高中英语必修一 Unit4 Natural disasters Period 1 Listening and speaking 课件_第1页
高中英语必修一 Unit4 Natural disasters Period 1 Listening and speaking 课件_第2页
高中英语必修一 Unit4 Natural disasters Period 1 Listening and speaking 课件_第3页
高中英语必修一 Unit4 Natural disasters Period 1 Listening and speaking 课件_第4页
高中英语必修一 Unit4 Natural disasters Period 1 Listening and speaking 课件_第5页
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1、Unit 4 Natural disasters Period 1 listening and speakingLead inWatch the video Natural Disasters. What disaster safety measures can we take in order to prevent the natural disasters?地震 earthquake雪崩 avalanche泥石流 mudflow/landslide火山爆发 volcanic eruption洪水 flood海啸 Tsunami 干旱 Drought 热浪 heat waveLets rev

2、iewsome words about traveling飓风(台风)Hurricanes, Tropical cyclones, and Typhoons 冰雹 ice storm龙卷风 tornado冰河时代 ice age森林大火 wildfire流行病 Epidemic 饥荒 Famine 太阳耀斑 Solar flare Some words about natural disaster. The Great Fire of London which occurred in 1666 was absolutely a big disaster for London in the hi

3、story. Some survivors of this fire said the fire was originally caused by a bakery in the city of London. New wordsdisaster n. dzstsurvivor n.survive visvavsvavNew words but it was not paid enough attention by the government until it had resulted in large losses. The fire led to 6 peoples death but

4、it damaged many houses. Most of the valuable historical houses and buildings in London were destroyed by the fire at that time .death n. dedamage vdmdpay attention 注意 Destroy 1)常指彻底的、不能或很难修复的“破坏”、“毁坏”,程度较深。 Theearthquakedestroyedalmosttheentirecity. Theforestwasdestroyedby fire. 2)destroy也可用于损坏抽象的东西

5、,比如名誉、计划、努力、契约等。 Allhishopesweredestroyed. Thatwilldestroythereputationofourproducts.damage是程度较小的“破坏”、“损坏”,一般指被破坏的物品可以重新修复。: Thestormdamagedseveral houses inthevillage. Thecarwasonlyslightly damagedintheaccident.damage 与destroy猜一猜!看谁反应快!Competition Lets playLets play1.We were all shocked by the_.这场灾

6、难使我们所有人大为震惊。2.His_ is weightier than Mount Tai.他的死重于泰山。3.A_was knocked unconscious when the helicopter ditched.直升机迫降时有位幸存者受到撞击,晕了过去。4.Drinking and smoking can _your health.饮酒和吸烟会损害你的健康。完成句子disasterdeathsurvivordamageLets learn01Pre-ListeningLets learn1.look at the pictures.Do you know what these dis

7、asters are?Write down their names. tornadolandslideearthquakewildfire (-s)flood02While-ListeningTips for listeningListen for detailsThink about what you are listening for before you listen: numbers,dates,times,addresses,activities,people or places,reasons,Etc.2.Listen to the news reports and tick th

8、e disasters that you hear.earthquaketsunamilandslidewildlifetornadoVolcanic eruptionflooddrought3.Circle the key word(s) in the questions below and write the kind of information they refer to.1. What wasthemagnitudeoftheearthquakeinEcuador ?2.HowmanypeoplewerekilledorinjuredinEcuador ?3.Wherearethef

9、loods ?4. Whataretherescueworkersandsoldiersdoingintheflood-hitarea? 5. WhendidpeopleseethetornadoinMemphis ?6. WhichbuildingsweredamagedinSeoul ?7. WhatcausedthelandsideinSeoul ?numbernumberplaceactivitiesplacetimereasonListen again and answer the questions. News report 1 1. What wasthemagnitudeoft

10、heearthquakeinEcuador ?2.HowmanypeoplewerekilledorinjuredinEcuador ?7.8About 230 people were killed and more than 1,500 were injured.Listen again and answer the questions. News report 23.Wherearethefloods ?4.Whataretherescueworkersandsoldiersdoingintheflood-hitarea? Central ChinaThey are working day

11、 and night to make sure that people are safe. 5. WhendidpeopleseethetornadoinMemphis ?At 9:25 a.m.6. WhichbuildingsweredamagedinSeoul ?A library and a supermarket.7. WhatcausedthelandsideinSeoul ?By heavy rain that has fallen in Seoul over the past week.News report 3News report 403Post-Listening4.Su

12、ppose you are a new reporter, you should prepare a short news report on the following themes. Earthquake Wildfire Flood Wenchuan,China Alberta,Canada Colombo,Sri Lanka Colombo, Sri LankaSome information Earthquake Wildfire Flood Wenchuan,China Alberta,Canada Colombo,Sri Lanka14:28 Monday,12 May Bega

13、n on 1 May Began in MayMagnitude7.8(8.0) 2400 homes destroyed 82killed,500000affectedAt least8500killed almost 88000people rescue teams provided (by 13 May) evacuated food and water Earthquake Wildfire FloodRescue worker hundred of firefighters Shelters set (medical teams,troops, arrived. up by theV

14、olunters,etc)organised Planes,helicopters governmentQuickly used to fight the fire No death,no injuries Todayis13May.AhugeearthquakehitWenchuan, Chinayesterday.Ithaskilledatleast 8,500peopleby now.Theearthquake measured7.8ontheRichterscale (里氏震级).Rescue wokers,including medical medicalworkers,troops

15、,and volunteers moved the injured surviors to safe place.News repot on earthquakeI believe we can certainly overcome the disaster with the government and the public working together.Lets doPronunciation1.Listen and repeat. Pay attention to the letters in bold.pipe ballet tend death keen glory fond v

16、iewthink they campus amaze flash garage French bridgetruly draw events friends2.Read the words aloud.Pay attention to the pronunciation of the ed endings. Then write the words in the boxes. /t/d/ /Id/begged breatheddescribedconcentratedconfused debatedexchanged helpedlaughed learned depended embarra

17、ssedpretended reserved shocked viewed watchedwishedShow timeSkills about pronunciationLanguage points1.Disaster n.灾难;灾害 disastrous adj 灾难性的 environmental disasters 环境灾害 survive the disaster 幸免于难 horrible disaster惨祸,严重的 disaster area 灾区 disaster victims 灾区难民 disaster relief 赈灾物品 1.He was the only per

18、son that_ _ _.他是这次灾难中唯一的幸存者。2.People from all over the country volunteer to provide_ _ for the people there.来自全国各地的人们自愿为那里的人民提供救灾物资。3.Their environmental effect of this new factory couldbe_(disaster).这家新工厂给自然环境带来的影响可能是灾难性的。adisasterwasavoideddisasterreliefdisastrous2. Rescue v &n营救,救援 rescue sb from

19、 把某人从.营救出来 make/ perform a rescue 进行营救 attempt a rescue 设法(实行)营救 come to ones rescue 来救某人 cry for rescue 呼喊救援 与rescue相关的名词短语 rescue operations 救援工作 rescue party/ team 救援队1).Why dont you_ _ _ _when they were making fun of me?他们拿我开玩笑时, 他怎么不来为我结尾?2). I had a tour of the prison before Mom _(rescue)me.在妈

20、妈救我之前,我去监狱转了一圈。3).I was the first Western TV reporter permitted to film a special unit caring for pandas_ _ starvation in the wild.我是第一 个被允许拍摄保护野生大熊猫免于饥饿的特别看护区的西方电视台记者。come to my rescuerescuedrescuedfrom3.Damage vt 损害;破坏 n.损坏,损失 damaged adj 被破坏的 do/cause damage to 对造成损失、损害 suffer damage 遭受损害 repair

21、the damage 弥补损失 形容词+damage serious/heavy damage 严重损害 total damage总损失 damage +介词、介词+damage damage from由. 引起 damage to 对.的损坏 with damage 有损害1)Without oxygen,the brain _(damage)quickly.没有氧气,大脑很快就会受损。2)The damage _the computer is not very serious.这台计算机的损失不太严重。3)Many of the images were stored in an ice c

22、hest,under freezing water, in the_(damage)wooden ship.许多画像被保存在冰冷的水下一艘受损的木船上的一个冰柜。is damagedtodamaged4.Survive vi幸存,存活 vt幸存, survivor n.幸存者 survive on 靠生存 Survive sb by 比某人多活.survive the disaster 幸免于难构词法:v+al-nArrive-arrivalPropose -proposalRefuse-refusal Remove-removalApprove-approval1)These little

23、creatures _ (survive)on Earth for more than 140 million years.这些小生物已经在地球上生存了超过一亿四千万年。2)Human life is regarded as part of nature and as such, the only way of us_ (survive)is to live in harmony with nature.人类生命被认为是自然的一部分,因此,我们生存的唯一方法就是与自然和谐相处。had survivedto survive5.Death n.死,死亡 die a heros death 英勇牺牲

24、Starve to death 饿死Suffer death 遭受死亡Be sentenced to death 被判死刑Death rate 死亡率v/adj+th -ngrow v -growthlong v-lengthwide v-widthdeep v-depthtrue v-truth1)Thousands of people _ _as a result of the bomb attacks.这场炸弹袭击造成数千人死亡。2)No doubt the theater has contribute to the areas development and economic_(gro

25、w).毫无疑问,剧院为这个地区的发展和经济增长做出了贡献。suffer deathgrowth6. affect vt影响;侵袭;使感染 effect n.影响,效果,作用 effective adj 有效的, 生效的 be affected by 被 打动 have a great effect on 对.有重大影响 take effect 生效,起作用 side effects 副作用 special effect 特效 greenhouse effect 温室效应 in effect 在实施中, 生效中1)We_ _ _her death.她的去世对我们影响很大。2)Apparently

26、, blindly following others advice will_(effect)our own judgment.显然,盲目地听从别人的建议会影响我们自己的判断。3)Family environment_ _ _The shaping of childrens characters.家庭环境对儿童性格的形成有影响。 Drillswas deeply affectedaffect has an effect onExercise高考链接1.(2017.浙江)It was because of their help that _ _ _ _.正是由于他们的帮助,才得以避免一场灾难。2

27、.(2018.北京)A_ _ risked his life saving two tourists who had been trapped in the mountains for two years.一名救援人员冒着生命危险救了两名被困在山里两天的游客。3.(2017.江苏)Without the glaciers, water will arrive in the rivers at times when it can _ _.如果没有冰川,水会时常流入河流,这时会破坏农作物。a disasterrescue workerdamage cropswas avoided高考链接4.(2018.全国)


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