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1、Syllabus ofFinanceCourse Name: FinanceCourse Code:Credits: 4Total Credit Hours: 64Lecture Hours: 64Experiment Hours:Programming Hours:Practice Hours:Total Number of Experimental (Programming) Projects 0 , Where, Compulsory (), Optional ().School: 08 Business SchoolTarget Major: FinanceI、Course Natur

2、e & AimsThis course is the most important basic course of general major in finance, and the leading course of subsequent specialized courses in finance. As an important part of economics, this course takes money and monetary funds as the object, financial instruments, financial institutions and fina

3、ncial markets as the center, and reveals the development law, operation mechanism and institutional arrangement of finance. Through the teaching, students will have a comprehensive understanding and profound understanding of the basic theories of money and banking, and a systematic grasp of the basi

4、c categories of money, credit, banking, financial market and financial macro-control. Through this course, I will understand the current situation of financial problems at home and abroad, master the correct methods of observing and analyzing financial problems, and develop the ability to distinguis

5、h and analyze financial theories and solve practical financial problems.II、Course Objectives1. Moral Education and Character Cultivation.Finance course is the basic theory course of finance discipline leading major. The course adopts a broad scope of financial research, based on the reality of marke

6、t economy with Chinese characteristics, and reflects the development and reform practice of Chinese finance. With the history and logic as the main line, the basic knowledge and basic theories are explained thoroughly, so that students can understand the background of the establishment of the theory

7、 and the conditions to adapt to, and guide students to consciously observe and think from multiple perspectives and at multiple levels to form their own value judgment. Actively guide students to master national economic and financial policies, and cultivate students* ability to distinguish and anal

8、yze financial theories and solve practical problems. From the perspective of finance effect on development of Chinas innovation drive, put the socialist core values education into the teaching content and teaching process each link, highlight the value guidance, knowledge and ability training and he

9、lp students recognize the historical law, accurately grasp the basic national conditions, set up the correct world outlook and values.12.4 International Cooperation and Coordination of Financial RegulationTeaching Requirements: Identify the causes and forms of government safety nets in financial mar

10、kets; Enumerate and summarize the types of financial regulation and how financial regulation alleviates information asymmetry. To understand the common macro-prudential supervision tools in the world and the principles, objectives and framework of macro-prudential supervision led by the central bank

11、 of China; Familiar with international cooperation of bank supervision and coordination of international financial supervision. Deepen understanding of the role of financial regulation in economic and financial stability.Key Points: Types of financial regulationDifficult Points: Chinas macro-prudent

12、ial supervision systemChapter 13 Financial Development and Financial Innovation (supporting course objectives3)Financial Development and Economic GrowthFinancial Repression and Financial DeepeningFinancial InnovationTeaching Requirements: Understanding the relationship between financial development

13、and economic development; To understand the possible adverse effects of financial activities on economic development, and to analyze the generation and destruction of adverse effects from the three aspects of financial total loss, high risk of financial industry and excessive financial innovation; G

14、rasp the meaning and main performance of financial innovation, and analyze the causes of financial innovation; To understand the role, negative effects and challenges of contemporary financial innovation in promoting economic development; Grasp the meaning and development process of economic financi

15、alization, understand the role and influence of economic financialization; Grasp the meaning and main performance of financial globalization, understand the role and influence of financial globalization.Key Points: Financial repression, financial developmentDifficult Points: Financial stability and

16、financial developmentIV、Table of Credit Hour DistributionTeachingContentIdeological andPoliticalIntegratedLectureHoursExperi ment HoursPracticeHoursProgramming HoursSelf-studyHoursExerciseClassDiscussionHoursIntroductionAccording to the22teaching content,integrate theideological andpolitical educati

17、onelementsChapter 1Money andMonetarySystemAccording to the teaching content, integrate the ideological and political education elements521Chapter2Credit andCredit System221Chapter 3Interest andInterest Rate641Chapter 4FinancialMarkets521Chapter 5FinancialInstitutionSystem42Chapter 6DepositMoney Bank

18、42Chapter7Central Banks341Chapter 8MoneyDemand42Chapter 9Money Supply421Chapter 10Inflation and321DeflationChapter 11MonetaryPolicy543Chapter 12FinancialRegulationAccording to the teaching content, integrate the ideological and political education elements221Chapter 13Financial Development and Finan

19、cial InnovationAccording to the teaching content, integrate the ideological and political education elements22exercises2Total5134211Sum64V、Summary of Experimental (Programming) ProjectsNo experiment (programming) sessionVI、Teaching MethodClassroom teaching: this course is mainly taught by teachers i

20、n class, supplemented by self-study and homework based on course videos. The teaching process USES blackboard writing and multimedia teaching flexibly, strengthens the teacher-student interaction, pays attention to the heuristic teaching.Discussion teaching: according to the specific teaching conten

21、t of appropriate discussion activities. The teacher will provide discussion questions, and students will prepare in groups after class, and then discuss in class, so as to improve students teamwork ability.Heuristic teaching: according to the important knowledge points, the way of raising questions,

22、 analyzing problems and solving problems is adopted for teaching, so as to cultivate students1 corresponding ability subtly. Emphasize the importance of practical experience and learn by doing.VII、Course Assessment and Achievement EvaluationAssessment Methods: ExaminationExamination Formats: Closed-

23、bookGrading Methods: Hundred-mark SystemCourse Assessment Content, Assessment Format and Supporting Course ObjectivesCourseObjectives (Indices)Assessment ContentAssessment Formats and Proportion ( % )GradingIndivi dual speaki ngAssignmentEvaluationattenda neeGroup discussionTer IDRepo rtTermPaperMid

24、termExamFinalExamProportion(%)Objective 1 (Index 1-2)The nature, content andmethod of the course021003Objective 2(Index2-2.10-1)Understanding of basic financial categories such as money, credit and interest rate; The fundamentals of financial markets and how they work; The composition of210322542the

25、 financial institution system.Objective 3 (Index4-3.10-1)The nature and functions of the central bank; Basic theory of money supply and demand; The principle and operation mechanism of financial macro-control of central25302030Objective 4 (Index3-1.3-2.8-2.11-3)Applying relevant principles and combi

26、ning with reality, this paper interprets and analyzes financial issues such as financial regulation, financial stability and financial innovation13331525Total52010560100MD、Course ResourcesTextbooks:Frederic S.Mishkin. Monetary finance (11th edition) M. Beijing: China renmin university press, 2016.Bi

27、bliography:.Huang da. Finance (3rd edition) (revised edition) M. Beijing: China renmin university press, 2014.Li jian. Finance (third edition) |M. Beijing: higher education press, 2018.The textbook of finance or monetary finance, which is the supporting edition of national fine courses in domestic c

28、olleges and universities.Reading Materials:Chinese journal: economic research; Financial research; International financial studies; Finance in China;Financial times; The economic observer, etc.Provide other reading materials according to the actual situation.Provide other reading materials according

29、 to the actual situation.IX、NotesPrerequisites:macroeconomics microeconomicsFollow-up Courses:lnternational Finance、Securities investment Business and management of commercial banks Corporate financeContents and Requirements of Students Self-study:Bilingual Teaching or Not :NotRequirements and Propo

30、rtion of Bilingual Teaching:Discipline and Considerations of Practice Session: no practice session Notes:Author:Approved by:2.Course ObjectivesThrough the study of this course, students1 qualities, skills, knowledge and abilities obtained are as follows:Objective 1. To train students to master the b

31、asic theories, knowledge and methods of money and finance in a comprehensive way, and to have a profound understanding of the basic connotation and rules of money, credit, interest rate, financial institutions and financial markets, so as to form financial literacy.(Corresponding to Chapter!, 2,3,4,

32、5,6, supporting for graduation requirements index 4-1.4-3.5-1.5-2.9-1.9-2.9-3)Objective 2. Master the principle of financial macro-control and its operating mechanism, and learn to reveal the relationship between finance and economy from the aspects of money supply and demand, total social supply an

33、d demand, and monetary policy. (Corresponding to Chapter7,8,9,10,11, supporting fbr graduation requirements index 4-2.10-1.10-2.10-3 )Objective 3. Guided by application, students should master the correct methods of observing and analyzing financial problems, and inspire students to analyze and disc

34、uss monetary and financial problems in practice with the theories they have learned. (Corresponding to Chapter 3,5,11,12,13, supporting fbr graduation requirements index5-3.12-l.12-2.12-3)Supporting for Graduation RequirementsThe graduation requirements supported by course objectives are mainly refl

35、ected in the graduation requirements indices4-1,24-2,4-3,5-1,5-2,5-3,9-1,9-2,9-3,10-1,10-2,10-3,12-1,12-2,12-3 , as follows:Supporting for Graduation RequirementsCourseObjectivesGraduationRequirementsIndices and Contents Supporting for GraduationRequirementsTeaching TopicsLevel ofSupportIndicesConte

36、ntsRequirement 4:IndexUse flexibly the acquired professionalPractical4-1:knowledge in financial practice.ApplicationIndexApply principles of modern finance andAbility4-3:economics as well as analytical tools toObjective 1Requirement 5:Manipulation ofIndexcope with practical challenges while conducti

37、ng scientific research.Skillfully use computer for businessChapter 1,2,3,4,5,6HFinancial5-1:operations.Analytical ToolsIndexSkillfully process data, build models andAbility5-2:make evaluations with the assistance ofmethods from modern financialeconometrics and data science.Requirement 9:IndexBuild a

38、 solid foundation in financialInvestment and9-1:theories and methods.FinancingIndexMake investment decisions andDecision-Making9-2:judgement, capitalizing on the knowledgeAbilityfrom a number of courses includingsecurities investment, risk management,and venture capital.IndexMake financial decisions

39、 in an international9-3:perspective, derived from a comprehensiveunderstanding of a variety of courses suchas macroeconomics, international financeand financial engineering.IndexDigest, interpret, highlight, and present4-2:information from domestic andRequirement 4:international sources, so as to pr

40、ovidePracticalconsultation for the government,Applicationenterprises, financial institutions onAbilitypractical issues.IndexConstruct proprietary architectonic system10-1:of finance through a thoroughRequirement 10:understanding of financial knowledge.Objective 2ProfessionalIndexDevelop, design, pla

41、n and execute newChapter7,8,9,10,llHCompetence10-2:ideas in the field of financial instrumentsfacilitated by the combined knowledge ofmanagement and economics.IndexBuild wide-ranging professional expertise10-3:and enhance professional ability inanalyzing and solving problems throughtheir own body of

42、 knowledge.Requirement 5:IndexWrite professional papers and researchObjective 3Manipulation of5-3:reports.Ch 叩 ter 12,13HFinancialAnalytical ToolsAbilityRequirement 12:IndexMaster the professional theories andCareer12-1:knowledge of finance, management,Developmenteconomics, and trade related to fina

43、nce,Abilitywhich pave the way for future careerdevelopment.IndexDemonstrate self-learning and12-2:self-motivation ability in related disciplines.IndexHave interdisciplinary and professional12-3:development capabilities.JU、Basic Course ContentIntroductionMoney and Monetary System (supporting course o

44、bjectives 1)Origin of Money and Evolution of Its FormFunctions of MoneyHierarchical Division and Measurement of Credit MoneyMonetary SystemTeaching Requirements: Grasp the basic concepts of money and fully understand the functions of money; To understand the history and evolution of currency; To und

45、erstand the origin of money, from the perspective of the origin and development of money to understand the nature of money. Understand the evolution process of monetary forms, understand the characteristics of various monetary forms, and focus on mastering the forms of credit currency. Understand th

46、e meaning and basis of the monetary hierarchy division, understand the content of the monetary hierarchy division of western countries, and focus on the Chinese monetary hierarchy division. Master the meaning of the monetary system, understand the monetary system mainly includes what basic content.K

47、ey Points : Understanding of the definition of money; The connotation of monetary function; The characteristics of modern credit money; Basis and division of monetary hierarchy.Difficult Points: The connotation of monetary function, the characteristics of modern credit money, the economic meaning of

48、 the change of money supply at Ml and M2 levels.Credit and Credit System (supporting course objectives 1)Credit OverviewForms of CreditCredit Deficiency and the Establishment of Order of Creditability in Market EconomyTeaching Requirements: Master the different meanings of credit, master the relatio

49、nship between credit and money; To understand the relationship between credit, money and finance; Understand the history and development of credit and its evolution, master the characteristics and functions of usury credit; Master the foundation and characteristics of modem credit activities, unders

50、tand the relationship between modern economy and credit, and understand credit risk and its influence; To understand the types and characteristics of credit forms and the development of credit forms in China; Master the constitution of modern credit system, understand the construction and developmen

51、t of our credit system.Key Points: concept and essential characteristic of credit, the manifestation of creditDifficult Points: essential characteristics of creditInterest and Interest Rate (supporting course objectives 1)InterestInterest Rate and Its KindsCalculation of interest rateDetermination o

52、f Interest RateRisk Structure and Term Structure of Interest RatesTeaching Requirements: Understand the source and essence of interest, understand the meaning of time value of money and capitalization of income; Master the definition and classification of interest rate; Master the meaning and calcul

53、ation of final value, present value and annuity; Master the important micro - financial decision-making method - cash flow discount method. To understand the determinants of interest rate and grasp the decision theory of general interest rate level; Master the risk structure of interest rate, the te

54、rm structure of interest rate and its theory. Understand the general role of interest rates, understand the environment and conditions under which interest rates play a role; To understand the significance and process of interest rate liberalization in China.Key Points: The kinds of interest rate, t

55、he calculation and understanding of present value and final value formula, the understanding and calculation of yield to maturity, the decision theory of interest rate level.Difficult Points: The understanding of cash flow discount method and the structure theory of interest rateFinancial Markets (s

56、upporting course objectives 1)Financial Markets and Their ElementsMoney MarketCapital MarketMarket of Financial DerivativesTeaching Requirements: Through the study on the money markets main trading tools to understand the characteristics of money market, its role in the monetary policy implementatio

57、n, and the characteristics of the interbank market and operating, the issue of Treasury bills, trading and market price and the calculation of the yield, bills acceptance and discounting of conduction, the characteristics of large negotiable certificates of deposit and the characteristics and operat

58、ion of business of repurchase. Master the meaning, characteristics and functions of the capital market, and understand the characteristics, classification, issuance and trading of bonds, stocks and funds; To Chinas bond, stock, fund and other market development status and existing problems. Understa

59、nd the meaning and function of financial derivatives.Key Points: Direct financing as indirect financing, the main composition and characteristics of the money market, the main composition and characteristics of the capital market, the operation mechanism of the interbank lending market.Difficult Poi

60、nts: The operation mechanism of interbank lending market and repo marketFinancial Institution System (supporting course objectives!)Financial Intermediaries and Their ScopeEconomicAnalysis of Financial StructureComposition and Development of The Financial SystemEvolution of Financial ArchitectureTea


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