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1、2013年同等学力英语考试试题讲解短文完成部分短文完成Text OneA.optimistic aboutB.a needC.A thirdPhrases:A.They felt 56 forB.Most were 57 the future for womenC.Less than 58of them对.乐观BACa need for 对的需要 In a recent survey, 55% of 3,000 Japanese women polled said they werent being treated equally with men at work, and 59 said t

2、hey expected womens live to improve over the next two decades. Yet, only 26% of the women said 60 strong and organized womens movement. In a similar survey of American women, a much smaller 29% believed they were treated unfairly at work, 61 , and 37% said a womens movement was needed.投票CAB被对待运动Text

3、 TwoA.up toB.collectionsC.libraryPhrases:A. introduce you to your 62 facilitiesB. check out 63five booksC. houses our humanities and map64CAB工具,设施检验;结账离开;通过考核;盖章一直到;相当于;忙于,在做;由决定的n. 住宅;家庭;机构;议会;某种用途的建筑物vt. 覆盖;给房子住;把储藏在房内vi. 住Welcome to the university library. This tour will 65. First of all, the lib

4、rarys collection of books, reference materials, and other resources are found on levels one to four of this building. Level one66. On level two, you will find our circulation desk, current periodicals and journals and our copy facilities. Our science and engineering sections can be found on level th

5、ree. Finally, group study rooms and the multimedia center are located on level four. Undergraduate students can 67 for two weeks. Graduate students can check out fifteen books for two months. Books can be renewed up to two tomes.ACB本科生借还书处期刊区Text ThreeA.to understand themB.to think aboutC.not accent

6、 eliminationD.give them the most troublePhrases:A.identify which specific areas of pronunciation 68B.give you some things69C.make it difficult for native speakers70D.focus on accent reduction,71DBACMany ESL learners are concerned about eliminating their accents, but before you run out and spend hund

7、reds of dollars on the latest pronunciation course, let me 72.First, the main goal of any pronunciation course should be to73 , which is virtually impossible. Rather, students should work on reducing areas of their pronunciation that affect comprehensibility, that is, areas of their accents that74. Second, with this goal in mind, students need to be able to75 . Of course, there are universal areas of pronunciation that affect specific language


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