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1、四年级语册阅读解项调研少版班级:_姓名:_1. 阅读短,选择确的答案。My Green big farm are on farmThere fifteen , horses,eight cows, ,sixteen ten He also has a gardenLook! These Theyre very big tomatoesTheyre red ( )()Mr. Green A.farm ( )() are A.two C.eight( )() are in C.potatoes2. 短文阅,判断正T)误(F)。 upon there a little boy. Rong. Ther

2、e were in family. One his father home. were of in the bag. (想要) to the His father Rong, give(给) a pear to each person(每个人). Kong Rong the very grandpa and gave his father and mother. Kong Rong other They ate the pears. saw one This is for I will All family were very with Rong. His father said, You a

3、 very good boy.” 1 Rong a _2 were lots in bag. ( )3 pears. (_4 Rong gave big to ()5 Rong the very big (_)3. 根据对内容判正误。Bear: Good morning. I you? Can I have tickets to River Lulu: What can we do Mocky: can dragon boat races. Can I have Not now, Mocky. We can on the train!Mocky: a dragon Can I window?M

4、ocky: My eye hurts. your eye, Mocky!( )()Tom wants to three tickets to River 1 / ( )() can see dragon at ( )() can on train.( )()Mockys arm ( )()Mocky wants to the 4. 读表,判下列句子是与表格容相符。 we do free(空余时间)Peter play play TV games books watch TVsleep a lotdo dont() ( )() but Cindy doesnt.( )()Jack doesnt

5、play TV games. Cindy doesnt play TV games, ( )()Cindy TV. too.( )()Jack doesnt watch TV. either.( )() sleep a lot. Jack doesnt, ( )()Peter, Cindy all in their free 5. 阅读理。Dear Tim,My name Tommy. your pen-friend. Im old. I meat fish. I like apples, not very at school Im at I like swimming and playing

6、 football. I live in Shanghai. The weather in is In it is rainy, warm and wet. In summer and hot. In autumn it is cloudy dry. In its Your friend,Tommy(1)Whos 2 / (2) Tommy very good at , (3)Whats the weather in spring in Shanghai? wet.(4)How is Tommy? .(5)What like?He football.6. 阅读理。My name Betty.

7、ol D. Im in Happy Primary I like singing and dancing. I like (英语) too. me She a nice teacher. I have a family. My grandparents are ol D. They live with (我们). take a walk 散步) in the My father a cook. can many D. My mother a nurse. She always helps in the hospital (医院). I two brothers. are in the (相同的

8、) school. like skating. Sometimes they ride in the I run and fly kite there. I love family.(1)阅读短文,根据短文内容用A、B、给图片排序。( ) ( )( ) ( )( )() are in Bettys family.( )()Miss is a music teacher.( )() is a cook.( )() like skating.( )() is a happy girl.7. 阅读短文判断对错,的写“T”错的写 F”My a boy, a Chinese boy. has short

9、 is tall and thin. He has big friendly. His is Peng. 1 is a . (3 / 2She is . (3He a Chinese boy(_)4He tall strong. (_)5His is John. (_)8. 阅读对,完成择和填空。 in different cities. talking about weather. Its in Beijing. I play football with Jim: Its in My going to swim.Bill: rainy in Qingdao. I have to home a

10、nd Andy: Its snowy in Ill go to make Mark: Its windy in Shanghai. Its a good to fly kites.( )()Whats the weather in Qingdao?A.Its B.Its rainy. ( )() can the day? C.He fly ( )()Are family going to make a snowman?A.Yes, are. B.No, arent. he (4)Tom on cloudy day.(5)Bill has to at on (6)Its in Beijing a

11、nd windy in .(7)Its sunny hot in Hainan but snowy in 9. 阅读短,判断列句子正误Today Jill and are in the They under a big Its green They to sit tree. They a 毛巾) on They sit towel. feels cold and Its a 石头) Tom What is it? Wow, its snake(蛇! They ( )()Jill are in the park.( )() is ( )() ( )() snake is soft and 10.

12、 阅读文,判正误。Look at my family photo. There are four people in my family. This is my father. Hes a doctor. And he is very clever. This is mother. s a nice teacher. The like This little boy is my brother. Hes very naughty. This girl is me. Im very cute.( )() are three in family.( )()My is very cool.( )()

13、My is a very ( )() ( )()My very 4 / 11. 读短,判断()()。My name David. I am I go from ) to (到)Friday. have English, Music, Saturday and I am at I like to pictures very but I not good at I am good at Math.( ) I go five a ( ) I have subjects.( ) I am home on Friday and ( ) I like to ( ) I good Art.12. 阅读解,判

14、正(A)误)。 Andy. I six years I like ping-pang and I go to by school bus also to school by 1 Alice. _)2I six years (3I ping-pang and roller _)4I go by train. (_)5 brother always goes to on foot. (_)13. 阅读文判断正确的用“T表示,误的“F”表。Look, is a of Jills family. You Jills grandpa. He an old man. can Jills grandma b

15、ut she is beautiful. Jill is a firefighter. Hes cool! Jills mother thin and can dance well. Jill sister. Her name is Tracy. three old. She cant but she play her toys. family ( ) Jill s is not he fast.( ) Jill s mother dance.( ) Jill s ( ) Jill s a cool driver.( ) Jill loves family.14. 阅读解。Hi! I have

16、 long I have a hat white I can speak English well. I friends: Alice at girl! Alice. from the hat. 昵称) is Little maths very wants to a maths teacher. a bookworm. Look! has a big Many in it. My friends friendy I (1) _ is 5 / B. C.(2) nickname(昵称 is _. B. Hat C. Little (3)Alice to an teacher B. a maths teacher C. a Chinese (4)Ken is a bookworm. “bookworm ” 意思 A.书架 B.书虫 书签15.阅读对话,判正误。Mr Black a from the now visiting Park Primary Jack is him Look! classroom a garden in front of it. There are many flowers and in are two swings and three too. Mr Black: Whats floor? is a computer la B. have in i


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