



1、2022-2023学年湖南省岳阳市汨罗市新塘乡中学高一英语期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. Do you know anything about our country? No, this is the first time that I here.A. was B. came C. have been D. am coming 参考答案:C2. .Have you finished your experiment report, Jane?Oh, my God. Ive _ forgotten all about that.A. stronglyB. extremelyC. entirelyD

2、. freely参考答案:C3. What would you say when _ to a foreigner for the first time? A. being introduced B. introducing C. are introduced D. introduced 参考答案:D略4. The visiting professor is from Tokyo University and he speaks English with a strong Japanese _.Aaccent Bspelling Cidentity Dvocabulary参考答案:A句意:这位

3、客座教授来自东京大学,他说英语带着一口很浓的日语“口音(accent)”。spelling“拼写”;identity“身份”;vocabulary“词汇”。5. Come and see me whenever_. A. you are convenient. B. you will be convenient. C. it is convenient to you D. it will be convenient to you.参考答案:C略6. 34 Please _ the numbers and Im sure they will _ more than 1,000A add; add

4、 up B add up; add up C add up; add up to D add to; add up参考答案:C略7. Excuse me, would you please tell me _?A. when the sports meeting is taken placeB. when is the sports meeting going to be heldC. when is the sports meeting to beginD. when the sports meeting is to take place参考答案:D略8. surprised me most

5、 wasMary spoke Chinese just like a native speaker.A. That, what B. Which, that C. What, thatD. That, that参考答案:C9. The next morning Toms teacher asked him _.A. if he had finished his homework B. whether had he finished his homeworkC. if he has finished his homework D. had he finished his homework参考答案

6、:C10. He was educated at a local grammar school, _ he went on to Cambridge.A. from which B. after thatC. after which D. from this参考答案:CC考查非限制性定语从句。句意:他在当地的一所文法学校接受教育,之后他去了剑桥。Which引导非限制性定语从句,指代he was educated at a local grammar school;在之后after,故选C。11. -Ive left my watch in the hotel. -I _ and get it

7、for you A go B. am going C. am to go D. will go参考答案:D12. Id prefer _ in the office rather than _ at home watching TV. A. working; staying B. working; stay C. to work; stay D. work; to stay 参考答案:C13. The heavy rain _ us _ going there. A. kept; 不填 B. prevented; 不填 C. protected; from D. forbade; from参考

8、答案:B略14. Well go to play with snow if it _ tomorrow.A. snow B. snows C. will snow D. snowed参考答案:B15. When I came back, I found the door _.A. lock B. locking C. to lock D locked参考答案:D二、 填空16. She _ very _ _ her childrens success. 她对她的孩子们的成功感到非常自豪。参考答案:areproud of三、 阅读理解17. Mike Myers is a teacher at

9、Chauncey Rose High School in Terre Haute, Indiana. Last year, he taught his students about the worlds rain forests. They learned that rain forests are important because the plants and animals of the rain forest give us food, wood, and medicine. Destruction of the worlds rain forests is a serious pro

10、blem.Unluckily, rain forests are disappearing at a rate of 80 acres per minute!As part of a class project, Myers students bought three acres of rain forest in Central America.They paid $25 per acre.The students hope that the land they bought will be protected and not destroyed. The students became s

11、o interested in rain forests that they decided to get a closer look at a real rain forest.So last June, Myers and four of his students took a boat ride down a river.They saw alligators and crocodiles.In the middle of the week, a guide took Myers and his students into the rain forest.“The monkeys wer

12、e not happy that we were in their forest.They broke small branches off the trees and threw them at us,” one of the students said, “It was a great learning experience for all of us,” said Myers.Each student chose something specific about Costa Rica to study involving the plants, animals, food, and cu

13、lture.During the last few days the group had time to do fun activities.They went whitewater rafting and horseback riding, and visited Costa Ricas active volcano.Myers hopes to make the trip every year with a different group of kids.24. What made them buy a piece of rain forest?A. The class project f

14、orced them make such a decisionB. They want to protect the rain forest in their own wayC. Rain forests are bringing humans more and more benefitsD. They can go to their own rain forest without paying25. What did Myers and his students do at the beginning of the trip?A. They went into the rain forest

15、. B. They bought acres of rain forest.C. They took a boat ride down a river. D. They visited Costa Ricas active volcano.26. When the monkeys saw Myers and his students, they _.A. felt excited B. felt angry C. came for food and fun D. left the rain forest27. The passage mainly shows that Myers and hi

16、s students _.A. did something to protect rain forestB. wanted to buy the rain forest in Costa RicaC. were interested in the culture of Costa RicaD. went to the rain forest for various fun activities参考答案:24-27.BCBA24B细节理解题。根据第二段倒数第二句“The students hope that the land they bought will be protected and n

17、ot destroyed.”可知,学生们买下三英亩雨林是为了用他们自己的方式保护这片雨林不被破坏。故选B。25C细节理解题。根据第三段第一句“So last June, Myers and four of his students took a boat ride down a river.”可知,旅行之初Myers和他的学生乘船沿河而行。故选C。26B细节理解题。根据第三段一个学生说的“The monkeys were not happy that we were in their forest.They broke small branches off the trees and threw them at us”可知,森林里的猴子并不高兴他们出现在森林里,折断树枝扔向他们,因此推断猴子们看到Myers 和他的学生们是生气的。故选B。27A主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文讲述了Myers和他的学生为保护热


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