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1、新人教版(2019)英语选修性必修二Unit 2 Bridging cultures Period 1 Reading and Thinking教学设计课题 Period 1 Reading and Thinking单元Unit 2 Bridging cultures学科English年级Senior Grade 2教材分析This is the first period of this unit. This section consists of five activities. Activity 1 asks the students to predict the general idea

2、 of the passage before reading.Activity 2 helps students solve the problem of long sentences in reading comprehension. Activity 3 and Activity 4 guide the students to organize the emotional and logical lines of the passage respectively, and ask them to organize the key information in the form of ret

3、elling or tabulation. Activity 5 allows students to further explore the reasons behind the incident and stimulate them to think about other challenges they may encounter when studying abroad.教学目标与核心素养Knowledge objectives: To guide students to understand the content and main idea of the article,grasp

4、 the structure of the article and writing characteristics.Skill objectives: To guide students to master the strategies of long sentence analysis and overcome the obstacles of long and difficult sentences in reading; Emotional objectives: To guide students to think deeply about the role of internatio

5、nal students in cultural communication and the differences between Chinese and foreign cultural environments and teaching modes.重点Further understanding the detailed information of the text;Understand long sentences in the text and practice the strategies for analyzing long sentences .难点Discussion ab

6、out challenges students studying abroad might face.教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图导入新课 lead in (PPT1-5)1.Look at the headline and answer the questionsIs bridge” a noun or a verb here?What do you think “bridgemeans here? What do you think this unit is about?Answers:Its a verb.To build or form a bridge.Its about

7、 academic exchanges between students from different countries.I am not the same, having seen the moon shine on the other side of the world.在世界的另一端看过月光闪耀,我就不会是同样的自己了。Mary Anne RadmacherAn inspirational woman writer3.Look at the picture and answer the questions1.What are the young people doing in the

8、picture?2.How is the girl on the right different from others?3.Where is the photo taken? In China or in a foreign country?4.How do you think her life differs from that in her home country?5.What do you think the girl should do to adapt to her life there?6.Apart from pursuing her studies, what do you

9、 think her role is in cultural exchange?Answers:1.Communicating and studying together .2.She is from one Asian country or China.3.I think the photo is taken from a foreign country.4.Different languages and new living environments .5.Learn more about English and the local cultures.6.She acts as a cul

10、tural messenger like a bridge.Answer some relevant questions.Students give the possible answers.To develop students predictive ability and inspire their imagination.Guide the ability of students to predict the content of the text.讲授新课Pre-reading (PPT6)An exchange programmeWhat do you already know ab

11、out exchange programmes?What do you want to know about them?Then lets read Xie Leis experience on an exchange programme Reading (PPT7-20)Task 1 Listening and AnsweringWhat does the passage say about Xie Leis study abroad?Task 2 Read the passage and summarize the main idea of each paragraph.ParaMain

12、idea1Xie Lei boarded a plane forsix months ago, feeling.2In order to, Xie Lei chose the year-long exchange programme.3Xie Lei had to adapt to the new life there, so she had to learnand4Xie Lei chose to live withinstead of.5Xie Leis tutor explained to her how to.6Xie Lei gets used to participation in

13、 class. Her presentation onwas agreat success.7Xie Lei feelsnow. She is not only learning, but also acting as8Thes wishes for Xie Lei.Answers:1.London;excited learn about business and improve English how to use public transport;how to ask unfamiliar things a host family;a campus accommodation tradit

14、ional Chinese art 6.much more at home;about business;a messenger 7.authorTask 3 Listening again and summarizing the main idea.The article is about a Chinese girl, Xie Lei, manages to a new life in the UK and meet the academic_ as .Apart from that, the article also talks about how Xie Lei _a cultural

15、 messenger building_ between China and the UK.Answers:1.how 2.adapt to 3.requirements 4.an exchange student 5.acts as 6.a bridgeTask4 Read the whole text , pay attention to the underlined sentences and discuss the questions below.1.Are these simple, compound(并列句), or complex sentences? How do you ju

16、dge them?2.How do you judge the main clause and subordinate clause(从句) in a complex sentence?3.What are some common modifiers(修饰成分) in sentences?Answers:1.By looking for some special words,such as:but,and, or when ,where,ect. 2.By looking for conjunctions or the relative words of the attributive cla

17、use. 3.Attributive (which modifies a noun or pronoun), adverbial (which modifies a verb, adverb, modifier, or sentence). Task 5 Analyse the underlined sentences.SentenceCompound sentence(and, but, or.)Complex sentence (who, when, where.)ModifierChinese meaning12341.I had to learn how to use public t

18、ransport and how to ask for things I didnt know the English names for.(Modifier: Attributive clause)Complex sentenceChinese meaning:我必须学习如何使用公共交通工具,以及如何询问一些我叫不上英文名字的东西。2. Although some foreign students live in campus accommodation(Modifier:Adverbial clause), Xie Lei chose to live with a host family,

19、 who can help with her adaptation to the new culture.(Modifier:Adverbial clause)Complex sentenceChinese meaning:虽然有些外国学生住在学校宿舍,但谢蕾还是选择了寄宿家庭,这样可以帮助她适应新的文化。3.The first time that she had to write an essay(Modifier:Attributive clause), her tutor explained that she must acknowledge (Modifier:Object claus

20、e)what other people had said(Modifier:Object clause) if she cited their ideas(Adverbial clause), but that he mainly wanted to know(Modifier:Object clause) what she thought!(Modifier:Object clause)Complex sentenceChinese meaning:在她第一次写论文的时候,她的导师解释说,如果她引用别人的观点,她必须承认别人说了什么,但他主要是想知道她的想法! 4.At first, Xie

21、 Lei had no idea what she should say(Modifier:Appositive clause), but what surprised her(Modifier:Subject clause ) was that she found herself speaking up in class after just a few weeks.(Modifier:Predicative clause)Compound-complex sentenceChinese meaning:一开始,谢磊不知道该说什么,但让她吃惊的是,几周后,她发现自己在课堂上能说些什么了。Ta

22、sk 6 Find out information related to feelings Since Xie Lei left China, she has experienced mixed feelings during her exchange year. Actually, her feelings changed little by little. Lets find out these words showing her feelings and work out the reasons.Task 7 Make sentences using “Xie Leis felt/fee

23、ls.because.”For example:Xie Lei felt excited because it was the first time that she had left China.Xie Lei felt nervous because she didnt know what to expect.Xie Lei felt comforted because she lived with a host family.Xie Lei felt confused because she did not know how to form her own opinions based

24、on other peoples ideas.Xie Lei felt surprised because she found herself speaking up in class after just a few weeks.Xie Lei felt confident because her presentation on traditional Chinese art was a great success.Xie Lei feels much more at home in the UK because what seemed strange before now appears

25、quite normal to her.Task 8 Read the passage again and fill in the blanks ChallengesWhat Xie Lei didDaily lifeadaptation to a whole new lifelearnt to use public transport;learnt to ask for things she didnt know the English names for;asked for help from passers-by when she got lostlonelinesslived with

26、 a host familyAcademic requirementswriting an essaygot help from her tutor; read a lot to prepareparticipating in class and giving presentationsgave a presentation on traditional Chinese artPost-reading(PPT21-28)Task 1 Discussion in groups1.Why did XieLei choose the exchange programme?2.Why has Xie

27、Lei got involved in social activities?3.How has Xie Lei helped to build bridges between China and the UK?4.What other challenges do you think students studying abroad might face?How can students prepare to handle these challenges before going abroad?Answers:1.She chose the exchange programme because

28、 she wanted to learn about global business and improve her English. Her ambition was to set up a business in China after graduation.2.Because it can help her adapt to the new culture there. Shes also keen to share her culture with the British people.3.As well as studying in the UK, she acts as a cul

29、tural messenger sharing Chinese culture with people around her by giving a presentation on traditional Chinese art, teaching people how to cook Chinese food, and involving herself in social activities.4.One big challenge is the language一they may think they are good at English, but they are not used

30、to hearing English being spoken at a normal speed, they are not used to English being spoken with a heavy accent, and they are not familiar with many English idioms. The best way to prepare is to try to immerse themselves in English before they go abroad. They should watch a variety of English-langu

31、age films and TV programmes without using subtitles, listen to English songs, and use every opportunity to speak with native English speakers.Another challenge may be coming to terms with the differences in a culture that is different to their own. Locals, however, will generally be understanding th

32、at the student is new to the country, and will appreciate attempts to learn and understand more about their culture. That is why it is best to be kind, respectful, and enthusiastic to try new things when in a foreign country一locals will be more willing to help new students and will be patient. It ca

33、n also be scary to try to fit into the new lifestyle while there, since it is so different to their own. Maybe students will face times when they dont understand the proper way to do something, such as paying utility bills. In this case, there is always someone who is willing to help一 either at your

34、 university campus or even in a local shop.Task 2 Have an interview Suppose one of you is the reporter for your school newspaper and the other is Xie Lei. The reporter needs to interview Xie Lei about her life in the UK. Xie Lei could give more information than what is written in the text if necessa

35、ry.Task 3 Show your interviewPlay different rolesPay attention to your pronunciationLanguage points words(PPT 29-33)1. presentation 考查热度【热点品味】presentation n.展示;介绍;授予;颁发【教材原句】Students need to generate ideas ,offer examples,apply concepts,and raise questions, as well as give presentations.学生需要产生想法,提供例

36、子,应用概念,提出问题,以及做报告。【实例品读】The sales manager will give a presentation on the new products.销售经理对新产品进行介绍。【热点归纳】(1)present vt.陈述;提出(观点、计划等);呈现;赠送,颁发,介绍adj.出席的,在场的;现在的,当前的 n礼物;目前(2)present sb.with sth.向某人赠送某物 present sth.to sb. 向某人陈述某事;赠送某人某物(3)be present at. 出席(4)at presentat the present time 目前,现在for the

37、 present 暂时;目前(5)presenter n.(电视或广播节目的)主持人;主播【考点精练】语法填空(1) Wang Hua, our monitor, presented her the prepared flowers.(2) _ present there are over five hundred map projects being developed in 54 countries.(3)The (present)of the food is designed to stimulate your appetite.Answers:with,As,presentation2

38、. ambition 考查热度【热点品味】ambition n野心;雄心;企图;志气, 抱负【教材原句】My ambition is to set up a business in China after graduation.我的志向是毕业后在中国创业。【实例品读】His ambition is to sail around the world.他的理想是航行环游世界。 For once, nobody could accuse them of lacking ambition. 这一次,没有人能指责他们缺乏雄心。【热点归纳】(1)ambition to be/do sth.=ambitio

39、n of being/doing sth. (做)的目标/夙愿be full of ambition 野心勃勃achieve / realize ones ambition(s) 达到目标/实现抱负(2)ambitious adj. 志向远大的; 渴望的; 有野心 【考点精练】语法填空She had finally achieved her ambition_(become) a famous writer. (2)And do not be afraid to be _(ambition) when you set these goals! Answers:to become;ambitio

40、usLanguage points phrases(PPT 34-39)1.set up 考查热度【热点品味】set up 建立;树立;搭起【教材原句】My ambition is to set up a business in China after gradition.我的志向是毕业后在中国创业。【实例品读】I have set up a meeting for Friday. 我已安排在星期五开会。For all three years I have been working for others.Im hoping Ill set up my own busIness someday.

41、三年来,我一直在为别人工作。我希望有一天能建立自己的公司。【热点归纳】(1)set aside保留;储蓄;忽视;不顾set down 放下;记下set off 出发;动身;使爆炸;引发(2)set about doing 着手/开始做=set out to do 出发;开始做(3)a set of. 一套(4)setting n. 环境;背景【考点精练】语法填空(1)(陕西高考)Ralph W.Emerson would always set new ideas that occurred to him for his new poetry.(2)(浙江高考)Armed with the in

42、formation you have gathered ,you can set about (prepare)your business plan.(3)In much of the animal world,night is the time set _for sleep -pure and simple.Answers:down;preparing;aside2.be keen to do sth. 考查热度【热点品味】be keen to do sth 热衷于/渴望 做某事【教材原句】When theres something I dont know or understand,I c

43、an ask them.They are also keen to learn about China.如果有我不知道或不明白的事情,我可以问他们。他们也渴望了解中国。【实例品读】Patient might be keen to find a suitable treatment with a short waiting list. 患者非常期待能够找到在等待时间较短的合适的治疗。They will be keen to have keyboard support.他们必将热切的希望键盘支持系统。【热点归纳】be keen on sth. 喜爱;热衷于keenly adv. 敏锐地;强烈地;锐

44、利地keenness n.敏锐;锐利【同义辨析】anxious, keen, eager这组词都有“急切的,渴望的”的意思,其区别是:anxious 强调因忧虑、关注或害怕而产生急切顾虑的心情。keen 强调因兴趣强烈或欲望而急于做某事。eager 侧重于以巨大热情渴望实现愿望或达到目的。【考点精练】语法填空1. We were keen on (go) to picnic. 2. Hes very keen (see) his birthplace again. 3.Im not very keen detective stories.同义词辨析:anxious, keen, eager1.

45、 Parents are naturally for their children. 2.There are crowds outside the stadium waiting to see the singer. 3.We are that our school should get involved in the celebration,too.Answers:going;to see;onanxious, eager,keenLanguage points sentences(PPT 32-33)The first time that she had to write an essay

46、, her tutor explained that she must acknowledge what other people had said if she cited their ideas, but that he mainly wanted to know what she thought! 考查热度【精品译文】在她第一次写论文的时候,她的导师解释说,如果她引用别人的观点,她必须承认别人说了什么,但他主要是想知道她的想法!【句式剖析】本句是一个复合句。The first time that 引导状语从句,her tutor explained 是主句,but相连两个that宾语从句

47、,what other people had said是“acknowledge”的宾语从句,what she thought是“know ”的宾语从句,另外还包含一个if引导的条件状语从句。【实例品读】The next time I heard the song,I was in the cinema,waiting for the film to start. 当我第一次听到那首歌时,我正在电影院里等待电影开始。The first time the customer came to my office,I offered him a cup of tea.第一次那个客户到我办公室时,我给他

48、泡了一杯茶。【看点解读】“the first time”在句中作复合连词,引导状语从句。【经典归纳】(1)“every time/each time/any time/(the )last time/(the )first time/(the )next time ”都可以作为复合连词,引导时间状语从句,也遵循“主将从现”的原则。【经典归纳】(2)复合连词“by the time”意为“到为止”,也可引导时间状语从句。如其后从句为一般现在时,主句多为将来完成时;如其后从句为一般过去时,主句多为过去完成时。【考点精练】语法填空(1)By the time I retire,I _ (finish

49、) paying for my house.(2)She said “The next time I meet difficulty,I _ (manage) to solve it myself.”Answers:will have finished ;will manage2.My ambition is to set up a business in China after graduation. 考查热度【精品译文】我的志向是毕业后在中国创业。 【句式剖析】本句是一个简单句。句中用不定式to set up a business in China after graduation做表语。

50、【实例品读】Her dream is to make a round-the-world tour.她的梦想是去环球旅行。 The next step is to make sure that you know exactly what is required.下一步你要真正弄清楚需要的是什么。【看点解读】“to set up a business in China after graduation”为不定式短语作表语,说明主语的性质或目的。【经典归纳】当主语为ambition, dream, goal, purpose, aim, duty, challenge,responsibility

51、,step等名词或名词短语时,往往用不定式作表语,对主语进行解释说明,形成“sth. is to do sth.”的句式。【考点精练】语法填空(1)A teachers duty is _ (teach) knowledge to students and educate them.(2)Her ambition (be)to become an excellent actress.Answers:to teach;isExercises:.根据汉语提示写出所缺单词While intelligent people can often simplifythe_ (复杂的),a fool is m

52、ore likely to complicate the simple .(2)I feel sure that in terms of _ (资历),ability and experience,you can absolutely suited to the position we have in mind. (3)For some ,an animal provides more _ (安慰) than a husband.(4)The officials didnt (引用)particular reports.(5)The (呈现)of the food is designed to

53、 stimulate your appetite.(6)Try to find humour in life and _ (参与) in activities that make you laugh.(7)Activities all take place under the guidance of an experienced (导师).Answers:complex;qualification;comfort;cite;presentation;engage/participate;tutorII.语法填空(1) The cars had to _ (recall)due to an en

54、gine fault. (2)Here I will stress some smarter and more creative examples of climate _(adapt). (3)Many businesses started up by college students have taken off thanks to the _ (comfort) climate for business creation.(4)Genius is a complicated concept , _ (involve) many different factors.(5)They are

55、very _(ambition) for their children.(6)She remained _ (keen) interested in international affairs.Answers:be recalled;adaptation;comfortable;involving;ambitious;keenly.短语填空board a plane;set up ;get used to ;be familiar with;adaptation to;be keen to;speak up;be involved in (1)It was still an event to

56、, and passengers came outfitted for the occasion. (2)Some experts in the field will _address difficult issues.(3)Girls are more likely to _frequently and make significant contributions to class. (4)The two sides agreed to a commission to investigate claims.(5)Youll soon the climate here if you stay

57、for a longer time.(6)Im very much afraid that your son may_the crime.(7) you the computer software they use? (8)True society comes automatically when the adolescent reformer attempts to put his ideas to work.Answers:board a plane;be keen to;speak up;set up;get used to;be involved in;Are.familiar wit

58、h;adaptation to .课文语法填空It was the first time that 19yearold Xie Lei 1. _ (leave) China for London.She was very 2._ (excite) but also quite nervous.Xie Lei was 3. _ a yearlong exchange programme.She wanted to learn about global business 4._improve her English.Her ambition is 5. _ (set) up a business

59、in China after graduation.At first,Xie Lei had to adapt to life in a different country.In order to adapt to the new culture 6. _ (quick),Xie Lei chose to live with a host family. Another challenge for Xie Lei is the academic requirements.Her tutor 7. _ (advise) her to read lots of information to for

60、m 8. _wise opinion of her own.Xie Lei also found many courses included students 9. _ _(participate)in class as part of the final result.Now halfway through 10. (she) exchange year,Xie Lei feels much more at home in the UK.Answers:had left;excited; on;and;to set;quickly;advised;a; participation;her H


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