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1、一、单项选择There is now clear that social services are getting better here.A evidence B. proof C. fact D. sign2. More and more people in Britain are now on smoke-free homes.A. demanding B. requiring C. insisting D. requesting3.1 truly believe we must speak out and our voice heard at this verymoment.A .do

2、 B. make C. declare D. repeatIn most cases, lung cancer is to cigarette smoking.A. related B. contacted C. joined D. unitedThey all believe the festival a turning point in UK music history.A. decided B. signed C. succeeded D. markedIf you fail to pay your bill, you run the risk of having your electr

3、icity cut off.A. growth B. supply C. line D. generationThe boy seemed to be about everything around him.A.curious B.interested C.fbnd D. satisfyingShe had herself that life was worth living.A. persuade B.believed C.undertookD.consideredHe a good idea while touring Europe.A. picked up B. came up C. w

4、ent up D. got upIt was a really match.A.excite B.excited C.excitingly D.exciting11.Some people think that money is often a major of tension fbr married couples.A.supplyB 上 irth C. source D.reasonAfter a long fbr the murder weapon, the police found a knife.A. search B.look C. study D.examinationSam n

5、odded but he didnt look.A.convinced B.believed C posed D.implied. A university of teachers, administrators and students.A bines B.includes C.involves D.consists. It was reported that the earthquake was the most to have struck that areain fifty years.A.special B.powerful C. favorite D.exciting.To my

6、surprise, the situation will develop in a direction to the enemy.A. favorite B.favorable C.related D.qualifiedIve learnt from experience not to trust what he says.A. heavy B. strong C. bitter D.continualwonder how you can see the big ship in the distance with the eye?A. bare B. empty c. naked D. ope

7、n. Activities all take place under the of an experienced tutor. A. management B. competition C. impression D. guidance.20.She us that she would become a superstar soon. A.undertook B.identified C.responded D. assured.The climate in London doesnt with me, and therefore, Ive decided tomove to New York

8、.A.suit B. apply C. fit D. agree. As soon as you decide on the of the new building, please let us know.A.location B. signal C. region D. situation.Coca-Cola has become a cultural of the USA, recognized by 94% of theworlds population.A.symbol B. signal C. mark D. sign.Since the final examination is c

9、oming soon, he can hardly to miss anotherday at school.A.affbrd B. offer C. cost D. charge.This sentence doesnt make any.A.benefit B. sense C. help D. meaning.Does art society, or shape it ?A.mirrorB. admit C. inspectD. claimIt is important to give children to think for themselves.A.location B. plac

10、e C. room D. positionIn his doctors room, the man of a pain in his back.A.talkedB. complained C. told D. said.The accident was caused by an error in on the part of the driver.A mentB. character C. attitude D. judgment. She looks beautiful when she her hair long.A.wears B. puts C. dresses D. carries.

11、He always the latest fashions.A mentedB. appeared C. followed D. attempted.Of the six people injured in the accident, only two.A.killed B. lasted C. damaged D. survived33.Greenland,island in the world, cover over two million square kilometers.A.it is the largestB. that is the largest C. is the large

12、st D. the largestIn a truly free market, you wouldnt be able to money without making aquality product.A.obtain B. receive C. make D. achieveHe will carry the memory of the accident him forever.A.overB. with C. along D. throughSixty percent disapproved the way shed handled the situation, while 40perc

13、ent approved.A.with B. to C. of D. onMost people are looking fbr a nice, safe, and future.A.promising B. talented C. confident D. sureLoss of health is too high a price to fbr success in your work.A.offerB. give C. pay D. payShe is due to a lecture on the topic of English learning.A.deliverB. obtain

14、 C. advise performWhafs the most way of building a bridge?A.economicB. economicalC. economyD. economicallyA.economicB. economicalC. economyD. economicallyI write letters to myself and show them to my friends,they9re from my girl friend.A.informingB. pretending C. realizing D. provingThe of blood alw

15、ays makes her fell sick.A. sight B. view C. look D. formIm that living disconnected from the Internet can be a very valuableexperience.A. believed B. thought C. supposed D. convincedThis book is really useful and, it has beautiful photos in it.A. instead B. yet C. though D. moreoverThe guy was in a

16、world of his own, totally in his bookA. focused B. concerned C. absorbed D. admiredIf you are interested in the visit, please dont to ask us for further information.A. stop B. interrupt C. delay D. hesitateI had expected to be, but I have to admit the film wasnt as bad as I had feared.A. disappointe

17、d B. excited C. accepted D. respectedSet up in 2008, the business is right in the city centre, close to the railwaystation.A. remained B. located C. stayed D. satYou should have in your ability to succeed.A. respect B. influence C. effect D. faithIts wrong to leave a hotel without all your bills.A.

18、giving B. paying C. charging D. taking二、翻译.如果他一开始谈论过去,你就永远都没法从他那儿脱身。(get away fh)m).房子着火了,里面的人面临着死亡的危险。(indangerof).他虽然没有直说,但我们能从他的手势中得到一些信息。(pickup).你永远无法从他那儿得到直接的回答。(get. out of).犯罪常常和贫穷以及失业有关。(be related to).这个计划听起来虽然很难,但他决心将它付诸实施。(put something into practice). Now, I do not for a moment mean to

19、speak poorly of business; my whole point is that it was just not for me. The problem is caused by the country developing at a speed and scale unheard of in history. Tt is more than just clothing and hairstyles that are in style one year and out of date the next; its a whole way of living. So it is clear then, that to be a genius is to push the limits, in your mind, and beyond.三、作文1.1)(解雇)Notices2)(由于)the recent recession (衰退),3)(我们公司 的订单)have fallen off 4)(大幅地).5)(不幸地),as a result


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