



1、2022-2023学年福建省泉州市坎市中学高三英语下学期期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. Practical people are most likely to have a strong _ for taking immediate actions rather than sitting and talking without doing anything.A. opinionB. feeling C. idea D. preference参考答案:D 2. I was surprised to know that _ two top students were caught stealing

2、 in the supermarket. Worse still, _ third one was found fighting with others.A. the; a B. the; the C. 不填;a D. 不填;the 参考答案:C略3. Somebody has to take responsibility for the problems the company in the past few monthsAexperiencedBwas experiencingChas been experiencingDhad been experiencing参考答案:C4. 30It

3、 was not until I came here _I realized this place was famous for not only its beauty but also its weather.Awho Bthat Cwhere Dbefore 参考答案:B略5. Dina, _ for months to find a job as a waitress, finally took a position at a local advertising agency.A. struggling B. struggled C. having struggled D. to str

4、uggle 参考答案:C6. If we now to bring down the housing price ,it will surely make our society in disorder.A、hadnt acted B、havent actedC、dont actD、wont act参考答案:C7. By the time the traffic _, we will have run out of gas. A. clearsB. cleared C. will clearD. has been clearing参考答案:A8. What an unforgettable e

5、xperience! Ill write it down it is still fresh in my memoryAsince Bwhile Cafter Duntil参考答案:B9. Mary , _ for her healthy lifestyle , was pictured on the front cover of Life Style magazine . A. knowing B. to know C. known D. being known 参考答案:C10. It is uncertain side effect the medicine will bring abo

6、ut , though about one thousand patients have taken it. A. that B. whether C. what D. how参考答案:C15. Pointing to the house on _ roof grew lots of bush, the old man told me that was _ I would stay. A. its; what B. whose; what C. whose; where D. its; where参考答案:C略12. Students in English-speaking countries

7、 usually address their man teacher “sir”, but _ their woman teacher “madam”.A. seldom they addressB. do they seldom addressC. seldom do they addressD. they seldom do address参考答案:C略13. Im calling to enquire about the position in yesterdays China Daily.A. advertised B. to be advertisedC. advertising D

8、. having advertised 参考答案:A解析:the position肯定是被advertise,此处的分词可以理解为一个定语从句which was advertised句意:我打电话来咨询下昨天中国日报上刊登职位的信息。考点:本题考查非谓语动词。14. The switch to more low-carbon energy, I think, is _.I agree with you.A. in a way B. on the way C. by the way D. in the way参考答案:B15. Chinas plan _ its installed nuclea

9、r power capacity by 20 percent this year shows that the country is developing new energy in an efficient way. A. raisedB. to raiseC. raising D. has raised参考答案:B二、 填空1.Today is April 29th. He is to arrive the day after tomorrow. _ _ _, he will be here on May 1st. 2.What the teacher said at class_ _ _

10、every student.(适用于)3.In 1944, he met Edith Piaf, and his career_ _.(腾飞)4.He decided that he would arrive all the way home instead of_ _at a hotel for the night.5.Getting close to nature_ _the joy of life.(增添)6.Most commentators fail to_ _ _a convincing explanation for this English weather-speak.(提出)

11、7.The driver stopped the bus and_ _three more passengers.(搭载)8.A burglar_ _the house from the window last night.(闯入)9.As is well known, Edison was one of the greatest scientists_ _ _.(有史以来)10.Our daughter is a great dancer, and she_ _above the rest.(脱颖而出)11.How much do you have to pay_ _ if four of

12、you go together.(总共)12.When will the new dictionary_ _?(出版)13.They are brothers, but they_ _ _ _ with each other.(毫无共同之处)14.Four and a half hours of discussion took us_ _midnight.(直到)15.Thanks to the help of Mr. Smith, or our task would have_ _ _failure.(以失败告终)16.To improve my health, Im trying to_

13、_on smoking.(削减)17.The Smiths are praised for the way they_ _their children.(抚养)18.Their friendship_ _ _their college days.(追溯到)19.After a day of hard work, my strength_ _completely.(用光)20.I hadnt thought we would_ _ _the traffic jam on the freeway on National Day.(困在)21.He smiled and didnt_ _his re

14、al feelings.(暴露)22.Restaurants in every corner of the city not only provide job opportunities but_ _ lots of taxes as well.(赚得)23.Lets hope we never have to_ _another war.(经历)24.In fact, half of the 6,000-7,000 languages spoken around the world today will likely_ _ by the next century.(灭绝)25.Ill rai

15、se both hands_ _ _banning smoking inside the schoolyard.(赞成)26.Jack Ma_ _e-business after the visit to America for the first time.(开始从事)27.Hard work can often_ _ _a lack of intelligence.(弥补)28.Tim Cook_ _Apple Company as CEO in August, 2011.(接管)29.Unemployment in that country is_ _ _.(正在增加)30.The po

16、liceman arrested the thief_ _ _.(当场)参考答案:1.In other words2. is true of3.took off 4.putting up 5.adds e up with7. picked up8.broke into9.of all time 10.stands out11.in total12. come out13.have nothing in common 14. up to15.ended up in16. cut down17. bring up18.dates back to 19.ran out20. get stuck/tr

17、apped/caught in 21.give away 22.bring in23.go through 24. die out 25. in favor of 26. took up27. make up for28.took over29. on the increase 30.on the spo三、 阅读理解17. We are looking for energetic volunteers who might be willing to volunteer their time. Its a great way to build your volunteer experience

18、, get involved in your community, meet new people and show your pride.Computer TeacherThe computer teacher will be responsible for teaching older adults computer skills, including basic skills such as turning on computer or more media skills such as setting up email. This position requires patience,

19、 dedication and long hours on your feet. Computer skills needed. Ask Mandy, 01313377227.Meals on WheelsDo you have time in your schedule to make a difference in the lives of seniors in your community? Meals on Wheels drivers deliver nutritious lunchtime meals to homebound seniors on weekdays from 11

20、 a.m. to 1 p.m. Our aim is to help seniors who are unable to go out themselves due to age or disability. A valid drivers license and personal vehicle is required. Call Lucy,(781)2727177.Tree Nursery VolunteerTasks are different according to season, but may include: collecting tree seeds from ancient

21、 woodland, preparing seeds for sowing, planting trees and tree aftercare. Some of the work is physical and outdoors, others such as seed preparation can be done indoors. No experience is necessary, but a knowledge or interest in botany would certainly be helpful. Ask Amrita, 07748623073.Photography Volunteer If you have a talent for photography, this may be the role for you. We


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