Unit1分课时同步练习 牛津上海版英语六年级上学期_第1页
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Unit1分课时同步练习 牛津上海版英语六年级上学期_第5页
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1、PAGE PAGE 1牛津上海版英语六年级第一学期分课时同步练习unit16A Unit 1 Exercise One (Page2) Class _ Name _ Mark _课前预习 = 2 * ROMAN I Write out the phrases.(请从课本第2页找出以下词组。)PAGE PAGE 21 一张家谱图. _2. 这些是_3. 这是_4. 我是_5. 我们是 _6. 他们的儿子(们)_PAGE PAGE 2课后练习.Put the letters in correct order to from words.(按字母写出正确的单词以完成下列句子。)1. This is

2、a _ (myialf)tree.2. He is my mothers father. I call him _(raghnrfdtea)3. I love my_(rosdngan)very much. I am his grandmother.4. I am her grandfather. She is my _(rudadetrgganh)5. This is my family tree. I have many _ (tirelaevs)6.They are my aunts daughter and son, they are my _(oucnsis). = 2 * ROMA

3、N II. Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the word given.(用所给单词适当形式填空)1. I have many _ (relative) in Hangzhou. 2. A lot of _ (family) went to the park yesterday. I love my _ (family).3. _(these)lady is my mother.4. _(this)are my family and _(friend).III. Finish the sentences with am, is or ar

4、e(用am, is 或者are 来完成句子)Her name _ Kitty and she is a lovely girl.I _ my parents son and I love them very much.They _ my cousins. We often play together.Peter _ their uncle and he is the only one.We _ in a big and happy family. = 1 * ROMAN IV. Choose the best answer.(选择填空)( ) 1. Hi, everyone, _ name i

5、s Shelly. Nice to meet you. A. I B. my C. me D. myself( ) 2.They are my grandparents. I am _ granddaughter. A. they B. them C. there D. theirV. Finish the sentences using the word below(选词填空,必要时可变形,有些空格答案不唯一)A. family B. relatives C. brother D. granddaughter E. cousin F. uncle G. aunt H. grandmother

6、( ) 1. Do you know Miss Green? - Of course. She is my fathers sister. - Oh, I dont know she is your _.( ) 2. Kitty is 11 years old. And her _ is 80 years old now. She often visits her at weekends.( ) 3. I have got a doll(洋娃娃)from my _. He often sends me gifts.( ) 4. There are six people in my family

7、. They are my husband, my son, my daughter in law(儿媳),my grandson and my _.( ) 5. Where did you go for your winter holiday? - I went to Zhuhai and visited some _ there.VI. Rewrite the sentences as required(按要求改写句子)1.Were their sons(改为一般疑问句)_ _ their sons ?2. I am twelve years old.(划线提问) _ _ are you?

8、3. 1. This is a beautiful photo.(改为复数句) 4. These are my cousins.(改为单数句) _ _ beautiful _. _ _ my cousin. 5. That is my aunts daughter. She is my cousin. (改为复数句) _ _ my aunts _. _ _ my cousins.6. Tom and Alice dont live in the same family.(意思相同)Tom and Alice live in _ _.6A Unit 1 Exercise Two (Page3.4

9、) Class _ Name _ Mark _课前预习I.Write out the phrases.(请从课本第3.4页找出以下词组。)1. 大量礼物_2. 从某人那儿得到某物_3. 已得到_4. 生日快乐 _5. 为做生日卡片_6. 亲戚之一_7. 家庭成员_8. 你有几位叔叔_9.我只有一位叔叔_PAGE PAGE 4课后练习.Put the letters in correct order to from words.(按字母写出正确的单词以完成下列句子。)1. Alice is very happy. She has got many _(esptrens)and _ (rbiatd

10、yh) cards.2. I like to make a card for one of my family _(emermbs).3. I have one brother, and he is my _(oynl)brother.4. I have a big family and I have many _ (tirelaevs).5.She is my aunts daughter, she is my _(oucnsi). = 1 * ROMAN II. Choose the best answer.(选择填空)( ) 1. _ your family members? A. Is

11、 this B. Are they C. Is these D. Are this( ) 2.Which of the following is not your family member? (下列哪些不属于狭义家庭成员) A. father B. grandfather C. mother D. sister( ) 3.She has got a lot of presents _her friends on her birthday.A.for B.to C.from D.with( ) 4. I made a present _my grandma yesterday. A. to B

12、. from C. of D. forIII.Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the word given.(用所给单词适当形式填空)1. I have got two _ (uncle). They are Uncle Sam and Uncle Tom2. A:Did you have a nice birthday? B:Sure. I have _ (get) a lot of presents from my relatives.3. _ (your )can choose(选择)one of the birthday _ (ca

13、rd) for your grandmother.4. _(this)children play with _(they)dogs.5. My father and_(my)play football together. _(our)are good friends = 1 * ROMAN IV. Choose the best answer.(选择填空)( ) 1. The man is my fathers brother, he is my cousins father, so I call him _. A. brother B. father C.uncle D. grandfath

14、er( ) 2. He doesnt _ any money _ his parents. A.getfrom B.get.to C. gotfrom D. got.to( ) 3.How many _ are there in your family?A.family member B. families member C. family members D. families members( ) 4. We are buying some cakes_our relatives.A. on B. in C. at D. forV. Rewrite the sentences as req

15、uired(按要求改写句子)1. I have two brothers.(一般疑问句)(否定句)(划线提问)_ you _ two brothers ? I _ _ brothers._ _ brothers_ you have ?2. My birthday is on May 1st.(划线提问) _ is your birthday?3. His name is Bill.(划线提问) _ his name?4. My grandfather gave me the book.(划线提问) _ _ you the book?5. I have got a lot of presents

16、 and cards from my family and relatives. (句意相同)I have got _ presents and cards from my family and relatives.VI. Rewrite the sentences as required(按要求改写句子)1. I have got two brothers. (否定句)I _ _any brothers. 2.She has an apple.(一般疑问句) _ she _ an apple?3. Tom has 15 books.(划线提问) _ _ books does Tom have

17、?4. This is my classmate.(改成复数) _.5.I like presents.(句意相同) I like _.6. My aunt gives me a present. (句意相同) I have _a present _ my aunt.7.I have one aunt, too. (改为否定句) I dont have any aunts, _. 6A Unit 1 Exercise Three (Page5) Class _ Name _ Mark _课前预习I.Write out the phrases.(请从课本第5,6页找出以下词组。)去购物_2.打羽

18、毛球_3. 玩游戏_4. 去饭店/公园_5. 看电视/电影_6. 骑自行车_7. 你和她一起还做些什么?_ PAGE PAGE 7课后练习.Put the letters in correct order to from words.(按字母写出正确的单词以完成下列句子。)1. Now Im in Yuannan Middle School and I have a lot of new _(sclasatmes).2. All the girls like to go _(ppshngoi)very much.3. You often watch TV at night. What _(es

19、el)do you like to do?4. I have a big family and I have many _ (tirelaevs).5.Playing _(badtonmin)is my favourite sport.6.I always _ (yclce) to school.7._ (smeoetims) our family go to a restaurant to have dinner. = 1 * ROMAN II. Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the word given.(用所给单词适当形式填空)Li

20、ly has got a lot of cards from _ (she) friends. Tom has got a lot of presents from _ (he) friends.What do you always do with _ (she)?What do you sometimes do with _ (he )?Would you like to go to see a film with _ (I)?What did you talk with _ (they)?7._(their)are good friends.8.What do you _(usual) d

21、o with your parents ?9.Kitty usually goes _ (cycle) with her mother.10.I never go _ (shop) with my mother.III. Complete the sentences according to the following table.(根据表格中所提供的内容完成句子 SunMonTueWedThuFriSatIplay the pianoIgo to a restaurantKittyplay gamesShego shopping1.I _ _ the piano. 2. I _ go to

22、a restaurant.3. Kitty _ _ games. 4. She _ _ shopping. = 1 * ROMAN IV. Choose the best answer.(选择填空)( ) 1. Where does your grandma live? - She lives with_ . A. us B. we C. my D. you( ) 2. What _you always do _ your parents? A. areand B. do.at C. will.with D. /on( ) 3. I want to buy some crisps and fr

23、uit. What _will you buy? A. else B. other C. some D. another( ) 4. I often walk a dog with my grandfather. _ do you do with him? A. What B. What else C. How D. When( ) 5. Most of the girls like _ at the supermarket. A. going shopping B. to shopping C. do shopping D. go some shoppingV. Rewrite the se

24、ntences as required(按要求改写句子)1. May rides her bicycle every weekend. (句意相同)May _ _ every weekend.2. Ruby lives with her grandmother.(对划线部分提问) _ _ Ruby live with?3. She usually goes shopping with my aunt. (划线部分提问)_ _ _ she _ shopping with your aunt?6A Unit 1 Exercise Four (6) Class _ Name _ Mark _课后练习

25、.Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the word given.(用所给单词适当形式填空)1. Do you often visit your _ (relative)2. We all live in happy _(family ). 3. You can play games with _ (they )4. _ (these) picture is mine. _ (this) flowers are Mr. Greens.5. How _ (much) people are there in your family?. Choos

26、e the right word to fill in the blanks(选择正确的单词完成句子)1. Jack is one of our _ (family members / families member).2. I _(am/is ) never late for class. She _ (are / is ) never late for class, _ (too/either)3. I always do my homework _ (and/with) my good friend.4. He _ (always/sometimes) watches TV. He do

27、esnt watch it when he is busy.5. I sometimes _ (play / play the) piano (钢琴) with my music teacher.6. I am hungry now. Lets go to a _ (hotel/restaurant).III. Match(配对)( ) 1. often A. now and then / not very often( ) 2. sometimes B. very often( ) 3. never C. many times( ) 4. always D. not at any time(

28、 ) 5. usually E. all the timeIV. Choose the best answer.(选择填空)( ) 1. She has _ uncle and _ aunt. A. aa B. anan C. aan D. ana( ) 2. How many _ do you have? A. cousin B. family member C. family members D. sister( ) 3.Which of the following is not your family member? (下列哪些不属于狭义家庭成员) A. mother B. sister

29、 C. granddaughter D. father( ) 4.Which of the following is not your relatives? (下列哪些不属于亲戚) A. uncle B. cousin C. granddaughter D. sister( ) 5. What else do you usually do with _? A. she B. he C. they D. it( ) 6. I sometimes play _ badminton with my cousins. ( ) 7. I often walk a dog with my grandfat

30、her. - _ do you do with him? A. What B. What else C. How D. When( ) 8. Most of the girls like _ at the supermarket. A.going shopping B.to shopping C.do shoppping D. go some shoppingA. a B. the C. an D. /( ) 9. Happy birthday (to you)! _.A. The same to you B. Have a good time. C. Thank you. D. You to

31、o.( )10. Alice _ the first to come and the last to leave. A. always is B. is always C. always be D. be always( ) 11. Most of the girls like _ at the supermarket. A. going shopping B. to shopping C. do shopping D. go some shopping( ) 12. What _ you always _ with your parents? A. aredo B. dodo C. willdo D. /do( ) 13. Ben only plays football in the park on Saturdays and Sun


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