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1、分享英文合同翻译:详解关键词引子:鉴于现在对外交流事例逐渐增多,英文合同特不是经济合同的翻译愈显重要,若译文不准确或不严谨,势必会引起不必要的经济纠纷.故今以一英文(经济)合同写作书籍为蓝本,录入一些有益文字,希望大伙儿共同提高英文(经济)合同的翻译和写作。合同文件是合同双方签订并必须遵守的法律文件,因此合同中的语言应体现其权威性.英文合同用语的特点之一就表现在用词上,即选择那些法律用词,以及正式用词,使合同表达的意思准确无误,达到双方对合同中使用的词无可争议的程度。Hereby英文释义:by means of , by reason of this中文译词:特此,因此,兹用法:常用于法律文件

2、、合同、协议书等正式文件的开头语;在条款中需要强调时也可用。语法:一般置于主语后,紧邻主语.注释:(1)hereby: by reason of this 特此(2)covenant: v. make a formal agreement 立约,签订合同、条约; n. legal agreement具有法律约束的正式合同(3)completion of the Works: 工程的竣工(4)therein: in the Works在本工程中(5)the Contract Price: 合同总价,指工程的总造价(6)such.as: 关系代词,相当于that, which(7)under: i

3、n accordance with 依照,按照(8)the provisions of the Contract: terms and conditions of the Contract合同条款注释:(1)hereby:特此(2)to the best of our knowledge:as far as we know据我们所知(3)foregoing statement:above-mentioned statement上述声明(4)herein:in this, in the statement在声明中(5)documentary proof:证明文件注释:(1)hereby:特此(2

4、)hereinafter referred to as Party A:以下称甲方(3)on the principle of equality and mutual benefit:在平等互利基础上(4)through amicable consultation:通过友好协商二 hereof英文释义: of this中文译词:关于此点;在本文件中用法:在表示上文已提及的“本合同的、本文件的”时,使用该词。例如表示本合同条件、条款时,能够讲“the terms, conditions and provisions hereof”,那个地点hereof表示“of this Contract”;又

5、如表示本工程的任何部分,可用“any parts hereof”,那个地点hereof表示“of this Works”。语法:一般置于要修饰的名词的后面,与之紧邻。hereof和thereof的区不:hereof强调“of this”。例如,上面的“the terms, conditions and provisions thereof”中的thereof表示of the Contract;“any parts thereof”中的thereof表示of the Works。注释:(1) Whether the custom of the Port is contrary to this C

6、lause or not:不论港口适应是否与本款规定相反,whether or not:不论是否(2) the owner of the goods:货方(3) without interruption:无间断地(4) carrier:承运人(5) in default on the provisions hereof:违反本款规定 hereof:of this Clause注释:(1) foreign trade dealers:对外贸易经营者(2) as mentioned in this Law:本法所称(3) the provisions hereof:the provisions o

7、f this Law 本法规定(4) legal entity:法人(5) be engaged in foreign trade dealings:从事对外贸易经营活动注释:(1)a limited liability company:有限责任公司(2)a company limited by shares:股份有限公司(3)provisions hereof:本法规定 hereof: of this Law(4)may be registered as:登记为注释:(1) as a result of withdrawal or any other reasons:回避或者其它缘故(2)

8、arbitrator:仲裁员(3) the provisions hereof:the provisions of this Law 本法规定(4) be selected or appointed:选定或指定注释:(1) conflict:相抵触(2) prior to the effective date of this Law:本法施行前(3) the provisions hereof shall prevail:以本法为准 hereof:of this Law注释:(1) the organization with compensatory obligations:赔偿义务机关(2)

9、 shall pay compensation:应当给予赔偿(3) the claimant for compensation:赔偿请求人(4) Article 15 and Article 16 hereof:本法第十五条、第十六条 hereof:of this Law(5) shall have the right to lodge a complaint:有权申诉(6) claims compensation:要求赔偿(7) apply to/ in:适用 More Examples: The comment applies equally here. /That argument do

10、es not apply in this case. /That applies to at least nine-tenths of the people we see about. /These remarks apply to every town in this kingdom. /The rules of safe driving apply to everyone.注释:(1) arbitrator:仲裁员(2) Article 58 hereof:本法第五十八条 hereof:of this Law(3) bear the legal liability and responsi

11、bility:承担法律责任(4) the arbitration commission:仲裁委员会(5) remove the name of the arbitrator in question from the list of arbitrators:将其除名注释:(1) the relevant responsible authorities with the duty of approvals:履行审批职责的有关主管部门(2) meets the requirements and provisions hereof:符合本法条件(3) the company registration

12、authorities:负责公司登记的主管部门(4) the requirements hereof:本法条件 hereof: of this Law(5) apply for reconsideration:申请复议(6) bring an administrative suit:提起行政诉讼注释:(1) the crimes committed:犯罪行为(2) against Article 9, Article 10 and Article 11 hereof:犯有本决定第九条、第十条、第十一条规定 hereof: of this Decision注释:(1) companies reg

13、istered:已登记成立的公司(2) the “Standard Opinion on Limited Liability Companies”:有限责任公司规范意见(3) the “Standard Opinion on Companies Limited by Shares”:股份有限公司规范意见(4) the relevant responsible department of the State Council国务院有关主管部门(5) in separate regulations issued by the State Council:由国务院另行规定注释:(1) unfair c

14、ompetition:不正当竞争(2) business operators:经营者(3) contravene the provisions hereof:违反本法规定 the provisions hereof:本法规定 hereof:of this Law(4) the lawful rights and interests:合法权益(5) disturbing the socio-economic order:扰乱社会经济秩序三 hereto英文释义: to this中文译词:至此,在此上。用法:在表示上文已提及的“本合同的本文件的”时,使用该词。例如表示“本合同双方”,能够讲“the

15、 Parties hereto”,那个地点hereto表示“to this Contract”;表示“本协议附件4”,可用“Appendix 4 hereto”,那个地点hereto表示“to this Agreement”。语法:一般置于要修饰的名词的后面,与之紧邻。hereto和thereto的区不:同前面所言hereof和thereof的区不类似,hereto强调的是“to this”。注释:(1) the performance of this Contract:履行本合同(2) through amicable negotiations:友好协商(3) the Parties her

16、eto:the Parties to this Contract本合同双方(4) shall then be submitted for arbitration:提交进行仲裁(5) the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission, Beijing:中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会(北京)(6) the arbitration rules of this Commission:其仲裁规则(7) the award of the arbitration:仲裁裁决(8) unless otherwise awarded b

17、y the Arbitration Commission:仲裁委员会另有裁定的除外注释:(1) patented technology:专利技术(2) patent:专利(3) application for the patent:专利申请(4) may have the right to control:可能有权操纵的(5) permitted to be transferred in any or all countries of the world:在世界任何国家许可转(6) Contract Products specified by the Parties hereto:本合同双方规

18、定的本合同产品 hereto: to this Contract注释:(1) technical documents:技术资料(2) the data and the information:资料(3) engineering:工程(4) manufacturing:制造(5) original information:原始资料(6) blueprint:蓝本(7) design sheets:设计图表(8) material specifications:材料规格(9) photostats:影印资料(10) general data:一般资料(11) design and their sp

19、ecifications relating to manufacturing euipment, tools and facilities:与制造设备、工具和装置有关的设计及其讲明书注释:(1) audit the accounts of Party A:查核甲方的帐目(2) Sub-Clause 3.4 of this Contract:本合同第3.4款(3) the specific contents and procedure of auditing accounts:其具体的查帐内容和程序(4) Appendix 4 hereto:本合同附件4 hereto:to this Contr

20、act注释:(1) either Party hereto:本协议各方 (不译成“one Party hereto)。(2) improvement, modification, further invention or design:改进、修正、更新本发明或设计(3) discover, make or develop:开发(4) manufacture and assembly of the Licensed Products or components thereof:生产及装配许可证产品或部件(5) file application for Letter Patent:申请专利(6)

21、take other necessary legal steps to protect the same:其它必要的法律爱护程序 the same: Letter Patent(7) any patent arising therefrom:由此产生的专利(8) consistent with this agreement:与本协议不相矛盾注释:(1) certain license and technical assistance for manufacturing Products:有关生产产品的许可证和技术服务(2) the technical assistance agreement:

22、技术服务协议(3) Appendix 2 hereto:本协议附件2 hereto:to this Agreement参考译文:本协议双方同意Y将向FCAM提供有关生产产品的许可证和技术服务,FCAM和Y将订立技术服务协议并作为本协议附件2(以下称作“技术服务协议”)。注释:(1) to the maximum extent practicably possible:尽实际可能最大限度地(2) data on management and financial information:治理和财务信息材料(3) prepare and keep accounting and financial r

23、ecords and books:建好会计和财务帐目(4) available for inspection or audit by either Party hereto:以备本协议各方的检查或审计 either Party hereto:either Party to this Agreement本协议双方 inspection:检查 audit:审计注释:(1) Board of Directors authorized by the Parties hereto:本协议双方授权的董事会 hereto:to this Agreement(2) to administrate or man

24、age FCAM:治理FCAM administrate:行政治理 manage:业务治理(3) the overall business management plan of the company:公司整体经营打算(4) monitor the execution of the plan in question:监督该打算的执行(5) review and approval:批阅和批准注释:(1) specialized machinery and equipment:特定机器设备 equipment:(单数形式)设备(2) determined through mutual consul

25、tation:协商决定(3) the effective utilization of the technical know-how:有效使用技术诀窍(4) terms and conditions:条件(5) (such) as:作关系代词,意为which, that注释:(1) the termination of this Contract:本合同期满(2) outstanding claims and liabilities:未了债务(3) debtor:债务人(4) creditor:债权人四 herein英文释义:in this中文译词:此中,于此用法:表示上文已提及的“本合同(中

26、)的,本法(中)的”等时,使用该词。如表示“本法(中)所称的不正当竞争”,可译为“unfair competition mentioned herein”,此处herein表示“in this Law”;表示“本协议(中)内容”,译为“the Contents herein”,此处herein表示“in this Agreement”。语法:置于所修饰词后,紧邻所修饰词.注释:(1) unfair competition:不正当竞争(2) mentioned in this Law:本法所称(3) refer to:是指(4) contravene the provisions hereof:

27、违反本法规定(5) damage the lawful rights and interests of other business operators:损害其他经营者的合法权益(6) disturb the socio-economic order:扰乱社会经济秩序(7) business operators mentioned herein:本法所称的经营者 herein:in this Law(8) engage in the trading of goods or profit-making services:从事商品经营或营利性服务 engage in:从事,be engaged i

28、n:忙于注释:(1) this Law is hereby formulated and prepared:兹制定本法(2) maintain the foreign trade order:维护对外贸易秩序(3) promote the healthy development of the socialist market economy:促进社会主义市场经济的健康进展(4) foreign trade mentioned herein:本法所称对外贸易 herein:in this Law(5) the international trade in services:国际服务贸易注释:(1

29、) mentioned herein:mentioned in this Law 本法所称(2) limited liability company:有限责任公司(3) company limited by shares:股份有限公司(4) within the territory of China:在中国境内注释:(1) illegal gains:违法所得(2) shall be confiscated:应当予以没收(3) the provisions herein:the provisions in this Decision 本决定规定(4) illegal gains to be c

30、onfiscated:被没收违法所得(5) a fine imposed on:判处罚金(6) property forfeited:没收财产(7) a civil compensation assumed by:承担民事赔偿责任注释:(1) (1)“FOB”(free on board)(Named port of shipment):船上交货()(2) (2)“CFR”(Cost and Freight)(Named port of destination):成本加运费()(3) (3)“CIF”(Cost, Insurance and Freight)(Named port of des

31、tination):成本、保险费加运费()(4) (4)the “International Rules for the Interpretation of Trade Terms” (INCOTERMS, 2000):国际贸易术语解释通则(INCOTERMS)2000参考译文:除非本合同另有规定,“FOB”、“CFR”和“CIF”均应依照国际商会制定的国际贸易术语解释通则(INCOTERMS)2000办理。注释:(1) unless otherwise expressly provided for herein:除非另有明确表示 herein:in this Agreement(2) dis

32、pute:争议(3) controversy:纠纷(4) difference:歧意(5) the Parties hereto:the Parties to this Agreement本协议双方(6) any breach or default of the provisions hereof:任何违约及过失(7) including but not limited to:包括,但不限于(8) the validity of the Arbitration Clause:仲裁条款有效性 arbitration clause 仲裁条款注释:(1) the Agent:corresponden

33、t bank 代理行(2) pursuant to the conditions and provisions specified herein:按照本合同规定的条件 herein:in this Contract(3) on the Disbursement Date:在付款日(4) credit the funds received:贷记入所收资金(5) the Borrower:借款人注释:(1) cumulative:累加的(2) shall not be exclusive of:并不排除(3) privilege:特权(4) remedy:补救方法(5) provided for

34、by laws:法律规定的注释:(1) Now Therefore:据此(2) the consideration:对价。对价是对一项允诺(promise)的回报。例如,甲方允诺向乙方提供若干数量的物资,乙方同意付给甲方一定数目的货款,该货款便构成甲方允诺的对价。在通过要约(offer)与承诺(acceptance)的基础上,只有那些拥有对价的允诺才被认作合同,得到法律的爱护和执行。(3) the contents herein:本协议内容 herein:in this Agreement注释:(1) the obligations of making all payments:支付义务(2)

35、 reimbursement:偿付(3) be free and clear of any other charges:不附带其它费用(4) exempt from all taxes:是免税的(5) pay all taxes as provided for herein:承担全部本协议规定的税务 herein:in this Agreement五 hereinafter英文释义:later in the same Contract中文译词:以下,在下文语法:一般与referred to as, called等词组连用,以幸免重复,置于这些词组前面,与之紧邻。注释:(1) in accord

36、ance with:under 依照(2) Law of the Peoples Republic of China on Chinese-Foreign Equity Joint Ventures:中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业法(3) Hereinafter:以下(4) articles of association:合营公司章程(条款)(5) hereby:特此(6) formulate:prepare 制订注释:(1) financial institution:金融机构(2) subsidiary banks incorporated by foreign capital whose

37、 head offices are in China:总行在中国境内的外国资本银行。在中译英时,那个地点的“外国资本银行”,应理解成“外资银行的子银行”,英文为subsidiary banks,而不能简单地译成foreign banks,因为专门少有一家外国银行把自己的总部搬到国外,但在境外设立子银行、子公司是经常的。(3) hereinafter referred to as foreign banks:以下简称外资银行。(4) hereinafter referred to as foreign bank branches:以下简称外资银行分行。(5) finance company:财务

38、公司,那个地点应理解为金融公司,是指在商业银行以外的专门从事抵押放款业务的金融企业。假如中文为会计事务所,则要译成:accounting firm(6) hereinafter referred to as foreign finance companies:以下简称外资财务公司(7) hereinafter referred to as equity joint-venture finance companies:以下简称合资财务公司注释:(1) existing Chinese-foreign equity joint ventures:已设立的中外合资经营企业,即现有的中外合资经营企业(

39、2) Chinese-foreign cooperative joint venture:中外合作经营企业(3) wholly foreign-owned enterprises:外资企业(4) hereinafter referred to as “enterprises with foreign investment”:以下简称外商投资企业(5) shall have a record of making profits:应有盈利纪录注释:(1) the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation (hereinafter refe

40、rred to as MOFTEC):对外贸易经济合作部(以下简称外经贸部)(2) the foreign trade and economic cooperation authorities:外经贸部门(3) municipalities directly under the Central Government:直辖市(4) the municipalities specifically (separately) listed in the State Economic Plan:打算单列市注释:(1) these Regulations are formulated and prepar

41、ed:制定本条例 prepare:制定(2) the Company Law of the Peoples Republic of China:中华人民共和国公司法(3) hereinafter referred to as the Company Law:以下简称公司法(4) to affirm the qualifications of enterprise legal persons of companies:确认公司的企业法人资格(5) standardize the registration activities of companies:规范公司登记行为注释:(1) to furt

42、her expand international economic co-operation and technological exchange:进一步扩大国际经济合作和技术交流(2) to absorb foreign investment:引进外资(3) to promote the development of socialist market economy:促进社会主义市场经济的进展(4) hereinafter referred to as foreign shareholders:以下简称外国股东 foreign shareholders:外国股东(5) hereinafter

43、 referred to as Chinese shareholders:以下简称中国股东(6) within the territory of China:在中国境内(7) a company limited by shares with foreign investment:外商投资股份有限公司注释:(1) to introduce foreign advanced technology and managerial expertise:引进国外先进技术和治理经验(2) to establish investment company:设立投资公司(3) hereinafter referr

44、ed to as “investment company”:以下简称投资公司(4) the Chinese laws and regulations governing foreign investment:中国有关外国投资的法律、法规注释:(1) these Detailed Rules:本实施细则(2) apply (to):vi. 适用于 More Examples:The rules of safe driving apply to everyone. /That applies to at least nine-tenths of the people we see about. /

45、That argument does not apply in this case. /The comment applies equally here.(3) the resident representative offices:常驻代表机构(4) shipping agents:货运代理商(5) consultant company:咨询公司(6) advertising agency:广告公司(7) leasing company:租赁公司(8) hereinafter called “foreign enterprises”:以下简称外国企业注释:(1) its authorized

46、 Commissions for Foreign Trade and Economic Relations:其授权的对外经济贸易委员会(2) hereinafter called the “Examination-Approval Authorities:以下简称审批机关 Examination-Approval Authorities:审批机关(3) register with:办理登记手续(4) the State Administration for Industry and Commerce:国家工商行政治理局(5) its authorized Administrations for

47、 Industry and Commerce:其授权的(各省、自治区、直辖市及打算单列市)工商行政治理局六 therein英文释义:in that; in that particular; in that respect中文译词:在那儿;在那点上,在那方面用法:在表示上文已提及的“合同中的,工程中的”等时使用。例如表示“修补工程中的缺陷”:“the remedying of any defects therein”,此处therein表示“in the Works”;表示“用于工程中的材料或机械设备”:“materials or plant for incorporation therein”

48、,那个地点的therein表示“in the Works”。语法:置于所修饰词后,紧邻修饰词。注释:(1) Temporary Works:临时工程,是指为永久工程服务的工程,永久工程建成后应予以拆除。建筑临时工程的费用,按国际FIDIC合同条件规定,应由承包人负责。(2) Defects:缺陷,表示工程施工出现的问题,即工程本身存在的问题,而不是因业主使用不当造成的。(3) the execution and completion of the Works and the remedying of any defects therein:工程施工、竣工和修补工程中任何缺陷。建筑一项工程一般分

49、成两个时期进行,工程设计、施工、竣工为第一时期,修补工程中任何缺陷为第二时期,因此此句中的第一个and是对的,表示建筑工程的两个时期。注释:(1) the prior consent of the Employer:业主的事先同意 注意:consent只有单数形式,表示同意(2) assign:转让(3) therein:in the contract;thereunder:under the contract(4) otherwise than by:但下列情况除外。也可写成:unless otherwise specified in the following circumstances:

50、注释:(1) Note:期票,即借据,票据(2) loan agreement:贷款协议(3) be entitled to all the benefits:享有(贷款协议规定的)全部利益(4) advance payment:预付(5) default:违约(6) in the event of default:因违约注释:(1)a certificate of the borrower:借款人讲明书(2)comply with:遵照(3)the attachments specified therein:附录4规定的附件 therein:in Appendix 4注释:(1) exemp

51、tion:免征税款(2) local authorities:地点当局(3) any political subdivision:任何下属政府分支机构(4) taxing authorities thereof or therein:地点当局的税收当局 therein:in local authorities(5) under the Contract:依照合同规定(6) shall be due:应予以征收的(7) the certified documents evidencing the exemption in question:证明上述免税文件 in question:上述注释:(1

52、) the Income Tax Law of the Peoples Republic of China for Enterprises with Foreign Investment and Foreign Enterprises:中华人民共和国外商投资企业和外国企业所得税法。(2) at the rates provided for therein:按税法规定的税率 therein:in the Tax Law注释:(1) the Borrower:借款人(2) to make the borrowings:借贷资金(3) to execute and deliver the Note:

53、签署票据(4) to incur the obligations provided for in this Agreement and therein:承担由此产生的义务 therein:in the Note(5) all the actions in question:上述全部行为(6) legal person:法人注释:(1) leasee:承租人(2) keep the commodity in good condition:维持商品的良好状况(3) provided that:除非,表示进一步规定(4) leasor:出租人(5) to lodge claims against t

54、he Leasor:向出租人提出赔偿(6) any losses occurred therein:因此所遭受的损失 therein:in the above-mentioned matters指出租商品出现的故障注释:(1) documents:shipping documents货运单据(2) transport documents:运输单据(3) insurance documents:insurance policies保险单据(4) commercial invoice:商业发票(5) the credit:the letter of credit 信用证(6) drawer:出单人

55、(7) the wording therein:the wording in the documents 其措辞(8) data content thereof:data content of the documents 项目内容(9) referred to in the credit:信用证中所述的注释:(1) loss or damage:损失与损坏 注:loss与damage同义,同义词连用是合同文件语言特点之一。(2) any part thereof:any part of the Works 工程中的任何一部分 thereof:of the Works(3) for incorp

56、oration therein:used in the Works 用于工程中的 for incorporation in:used in 应译成“用于(工程)中”,而不能译成“进入工程” therein:in the Works 工程中(4) at ones own cost:自费(5) rectify:弥补,纠正(6) Permanent Works:永久工程(7) to the satisfaction of the Engineer:达到工程师中意的程度thereof英文释义: of that, of it中文译词:由此,其用法:在表示已提及的“人或事的”时,为幸免重复,可使用该词,比

57、如表示“合同条件、条款”时,可译为“the terms, conditions and provisions thereof”,此处的thereof表示“of the Contract”;表示“工程任何部分”,可译为“any parts thereof”,那个地点的thereof表示“of the Works”。语法:置于所修饰词后,紧邻修饰词。注释:(1) be entitled to determine:有权确定(2) the time within a specified period and /or the place of taking delivery:提取物资的时刻和/或地点(3

58、) the notice thereof:有关这方面的通知 thereof:of the above-mentioned matters, that is, the time and the place of taking delivery.注释:(1) the collection of tax:税收的开征(2) the cessation thereof:税收的停征 thereof:of tax(3) the reduction, exemption and refund of tax as well as the payment of tax unpaid:减税、免税、退税、补税(4)

59、the State Council:国务院(5) to formulate and prepare the relevant provisions of the regulations:制定的行政法规规定 prepare:制定注释:(1) the Party applying for arbitration:当事人申请仲裁(是指申请仲裁的当事人)(2) arbitration commission:仲裁委员会(3) arbitration agreement:仲裁协议(4) application for arbitration:仲裁申请书(5) the copies thereof:the

60、copies of the application for arbitration 仲裁申请书副本注释:(1) Tests on Completion:竣工检验(2) otherwise agreed:另行商定(3) Employer takes over the Works:业主接收工程(4) any section or part thereof:工程任何部分、区段 thereof:of the Works注释:(1) the collection order:托收指示(2) the protest:拒绝证书(3) in lieu thereof:代替拒绝证书 thereof:of the


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