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1、第 PAGE7 页 共 NUMPAGES7 页2023年最新的戴手套用英文是怎么说手套是我们生活中比较常见的一种物品,怕冷的人经常会戴着手套,那么戴手套的英语是怎么说的呢下面是由百分网小编整理的戴手套的英语,希望你感兴趣! 戴手套的英语 wear gloves 戴手套的短语 永远戴著手套 que siempre llevan guantes 我戴着手套 I Got My Gloves On 戴上手套 put on one s gloves 手上戴皮手套 Hands Wearing Leather Gloves 戴着手套 wear gloves 戴上手套擦泪 Never Wipe Tears W

2、ithout Gloves 他戴上手套。 He drew on his gloves. 戴上手套擦眼泪 Don t Ever Wipe Tears Without Gloves 打沙袋时戴的手套 bag glove 戴手套的双语例句 戴手套的猫抓不到老鼠。 A gloved cat catches no mice. 那么,既然撒旦瞅机会偷了它去,阁下您以后就应该不戴手套去对付他了, 那老司役狞笑着说。 And, since Satan saw fit to steal it, your reverence must needs handle him without gloves, hencef

3、orward, remarked the old sexton, grimly smiling. 当它们感到饥饿时,就会撕咬下一团海绵,就像人们戴手套一样,海豚会让海绵正好遮住他们的喙状嘴。 When the animals got hungry, they ripped a marine basket sponge from the sea floor and fitted it over their beaks like a person would fit a glove over a hand. 做此试验必须在通风良好处,并戴手套,面具以防水蒸气及锡焊剂烫伤。 Do this test

4、 must be in a well-ventilated place, and to wear gloves, masks in case of water vapor and tin flux burns. 我习惯了加利福尼亚州南部那阳光明媚的早晨,艾奥瓦州清晨凛冽的空气使我的鼻子、耳朵和没戴手套的双手感到一阵阵冰冷的刺痛。 I was used to sunny Southern Californian mornings, and the 2)brisk early-morning 3)Iowan air 4)nipped at my nose, ears and bare hands.

5、 燃放后20-30分钟戴手套用铁夹收拾好烟花残余空筒。 After 20-30 minutes of the disolay , use tongs or gloves to collect spent fireworks. 伊瑞克:不,你得戴手套,你得代。 Eric: No, you need the mitts . You need them. 他们必须戴手套和特殊的护目镜,而且不应在暗室里呆得太久。 They must wear gloves and special goggles, and should not stay in the dark room too long. 我今天穿毛

6、衣,戴手套。 I m wearing the coat and gloves. 而旋转设备上作业时则禁止戴手套。 Never wear gloves when working around rotating equipment. 冬天了,我们穿外套戴手套,不穿衬衫。 It s winter. We wear coats and gloves. We don t wear shirts. 作园艺时请戴手套。 Wear gloves when gardening. 寒冷的冬天,我看到他们还在那里,在雪地里,手上都没有戴手套。 In the cold winter, I could see them

7、 still their, without gloves in the snow. 那我就不戴手套了,我才不在乎别人说什么! 乔有些失了耐性,抓起书,准备继续看自己的故事。 Then I ll go without. I don t care what people say! cried Jo, taking up her book. 戴手套握手被认为是失礼。 Wearing gloves to shake hands is considered rude. 他戴手套以免把手弄脏。 He wore gloves in order not to dirty his hands. 在预料接触血液、

8、体液护理操作中戴手套者仅占11.7%;接触到血液、体液、污物后经常立即洗手者占35.9%。 In the expectable cases of contacting blood and body fluid, only 11.7% of them wore gloves, and only 35.9% of them washed their hands after contacting blood, body fluid and other contaminated trashes. 但幼儿戴手套,特别是长时间地戴手套,其实会带来意想不到的弊端。 But young children we

9、aring gloves, especially long time towear gloves, in fact, will bring the beat all. 在燃烧的火炉上方有一个没有把手的热锅,旁边有一副手套,你会选择戴手套去移开锅还是直接用手呢 There is a pot without handles above the fire of a stove, will you remove it with gloves or by hands 在靠近电钻的旋转部件工作时禁止戴手套。 Do not operate drill motors while wearing gloves

10、near the rotating parts. 戴手套操作时,操作时间显著增加(P 0.05); With space suit glove, there was considerable increase in operational time(P 0.05). 如果没有戴手套,在接触完泥土以后要彻底洗手。 If gloves are not worn, hands need to be washed thoroughly following soil contact. 首次使用时好像要有点技巧,但在试用过几次后,插入棉条就变成像戴手套那么容易了。 It might seem tricky at first, but after trying several times, insertion becomes as easy as putting on a glove. 外科手术戴手套是为保护术者手上的微生物不污染手术野,同时,保护术者免受病人携带的微生物感染。 The reasons for gloving-up for surgery are to protect the surgical field from microorganisms on the surgeon s hands and protect


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