



1、2022上半年大学英语四级必备词汇1.2022上半年大学英语四级必备词汇cyber culture计算机文化online love affairs网恋net bar网吧shopping online网上购物cyber chat网上聊天virtual net虚拟网络net partner网友surf on the Internet网上冲浪net citizen网民cyberspace网络空间cyber college网络大学convenient and effective方便有效e-bank电子银行kill time打发时间information security信息安全the populari

2、ty of computer电脑的普及be addicted to对?上瘾campus network校园网络release ones pressure减轻压力e-mail电子邮箱2.2022上半年大学英语四级必备词汇reform vt。/n。改革,改造【考】inspect sth/sb for检查,察看 【派】inspector n。 检查员inspection n。 检查 interfere vi。 干涉,介入【考】interfere in/with干扰,妨碍appease vt平息【例】Bills statement was verified by several witnesses 吉

3、姆被裁定有罪,同时也被免去了军衔。 strip vt剥夺,脱去的衣服【例】Jim was found guilty and stripped of his rank。 比尔的陈述得到了几位目击者的证实。 investigate vt。 调查,研究【例】Police were investigating the cause of an explosion 警方正在调查一起爆炸事件的起因。【派】investigation n。 调查 depend vi。 依靠的,依赖的【考】depend on sb。 依靠, 依赖【派】dependent a。 依靠的be dependent on sb。 依赖某

4、人resist vt。抵制【例】Many people resist change。 很多人不喜欢变化。 【派】resistant a。 抵制的; resistance n。 抵制 contemporary a当代的n当代人【例】contemporary literature当代文学 moral a道德的【例】moral sense道德观moral standard道德标准 【派】morality n。道德moralism n。道德教育 native a出生的,当地的【考】native speaker说母语的人realistic a现实的,实际可行的【例】Is that a realistic

5、 target?这是一个现实的目标吗? responsible a有责任的【考】be responsible for sth对某事负责 wicked a邪 恶的【例】The criminal denied that he had done anything wicked 罪犯否认他做过邪 恶的勾当。 helpless a无助的【例】professional ethics职业道德guideline n指导原则guidelines of the employment雇佣的指导方针 rumor n谣言【例】rumor has it that有谣言声称 immigrant n移民【例】illegal

6、immigrants非法移民 individual n个人a个人的【例】the welfare of individual个人的福利【派】individualism n。 个体主义individuality n。个性 consequence n后果,结果【考】negative consequence不良后果 commercial consequence商业后果【派】consequent a。随之发生的consequently ad。因此 status n地位,身份 【例】social status社会地位 population n人口【例】the density of population人口

7、的密度 crime n犯罪【例】commit crime犯罪abuse n虐 待,滥用【例】drug abuse吸毒,child abuse虐 待孩童 【派】abusive a。 辱骂的 gang n一帮,一伙【例】a gang of robbers一群强盗 【派】gangster黑帮3.2022上半年大学英语四级必备词汇If you are referring to my winning the English speech contest,I dont think itssuch a big deal.英语四级词汇讲解:refer to含义丰富,可意为“参考;涉及;适用于;指的是”。在这句话里,其意为“指的是”,相当于mean。 a bigdeal是口语表达,含义为“意义重大的事情”。如:1) Thats a big deal.那是件大事。2) I just want to eat it now; whats the big deal?我就想现在吃,有什么大不了的?3) I dant hide it, but I dont make a big deal about it.我并没有遮掩,但我也没有大肆渲染。英语四级考点归纳:1) When I said some people were stupid, I warnt ref


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