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1、中职英语拓展模块Unit4中职英语拓展模块Unit4colors redorange yellowgreenblue/ whitepink purpleblackcolors redorange yellowgreenbWarming up1.What is your favorite color?2.Why do you like that color?My favorite color is .I like because .eg: My favorite color is pink, because the color is gentle ,and it lets me look you

2、nger.Warming up1.What is your favorReading Color Association 颜色的联想Reading Color AssociationReading ComprehensionI.Complete the following answers to the questions according to the text.1.What does “ association ” mean? An association is the _we make between two things or ideas.2.What feeling is red c

3、olor associated with? Red is used to express _ like anger.3.What does a yellow ribbon mean in America? A yellow ribbon is usually pinned on the door or tied on the tree to welcome_.4.What do we say when someone is sad? We usually say, “He _.”5.What is a blue-chip? A blue chip refers to _ in the stoc

4、k market.6.How useful is association for us? By association we are able to _ that happened in the past.mental connectiona strong feelingtheir loved one to come back home is feeling bluea promising and safe share remember thingsReading ComprehensionI.CompletII.Try to match the words or phrases in col

5、umn A with their explanations in column B. A B 1.Red Cross a) a house where plants are grown 2. red carpet b) a holiday 3. blue collar c) a promising and safe share 4. a red-letter day d) an international organization 5. greenhouse e) warmest welcome 6. a blue-chip f) workers II.Try to match the wor

6、ds or pRead the text paragraph by paragraph ,and get the main idea of each paragraph.Read the text paragraph by parGreen is associated with _.ChristmasGreen is associated with _The shape of heart means _.loveP1:Colors are often associated with different _、_ and _.objectsfeelingsholidaysThe shape of

7、heart means _He _.sees redHe _.sees red A holiday is called _ day .a red-letter A holiday is called _are usually given a red-carpet treatment.Guests of honor_are usually givenWhen someone is caught in the middle of stealing, people say that he was caught _.P2:The color of _ .red-handedredWhen someon

8、e is caught in the expect their loved one to come back home . Americans pin a yellow ribbon on the door or tie it on the tree when they expect their loved one to come Policemen wear yellow color vests _.On the road , yellow means _. caution to warn vehicles of their presence Policemen wear yellow co

9、loryellow line tells the drivers _.P3: The color of yellow.not to cross into the opposite laneyellow line tells the drivers She would say, _.“Im feeling blue ”She would say, _He is beaten _.black and blue bruiseHe is beaten _.A promising and safe share is called a _.blue-chipP4: The color of blue.A

10、promising and safe share is A traffic ticket may remind a driver of his experience being fined for _.jumping the red lightP5: By association we are able to remember things that happened in the past. A traffic ticket may remind a the coming of springThe fields turning green announces _.the coming of

11、springThe fieldsListen to the text “Color Association ” ,and fill in each blank with the proper words . Listen to the text “Color Asso Colors are often _different objects, feelings and holidays . For example , red is _ to express a strong feeling like anger. It also _ a joyful meaning. A holiday is

12、called a _day. Yellow is a special color in America. A yellow ribbon pinned on the door or tied on the tree means expecting the loved family member to _. On the roads, the color yellow means _. Policemen in the street wear yellow color vests to _ vehicles _ their presence. Blue is _. When someone is

13、 _, he would say, “ Im feeling _.” If a person is beaten hard , he will be _ . In a stock market, a _ and safe share is called a _. associated withused carriesred-lettercome back homecautionwarn ofcoldsad blueblack and bluepromisingblue-chip Colors are often _Summary: P1:Colors are often associated with different objects, feelings and holidays.P2P3 The colors of red, yellow P4 and blue.P5: By association we are able to remember things


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