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1、【高中英语】Unit13导学案(共8套) 北师大版必修5Unit 13 PeopleLesson 1 EQ:IQ (1)Tips:Those who have courage to master their lives are heroes.有勇气主宰自己命运的人才是英雄。Learning aims:1:学习并掌握重点词组、句型2会分析复杂结构的句子,正确理解句义Learning important point: 掌握本课的语言点Learning difficult point: 分析句子结构Learning processes:Step 1:学习Before you start 部分,找出下

2、列词组,理解其含义。(B级)1. from side to side _ 2. come up with _ 3. concentrate on _ 4. talk . into doing _ =(归纳同义短语)_ 5. get into _ 6. draw up_ 练一练:选词填空get into accurately draw up come up with concentrate on talk . into doing .1. Ally _ me _ going skiing with her.2. Mom asked me to _ more _ my schoolwork.3.

3、Thats the best idea he can _ .4. _ a list of things you want to finish on Sunday.5. I lost my temper and a quarrel with Jack.6. You speak fluently but not enough.Step 2: 学习Language focus 部分,找出下列重点句子,分析句子成份,理解含义,掌握词组用法。(B级)Para. 1Even if they never see their results, they feel that their IQ is what d

4、etermines how well they are going to do in life. 译文: Even if引导 从句 that引导 从句 what引导 从句 how引导 从句2When they see other students doing better than them ,they usually believe that those students have a higher IQ and that there is nothing they can do to change facts . 译文:_ When引导 从句 和 that引导并列 从句,此时that不能省

5、略。Para. 23While your IQ tells you how intelligent you are ,your EQ tells you how well you use your intelligence . 译文:_ 此句的 While 是并列连词意为:_ ,表示前后句意思的对比。 归纳总结:while 用法及含义引导并列句,_引导时间状从,_ He came in while we were asleep .引导让步状从(位于句首),_ While I am willing to help , I have no time .4At work, it is IQ that

6、 gets you hired but it is EQ that get you promoted. 译文:此句是由but连接了两个并列的_句型,此句型的结构是:_5. Supported by his academic research, the professor suggests that when predicting someones future success, their character, as measured by EQ tests,might actually matter more than their IQ. 译文:萨洛维教授以自己的学术研究作为依据,认为预测一

7、个人未来的成功,其性格(可用情商测试测量),实际上也许比其智力更为重要。 predict v.预言;预报;预告 The earthquake had been predicted two months before .Para 3 6. People are often mistaken in thinking that those with high IQs always have high EQs as well. 译文:7This association can exist, but it is just as possible for someone with a low IQ to

8、have a high EQ or _someone with a high IQ to have a low EQ .这种联系可能存在,但是低智商的人情商高,或高智商的人情商低也是可能的。 本句是but连接的两个并列句,表转折。总结第二个分句的结构:_ Para 48. It is generally believed that people with high EQs are open to new ideas and have positive attitudes towards life . 译文:对比第5段第1句话,people generally believe that 这两个划

9、线句含义一样吗?归纳:_ = _9They are also less likely to be troubled by problems .译文:句型归纳:某人有可能做某事人 + be likely to do = It is likely that 从句It is possible that 从句 = It is possible for sb. to do sthThere is a possibility that 从句练一练:汉译英(用不同的句型)很有可能他已经去北京了。10On the other hand ,there is little doubt that people wi

10、th low EQs often have problems getting on with other people and dealing with difficult situations ;thus they have a harder time surviving in life . 译文:句型: there is little/no doubt that have problems /difficulty /trouble / a hard time in doing Para 5词组:1. by birth _ 2. in terms of _ Para 6词组:1. recog

11、nize as _ 2. be willing to _ 3. compared to /with_ 4. be involved in _Para 711. The results of studies such as these show that EQ is as important ,if not more important than IQ译文:That 引导_ 从句 , if引导_从句,两句都用了省略形式,完整结构为:The results of studies such as these show that EQ is as important as IQ , if it is

12、not more important than IQ .12. The fact that it might be to raise EQs means that schools need to make sure that their students are receiving the education they really need , and know that their futures are not entirely determined by their IQs .译文:这是由and 连接的并列句,第一个分句中 that 引导 从句 , that引导 从句, that引导

13、从句,第二个分句中 that引导 从句。13. 词组: get ahead _ lead a happy successful life _ get on with _ react to _Step 3: Wordbuilding.(查字典了解下列词的含义,会用构词法记单词。A级) t(v.)_ gifted(adj.)_ 2.accuracy(n.)_ accurate(adj.)_ accurately(adv.)_ 3.description(n.)_ describe(v.)_ 4.predict(v.)_ prediction(n.)_ 5.failure(n.)_ fail(v.)

14、_ 6.mistaken(adj.)_ mistake(n.)_ (&v.) _ 7.deserve(v.)_ deserved(adj.)_ deservedly(adv.)_ 8.association(n.)_ associate(v.)_ 9.possibility(n.)_ possible(adj.)_ possibily(adv.)_ 10.disability(n.)_ disable(v.)_ disabled(adj.)_ 11. entire(adj.)_ entirely(adv.)_Step 4: 巩固练习(A级) 完成Page 9 第3题Step 5:当堂检测(B级

15、)be troubled by have to do with in terms of be willing to be involved in 1. More than 30 companies _ the project.2. My failure _ nothing _ my carelessness.3. Its mistaken in thinking of Beijing only_ its tourist attractions.4. I told them I _ perfectly _ help.5. She _ _ the possibility of putting on

16、 weight.Step 6:当堂小结词汇及知识点学习重在 背会理解模仿灵活运用,要结合文章语境学习领会,忌只背知识点。总结本节课词组:_Step 7:自我反思:Unit 13 People 导学案(2)Lesson 3 Making Guesses about people Tips: Eat to live, but not live to eat.吃饭是为了生存,但生存不是为了吃饭。Learning aims:1.get the general ideas of the text by listening(听力掌握文章大意)2.understand how to express gues

17、ses(理解如何表达猜测)Learning important point: The important phrases &words of the text(文章重点单词和词组)Learning difficult point:How to express guesses(如何表达猜测之意)Learning guides: Grasp the key words (在听力过程中学会抓关键词)Learning processess:Step I 短语集结(在P12-13中划出下列词组)A级1.run down _ 2.give sb a hug _3.since then _4.have st

18、h./sb. doing_5.get lost_6.separate from _7.on ones way _8.at the moment _9.lose ones way _ 10.at the top of the muntain _11.go abroad_12.tell sb. off_13.fail the exam_Step II Guess at the pictures(根据图片情景猜测)C级What might the two people be discussing about?_How might they feel?_What might they be doing

19、?How might they feel?Step III Read to learn Read the dialogue quickly and answer the questions.(快速阅读对话,回答下列问题)B级1. What are the people discussing about?_2. What has happened?_3. How do people feel about the news?_Step IV Listen to learn Listen to the dialogue and complete the gaps in the text using

20、the following words.(听对话用下列单词填空) B级frightened 、some food、fallen、 separated 、worried、 freezing 、 sheltering Step V Read to answer B级1. Who might know the students?_2. Why do you think the tutor know them?_3. How are their friends and parents feeling?_Step VI 文句分析 C级1.I saw she had tears running down

21、her cheeks at lunch today and one of the other teachers gave her a hug.译文:_2.Their friends are really upset and have been waiting anxiously for more news.译文:_have been waiting 是现在完成进行时,表示动作发生在过去并持续到现在。Eg:我一直在做饭_3.They may have been separated from the other students and couldnt hear anyone when the t

22、hunder started, or they might have fallen behind and taken the wrong path译文:_separate 指把原来结合在一起的或混合在一起的东西分开或隔开divide 着重指整体分成若干部分eg:The two dogs started to fight , so we tried to _ them from each other.A. spilt B. separate C.distinguish D. divide4. Or they could have gone exploring on their own and l

23、ost their way back to the group.译文:_Imagine how hungry they are!译文: How 引导_从句imagine +doing/ to do / 宾从Itll be a real relief when theyre found.relief n. 减轻,宽慰to ones relief 使某人放心的是relief sb. of 解除某人的负担Step VII 小结与反思_Unit13 PEOPLE导学案(3)Lesson 2Personalities and jobsDo not , for one repulse , give up

24、the purpose that you resolved to effect.不要只因一次失败,就放弃你原来决心想达到的目的.Learning aims(学习目标): Learn the skills of listening Learn how to express what personalities people should have in their jobs in English Important and difficult point: Keep the important words and phrases (学习重点、难点) in mind.Learning guide

25、(方法引导): Asking and answering to make the students understand the detailed information. Learning procedures(学习过程):StepWords and expressions.(A级)1.个性,性格 n. _ adj._n.(人)_2.售票员,指挥 n._ n.(运动员)_4独立的 adj._ n._ 8.翻译员 n._ v._ n.(翻译)_9.整洁的 adj._ 10.自私的adj _ StepCollections of the phrases and sentences pattern

26、s.(在文章中找出) (A级)1.be good for_ 2.deal with_3.care about_ 4.new-born babies_ 5.擅长_ 6.以某人自己的方式_ 11.I couldnt/cant agree more.再同意不过了!(常用于口语中)12.I really hate it when在这里it 作形式宾语,指代when后面的从句。 eg. I really hate it when it often rains.Step Read the listening materials on Page119,Exercise 4,and answer the fo

27、llowing questions.(B级) What question does the teacher ask about?_Does Xiao Dong agree with Wang Hua?And what is Xiao Dongs opinion?_In Li Liangs opinion,what personalities a tour guide need to have?_What would Wang Shu like to be?_What does Cao Wen think of the doctor?_Step Choose the best answers.(

28、C级)1.The dangerous fish have very_ teeth;they can eat a person in 2 minutes.( )友情提示:sharp锋利的 a sharp knife 尖的 a sharp voice 敏锐的 sharp eyes 2. The result of the exam is_( ) A.satisfy B.satisfying C.satisfied D. satisfaction 友情提示:satisfy(vt)n. 使(某人/自己)满意 eg.What you did satisfied me. satisfied( adj.)

29、be satisfied with 对满意 be satisfied to do 对做满意3. The old man is so selfish that he _nothing but himself.( ) A.take care of B.looks about C.cares about D.searches for4. The soldier_the secret when they punished him.( ) A. gave off B.gave up C.gave away D.gave out5. All the neighbors are good_the littl

30、e boy who is good_ singing and dancing.( ) A. to;for B.for;at C.for;to D.to;at6. The drivers are_by laws to wear seat belts.( )7. I have a long _to meet my friends.( ) A. desirable B.desiring C.desired D. desire8.He desired that he_you some day.( )A. 友情提示:desire n.渴望,欲望 v.想要,意欲,希望 作动词时常用句型有: desire+

31、sth. 想要某事物 eg.I desire a beautiful apartment. desire sb. to do sth. 想要某人做某事ey desire me to return soon.desire+从句(从句中的谓语动词应为should+动词原形,should可省略) eg.She desires that you you (should) see her at once.StepFinish the blanks in the textbook:Page 10,Exercise 3;Page11, Exercise8 (B级)学后反思:_ Unit 13 People

32、导学案(5)Lesson 3 Making Guesses about people Tips: Eat to live, but not live to eat.吃饭是为了生存,但生存不是为了吃饭。Learning aims:1.Get the general ideas of the text 2.GrammarModals for guessingLearning important point: Modals for guessing 情态动词猜测用法Learning difficult point: Modals for guessing Learning guides: 通过观察,

33、归纳总结语法规律Learning processess:Step I 短语集结(在P12-13中划出下列词组)A级1.run down _ 2.give sb a hug _3.since then _ 4.have sth./sb. doing_5.get lost_ 6.separate from _7.on ones way _ 8.at the moment _9.lose ones way _10.at the top of the muntain _11.go abroad_ 12.tell sb. off_13.fail the exam_Step II 文句分析 B级1.I s

34、aw she had tears running down her cheeks at lunch today and one of the other teachers gave her a hug.译文:_2.Their friends are really upset and have been waiting anxiously for more news.译文:_have been waiting 是现在完成进行时,表示动作发生在过去并持续到现在。Eg:我一直在做饭。_3.They may have been separated from the other students and

35、 couldnt hear anyone when the thunder started, or they might have fallen behind and taken the wrong path译文:_separate 指把原来结合在一起的或混合在一起的东西分开或隔开divide 着重指整体分成若干部分eg:The two dogs started to fight , so we tried to _ them from each other.A. spilt B. separate C.distinguish D. divide4. Or they could have go

36、ne exploring on their own and lost their way back to the group.译文:_5.Imagine how hungry they are!译文: how 引导_从句imagine +doing/ to do / 宾从6.Itll be a real relief when theyre found.relief n. 减轻,宽慰to ones relief 使某人放心的是relief sb. of 解除某人的负担StepIII: Grammar C级Discovery 1:Look at the dialogue and complete

37、 the gaps.I think my French tutor _ know They _ be so frightened! They _ have been separated from Or they _ have gone exploring They _ be there. they _ have any water.思考:上述句子所表达的意思是:_a) decision? b) advice? c) guesses?归纳总结:Strong belief/true(一定): Strong belief/ not true(不可能): Possibility/ true(可能、也许

38、): Possibility/ not true(可能不): Discovery 2. Decide what they are talking about.1.I think my French tutor might know them. 2. They might be sheltering in a cave. 3. They might have fallen behind. a) 过去情况 b)现在情况 c)正在发生的事情归纳总结:表示对现在情况的推测用: 表示对此时此刻正在发生的事情的推测用: 表示对过去情况的推测用: 找一找:在文章中找出其他含有情态动词的句子,并说出它表示的用

39、法: 语法练习:s no light onthey_be at home. A.cant B.mustnt C.neednt D.shouldnt2. Hurry up, our teacher _for us at the school gateA. must be waiting B. must wait C. might waiting D. can be waiting3 Someone is knocking at the door. Who it be? It be Tom. He is still in the school. A. can, cant B. can, mustn

40、t C. might, could D. might, may4. She doesnt answer the doorbell, she _ be asleepA. might to B. might C. must have D. should5You have done so much work, you _ rather tired.A. must be feeling B. could be felt C. may be feeling D. would feel630.- Is there a flight to Paris this evening?-There _be. Ill

41、 phone the airport and find it out.A. must B. would C. might D. can7. He left yesterday, so he _ in Beijing.A. may arrive B. may have arrived C. must arrive D. arrives8. When can I come for the photos? I need them tomorrow afternoon.They _ be ready by 12:00. A. can B. should C. might D. need9. Mr. L

42、i _be in Beijing because I saw him in town only a few minutes agoA. neednt B. cant C. shouldnt D. mustnt10 It _be Li Ming who took my dictionary awayIt be Zhang Hua who did it A. cant;must B. mustnt;must C. neednt;can D. may not;canStep IV 小结与反思 Unit 13 Lesson 4 First Impressions (6)Tips:Those who h

43、ave courage to master their lives are heroes.有勇气主宰自己命运的人才是英雄。Learning aims:1. 整体理解文章大意。2. 学习Before you start和skills focus前三段的重点词组、句型 3. 学习运用第14页阅读策略:Making inference or Reading between the lines 2. 学习阅读技巧Learning difficult point: 分析句子结构Learning processes:Step 1:学习Before you start , Read to learn 两部分

44、。A划出词组,理解含义。(A级)1. be allergic to _ 2. take place _ 3. look up _ 4. make inference _5. the last straw _ 6. read between the lines _ 【知识链接】词组the last straw 的由来:“the last straw”忍耐的极限(最后一根稻草), 这一词组出自狄更斯的小说“as the straw breaks the laden camels back一只骆驼可负担五百公斤重物,但骆驼负载过重时,最后一根稻草也会压断脊背。因此,英语民族往往用“the last

45、straw”用来比喻一个人己经受了许多沉重的负担,终于被最后一点点小小的打击压垮了。B重点句子探究。(B级)The first time I met Tom, he seemed to be allergic to everying.【导学】the first time 在这里作连词,引导时间状语从句,意思:第一次 在英语中有些表时间的短语做连词引导时间状语从句,如 each time,every time , the first/last time, the moment, the minute, the day, the year, next time, by the time等。【练习】

46、汉译英:1.我第一次看见他时,就喜欢上他了。_ 2.他每次来焦作,总是来看我。_ 3.他被送到医院时,几乎快不行了。_ 4.我上次见他时,他好多了。_If necessary, look them up in a dictionary.【导学】if necessary 是省略句式,全句为:if it is necessary【拓展】在when ,while, until, unless, if, once(一旦) 等引导的状语从句中,如果从句的主语和主句的主语相同且从句的谓语部分含动词be时,或从句的主谓为it is时,可以省略从句的主语和动词be.【练习】汉译英,用省略句式:1. 如果有可能

47、的话,尽自己最大的努力,独立去做吧!_ 2. 当我还是孩子时,我就会背3000首诗了。 _Step 2: 整体理解把握课文。 Fast- reading (B级)The main characters in the story are _ and _. They met in the _ for the first time. _ was preparing for an important _ while _was reading and _. _ was angry and left but she left her most important _ behind. _ found the

48、 book and returned it to _. They became good_. Step 3: 认真读课文,判断P15第3题的5个句子正误(true or false). (B级)注意运用P14的阅读策略找关键词 Step 4: 做课本P15第4题:用课文中的词代替句中的斜体字。(A级)注意运用根据英语释义猜词义的阅读策略Step 5 : 学习课文前三段,找出下列重点句子,分析句子成份,理解含义,掌握词组用法。(B级)Para. 1The day(that) I met my best friend for the first time, I was full of anxiet

49、y. 译文:_【导学】The day是连词,引导时间状语从句,意思:那天forthefirsttime首次;第一次。表示有生以来或一段时间内第一次做某事,在句中一般单独作状语。总结forthefirsttime和thefirsttime的区别? be full of _【练习】 1. I came to Beijing_ . 2. Iknewwewouldbegoodfriends_ Imether A . the first time B.for the first time C. at the first time D.the first2I was getting more and mo

50、re annoyed and of course , the more upset I got , the less I was able to concentrate . 译文:_【导学】 more and more + ,表示越来越 句是“the +比较级 the +比较级 ”结构, 意为“越越”. 注意该句子的语序!【练习】汉译英你拥有的越多,你就会越高兴。_你年纪越轻,学习越容易。_他变得越来越仔细了。_天变得越来越糟糕了。_The last straw was when I heard someone singing behind me .译文:_ 4It was a tall gi

51、rl about the same age as me and she had a big smile on her face.译文:_【导学】此句是由and连接的_句第一个分句中the same age as me意思为:_此短语的结构是:the same + 名词 + as +比较的对象【知识链接】asas和一样; 此短语的结构是:as +adj/adv原级+as+比较对象 如: the same age as me = as +old +as+me【练习】汉译英(一句多译)我的短裙和你的一样长。_5.She was standing with a book in her hands ne

52、ar the “English Literature”section.译文:_【知识链接】with的复合结构,根据下列例句归纳其结构。1.The children were skating with their faces red with cold._2.The building with the lights on_3. She was standing there _4. With much homework to do, I cant play with you ._5.With my father fixing the radio set_6. With the task finis

53、hed, they went out to play. _P ara 2 6. The fact that she looked like a sensitive,friendly girl didnt matter. 译文:_【导学】此句中的that 引导同位语从句,不作句子成份,对the fact 的具体内容进行说明,同位语从句与先行名词是同位等同关系。 对比:The fact that she knew is true.此句中的that 引导_从句,对先行词the fact进行修饰限定,that 在从句中作_ 语。【练习】1. I made a promise that I will l

54、earn English well._ 从句 2.The mother made a promise that pleased all her children._ 从句 Para 37. I picked up my books, glared at her and whispered angrily 译文:【导学】本句是一个主语发出三个连续动作,注意动词间的连接方式。【仿写练习】小明醒来,睁开眼,穿上衣服,走出了卧室。_Step 4: 巩固练习(A级) 完成Page15 第5题Step 5:当堂小结(A级)词汇及知识点学习重在 背会理解模仿灵活运用,要结合文章语境学习领会,忌只背知识点。总

55、结本节课词组:_Step 7:自我反思:_Unit 13 People 导学案(7)Communication WorkshopTips: Abadbeginningmakesabadending.(不善始者不善终)Learning aims: 1. to practise making job-related nouns2. to practise discussing peoples appearance and their characer 3. to decribe a personLearning important point: to diserbe and guess a per

56、sonLearning difficult point: how to dessrible a personLearning processes:Step I 单词识记(A级)1.vt.判断2. 3.n.蜂蜜4. 5.6. n.额,前额7.n.大腿部,膝上8. 9.10.11.n.同伴,伴侣12.adj.含盐的,咸的Step I I 短语强记(B级)1.make a serious mistake 2.facial expressions3.make an advertisement 4.make a comment on 5.be devoted to each other to 7.be

57、popular with 8.a sense of humour9.make an appointment with 10.be influenced byStep 句式理解(C级)Its difficult to judge but we thought they might be in the same class and they were disscussing a problem.译文:很难判断, .【提示】judge(1) vt.评判,评审,判断 eg. I judge her a teacher. 我断定她是一位教师。(2) n.法官,审判员,裁判员 eg. They took

58、the thief to the judge. 他们把小偷带到了法官的面前。【连接】judging byfrom 从来看,由来判断(是惯用短语,可用来引导独立分句) eg. Judging from his looks, he may be sick. 从外表来看,他或许生病了。【练手区】Judging by his accent, he must be from Guangdong. 译文: 。 翻译: 由他所说的来判断,他一定是个诚实的人。【单词积累】judgment n.判断,评价,判决 in ones judgement 依某人看来【小知识】英语中据我看来的表达as far as I

59、can judgeas far as Im conceredas far as I know to the best of my knowledgefrom my point of viewin my opinionShe never watches TV except for the news.译文: 【辨析】except, except for , except that, besides. except 将一个或者几个人或物从同一类普通的种类中除去,即将个体从整体中除去。 eg: 除了简之外,大家都来了。except for 用于说明整体中的细节部分。 eg: 他是个好人,只是脾气暴躁而

60、已。except that 用来表示理由或细节,后接从句。 eg: 除了他来自湖南,我对他一无所知。besides 除之外,还有eg: 除了汤姆成功之外,我们也都成功了。【练习】Everthing was perfect for the picnicthe weather.A. in place of B. as well as C. except for D. in case of Some people choose jobs for other reasosmoney these days.A. forB. exceptC. besidesD. withBut after 35 year


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