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1、英汉词化对比 Contrastive Study of English and Chinese Lexicalization 1But if Foster sat in our living room and said, “we are all following each other down the sinister corridor in the image,” we would have enough reason to ask him to leave.But if Foster sat in our living room and said, “we are all followi

2、ng each other down the sinister corridor in the image,” we would be justified in asking him to leave.Strips of clothing decorated the standing trees as if with many festoons.Strips of clothing festooned the standing trees.All of them are thin and withered, looking like mummies. All of them are mummi

3、fied with age and sun21. An introduction to LexicalizationIt is the process of making a word to express a concept. Or it is the realization of a meaning in a single word or morpheme rather than in a grammatical construction. (词化是指一个短语或句子在使用过程中逐渐凝固成一个词或词项)According to Banczerowski, for the same conce

4、pt or meaning, if it is expressed by a phrase, it is analytic expression (分析型表达法);if it is expressed by a word, it is synthetic expression (综合型表达法)。Obviously, synthetic expression is lexicalized expression. 32.英汉词化程度对比2.1 derivative words有前缀in-, inter-, en-, dis-, counter-等构成的派生词。Inflame: 使燃烧;使交替Int

5、erlace: 使交织;EnableEmbarrass:使窘;使不好意思,使局促不安Dispirit: 使气馁;使沮丧 Counterpoise: 使平衡expound用例子说明, enlist谋取的支持disown否认同自己有关,disfigure毁损外形/容貌,有后缀ize, -en, -fy, -ate等构成的派生词。Dramatize 使戏剧化;使惹人注目Flatten 把弄平;弄平;使失去光泽;Identify使等同于isolate使孤立;使脱离42.2 converted words 转类词He raised his eyebrows, cocked his head, and r

6、egarded me as though measuring me for a suit. 形容词转使役性动词Empty 把弄空,Perfect 使完美,Clear使明净具体名词转动词Plague 使染上瘟疫,Bog使陷入泥塘,Wrinkle使起皱纹,Powder把弄成粉末,Frown皱眉表示反对,Hedge用树篱笆围起来Spiral呈螺旋状上升,Diagram用图来表示,Shepherd向牧羊人一样照料,Patent获得的专利这些官员只是在鱼肉百姓。 小朋友们很喜欢在舞台上秀自己。南容三复白圭。孔子以其兄之子妻之。“春风又绿江南岸” 驴不胜怒蹄之 汤武身之也Example: 5Johns f

7、ather moved a small generator into the downstairs hallway, wired several light bulbs to it and prepared a connection to the refrigerator.Wind and rain now whipped the house.Water inched its way up the steps as first- floor outside walls collapsed.Strips of clothing festooned the standing trees.House

8、hold and medical supplies streamed in by plane, train, truck and car. Camille, meanwhile, had raked its way northward across Mississippi, 62.3 单纯词A simple word is composed of a single morpheme. It is comparatively high in degree of lexicalization. hit使认识;使明白, merge使合并,使结合, baffle使困惑;使挫折,阻碍, flush使得意

9、;使兴奋;使脸上发红, strike使人突然想到, deprive是不能有, afflict使遭受极大的痛苦,折磨;annoy使生气, puzzle使迷惑, dim使看不清, fidget使坐立不安,verbs for “talk, laugh, shout, see, motion” exclaim大声说, guffaw大笑着说, blurt脱口而出;突然说出, stammer吞吞吐吐地说,结结巴巴地说, howl吼叫着说出, snap厉声说;愤怒地说, bet打赌说, reiterate反复说, grasp气喘吁吁地说, mumble含糊地说, whisper低声说, babble喋喋不休

10、, ejaculate突然说出, flounder错乱地说出,支吾 hiss嘶嘶地说出; sneer轻蔑地笑, beam眉开眼笑, chortle哈哈大笑, titter嗤嗤地笑;傻笑; brawl高声叫喊, clamor大声叫喊; stare目不转睛地看, blink惊愕地看; quiver微微颤抖, feast大吃大喝, grip紧紧抓住, buffet反复不断地撞击, accost走向前与之攀谈, slouch无精打采地站, swish刷刷地甩动, nudge臂肘轻推促使某人注意, dangle晃来晃去地吊着;悬垂着, dread极度的害怕7Radio and television wa

11、rnings had sounded throughout that Sunday, last August 17, as Camille lashed northwestward across the Gulf of Mexico. It was certain to pummel Gulfport, Miss., where the Koshers lived. The place has been here since 1915, and no hurricane has ever bothered it. John watched the water lap at the stepsr

12、ise slowlyRain fell steadily that afternoon; gray clouds scudded in from the Gulf on the rising wind.The French doors in an upstairs room blew in with an explosive soundBut the cars wouldnt start; the electrical systems had been killed by water. She peered nervously at her litter. A moment later, th

13、e hurricane, in one mighty swipe, lifted the entire roof off the house and skimmed it 40 feet through the air.Telephone poles and 20-inch-thick pines cracked like guns as the winds snapped them. At that moment, the wind tore out one wall and extinguished the lantern. A second wall moved, wavered, Ch

14、arlie Hill tried to support it, but it toppled on him, injuring his back.The larger children sprawled on the floor, with the smaller ones in a layer on top of them, and the adults bent over all nine.The floor tilted. The Koshaks and their friends had survived.8To summarize, with abundance of simple

15、words, derivative words, and converted words, English is highly lexicalized, and thus preferring synthetic expressions. In contrast, Chinese has lower degree of lexicalization, tending to use more analytic expressions. 3. 英汉词化差异对英语教学的影响 Turn the following analytic expressions into synthetic expressi

16、ons.1. Watching too much TV makes children unable to study well. 2. The lesson makes me never forget.3. All the facts make me conclude that money doesnt mean everything.4. TV makes people have few chances to communicate each other.5. In a sense the society makes women unable to enjoy the equal right

17、.6. TV makes us know about the outside world.7. This failure makes them learn that careful preparation is always important.98. I think it makes me deal with affairs logically.9. Her departure from my life also made me become to distrust the friendship.10. Family life makes me feel happy.11. Setting

18、off firecrackers might make peoples lives dangerous12. The present situations make us have the reason to be optimistic.13. The campaigns have, however, made more and more people realize the importance of traffic rules.14. The flood caused some 500 people to lose their lives.正如何善芬(2002: 135)指出:“中国学生在

19、用母语即汉语表达时,大多说情况习惯采用分析型表达,只偶尔用一用复合词,这是语言的形态使然。但这种定式对用英语表达相应的汉语意义时选择表达法干扰甚大,而英语动词本身的情况(词化程度的单纯词占绝大多数)则要求中国学生在用英语表达时不能只使用或太多太滥的使用分析型表达法,必须采用一些综合型表达发来表达用分析型表达法来表达的一些汉语意义。否则,不可能学会比较地道、简练的英语,无法做到尽可能缩小中国式英语和地道英语的差距。”1015) Usually I will read the newspaper very quickly and try to find some interesting stori

20、es. 16) It is not easy to look after a spoiled child like a mother.17) I try to hide my inner fear with a mask of showing confidence.18) Taking a Boeing 767 plane, we went to Shanghai.19) The streets of the city are complex, which makes many visitors puzzled.20) who attach such great importance to s

21、taying alive that they claw their neighbors to death just for the privilege. 他们把性命看得那么重,为了能活下去,可以把自己的邻居活活掐死。21) The newspapers headlined his long record of accomplishments.各家报纸以头条新闻报道了他所取得的丰硕成果22) The process made is dwarfed by the extent of the problem. 取得的进步与这个严重存在的问题相比就不值得一提了。23) The drought is e

22、xpected not only to cripple the modest industrial development of those countries but also to weaken prospects for political stability.人们预料,对这些国家来说,这场干旱不仅会使本来发展不快的工业瘫痪,而且还会影响今后的政局稳定。 24) The present position and potentialities of this region justify optimism. 该地区当前所处的地位及其发展前景有理由使人对他抱有乐观态度。11Influence

23、d by Chinese analytic expression, Chinese students find it difficult to use synthetic expression in English. Besides, synthetic expression demands a large vocabulary. Many Chinese learners are very short of concrete and vivid verbs, they, instead, overuse the verb “make” and “be”. An American teache

24、r once said, to produce vivid, economic, and idiomatic language, one should try to avoid using “be Pattern”, using more powerful action verbs (强有力的行为动词)1) The Summer palace is one of the biggest and oldest parks in China. It is the most beautiful park in Beijing as well. In the park, there are many

25、famous architectures which make it quiet different from other parks. Many famous architectural features distinguish the Summer Palace, one of the biggest and oldest parks in China, from just any other park.2) After its natural scenery, the dominant feature of Nanking is the Yangtze River Bridge. Sec

26、ond only to the natural scenery, the Yangtze River Bridge dominates Nanking. 123) There is a beautiful park near my house. The name of the park is Tian-tan Park, which was built several hundred years ago. It is the biggest park in Beijing. The Tian-Tan park is famous not only for its beauty but its

27、quietness as well. Near my house stands Tian-Tan, the biggest park in Beijing, built several hundred years ago and famous now for not only its beauty but also its quietness.4) There is a place where dreams of paradise remote are transformed into reality. It is very much the real China, embracing all of the traditional Chinese goods, culture and history. The place transforms dreams of a remote paradise into reality. It embraces all of the traditional Chinese goods, culture and history.5) Nankings climate is marked by in


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