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1、重庆一中 2019-2020初三下第一次定时英语测试 .单项选择。(每小题1分,共10分)A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂.Miss Brown told us the dictionary was useful tool for us to learn English well .A .a B .an C .the D ./.- I think my parents will be at work this Saturday .Lets play computer games then .-Tom ,I dont think that

2、a good idea .We should be able to control .A .weB .ourC .usD .ourselves.A forest fire broke out in Liangshan ,Sichuan March 31st ,2020 and many animals .A .dieB .had diedC .diedD .will die.- Excuse me ,could you please tell me where Mr .Bing lives ?- Go this gate ,and you will see his house on your

3、left .A .out B .to C .in D .through.- is Labor Day in America ,Alice ?-It is on the first Monday of September every year .Its a public holiday .A .WhatB .Who C .How D .When.If something too much money ,youd better think twice before you buy it .A .takesB .pays C .costs D .spends27.- Were about to le

4、ave our beloved school .I think I will cry at the graduation party .-Same here .I always consider our school to be the without any doubt .A .better B .best C .worse D .worst.Our living environment is becoming worse and worse mainly because of different kinds ofA .condition B .education C .technology

5、 D .pollution.-Mike,I need to go back because I forgot to the light .Can you wait for me here-Of course .Take your time .A .turn off B .turn on C .turn down D.turn up.- Peter,do you have any idea ? He seems unhappy.-No,l really dont .Lets go and ask him .A .that Sam PaSSed the testB .whe n did Sam b

6、ecome SadC .what happe ned to SamD .why WaS Sam Un happyIII.完形填空。(每小题1.5分,共15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。The time Whe n I first tried ChiCke n feet is the mome nt I will forget .It WaS31.1 tried mygirlfriends house in Zhanjiang ,Guangdong ,China during the SPring FeStiVaI .It WaS

7、 nt that I did nt like ChiCke n feet .Although I tried them for the first time ,I had great in terest in them .It WaS a disaster(灾难)because 32 hard I tried ,just did nt know how to eat the thing .We dont usually eat ChiCke n feet in 33 a nd even in Chin atow n there ,as it is not a com mon item On t

8、he menu .Now ,all around me at the table ,saw people eati ng the little feet Un believably 34.1 ,on theother hand ,was slow and could nt get a small PieCe of Skin from the foot .My girlfriend WaS busy in the kitchen .Her Uncle told me how to bite(咬一口 ) in broken English ,but 35 to follow him .He the

9、n Pointed to the place Where I should bite .EveryOne WaS Staring (盯着)at me and I felt 36 .Not the PreSSUre of being in China and not Un dersta nding much Chin ese ,or eve n37 my family in London ,the thing I felt most PreSSUredWaS Whether or not I would be able to bite the toe off a ChiCke n foot wh

10、ile38 WaS look ing atme.BUt fin ally ,I did it .Now I Can eat ChiCke n feet39any problem and this is SOmeth ing Iwould like to Say-I actually 40eati ng more.31.A .an interesting storyB .a funny jokeC .a terrible experie nceD .a bad accide nt32 .A .whateverB .wheneverC .whereverD .however33.A. En gla

11、 ndB .AmericaC .Ch inaD .Japa n34 .A .slowB .fastC .usualD .gladly35 .A .failedB .triedC .succeededD .decided36 .A .SurpriSedB .relaxedC .StreSSedD .excited37.A. conSideringB .worryingC .forgettingD .miSSing38 .A .everyoneB .nobodyC .heD .She39 .A .withB .fromC .withoutD .about40 .A .look forward to

12、B .haveC .give upD .put offV阅读理解。(4143小题,每小题1分,4459小题,每小题2分,共35分)阅读下列材料 ,从 A 、B 、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳答案 ,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案 标号涂黑。 gave some money to a young man who sat by the road this morning dont usually give money to anyone like him ,but it was just what had in my pocket and he looked sad in his eyes am a s

13、tudent and also have difficulty supporting myself ,but still gave him some money talked with him for a while and got to know little bit more about him He told me about what had happened to him over the last few daysHe said that some boys had poured water on his sleeping bag and that hed spent severa

14、l hours trying to dry it under a hand dryer in a fast food restaurant where all the guests kept themselves away from him Before I Ieft ,he gave me Some StiCkers( 贝占纸).He Said a child had given them to him .He wanted me to take them because he was thankful for the money that gave him ,as well as the

15、time I Spent talking with him .Actually ,I didnt even know what to do with the StickerS ,but I took them anyway .I told him it waS nice of him.From the experience ,know if we give Someone love and patience ,theyll give uS the Same thingS in return .The young man went to the reStaurant to A .buy faSt

16、 foodB .buy drinkSC .dry hiS handSD .dry hiS Sleeping bagA .buy faSt foodB .buy drinkSC .dry hiS handSD .dry hiS Sleeping bag.At laSt ,the young man gaveto the writer in return.A .a pocketB .a hug /C .Some money D .Some StickerS.The writer iS a to the young man.A .gueStB .SonC .StrangerD .neighborA

17、.gueStB .SonC .StrangerD .neighborACCording to the World HeaIth OrganiZatiOn ,60 PerCent Of peoples health problems haveSomething to do With everyday hygiene( 卫生)habits .As the novel Coronavirus SPreadS across theworld ,gover nments and orga ni Zati OnSin many coun tries have SUggeSted that people s

18、hould Paymore atte nti On to their daily hygie ne PraCtiCeS .InChina ,for example ,people usually Share dishes at the dining table .But this habit has high risk of SPreading diseases .To fight against COVID-19,many CitieS inChina ,including Beijing ,Shanghai and GUangzhou ,have called On people to o

19、rder SeParate meals or USe SerVing ChOPStiCkS to take their food .Many people also SUggeSt that Chin ese should Con ti nue these habits after the OUtbreak .HO,* are .4t Y i ACCording to the World HeaIth OrganiZatiOn ,60 PerCent Of peoples health problems haveSomething to do With everyday hygiene( 卫生

20、)habits .As the novel Coronavirus SPreadS across theworld ,gover nments and orga ni Zati OnSin many coun tries have SUggeSted that people should Paymore atte nti On to their daily hygie ne PraCtiCeS .InChina ,for example ,people usually Share dishes at the dining table .But this habit has high risk

21、of SPreading diseases .To fight against COVID-19,many CitieS inChina ,including Beijing ,Shanghai and GUangzhou ,have called On people to order SeParate meals or USe SerVing ChOPStiCkS to take their food .Many people also SUggeSt that Chin ese should Con ti nue these habits after the OUtbreak .HO,*

22、are .4t Y i ju hUnfrir l: IlHiIl Hsbilsio PrCVDI thf!J FHlPItJllCPtaCle5I 3- SQuftGtmXJawIn the US .the Center for DiSeaSe Control and PreVention has asked people to develop healthyhygiene habits .For example ,people should cover their mouth and nose With a tissue ( 纸巾)Whenthey cough or Sneeze (打喷嚏)

23、or USe the inSide of their elbow inStead of their hands .ACCOrding to a SUrVey How are AmeriCans Changing their habits to PreVent the Coronavirus by YouGov ,a BritiSh market research company,many AmeriCans have taken action to Change their daily habits during the epidemic ( 疫情).44n China,help to SPr

24、ead diseases .A .di ning tablesB .serv ing ChOPStiCkS C .shared dishesD .separate meals45n the US ,of AmeriCa ns avoid touch ing things in PUbIiC .A.27%B.24%C.17%D.13%A.27%B.24%C.17%D.13%.We Can know from the PaSSage that.A .Ch in ese people WaSh hands more ofte n tha n beforeB .Only a few AmeriCa n

25、s Wear a face mask in PUbIiC PIaCeSC .the SUrVey WaS made by a Chin ese market research compa nyD .people should cover their mouth With hands Whe n cough ing.The material above is most PrObabIy.A .a reportB .a no ticeC .a diaryD .a storyA .a reportB .a no ticeC .a diaryD .a storyHow do we make tradi

26、tional Chinese culture alive and popular again among young people ?Livestreaming has made it .It is not only fun ,but has also provided a new stage for traditional culture artists .On video websites and apps such as Douyin and Bilibili ,many traditional artists are trying livestreaming for the first

27、 time .Some of them sing Peking Opera ,some show their hand-made art pieces ,while others perform classical music .Li ,59 years old ,is a laosheng (old male role)Peking Opera performer who started livestreaming this year .Unlike performing on a formal ( 正式的 ) stage ,Li uses everyday places as his st

28、age ,including his backyard ,study room ,and even a sofa .Besides singing ,Li also teaches viewers about Peking Opera in a funny way .People can ask him questions and get answers directly . Livestreaminghas brought this great art down to earth ,one viewer said . “It allows young people to know this

29、traditional art and learn more about it in an easier way . ”Other kinds of artists also see livestreaming as a new opportunity .On March 26 ,the third China Huafu Day ,Bilibili livestreamed a fashion show .Performers showed beautiful clothes traditional Chinese styles ,including those from Wei ,Tang

30、 and Ming dynasties .During the show ,viewers enjoyed the clothes and watched how performers used ancient styles of make-up .For example ,one blogger taught people how to draw the guiye eyebrow ( 桂叶眉 ),which was a typical make -up style during Tang Dynasty .There is no doubt that livestreaming has c

31、reated a new channel through which traditional culture can be kept alive .We can guess from Paragraph 3 that Li ,as a teacher ,is .A .strictB .lazyC .humorous D .scary.The writer talks about Li in order to .A .help make Douyin and Bilibili more popularB .teach where and how to perform Peking OperaC

32、.encourage young people to perform art at homeD .show traditional artists are using livestreaming.In history ,the guiye eyebrow can be seen in Dynasty .A .WeiB .TangC .MingD .QingA .WeiB .TangC .MingD .Qing.Accord ing to the PaSSage ,Iivestream ing is.A .a TV show to in troduce traditi Onal clothes

33、from differe nt dyn astiesB .a Way to bring traditiOnal CUItUre back to life by Sharing onIine VideOSC .a PrOgram to give StUde nts many traditi OnalChin ese CUItUraI less OnSD .a Stage to give PerfOrmerS a Cha nce to take photos of their everyday lifeDLiU ,the farmer ,sits at the door of his house

34、.It is a Warm evening in late FebrUary ,and in his thin body he feels the Coming of SPri ng .HoW does he know that it is time for life to grow out field ?LiU cant tell himself the reason .the PaSt ,he could .And it WaS easy for him to tell .He could Point to the willow trees( 柳树) around the house ,b

35、ut there are no more trees now .He had CUt them off and sold them One by One during the cold Winter When they Were hungry for food .He could Point to the Pink flowers of his three PeaCh tree Sand his SiX apricot trees (杏树)WhiCh PrOdUCed lot of fruit every year .But these trees are also gone .In any

36、other year than this ,he could Point to his Wheat ( 小麦)fields ,where he planted Wheat in the Winter When it WaS not a good time to plant rice .Only When SPring WaS moving into SUmmer would he grow rice ,for rice could be sold for more money than Wheat .But this year ,the Iand tells nothing at all .T

37、here is no Wheat or rice On it ,for the Iand looks like clay but is SUreIy dried .Well ,on SUCh a day as this ,if LiU had his old buffalo( 水牛)and his tool that he had always had in other years ,he would go out to do some farm work to make it a field again .But he has n either nowf anyone in the PaSt

38、 had told him to Cat his buffalo ,his Only helper ,he would have called that man fool .But it is What he had done .Before the Win ter en ded ,he had eate n his OWn buffalo With his Wife ,his Pare nts and his four ChiIdre n .They had all eate n the buffalo together .BUt What else could they do in tha

39、t dark Winter When the last of their rice and Wheat WaS gone ,when the trees Were CUt and sold ,and When the buffalo WaS eaten ?AdaPted from Barren SPring by .Buck ( 1892-1973).In the PaSt ,Liu knew SPring WaS Coming by Pointing to the following EXCEPT.A .peach flowers B .willow treesC .wheat fields

40、D .the buffalo.The Un derl ined SentenCe in ParagraPh 2 mea ns.A .the Iand is Un able to SPeak any Ian guageB .the Iand is PrOteCted well by LiU and his familyC .the Iand Cannot PrOdUCe any food anymoreD .the Iand Cannot help LiU to find SPring back.We Can infer from the PaSSage that.A .spring this

41、year brings no hope to LiU familyB .the willow trees Were CUt down sold by LiUC .Liu knows What to do next to solve the problemD .wheat could be sold for more money tha n rice.Which of the follow ing PiCtUreS best describes Lius hometow n now?EOn April 2 ,Chinese SCientists found a dead whale for th

42、e first time in the South China Sea ,which marked a great discovery .But Why a great discovery ?Its Sad to Iear n that a whale has died in the ocea n . .It has a lot to give to other Seaanimals after death .For them ,is a treasure island”.When a whale dies ,it quickly goes down to the bottom of the

43、ocean floor .There ,the whale body PrOVideS food for deep-sea animals WhiCh are often hungry .The remains( 剩余 ) Can last for tens of years and Create a new ecosystem called a whale fall -an6asis(绿洲)Of life in the deepSea .The whale fall ecosystem Can exist in the deep OCean because great PreSSUre an

44、d Coldtemperature therePreVe nt thebody from decomposing(分解)too quickly .Butthe depth alsomakes it hard fortemperature therePreVe nt thebody from decomposing(分解)too quickly .Butthe depth alsomakes it hard forSCie ntists todiscover them .There are less than 50 known whale falls in theworld .Chinese S

45、Cientists found the whale fall during a deep-sea expedition ( 考察)led by oceanic research ShiP Tansuo-I ,which finiShed its expeditiOn On April 2 .Tansuo-l Carried the manned SUbmerSibIe (潜水器)Shenhai Yongshi ,which is able to dive to a depth of 4,500 meters.The whale fall in the South China Sea is ab

46、out three meters Iong .Scientists have found SeVeraI kinds of fish near the whale fall .Some fish have Started to eat the whales body Part .The whale fall might be quite recent and to be StUdied for a Iong time ,according to Xie Wei ,scientist who took Part in the expediti OnBy StUdying the whale fa

47、ll ,our SCientists Can have better Understanding of how Undersea ecosystems SUPPOrt life and how to PrOteCt life resources in the deep sea.The whale fall ecosystem Can exist in the deep ocea n because of.A .the SCie ntistsB .the research ShiPCOW PreSSUre D .cold temperature.Which of the following se

48、ntence can be PUt in “ ”.A .However ,thats not the end for the whaleB .However ,thats n Ot the Start for the whaleC .Besides ,its also Sad for other Sea ani malsD .Besides ,its happy for other Sea ani mals.The best title of the PaSSage PrObabIy.A .A Whales Life and DeathB .The FirSt Whale Fall Fou n

49、d in Chi naC 丄C 丄ife in the South China SeaD .How Find Whale Fall ECOSyStem59f We PUt the PaSSage into three PartS ,which of the follow ing is the best ?(=Para.(自然段)1=Para.2 para.3 =Para.4 =Para.5 =Para.6 =Para.7)A.;B.;C.:D.;V. 口语应用。(每小题1分,共5分)阅读下面对话,从方框内7个选项中选择5个恰当的句子完成此对话。A :Honey ,help !I n eed t

50、o Pay for my clotheshave failed four times and I have the OnlyoneCha nce left .B :60 Whats the SitUatiOn ?Adont really know how to solve it .Adont really know how to solve it .B .But there is always SOmething WrongWith my e-ba nk .C .Yes !It works !D .Let me have look .E .Ah !You remi nd me .F .Yes

51、,I did it just like beforeG .How much did you Pay for that dress ?物车),and I Want to pay-for them .61.B :Umm .Did you follow the StePS of PayingOn Ii ne ?A: 62B:Baby ,I think you Only PUt in your PaSSWOrd .Dont forget you also need a dynamic PaSSWOrd (动态密码 ) that is Sent to your mobile Phone .A: 63 I

52、 forgot that message .You are the best !B :Well ,I know that ,ha-ha . Can you Pay now ?A: 64Tha nk you so much!B :You are welcome ,dear ,but See ,another dress is on the Way now.第卷(共55分)W .任务型阅读。(65-67小题海小题2分,68小题3分,共9分)GiVing a graduatiOn SPeeCh is both exciting and a bit SCary .You are both the fi

53、rst and last high school voice many in your audie nce( 听众)will hear .You will be SPeak ing to your beloved schoolmates ,pare nts ,teachers ,and other family members ,so your SPeeCh must be Un dersta ndable to every One .You n eed to attract your liste ners right away and Share a SPeeCh that is both

54、enjoyable and meanin gful .To be SUCCeSSfUI ,you must remember that the key to Creati ng a graduati On SPeeCh that is both meaningful and enjoyable is PreParation .We will walk you through the GradUation PrOCeSS .GradUati On SPeeCheS Can be divided into SeVeraI differe nt kinds ,in clud ing SeriOUS

55、graduati On SPeeCheS and funny graduatiOn SPeeCheS ,etc .You just have to PiCk One and make SUre your SPeeCh has a Pretty clear style .Your graduation SPeeCh topic(主题)will help you tie all your ideas together .You need to brain storm ideas to PiCk a topic .Here are some com mon topics that have WOrk

56、ed well for OtherS : Believe in yourself and never give up . Follow your dream . Overcome difficulties . Never stop learning . Live in the moment . Imagine and create .Once the topic is set ,you may try to make your speech catch your audiences attention and keep it .Think about the last few years of

57、 your schooling ,the performance of your class members ,and what makes your educational experience special .Dont forget to keep your speech simple and short-no longer than five minutes and take the following steps to build the basic structure of your speech :? Greet the audience .? Introduce yoursel

58、f .? Look back on your time in middle school highlighting a few special .? Talk a bit about future expectations for your class .? Thank your teachers ,friends ,and parents .? Finish your speech with a famous saying or a line from a song poem .Must your speech be understandable to every listener ?.Ho

59、w long should your speech last according to the passage.What is the topic of this passage.Do you prefer to give a serious graduation speech or a funny one ?List at east reasons .VII. 完成句子。 (每空 1 分,共 10 分)根据所给提示,完成句子。每空一词,含缩略词。The hospital needed face masks during the OUtbreak .(改为否定句 )The hospitalfa

60、ce masks duri ng the OUtbreak .They Will OrganiZe SOCCer matches three times a Week in the future .( 对戈U线部分提问 ) will they orga nize SOCCer matches in the future ?We would walk to work inStead of taking the bus .( 改为同义句)We would go to work On foottake the bus . 对学生来说,独自思考是一种很好的学习方式。(完成译句) is a Pretty


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