高中英语选择性必修二 Unit2 Bridging cultures Period 5 Express your opinions on studying abroad 教案_第1页
高中英语选择性必修二 Unit2 Bridging cultures Period 5 Express your opinions on studying abroad 教案_第2页
高中英语选择性必修二 Unit2 Bridging cultures Period 5 Express your opinions on studying abroad 教案_第3页
高中英语选择性必修二 Unit2 Bridging cultures Period 5 Express your opinions on studying abroad 教案_第4页
高中英语选择性必修二 Unit2 Bridging cultures Period 5 Express your opinions on studying abroad 教案_第5页
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1、新人教版(2019)英语选修性必修二Unit 2 Bridging Cultures Period 5 Express your opinions on studying abroad教学设计课题 Unit 2 Period 5 Express your opinions on studying abroad单元Unit2 学科English年级Grade 2教材分析This is the fourth period of this unit. This section is set in the context of a newspaper column discussing the adv

2、antages or disadvantages of studying abroad. Two parents are selected to submit letters on this issue. They respectively state their positions: one thinks that the disadvantages outweigh the advantages, and the other thinks that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. Both parents arguments are r

3、easonable and logical. It is worth noting that the two authors are not only expressing their views on studying abroad from a personal point of view, but also from a national or even global point of view.教学目标与核心素养Knowledge objectives: To use argumentative style to express ones own point of view, posi

4、tion, attitude, view or proposition.Skill objectives: Enable the Ss to understand the advantages or disadvantages of studying abroad. Develop their writing ability.Emotional objectives: To build students character and broaden their international horizons. 重点Analyze the advantages or disadvantages of

5、 studying abroad;The using of some connectors .难点How to start with a problem or fact, then state your opinion and give your reasons.教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图导入新课Lead in PPT1-2These years, more and more students are choosing to . Do you think its necessary to study abroad? Why or why not?Answer:study abro

6、adStudents can make a prediction or have a discussion with partner,and the answer can vary.To guide students to predict the contents.讲授新课 Task 1 PPT31.Read the text quickly and answer the following questions.1.Where are the two passages from?2.Who are the writers? 3.What topic are they talking about

7、?4.What is the main point of each letter?5.What are the reasons for their opinions?Answers:1.From local newspapers .2.Parents invited to share opinions about studying abroad.3.Is studying abroad a good or bad idea?4.The first one shows the disadvantages for students while the second one stresses the

8、 advantages.5. The first one:the economic pressure,tremendous pressure abroad and better education in China.The second one:personal growth,more exchange with different cultures and greater contribution to motherlands development. Task 2 PPT4Read the sentences in Activity 2 and decide which letter th

9、ey come from.1.Students who want to study abroad must consider their parents budget. They should think about whether they can afford the costs of studying overseas.2.Studying abroad can put great pressure on young people. They may feel lonely and miss their families.3.Studying abroad will give stude

10、nts a good education. It also helps them to gain a global perspective.4.Global development strategies help to make connections between China and the rest of the world.Young people with language skills and strong cultural awareness are needed.Answers:Letter1,Letter1,Letter2,Letter2Task 4 PPT5Read the

11、 letters again and then use the connectors in the box to rewrite the sentence below.as a result,besides,for instance, that is to say1.Students who want to study abroad must consider their parents budget. _ ,they should think about whether they can afford the costs of studying overseas.2.Studying abr

12、oad can put great pressure on young people. _,they may feel lonely and miss their families.3.Studying abroad will give students a good education._ ,it also helps them to gain a global perspective.4.Global development strategies help to make connections between China and the rest of the world._ ,youn

13、g people with language skills and strong cultural awareness are needed.Answers:1. That is to say 2. For instance3. Besides4. As a resultTask5 PPT6-9Read the sentences in Activity 2 and find the similar sentences in the letters.1.Students who want to study abroad must consider their parents budget. T

14、hat is to say,they should think about whether they can afford the costs of studying overseas.2.Studying abroad can put great pressure on young people. For instance,they may feel lonely and miss their families.3.Studying abroad will give students a good education.Besides,it also helps them to gain a

15、global perspective.4.Global development strategies help to make connections between China and the rest of the world.As a result,young people with language skills and strong cultural awareness are needed. .Answers:1.To begin with,many students who study abroad face great economic pressure.That means

16、studying abroad is just not possible for everyone. 2.Another important factor to consider is the tremendous pressure that comes with studying abroad.Students must learn how to live in an unfamiliar environment with limited language skills.Some may struggle and suffer from culture shock when learning

17、 how to behave in new surroundings.Other students are not mature enough to handle the challenges by themselves and may become depressed. Some students might even encounter problems with personal safety.3.The education you gain and the experience you have will change you for the better.For example,yo

18、u will certainly become more independent because you will have to deal with all kinds of difficulties by yourself.Studying abroad also helps you to gain a global perspective and improve your general competence.4.Chinas global outlook,with projects such as the Belt and Road Initiative ,has helped us

19、make connections across the world.Therefore,China needs more talented young people with a global perspective who are highly competent with languages,having leadership and organizational skills ,and have strong cultural awareness. Task 6 PPT10Read the letters again and find out the similar connectors

20、 to the following.1.as a result therefore2.besides in addition3.for instance for example4.that is to say that means Conclusion PPT11Task 7 PPT12-14 Discuss the following questions with your partner.1.What are some other advantages or disadvantages of studying abroad that were not mentioned in the le

21、tters?2.Which parent would you probably side with?Why?Answers:1. One disadvantage of studying abroad is that not all students are suited to it. Some students will never gain the needed language ability or may not get the most from an unfamiliar teaching approach. One advantage of studying abroad is

22、the opportunity to meet new lifelong friends from different cultural backgrounds.2.I would probably side with Zhang Yi because I think Wang Lis perspective is too narrow. Yes, there are possible disadvantages with studying abroad, but Chinese students are smart and strong enough to overcome these. M

23、eanwhile, the rewards for studying abroad are much greater than any of the disadvantages.Task 8 PPT15-18Analyse the argumentative letters.Analyze the structures of the two texts.ParagraphArgument chainLetter 1 (Body part)Letter 2 (Body part)1Introducing the topicFact: dramatic increase in the number

24、 of people studying abroadQuestion: Is studying abroad a good idea or not?Main pointThe disadvantages are greater.The advantages are much greater.2Reason 1great economic pressurepersonal growth3Reason 2tremendous pressure: unfamiliar environment, limited language skills, not mature, safety problems,

25、 different approaches to teaching and learningchance for cultural exchange4Reason 3great future for young people studying in Chinagreat opportunity to contribute to the development of our motherland5Conclusionshould consider the disadvantagesThis life-changing experience is worthwhile.Task 9 PPT19-2

26、2Learn to use connectors.Read through the two passages and underline the connectors words used in the passage.Learn to use connectors.Learn more connectors commonly used in English writing. Task 10 PPT23-26Discussion and writingStudents with the same views should work together in groups to list the

27、advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad. Then sort out the reasons according to the form below.Writing and presentation,paying attention to using connectors.Dear Editor,Many people ask the question, Why study abroad? After all, there are many great universities and schools in China that attr

28、act great professors both local and foreign.” I think that while this is true, this gets things slightly wrong. The question isnt that people think the quality of their local university is not adequate, but rather how studying abroad helps and benefits the individuals in their own study and career p

29、lans.By studying abroad, Chinese students get a better understanding of other cultures and countries, and learn to see themselves as global citizens. As a result, they can better understand Chinas place in the world and how they can contribute to world peace and development.In addition, overseas stu

30、dents can learn cross-cultural communication skills, which will help them understand how they can participate on the world stage. There are so many places in the world with hurting, needy people. With such skills and knowledge, they can better lend them a helping hand.Finally, when our students retu

31、rn home, they can share their experience with others. There is a wide open world which they can contribute to, but only if they first learn about people from other countries, and their struggles and challenges.In conclusion, the best way to get is by giving, and the easiest way to be loved is by lov

32、ing others. I hope everyone will agree that there is a wonderful world out there which can be made better by our presence, but they need to learn how they can contribute and help, and they can best do this through student exchange. Best regards, Liu PingTo make students predict the letters meaning a

33、nd scan some basic information.Students can give correct answers by the scanning the letters.Students can understand the detailed information and writing methods.These parts are very important for students.Students can do it in groups,they can have a discussion with partner or mate notes of key word

34、s. Students can have a discussion in groups .To list the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad and to give more time to fill in the form.To inspire students curiosity and imagination.To help students prepare students for the final completion of a similar argumentative essay.To train studen

35、ts how to present the information while writing or stating something.1.To improve students comprehension ability.2.To train students to draw some conclusions.1.To train students writing skills.2.To broaden students knowledge about connectors.To train students analyzing ability and writing skills .语言

36、点及课堂练习PPT27-39Words:1.behave【词义】vt.表现 vi.& vt.表现得体;有礼貌【热点归纳】(1)behave well/badly to/towards sb.对待某人好/差behave oneself 守规矩;表现得体behave as if/though. 表现得好像(2)behaviour n. 举止;行为;习性【例句】Some may struggle and suffer from culture shock when learning how to behave in new surroundings.有些人在新环境中学习如何表现时可能会受到文化冲击。

37、He behaved well at school.他在学校表现良好。【语法填空】1.They behaved badly_me at the party,which made me very angry.2.My mother asked me to behave_ (me) before the guests.Answers:to/towards; myself2.optimistic【词义】 adj.乐观的【热点归纳】become optimistic变得乐观be optimistic about 对乐观【例句】As I always tell my son,there are no g

38、reat difficulties for a person who is brave,optimistic,and willing to work hard!我总是告诉儿子,对于一个勇敢、乐观、愿意努力工作的人来说,是没有巨大的困难的。He remained strongly optimistic that an agreement could be reached.他仍然很乐观地认为协议能够达成。【语法填空】1.She is optimistic _ the outcome now.2.If you work and struggle _(optimistic) ,you can chan

39、ge your life.Answers:about; optimistically3.gain【词义】vt.获得;赢得;取得;增加 n好处;增加【热点归纳】gain.from/by. 从中受益gain strength/weight/experience 增加力气/体重/经验gain independence (from .) (脱离)获得独立【例句】The education you gain and the experiences you have will change you for the better.你获得的教育和你拥有的经验会使你变得更好。To gain a complete

40、 mastery of English,one must study very hard.要想精通英语就必须刻苦学习。【语法填空】1.I gained a lot my former experience.2.India (gain)its independence in 1947.Answers:by/from; erate【词义】 vi.合作;协作;配合【热点归纳】cooperate with (sb.) in (sth.) 和(某人)合作(某事)cooperate in harmony 协调地合作;配合默契【例句】We hope we can cooperate even more cl

41、osely in the future.希望我们今后能更加密切地合作。He has said he will cooperate fully with the police enquiries.他说他对警方的调查将全力配合。【语法填空】1.The two companies are cooperating_the development of a new engine.2.The two groups agreed to cooperate _each other.Answers:in; withImportant Sentences动词ing 作主语 考查热度【教材原句】Cooperatin

42、g with people from diverse cultural backgrounds helps us view the world from different angles and thus gives us more insight into our own culture.与来自不同文化背景的人合作有助于我们从不同的视角看世界,进而让我们对自己的文化有更深入的了解。【实例品读】Doing is not so easy as saying.做不像说那么容易。Seeing is believing.眼见为实。【知识拓展】(1)动词ing形式是一种非谓语形式,其可以在句子中充当除谓

43、语动词以外的多种成分,除了作主语外,还可以作宾语、表语等。(2)动词ing形式作主语时(特别是较长时),经常可以换用形式主语it的句式。(3)动词ing形式作主语时,谓语动词要用单数形式。【句式分析】句中Cooperating with people from diverse cultural backgrounds为动词ing形式作主语。【考点精练】完成句子1.牛奶泼掉了哭也没用。It is no good _2.每天坚持锻炼是有好处的。It is helpful _ every day.3.学习一门外语对每个人都很有用。Learning a foreign language _Answer

44、s:1.crying over the spilt milk2.keeping exercisingIs very useful to everyoneTranslate useful phrases1.在过去几十年里大幅增加一开始面对更大的经济增长学费生活费用巨大的压力一个陌生的环境处理挑战Answers:in the past few decadesa dramatic increaseto begin withface greater economic growthtuition fees living expensesthe tremendous pressurean unfamiliar environmenthandle the challenge2.in new surroundingsin additionpotential benefitsimprove significantlystrengthen your countryto sum upbe highly competent within turnAnswers:在新环境除了潜在的好处显著提高加强你的国家总结非常能胜任反过来To list the details of each word a


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