路有多难。They failed many times but didnt give up. In 1974, Yuan and his team developed the worlds first hybrid rice successfully. This great achie

22、vement helped solve the problem of feeding all the Chinese people. 73. However, he and his team continued the research and improved the hybrid rice. He once said he had two dreams“to enjoy the cool under the rice crops(庄稼)taller than me” and “that the hybrid rice could be grown all over the world.”

23、Now, the hybrid rice has been brought to more than 100 countries such as the United States, Japan, Brazil and so on.74.Yuan has made a big difference to the lives of Chinese people. Without doubt, Yuan Longping is a real superhero. Behind all his great scientific achievements are his spirits of neve

24、r stopping trying his best, always challenging himself and his love for his country and the people all over the world. 75.我们都以他为傲并应该向他学习。10.(2021江苏连云港)根据所给汉语和句子意思,用英语补全句子。71. I think _(对我们来说是必要的)to learn a foreign language. 72. Many people were touched by the film Hi Mom. It_(值得观看). 73. _(在帮助下)the l

25、ocal firemen, we learned some fire safety skills. 74. _(让我惊讶的是), Nancy did well in the school sports meeting. 75. Yuan Longping, one of _(最伟大的科学家), made important contributions to the world. 11.(2021江苏扬州)句子翻译(共5小题;每小题2 分, 计 10 分)将下列句子译成英语, 并将所译句子写在答题卡标有题号的横线上。76. 昨晚七点到八点他们在看电视。77. Tom买不起那把小提琴,因为太贵了。

26、78. 你认为骑自行车是很好的运动方式吗?79. 我们很开心地得知您对我们的服务很满意。80. 我梦想有一个长假,以便能有更多的时间去旅行。76._77._78._79._80._(新疆建设兵团)根据所给提示完成句子。每空一词,含缩略词。56. 如果我们齐心协力,就能改善环境If all of us _ _, we are able to improve the environment.57. 多亏了互联网,我们在家就能购物。_ _ the Internet, we can do all our shopping at home.58. Jeff does some volunteer wor

27、k in the community every month. (改为一般疑问句)_ Jeff do _ volunteer work in the community every month?59. The old couple made their living by selling vegetables. (对划线部分提问)_ _the old couple make their living?60. The boy is so young that he cant dress himself. (改为同义句)The boy is _ old _ to dress himself.(20

28、21湖北十堰)根据汉语提示补全英语句子, 使句子意思正确、通顺。每空词数不限。 81. 为什么不亲自和她谈一谈呢?Why not have a talk with her _?82. 天气太热了!彼得, 去理发吧。Its burning hot! Go and _, Peter!83. 上周五有多少人没有出席会议?How many people _from the meeting last Friday?84. 老师经常告诉学生遇到紧急情况要保持冷静。The students are often told _ by teachers when facing emergencies. 85. 今

29、年七月, 我们将庆祝中国共产党建党 100 周年。We _the 100th birthday of the Communist Party of China this July. 14.(2021湖北随州)根据所给汉语提示完成句子, 每空一词。 66. 香港的食物真美味!_ _ the food is in Hong Kong!67. 好的学习者不害怕犯错。Good learners are not afraid of _ _.68. 我长大想成为一名工程师。I want to be _ _when I grow up. 69. 我认为四月是泰国最热的月份。 I believe that _

30、is the_month in Thailand. 70. 当我沮丧或疲惫时, 我更喜欢看能让我振奋起来的电影。When Im down or tired, I _ movies that can cheer me _.15.(2021湖北恩施)根据所给汉语和提示词完成下列句子。56. 我盼望收到你的来信。(forward)Im _ _ hearing from you.57. 你认为主播会给我们提供更廉价的商品吗?(provide)Do you think the livestreaming host can _ _ cheaper goods?58. 电视剧最美逆行者源于抗击新冠肺炎的真实

31、故事。(base)The TV play Heroes in Harms Way _ _ a real-life incident that Chinese people defeated COVID-19.59. 春节期间,许多名胜对游客免费开放。(interest)Many _ _ are open to visitors for free during the Spring Festival60. 人们告诫 “后浪”(年青一代),如果他们不努力,世界就会失去希望。(give)Younger generation is told that if they _ _ efforts, the

32、world will lose hope.(2021湖北荆州)根据汉语提示,用句末括号内的英语单词完成句子。51. _ and some books on the desk.桌上有一支钢笔和一些书。(be)52. My mother _ light music now.我妈妈正在听轻柔的音乐。(listen)53. Ive had these soft toys _.我还是个孩子的时候就有这些毛绒玩具了。(since)54. 许多年前,不同的作家把这本书翻译成了不同的语言。(translate)The book _ different languages by different writer

33、s many years ago.55. A friendly person in Jingzhou should do his best to _, wherever he happens to be.友好的荆州人不管在何处都应该尽力让游客感到像在家里一样。(make)(2021湖北宜昌)根据所给汉语和提示词完成下列句子。41. 总而言之,只要你留心观察,生活处处充满美好。(all)_ _, life is always full of beauty as long as you watch carefully.42. 许多青少年钦佩像袁隆平那样的科学家,希望成为像他们一样的人。(look)

34、Many teenagers _ _ the scientists like Yuan Longping and hope to be like them.43. 依我之见,多阅读是提高语言能力的秘诀之一。(secret)In my opinion, reading more is one of _ _ improving your language ability.44. 登陆火星比我们想象中要难得多,但我们做到了。(difficult)Landing on Mars was _ _ than we imagined, but we made it.45. 孩子们在学校已经多次接受过安全教育

35、了。(get)Children _ _ safety education many times at school.(2021湖南怀化)阅读下面的短文,将划线部分的句子译成汉语或英语。1. 你喜欢阅读吗?It can open many doors and lead you into a road to success. 2. Everyone should have a good reading habit. This is because it is an important way to get information. 3. 阅读对我们来说很重要。How can you improve

36、 your reading? There is a good way. For example, when you learn how to ride a bike, you have to get on the bike as many times as possible. It is the same as reading. 4. If you want to improve your reading, try to read more books. If you go out, take a magazine, a book or something else to read. When

37、 you are reading, try to understand what message the writer is giving to you. 5. Good books are friends. They can bring us much happiness.56. _57. _58. _59. _60. _(2021湖南湘潭)请根据上下文内容,将文中划线部分译成汉语或者英语。Last month we asked our students about their free time activities. Our questions were about exercise,

38、use of the Internet and watching TV. Here are the results.We found that only fifteen percent of our students exercise every day. Forty-five percent exercise four to six times a week. Twenty percent exercise only one to three times a week. 1.百分之二十的同学一点也不锻炼。We all know that my students often go online

39、, 2.but we were surprised that ninety percent of them use the Internet every day. The other ten percent use it at least three or four times a week. Most students use it for fun and not for homework.The answers to our questions about watching television were also interesting. Only two percent of the

40、students watch TV one to three times a week. Thirteen percent watch TV four to six times a week. And eighty-five percent watch TV every day! 3.Although many students like to watch sports, game shows are the most popular.It is good to relax by using the Internet or watching game shows, but we think t

41、he best way to relax is through exercise. 4.它有益于身心健康。Exercise such as playing sports is fun, and you can spend time with your friends and family as you play together. And remember, “old habits die hard”. 5.So start exercising before its too late!41. _42. _43. _44. _45. _20.(2021山东潍坊)翻译句子(共4小题;每小题1.

42、5分, 满分6.0分)用括号内所给的词或短语, 将下列句子翻译成英语。7(1.5分)浪费这么好吃的食物真是可惜。(waste,such)8(1.5分)袁隆平被誉为杂交水稻(hybrid rice)之父。(name)9(1.5分)昨天经过讨论,我们才知道如何解决这个问题。(not. . .until. . . )10(1.5分)中国的祝融号火星探测器(Zhurong rover)已经成功登陆火星(Mars)。(land on)21.(2021山东枣庄)根据汉语意思完成下列英语句子, 每个空格填一个单词。(共5小题;每小题 2 分, 满分10分)。41. We had a good time th

43、at day, but the _ _ trip was pretty bad.那天我们玩的很开心,但第二天的旅行却很不好。42. It took us about two hours _ _ the top of the mountain. 我们花费了大约两个小时的时间到达山顶。43. And _ _ the bad weather, we couldnt see anything below. 因为天气糟糕,山底下的东西我们什么也看不到。44. But when we went back to the foot of the mountain, we saw pandas _ _ to t

44、he keepers with excitement in the garden. 但是当我们从山顶返回山脚下的时候,我们在花园里看到熊猫兴奋地跑向饲养员了。45. The top of the house in the garden is made _ _ glass and its very beautiful. 花园里房子的屋顶是由玻璃做成的,它非常漂亮。(2021黑龙江绥化)(A)英汉互译61. 你最喜欢的科目是什么?62. 那位公交司机立刻停下了车。63. Parents shouldnt push their kids too hard. 64. I remember meetin

45、g you somewhere before. 65. Please reply in writing by Saturday. (B)句型转换, 按要求变化下列各句(本题共4个小题, 每空一词)66. Documentaries are less funny than comedies. (改为同义句)Documentaries_ funny_ comedies. 67. The Blacks got married thirty years ago. (改为同义句)The Blacks have _ _ for thirty years. 68. The story was so touc

46、hing that they all cried along with it. (改为同义句)It was _touching story _they all cried along with it. 69. He put off the plan till next week. (改为一般疑问句)_ he _ff he plantill next week?(2021内蒙古通辽)根据所给中文意思完成句子,每空一词.61.帮助处在困难中的人一直是中华传统美德之一。It has been one of the traditional Chinese virtues to help those _

47、 _ .62.据报道今年中闻又有一颗卫星被送入轨道。It is reported that another satellite has been _ _into orbit in China this year.63.政府应采取严格措施执行垃圾分类政策。The government should take strict measures to _ _garbage sorting policy。64.只有博览群书,我们才能增长知识、开阔眼界。Only by _ _can we gain more knowledge and broaden our horizons.65.“三孩政策”有助于减轻

48、人口老龄化的压力。The three-child policy _ _ contributes to easing the from the aging.(2021湖南邵阳)英汉互译 阅读下面短文, 将文中画线的句子译成汉语或英语. ( 共 5 小题, 每小题 2 分 ) Colourful fruits and vegetables are good for your health. 71 Their natural colors help protect your body from illness. Think about the colors of the food such as t

49、he red of the tomatoes, the orange of carrots, the green of kiwi fruit and the purple of grapes. You can enjoy eating fruits and vegetables of many colors, They are red, yellow, green, orange, blue and purple. 72 .每种颜色都有一些特殊意义 They work together to protect your body.73. Scientists have discovered th

50、e secrets of colourful fruits and vegetables. The list below shows their different benefits. Yellow and orange can make your immune (免疫的) system strong. 74. 他们对你的健康也是有益的 been is also helpful to protect your eyes. Besides, it is good for your bones and teeth. 75. Blue and purple can help you have a g

51、ood memory. They also can fight heart illness. When you buy or eat fruits and vegetables next time, you can try more colourful ones. 25.(2021辽宁大连)句子翻译(本题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)65这个主意听起来真不错,让我们尝试一下吧。 _Lets have a try.66你去过老舍茶馆吗? _67.我正在列张购物清单。妈妈,你想买点什么? _What would you like to buy,Mum?68我们居住在同一个星球上,我们要共同爱护它

52、。We are living on the same planet._69如果你坚持训练,你将很有可能成为校队的一员。 _26.(2021辽宁抚顺本溪辽阳)(A)根据所给中文完成句子翻译。(共11分。局部翻译, 每小题1分;整句翻译, 每小 题2分)56. 一年四季都可以吃到四川泡菜。Sichuan-style pickled vegetables can be eaten _. 57. 妈妈说的话总是有道理。Moms words always _. 58. 出乎我们的意料, 那个计划竟然取得了成功。_.59.在任何游戏中,遵守规则都是必要的。Its necessary to_in any g

53、ames.60.警方在一小时前控制住了糟糕的状况。The police_ the terrible situation an hour ago.这将会是多么精彩的一个夏天啊!_当她的朋友们在游泳时,她在做什么?_63. 他从八岁起就拥有这架飞机模型了。_.(B)阅读下面的短文, 将短文中画线部分的句子译成中文。(共4分, 每小题2分)This is a portrait (肖像)of Albert Einstein. 64. An American artist drew it on a plate with some food. He used bread, fresh vegetables

54、, and mashed potatoes. Sometimes, he worked with cookies. His food portraits include Queen Elizabeth from the UK and US actress Marilyn Monroe. He spends up to two hours making each portrait. Many people like these food portraits. 65. Would you like to make one for yourself ? That must be a lot of f

55、un. (2021湖南永州)语篇翻译。阅读下面的短文,然后将划线部分的句子译成汉语或英语。The role of the disabled in societyThe 2022 Paralympic Winter Games will be held in Beijing and Zhangjiakou in north Chinas Hebei province.Hosting the Paralympic Games will help draw attention to the need for countries to do more to make sure equal chance

56、s for all people in society. 1.It is necessary to realize the great achievements which are made by disabled people.2.残疾人在中国的生活已经改善了很多,and more achievements are expected to be seen as the country has been speeding up to realize the goal of achieving “equality, participation and sharing,” as expressed

57、 in the 2019 White Paper on Chinas 70 years of progress in dealing with the needs of the disabled. 3.The Chinese government is trying to solve the needs of the disabled and provide them with new chances. For example, buildings, holds, public transport and other public places are becoming more wheelc

58、hair friendly. Modern media also play an important role in educating the public about the needs of the disabled and also changing societys image of them, so there is greater focus on their special abilities rather than on their abilities.In fact, the societys most disabled people provide all of us w

59、ith important lessons. They show us confidence, creativity and positivity. The loser will fail 99 times and then give up. 4.要成功,你必须有耐心,永不放弃。You must always learn from your failures, and move on.51. _52. _53. _54. _28.(2021山东滨州)将下列英语句子译成汉语,汉语句子译成英语。61. We dont know each other at all, but the bright s

60、miles bring us closer._62. Our hometown has left so many soft and sweet memories in our hearts._63. 人们不该对自己的孩子逼得太紧。(push)_64. 许多外国人对中国的快速发展感到惊奇。(be surprised)_65. 我们信任他,因为他从未让我们失望过。(let . down)_29.(2021山东泰安)阅读下面的短文,并根据短文后的要求答题。(请注意问题后的词数要求)1 During meal times, more and more young people take out the


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