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1、第 页2021四川专业英语考试模拟卷本卷共分为1大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总分100分,60分及格。一、单项选择题(共50题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意) 1.Which of the following is NOT the speech variety?A. Regional dialects. B. Sociolects.C. Registers. D. Discourse accents.2.Which of the following does NOT fall into dialectal varieties?A. Regional dialects.

2、B. Sociolects.C. Registers. D. Idiolects.3.Halliday distinguishes three social variables that determine the register EXCEPT _A. field of discourse B. tenor of discourseC. community of discourse D. mode of discourse4.Standard dialect is _A. designated as the official or national language of a country

3、B. a dialect a child acquired naturally like his regional dialectC. used by people who speak different languages for restricted purposeD. used by people who belong to the higher social stares5.The form of a given language used in a certain geographical space is called _A. style B. dialect C. registe

4、r D. pidgin6._ is a situation where two varieties of a language exist side by side throughout the community, with each having a definite role to play.A. Bilingualism B. Diglossia C. Bilaterality D. Diglot7.Which of the following statements about tenor of discourse is correct?A. It refers to the role

5、 of relationship in the situation in question: who the participants in the communication groups are and in what relationship they stand to each other.B. It refers to the means of communication.C. It refers to what is going on: to the area of operation of the language activity.D. It refers to the typ

6、e of language which is selected as appropriate to the type of situation.8.Which of the following statements is NOT the concern of sociolinguists?A. The language a person uses reveals his social background.B. There exist social norms that determine the type of language to be used on a certain occasio

7、n.C. How does the human mind work when people use language.D. To investigate the social aspects of language.9.Which of the following is NOT the correct relationship between language and culture?A. Language expresses cultural reality.B. Language embodies cultural identity.C. Language symbolizes cultu

8、ral reality.D. Language determines cultural reality.10.In a broad sentence, culture includes _A. patterns of belief B. customs, objects and institutionsC. techniques and language D. all the above11.According to linguists, there are two types of culture: the more concrete and observable_ and the more

9、 abstract and hiddenA. material culture, spiritual culture B. national culture, local cultureC. spiritual culture, material culture D. local culture, national culture12._ refers to the identical part of culture between two societies owing to some similarities in the natural environment and psycholog

10、y of human beings.A. Cultural overlap B. Cultural imperialismC. Cultural diffusion D. Cultural expansion13.Through communication, some elements of one culture may enter another culture and become part of that culture. This phenomenon is called _A. cultural overlap B. cultural imperialismC. cultural

11、diffusion D. cultural expansion14.The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis is about _A. language and culture B. language and societyC. language acquisition D. language and thought15.The strong version of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis holds that language patterns _ peoples thinking and behavior.A. influence B. determ

12、ine C. distort D. have no influence on16.The practice of observing holidays of foreign origins and accepting concepts from other cultures is an example of _A. cultural overlap B. cultural diffusionC. cultural transmission D. cultural relativity17.Rose can mean a beautiful young lady. This is an exam

13、ple of _A. denotative meaning B. connotative meaningC. iconic meaning D. grammatical meaning18._ is communication between people from different cultures (their cultural perceptions and symbol systems are distinct enough to alter the communication event).A. Linguistic communication B. Lingua francaC.

14、 Cultural transmission D. Cross-cultural communication19.In general, language acquisition refers to childrens development of their _A. first language B. second languageC. foreign language D. dialectal language20._ holds that language learning is simply a matter of imitation and habit formation.A. Th

15、e behaviorist view B. The innatist viewC. The naming theory D. The contextualism21._ holds that children are born with an innate mechanism that allows them to acquire language.A. The behaviorist view B. The innatist viewC. The naming theory D. The contextualism22.The development of linguistic skills

16、 involves the acquisition of_ rules rather than the mere memorization of words and sentences.A. cultural B. grammatical C. behavior D. pragmatic23._, except those with mental or physical impairments, are better or worse first language acquirers.A. Some men B. Almost all men C. No men D. Few men24.In

17、 first language acquisition, imitation plays _A. a basic role B. a significant role C. a minor role D. no role25.The type of modified speech typically addressed to young children can be called _A. caretaker speech B. babytalkC. motherese or parentese D. all the above26.In general, children have virt

18、ually acquired the basic fabric of their native language at the age of _A. three or four B. five or six C. seven or eight D. nine or ten27.It is agreed that the _ years are a crucial period for first language acquisition.A. pre-school B. primary-schoolC. middle-school D. none of the above28.Starting

19、 from the pre-linguistic cooing and babbling stage, children move through the_ stages, gradually acquiring all the elements and skills of language.A. one-word, two-word and three-word B. one-word, two-word and multiwordC. one-word, multiword and sentence D. one-word, two-word, three-word and multiwo

20、rd29._ is defined as a conscious process of accumulating knowledge of a second language usually obtained in school settings.A. Acquisition B. Learning C. Studying D. Acquirement30.The distinction between acquisition and learning is put forward by _A. Chomsky B. Krashen C. Saussure D. Bloomfield31.L2

21、 learners will subconsciously use their L1 knowledge in learning a second language. This is known as _A. language interference B. language fossilizationC. contrastive analysis D. language transfer32._ is more commonly known as L 1 interference.A. Positive transfer B. FossilizationC. Negative transfe

22、r D. Interlanguage33.L2 learners interim knowledge of the target language is known as_, that is, the language that a learner constructs at a given stage of SLA.A.Interlanguage B.Interim languageC.pidgin D.lingua franca34._ is believed to be a major source of incorrect forms resistant to further inst

23、ruction.A.The second language learners unwillingness to learnB.The poor classroom teachingC.The fossilization of the learners interlanguageD.The learners lack of instrumental motivation35.The formal instruction in second language acquisition _A.has no effect at all B.has a powerful delayed effectC.h

24、as very little effect D.has unsatisfactory effect36.The process in which a L2 learner adapts himself/herself to the culture and value system of the L2 community is called _A.fossilization B. acculturationC.culture transmission D. displacement37.The optimum age for second language acquisition is _A.e

25、arly teenage B. after puberty C.at puberty D.after the brain lateralization38.In general, a good second language learner is an adolescent _A.who has a strong and well-defined motivation to learnB.who seeks out all chances to interact with the inputC.who is willing to identify himself with the cultur

26、e of the target language communityD.all the above39._ is the study of language in relation to the mind.A. Psycholinguistics B. Sociolinguistics C. Linguistics D. Semantics40._ studies the relationship between brain and language.A. Psycholinguistics B. Sociolinguistics C. Neurolinguistics D. Semantic

27、s41.A signal coming in the left ear will go to the _ hemisphere.A. right B. left C. front D. back42.Which of the following is NOT the primary function of the left hemisphere of the brain?A. Analytic reasoning. B. Temporal ordering.C. Associative thought. D. Visual and spatial skills.43.The brains neurological specialization for language is called linguistic _, which is specific to human beings.A. specialization B. production C. lateralization D. assimilation44.Human linguistic ability largely depends on the structure and dynamics of _A. human brain B. human vocal cords C.


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