



1、初一英语期末试卷() 15. This isis over there.笔试部分(80 分)A. hers , OurB. her , OurC. her , () 16. Put it on, please. You must lookD. hers , Oursyour coat.A. afterB. the sameC. likeD. 一词汇 (7 分)() 17. Whatre those ?you see?birds.用所给词的适当形式填空 (3 分)Can , Those (Cant, Can , TheyreD. , TheyI have two( watch) 18. Thes

2、e aredesks.There are some(child) over there.A. teacherB. the teachersC. the teacherD. the (Those are your coats, putThis book is his, that book is(they) here.( I ).) 19. Can youA. seeB. see (a cat over there ?C. lookD. look atThese are the(twin) sweaters.) 20.is Mr Greens bus ?Its No. 20 .Let me(hel

3、p) you find your purse.Whats numberWhat Wheres numberD. Where number(4 分)三句型转换 (5 分)Please(请这边走), Mr Wang.1.Lucy and Lily look the same .(同义句转换)2(来吧) . Lets go and see.LucyLily.3. We like to play, Li Lei likes to(看电视) .There are some flowers on the table.(变为否定句)4. Whats this(用英语)? Its a bike.Therefl

4、owers on the table .二选择 (20 分)The girl behind the tree is my sister. (划线部分提问)() 1.() 2.six plus four ? Its ten.WhatC. WhatsD. How isbook is this ? Its hers.is my sister.There are fifty students in the classroom. (划线部分提问)students are there in the classroom.A. WhereB. WhatC. WhoseD. Howcan , he , not,

5、 his , pen , find(组词成句)() 3.Do you know the manA. inB. onC. withD. the black coat ?Hehis pen .四口语运用 (8 分)() 4.We are insame class.A 选择下列句子对话的正确顺序。(3 分)A. aB. anC. theD. () 5. Can you seeapple tree behindhouse?() 1. (1) Whos not here ?(2) No(3) Is everyone here today ?(4) Ann is not here.A a , theB.

6、an , theC. an , anD. a , aA. (2) (3)(1) (4)B. (3) (2) (1) (4) C. (2) (3) (4) (1) D. (3) (2) (4) (1)() 6. Are those?No,) 2. (1) Li Lei, whos that girl ?(2) The one in the blue skirtbus, they buses, it isntC. bus, they arentD. buses, they Thats Han MeiWhich one ?() 7. Thats.A. (4) (1) (3) (2)B. (1) (4

7、) (3) (2)C. (1) (4) (2) (D. (4) (1) (2) (3)A. China mapB. a map of a map of ChinaD. map) 3. (1) Tom! Its time to get upIts What time is it, Mum?() 8. Kate isAmerican girl .mother is a doctor.Dont worry , You can go with your DadOh, dear. lateA. , SheB. an , C. a , HersD. one , HerA. (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)B

8、. (3)(2)(5)(4)(1)C. (3)(2)(1)(5)(4)D. (1)(3)(2)(5)(4)() 9. Where ispencil-box?完成对话(5分)A. IB. meC. myD. youA: Excuse me , Jim ,1.() 10. Whats the time ? ItsB: sorry. I dont know,2.A. half tenB. half to half past tenD. thirty tenA: Excuse me, whats the time ?() 11.on the floor ? Is it a pena pencil ?C

9、: Its about a quarter past three.Whats , orB. Whatre , andC. Whats , orA: Thank you, Miss Gao.() 12.colour is the Kates hat ?C: Look at the floor ,3?Whats WhatsC. D. WhatreB: Is it grey ?() 13.man is your brother ?The one in white trousers .C:4.WhichC. D. WhatB: Let me have a look , oh, its mine .()

10、 14. Therea pen and a book on the desk.C:5.A. areB. C. hasD. haveB: Thanks very much .Whose watch is that ?Whats the time, please ?C. Yes, it is() 4. A. I() 5. A. andB. weoroursbutourD. areWhich one Here you I see my watch() 6. A. itsB. itswereG. What colour is it ?() 7. A. teacher() 8. A. B. friend

11、boysclassschoolD. girl五情景交际(5 分)() 9. A. WereB. TheyreIm() 1. 当别人赞扬你的英语不错时,你应该说。() 10. A. HesB. ShesC. HerD. HisA. No,NoB. No, I cantC. Thank youD. Sorry八阅读理解 (10 分)() 2. 初次与人相识的问候语是。A 阅读下列短文, 判断 或 (5分)A. How do you do ?B. How are you ?C. How old are you ?This is a picture of Lucy and Lilys room . L

12、ucy and Lily are twins . You can seeD. Whats your name ?() 3.对于上了年纪的人,我们不要问。a bed , a desk and two chairs in the room . The twins schoolbags are behind thechairs.A. How are you ?B. Nice to meet youC. HelloD. How old are you ?They look the same. You can see a broom , too . It s behind the door . The

13、twins() 4. 问对方是念哪一个年级时说。put their books, pencil-boxes on the desk . Its a nice room.(A.What class are you in ?C. What row are you in ?B. Whats grade are you in ?D. What grade are you in ?) 1. This is a picture of the twins family .() 2. There is a desk and a chair in it() 5.面对刚到你家作客的客人,你应该说。) 3. The

14、 twins schoolbags look the same .( welcomeB. Thank youC. Welcome to my homeD. See you later) 4. You can see a ball behind the door.(六看图填词 (10 分)) 5. Their coats are on the desk.Look at the Its aIts timeon the.six .(5)There are four people in the Read family . They are Mr Read, Mrs Read , their sonTo

15、m and their daughter Ann . Mr Read is in a black coat and brown trousers .A:in the picture ?MrsRead is in a red blouse and a green skirt . The little girl is Ann. She is in a nice redB: There area table 、 a.、andblouse and red shoes . Her hat is black. The boy is Anns brother . His name is Tom .He is

16、 in a grey sweater and blue trousers .(A:the cat ?) 1. How many people are there in Toms family ?.B: Its.table.) 2. Ann is ) 2. Ann is fivesixA: Whos that girl ?(classmateD. sisterB:girl ?) 3. Mr Read is in acoat andtrousers .A: The one.B: Thats WeiHua .A. white, brownB. brown, blackC. brown, () 4.

17、Whos in red blouse ?black, brownMrs ReadC. D. A and C七完形填空(10 分)() 5. How many colours are there in this passage (短文)?This is my school. Its No. 41Myname is Miss Gao . My name isfiveeightC. sevenD. sixWang Wei . twelve . Im in3. In4class, we have 15 boys522 girls . The classroom is not new , but6cle

18、an . It has two doors and six看图写句(至少写5句)(5分出卷人:黄海辉windows . I have a good7, Mike . 8. He is eleven .9in thesame class .Mike has asister .10name is Mary .She is five .She isnt student.() 1. A. School Middle B. Middle schoolC. middle schoolD. Middle School答案:一 、 A.1) watches2) children3) them4) mine5) twins6) help() 2. A. teacherB. teachersC


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