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1、第二次课新概念课演示文稿第一页,共三十八页。优选第二次课新概念课第二页,共三十八页。I _ take a taxi, because I dont want to go there by bus. must I _ take a taxi, because I cant get a bus. have to 第三页,共三十八页。Review! have to 不得不,必须 must 必须 has to had to have to 强调客观的需要,含有“不得不,被迫”的意思。而must 强调主观的看法,即主观上的必要,有责任,有义务去做。have to 有人称,时态的变化,而must没有。 h

2、ave had to will have to第四页,共三十八页。Review否定式的意义不同:must 的否定式 mustnt 意为“一定不要”、“不允许”;而 have to 的否定式 dont have to 意为“不必” ( =neednt)。比较:You mustnt tell him about it.你一定不要告诉他这件事。 (这可能是秘密)You neednt tell him about it.你不必告诉他这件事。 (他可能知道了)第五页,共三十八页。Review疑问句的回答:must引导的疑问句,肯定回答用must, 否定回答用neednt.have to引导的疑问句,肯定

3、回答用yes, sbdo/does等(口语中还可以用yes, sb have/hasto);否定回答用no, sb dont/doesnt(口语中还可用no, sb dont/doesnt have to等)第六页,共三十八页。Review1. Liseten to Chinese meanings and write down the words.2.Take out the exercise and check. 第七页,共三十八页。Lesson 127Lesson 127 A famous actressA man without moneyis no man at all.一分钱难倒英

4、雄汉。第八页,共三十八页。words and expressionsactressactorreadat leastfamousn. 女演员n.男演员v.通过阅读得知 至少adj. 著名的How much do you know about these words?第九页,共三十八页。actress 女演员She is a famous actress. actor 男演员He is my favourite actor. 男服务员 waiter 男主人 host女服务员 waitress 女主人 hostess 第十页,共三十八页。read 1. 通过阅读得知,阅悉,读知2.辩认,读书,阅读

5、我没时间读书。I have no time to read. read sb sth = read sth to sb给某人朗读He read the class a poem. 3.了解,解开。想要了解他很困难。It is hard to read him. 第十一页,共三十八页。at least 至少This vase is worth at least 20,000 pounds. at most至多 反正;无论如何;不管怎样He has no plans to go abroad yet, at least as far as I know.他还没有出国的打算,至少现在为止我知道是这样

6、的。第十二页,共三十八页。famous 著名的1.be famous for 因为而出名 He is famous for his novels. 他因他的小说而出名。2.be famous as 作为而出名 Hangzhou is famous as a tourist place. 杭州是一个旅游胜地。第十三页,共三十八页。 Free talkDo you like watching TV ?Do you know some famous actresses? Whos your favourite actress?Do you know about them?Do you want to

7、 be an actor/ actress?Why?第十四页,共三十八页。Listen to the tape and answer the questions:1.How many characters are there in the text?Who are they?There are 4.They are Liz, Kate, Karen Marsh and Conrad Reeves.2.Who is 29?Karen Marsh.第十五页,共三十八页。Listen again and answer these Qs:1.What does Karen Marsh do? She

8、is an actress.2.Is the man an actor? Yes, he is.3.Is Karen Marsh look young? No, she isnt.4.How old is Liz? She is not more than twenty-nine.第十六页,共三十八页。Notes on the text1.I think I can. 我想我可以 I dont think I can.我想我不能 I think I cant. 我认为你是对的。 I think you are right. 我认为你不对。 I dont think you are right.

9、 I thought so. :否定式:I didnt think so.第十七页,共三十八页。 2.look old 看起来很老look:名词, have another look 再看一眼 系动词,后加形容词1)You look happy today.今天你看起来很开心。2)Doesnt Mary look sad!玛丽看起来很难过啊! 系动词:sound, smell, taste, feel, get, turn, seem, be,become1)The music sounds wonderful.2)The flowers smell good.3)His face turns

10、 red.4)The food tastes good.5)He seems quite happy.第十八页,共三十八页。3.Whos that beside her? beside=next to4.Isnt he her third husband? 否定疑问句,目的是加强语气,或者要求得到对方的确认。本课还有一处是: Doesnt Karen Marsh look old! 5. She does, doesnt she?does:省略用法,代指的是she looks old, 其后紧跟了一个:_。反义疑问句第十九页,共三十八页。6.Not that long ago! 没有那么久!

11、that 做副词,表示强调。-The French test was very difficult,wasnt it? 法语考试很难,不是吗?-Well, not that difficult. 没有那么难。 第二十页,共三十八页。Grammar第二十一页,共三十八页。I think she is Chinese.I dont think so.She cant be Chinese. She must be Korean.What nationality is she?第二十二页,共三十八页。What nationality is he?I think he is French.I dont

12、 think so.He cant be French. He must be Germany.第二十三页,共三十八页。Guess!How old are they?I think she is 35 years old.I dont think so.She cant be 35. She must be 40 years old.I think he is 65 years old.I dont think so.He cant be 65. He must be 70 years old.第二十四页,共三十八页。Guess:What are they doing?I think he i

13、s singing.I dont think so.He cant be singing.He must be playing the piano.第二十五页,共三十八页。What are their job?I think he is a cook.I dont think so.He _ a cook.He _ a baker.cant bemust be第二十六页,共三十八页。I think he is .I dont.He _ a .He _ a hairdresser.第二十七页,共三十八页。Pairwork!Guess with your partner: How old is y

14、our father/mother? Whats your fathers/mothers job? Whats he/she doing now?Do it like this: He must be . She must be doing.第二十八页,共三十八页。Open your books and find out sentences of this kind on the book:That must be Conrad Reeves.It cant be.He must be her fourth or fifth.but she must be at least forty.Le

15、ts summarize!第二十九页,共三十八页。1. 情态动词+be原形, 表示对_ 推测。 例:He must be a teacher. 他一定是一名老师。(系表)肯定的推断:否定的推断: (而不是mustnt be) Summary现在或将来的情况进行must be 肯定是cant be 不可能是 第三十页,共三十八页。2. 情态动词+be doing,表对:_推测。1)He must be having a lot of money. 他一定有很多钱。 2)他们一定正在睡觉吧。 They must be sleeping. 3)Jim may be playing the baske

16、tball. 吉姆可能正在打篮球。正在进行的情况进行第三十一页,共三十八页。3. 情态动词+have done,表示对 _ 进行推测。1)It must have rained yesterday. 昨天一定下雨了。2)I cant have been late yesterday. 我昨天不可能迟到。3)She could have phoned you last night. 她昨晚应该给你打电话了。过去的情况第三十二页,共三十八页。Translation:It must be cold outside. 外面肯定很冷。They must be thirsty. 他们肯定很渴。He can

17、t be Mr. Read. 他不可能是里德先生。She cant be late. 她不可能迟到。第三十三页,共三十八页。Translation:他不可能是老师,他肯定是牙医。 He cant be a teacher. He must be a dentist.她不可能是中国人,她肯定是日本人。 She cant be Chinese. She must be Japanese.它不可能便宜,肯定很贵。 It cant be cheap. It must be expensive.-门铃响了。肯定是Bob。 -Theres the doorbell. It must be Bob. -不可

18、能是Bob,他去电影院了。 -It cant be Bob. Hes gone to the cinema. 第三十四页,共三十八页。key points of your book第三十五页,共三十八页。key phrases1.have a fever/cough/cold/sore throat/toothache/stomachahce/sore back/headache/nosebleed2.sound like3.in the same way4.to ones surprise5.thanks to 6.in time/ on time7.save/lose ones life第三十六页,共三十八页。8.get into trouble9.right away=at once=immediately10.because of11.get hit


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