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1、第 页2021内蒙古GRE考试真题卷本卷共分为1大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总分100分,60分及格。一、单项选择题(共50题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意) 1.CHICANERY:(A) forthright transaction(B) regular behavior(C) unemotional speech(D) shared commendation(E) impromptu disagreement 2.DOGMA:(A) legend(B) egotism(C) funny act(D) dissent(E) coarseness 3.SEMINAL:

2、(A) unoriginal(B) unsophisticated(C) circuitous(D) changeable(E) deficient 4.SUBLIME:(A) irregular(B) sordid(C) feeble(D) unadorned(E) ascetic 5.CURSORY:(A) meticulously complete(B) awesomely touching(C) entirely normal(D) tremendously fragile(E) extraordinarily luminous 6.Modern societies are such

3、complex that they could not exist without a well-developed system of law. 7.The bathyscaphe, a free-moving vessel designed for underwater exploration, consists of a Flotation compartment with a observation capsule attached underneath it. 8.Altitude, climate, temperature, and the length of the growin

4、g season both determine Where plants will grow. 9.Water constitutes almost 96 percent of the body weight of a jellyfish, so if a jellyfish were to dry out in the sun, it would virtually disappeared. 10.There were once only eight major lakes or reservoirs in Texas, but today there are over 180, many

5、built to storing water against periodicdroughts. 11.The most important parameters affecting a rockets maximum flight velocity is the relationship between the vehicles mass and the amountof propellant it can carry. 12.All harmonized music that is not contrapuntal depends from the relationship of chor

6、ds, which are either consonant or dissonant. 13.Expressionist drama often shows the influence of modern psychology by reflecting the frustrations inner of the dramatist. 14.The sea otter is well adapted at its marine existence, with ears and nostrils that can be closed under water. 15.It is the numb

7、er, kind, and arrange of teeth that determine whether a mammal is classified as a carnivore not the food that the animal actually eats. 16.Petroleum, which currently makes up about four-tenths of the worlds energy production, supplies more commercial energy than any another source. 17.Someone may re

8、fuse to recognize the seriousness of an emotionally threatening situation and perceive as less threatening. 18.Through experiments with marine organisms, marine biologists can increase our knowledge of human reproductive and development as well as our understandingof the nervous system. 19.In 1884 B

9、elva Lockwood, a lawyer who had appeared before the Supreme Court, became the first woman was nominated for President of the United States. 20.When swollen by melting snow or heavy rain, some rivers routinely overflow its banks. 21.Physicists have known since the early nineteenth century that all ma

10、tter is made up of tiny extremely particles called atoms. 22.The taller of all animals, a full-grown giraffe may be eighteen feet or more high. 23.Rain is slight acidic even in unpolluted air, because carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and other natural acid-forming gases dissolve in thewater. 24.Esta

11、blished in 1860, the Government Printing Office prints and binds documents for all department of the United States government. 25.In a stock company, a troupe of actors performs in a particular theater, presenting plays from its repertory of prepareproductions. 26.Ethnology, usually considered a bra

12、nch of cultural anthropology, is often defined as the scientifically study of the origin and functioningof humans and their culture. 27.The one-fluid theory of electricity was proposing by Benjamin Franklin, a man famous for his wide interests andgreat attainments. 28.Probably not speech of so few w

13、ords has ever been as celebrated as Lincolns Gettysburg Address. 29.Generally, Abstract Expressionist art is without recognizable images and does not adhere the Limits of conventional form. 30.Although complete paralysis is rare with neuritis, some degree of muscle weakness common. 31.Whats the reas

14、on of the girl for not hiring a private carA. bad weatherB. having lost her driving licenseC. too expensive 32.Questions 1-4A. taxiB. undergroundC. coach 33.The disadvantage of taking a coach from airport isA. unsafe.B. too many people.C. too long tim 34.Question 31A23,000B230,000C2,300,000 35.KEEN:

15、(A) opaque(B) precise(C) lucid(D) remedial(E) dull 36.GARRULOUS:(A) articulate(B) taciturn(C) pompous(D) enlightening(E) verbose 37.The principals _ speech caused the students to begin whispering to each other and fidgeting in their seats.(A) minuscule(B) cognitive(C) empirical(D) gregarious(E) inte

16、rminable 38.The new teacher _ between adhering strictly to her lesson plans and taking advantage of a teachable moment.(A) incinerated(B) vacillated(C) coalesced(D) enumerated(E) immigrated 39.WILY : SLY :(A) boring : different(B) acute : slow(C) profuse : abundant(D) virtual : constant(E) ambiguous

17、 : correct 40.VERITABLE:(A) genuine(B) bogus(C) substantiated(D) ample(E) authoritative 41.MAGNANIMOUS:(A) avaricious(B) philanthropic(C) grandiose(D) rancid(E) unpretentious 42.VEHEMENT : FORCEFUL :(A) culpable : deserving(B) cryptic : strange(C) cordial : honest(D) credulous : easy(E) unstinting :

18、 generous 43.ODIOUS : HATRED :(A) nascent : love(B) negligent : care(C) culpable : blame(D) noxious : harm(E) obdurate : frustration 44.ASSUAGE:(A) abate(B) obviate(C) mollify(D) restrain(E) exacerbate 45.IMMEASURABLE:(A) finite(B) deflated(C) profound(D) bereaved(E) thorough 46.AVERSION:(A) prejudice(B) predilection(C) diversion(D) disdain(E) bias 47.WHET : SHARPEN :(A) protract : prolong(B) cut : paste(C) assert : demonstrate(D) create : assimilate(E) increase : denounce 48.LAUDABLE:(A) dubious(B) tranquil(C) contemptible(D) pra


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