1、高三年级英语开学摸底考试高三年级英语开学摸底考试本试卷分第 I 卷( 选择题) 和第卷 ( 非选择题 ) 两部分. 满分 150 分, 考试时间 120 分钟.第 I 卷( 总分 115 分)第一部分 : 听力测试 ( 共两节, 满分 30 分)第一节:( 共 5 小题; 每小题 1.5 分, 满分 7.5 分)听下面 5 段对话. 每段对话后有一个小题 , 从题中所给的 A.B.C 三个选项中选出最佳选项 , 并标在试卷的相应位置 . 听完每段对话后 , 你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题 . 每段对话仅读一遍 .Whenwill Mr. Addison return?On
2、 Monday afternoon.On Thursday night.On Friday morning.Whattime did the second baseball game finally start?A At 3:45BAt 4:45C At 5:45.Whois the man?Toms boss.B Toms tor.C The womans tor.Wheredoes this conversation take place?In a park.BAt a station.C On the street.Whatcan we learn from this conversat
3、ion?The man is able to manage.Mr. Brown will ring back soon.The woman didn t answer the phone.第二节( 共 15 小题; 每题 1.5 分, 满分 22.5 分)听下面 5 段对话或独白 . 每段对话或独白后有几个小题 , 从题中所给的 A.B.C 三个选项中选出最佳选项 , 并标在试卷的相应位置 . 听每段对话或独白前 , 你将有时间阅读各个小题 , 每小题 5 秒钟; 听完后, 每小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间 . 每段对话或独白读两遍 .听第 6 段材料, 回答第 6 至 7 题.Whatis
4、the relationship between the two speakers?Policemanand driver.BSalesman and customer.CEmployer and employee.Howmuch was the woman made to pay in all?$35.B $50.C$65.听第 7 段材料, 回答第 8 至 10 题.Wheredoes this conversation take place ?Ina flat building.BInthe man s office.C In the womans house.Whatis the wo
5、man looking for ?A Atwo-bedroom flat.BAthree-bedroom flat .CA ground-floor flat.Whatdoes the woman think of the flat?Itis too small to live in.Itis too e_pensive to buy.Itis satisfying on the whole.听第 8 段材料, 回答第 11 至 13 题.Whatwas the robber wearing?A Ablack dress.BAred sweater.CTennis shoes.Whois th
6、e robber?A aman who robs women in the park.B awoman who robs men in the park.C aman who dresses up like a woman.Whatcan we learn from the conversation?Therobber is really quite harmless.Sucha case has never been heard before.Theman speaker has been robbed several times.听第 9 段材料, 回答第 14 至 16 题.Whatwi
7、ll the woman probably do if shes caught in a thunderstorm?Stand on the ground.Put herself in water.Try to find a house.Whatdoes the man think of taking a bath during a thunderstorm?Itis acceptable.BItis dangerous.CItis unbelievable.Whatdoes the woman think about the man s action?Itis unusual.BItis u
8、nnecessary.C It is very practical.听第 10 段材料, 回答第 17 至 20 题.Whois the speaker?A Apark manager.B A tourist guide.CArestaurant host.Whatis the speaker mainly talking about?A Ahistoric tree.B Awell-known park.CA famous commander.Whatdo we know about the Washington Elm?Itwas less than one hundred years o
9、ld.Itwas much older than people had thought.Washingtoncouldn t have commanded under it .Whatcan we learn from what the speaker said?Somehistorical stories are untrue.Washington commanded the army on his knees.TheWashington Elm was destroyed before the celebration.第二部分 : 英语知识运用 ( 共两节, 满分 85 分)第一节: 单项
10、填空 ( 共 20 小题; 每小题 1 分, 满分 20 分) We hadreally damp December this year.Icant rememberwinter when it rained so much.a; /B/;theC the ;aD a;a What field will your son go into after graduation from Nanjing University?I mnot quite certain, but hea good teacher of EmisesBbecomesCmakesD provesThe n
11、ew college graduate has tried several companies ,but each time he.has been turned awayBhad been turned awayC was turned awayDis turnedaway Woo, Mr. Smith is at the gate ,waiting for us.Whocome to meet us but the manager?shallBmightCmustD should Which of them took the first place in the English Compe
12、tition last year?I msorry,.you have methereByou trouble me thereC I don t mind who didDI m not interested in itIt seemed only secondstheycame back to tell me that the world E_PO would be held in Shanghai in _.whenBafterCbeforeD tillThe price of any product is linkedto a complicated system of pricese
13、verything depends on everything else.whereB whichCthatD of whichAll passengersin the accident were sent to the nearby hospital in no time.to findinjuredBfindingto injureC to be found injuredDfoundinjured she first heard of the man referred to as a specialist.Itwas Stephen thatBItwas from Stephen tha
14、tC It was Stephen whomDThat was fromStephenIt is clear that water pollutionmeans more deaths and heavier losses and,it is our duty to prevent rivers and lakes from being polluted.altogetherBthereforeCotherwiseD moreoverThis ,I think,the first time that wetraveling together. Would you like to join us
15、?has been; have goneB was; had goneCwillbe ; are goingDwould havebeen; would goI don t believe you. It is not like her father ,who is an honest man,anyone in business.A to cheatB cheatsC cheatingD cheated Mary looks funny in miniskirts.Butdont you know miniskirts are starting to?come inB turn backCc
16、ome aroundD come backPeople think a greatof writers,who have written a greatof e_cellent works.deal ,numberBdeal ,dealCnumber, numberD number ,dealhas recently been done to provide morebuses for the people ,a shortage of public vehicles remains a serious problem.ThatB WhatC In spiteof whatDThough wh
17、at第二节: 完形填空 ( 共 20 小题; 每小题 1.5 分, 满分 30 分)Lose-Winis weak. Its easy to get stepped on. Its easy to be the nice guy. Its easyto give in ,all in the name of being a peacemaker.Agirl named Jenny once told me about herin the world of Lose Win during hereighth grade year before she finally broke37of it :
18、My38with my mom all startedone day39she saidto me sarcastically(讽刺地 ),Wow ,you re sure sassy( 敢顶嘴的 , 时尚的 )today. I40it so literally(字面地 )that then and there I decidedto close myself off from her and never41back to her. So every time shewould say somethingI disagreed with herI would just say,Okay,you
19、 want ,Mom. ButI really got cold quickly. And my44began to build. OnenightI talkedto mymomabout the school homeworkand she said,Oh,thats45, and then went back to mop the floor.Dontyou ever46? I thought. But I didn t say anything and stormed off .She47had no idea Iwas upset .She would have been willi
20、ng to talk to me had I48her how important it was tome.Atlast,Ijustblew up.Mom,thishas got to49. Youtellmeeverythingyou want meto do and I justdo itbecause it s50thanfighting.Well,I m sickof it. This all came as a51to her.Aftermy blowup ,we felt like we were52all over in ourrelationship.But it s gett
21、ingbetterallthe time.Wediscussthingsnow and Ialways53my feeling with her .Ifyou adopt Lose Win as your basic54toward life,then people willwipe theirdirtyfeeton you. Youllalso be55your true feelings deep inside.And thats not healthy. wanderingsB disappointmentClessonsD helplessness37 A outBdownC upD
22、free38 A relationshipBproblemsC quarrelsD improvement39 A asB sinceC whenD before40 A regardedBtreatedC receivedD before41 A fightBstruggleCtalkD turn42 A even ifB only ifCthatD as though43 A somethingB whateverCso muchD too much44 A coldnessBangerCdisagreementD hope45 A trueBimpossibleCniceD import
23、ant46 A careBseeC sayD listen47 A alsoBstillCevenD already48 A warnedBshownC askedD told49 A endBchangeC lastD stop50 A worseB easierC moreD less51 A surpriseB pleasureC giftD harm52 A goingB startingCthinkingD reviewing53 A shareB haveCdiscussD improve54 A wayB methodCattitudeD theory55 A hurtingB
24、wakingCstoringD hiding第三节: 阅读理解 ( 共 25 小题; 共 50 分)ARecently,in the hope of earning both money and social e_perience, I became adoor-to-doorsalesman. I once read a saying:Ifsomebodywants something ofyou ,you will be treated as warmly as spring ,but if they dont you may betreated as coldly as winter.
25、You may consider it an e_aggeration, but if youare a salesman ,it is clearly correct.You wouldnever found it to be so true if you hadnt been a salesman. You neednt stand adoubtful looks and unfriendly views; you needn t listen to something completelywrong and nod to say that it was quite right; you
26、neednt always keep patienceand a smile;you neednt repeatthe samesentences over again;you needn t talkto somebody you dislikeI did thiswork for a month; then I decided to give itup .Inspiteof the above reasons,I found I was paying too much attention to the job and thus sacrificing mystudy time.The la
27、testtestresultproved thatmygrades were gettinglower.Even worse ,I hadnt enough time to join my classmates in college activities.Sometimes I feltlonelyand unhappy because both mystudyand mypart-time job.NowI dont thinkitis worth doing such a thingeven though I was earningmoney at great cost.Newspaper
28、sand magazines often publish stories about good students who do part-time workand keep high scores in class. But according to my e_perience, part-time workcan have some strong bad effects on study.Moststudentsdont see the relationshipbetween studiesand work in a correct way.In my opinion, if it isn
29、t must for money reasons, students should be cautiousabout taking up a part-time job. In western countries even the children of veryrich families take part in hard jobs during the summer vocation.What caused the writer to give up his part-time job?Too much attention to it and his grades getting lowe
30、r.He often missed some collegeactivities.Sometimes he felt tired and unhappy.All the above.Which of the following has thecloset meaning to the underlined wordsacrificing?losingBwastingC usingD gettingThe writer thought.to do part-time job was unnecessarypart-time jobs had good effect uponstudyit s h
31、ard to plan study and work correctlypart-time jobs were good for studentsWho should take part-time jobs according to the te_t above?A Every college student.Those who want to get social e_perience.Those in great need of money.Those from very rich families in western countries.BThrough aseries of e_pe
32、riments an American scientist has gained an understanding of thesocial structure of the most comple_ of ant societies. The ants e_aminedarethe only creatures other than man to have given up hunting and collecting for acompletely agricultural way of life. In their underground nests they cultivategard
33、ens on soilmadefrom finelychopped leaves.This is a comple_ operation requiringconsiderabledivisionof labour.The workers of thistype of ants canbe divided into four groups according to the size .Each of the groupsperformsa particular set of jobs.The makingand care of the gardens and the nursing of th
34、e young ants are done by thesmallestworkers.Slightlylargerworkers are responsibleforchopping up leaves to make them suitable for use in the gardens and for cleaning thenest. Athirdgroup of stilllargerants do the constructionwork and collectfresh leaves from outsidethe nest.The largestare the soldier
35、ants ,responsible fordefending the nest.To find outhow good the various size-groups are at different tasks ,the scientist measuredthe amount of work done by the ants against the amount of energy theyused .Hee_amined first the gathering and carrying of leaves. He selected one of thesize-groups,and th
36、en measured how efficientlythese ants could findleaves andrun back to the nest. Then he repeated the e_periment for each of theother-size-groups.Inthisway he couldsee whether any group could do the jobmore efficiently than the group normally undertaking it.Theintermediate-sized ants that normally pe
37、rform this task proved to be the mostefficientfortheirenergy costs,but whenthe scientiste_amined the wholesetof jobs performed by each group of ants itappeared thatsomesizesof worker ant were not ideally suited to the particular jobs they performed.In which way are the ants different from other non-
38、human societies?They do not need to search forfood.They do not need to look forshelter.Individuals vary in social status.Individuals perform different functions.It seems that smaller ants perform more of the.construction taskshome tasksdefensiveworkDheavy workThe scientist s work was based on.occasi
39、onal observationssystematic observationsobservations of several nestsobservations of an undisturbed nestThe organization of the ants has the effect of.getting the most work donedividing the work up systematicallyeach ant helping with all the taskseach ant doing what it can do bestCBirds flockto park
40、s in up-market neighborhoods, avoiding those in the poorer partsof town,researchers have discovered.Anne Kinzigand her colleaguesat ArizonaState Universitystudied15 parks in Phoeni_ andfound the most diverse bird populations in the smartest parts of town. To theirsurprise,thesocio-economicfactorse_p
41、lainedbirddiversitybetterthan anything about park ecology ,such as tree diversity and vegetationstructure.In fact, parks in the poorest parts of town had the highest tree and vegetationdiversity,butthe lowest birddiversity.Wewouldnt have guessed it.says Kinzing.It s telling us we need to look furthe
42、r into a field for theanswer. Her team isnow trying to track downe_actlywhat it isabout lu_urious neighborhoods thatthe birds like. One possibility is that rich people have bigger gardenssothere are more habitats ,surrounding the parks. Also ,they may be more likelyto feed the birdsor perhaps offera
43、 bettermenu. Mike Thomasof the BritishTrust for Ornithology is not surprised by the results.The area around gardensand parks determineswhich birdsvisit, he says thatlagergardens tend tocontain a greater variety of habitats and so can support different bird species.Aspokesperson forthe Royal Society
44、forthe Protection for birds addsthat twothirds of UK households put food out for their garden visitors:It isarguablythe nations biggest pastimecertainly more popular than watching football.Which of the following can be concluded from the te_t?People in UK are very happy with the visitors to their ga
45、rdens.Watching football used to be more popular than bird-watching.Many families in UK enjoy feeding birds in their gardens.D Rich people like to provide food to the birds in their gardens.By sayingWe wouldn t haveguessed it., the writer meant that the team didnt e_pect.birds always gathered around
46、the parks in rich areas of townthe park ecology could affect the bird diversity so greatlythe answer for bird diversity needed their further researchthe least diversity of birds was found in the highest treesWhat causes birds to gather around the rich areas?The tall trees and the vegetationthere.The
47、 large population living there.The big parks and the large lawnsthere.The better food and the richer habitats there.The main idea of the passage should be.A Birds are close friends for British families.B Birds like to visit rich families.C Birds have got used to living arich life.D Birds tend to hav
48、e a rich life.DA child whohas once been pleased with a tale likes ,as a rule ,to have it retold in thesamewords, but thisshould not lead parentsto treatprintedfairystoriesassacred te_ts. It is always much better to tell a story than read it out of abook ,and ,if a parent can produce what , in the ac
49、tual situation of thetimeand the particular child, is an improvement in the printed te_t ,so muchthe better.A charge madeagainst fairy tales is that they harm the child by frightening him or awakeninghis cruelty. To prove the latter, one would have to show in a controllede_periment thatchildrenwho h
50、ave read fairystorieswere more oftenguilty ofcrueltythan those who had not.Crueltyevery childhas. And on the whole, itsstaying in the words seems much safer than turning to actual action. As tofears,thereare,I think,well-provedcases of childrenbeing dangerouslyterrifiedby somefairystory.Often ,howev
51、er ,thishappens in the children having heard the storyonce. Familiaritywith the storyby repetitionturns thepain of fearintothe pleasureof a fearfaced and mastered .There are also people who object to fairy stories on the grounds that they are notobjectivelytrue, and that ,instead of satisfying his i
52、maginations in fairy tales, the child should be taught how to reason with them. If their case were sound , theworld should be full of madmen attempting to fly from New York to Philadelphiaon a broomstick or covering a telephone with kisses in the belief that it wastheir enchanted girl friend.No fair
53、ystoryever declaredto be a descriptionof the outsideworld and no sensible child has ever believed that it was.The author considers that a fairystory is more effective when it is.repeated without varietyused for a correct purposesuited to the age of the childchanged a little by the parentsIn the opin
54、ions of some people fairy stories.increase the possibility to be cruel in childrenproduce the original cruelty in childrentell children how to be cruel tootherscause trouble in controlling thechildrenThe author thinks that fairy stories are a means by which.childrens cruelty can be freed harmlesslyc
55、hildrens fear can be turned into pleasurechildrens cruelty can be held until adulthoodchildrens fear can be measurede_actlyAccording to the author ,for a child ,fairy tales.cause no fear at allcause too many imaginationscause a sense of madnesscause no confused feelingEChina Earthquake Leaves 5,000
56、homelessBeijing-Anearthquake measuring 5.8 on the Richter sale left 5,000 people homeless, killedat least one person and injured 39 others in southwest China on Thursday, withaccidents e_pected.By lateThursday, 4,900 people were declared homeless after the quake destroyed theirhomesin a mountainous
57、area lyingon the borderbetween Yunnan and Sichuanprovinces.The dawnquake leftone dead and 39 injured,destroyed268 houses and damaging 1,132 otherbuildingsso seriouslythatthey were considered uninhabitable.Another2,400 houses sufferedless seriousdamage.The epicenter(震中)was near the scenic Lugu lake ,
58、a tourist site ,where the localschool was severely damaged.Preliminary(最初的)estimates put economic losses at 180 million yuan(22 million dollars).Governmentsin Yanyuan and the neighbouring Yunnan country of Ningland has joined forces inthe rescue efforts and tents ,clothes and medicine are badly in n
59、eed offor theearthquake victims.Themountainous terrain ,heavy rain and several aftershocks all prevented rescueeffortson Thursday.The raincouldcause more badly damagedhomesto falldown.More deadand injuredare e_pectedas rescuershave yet reach manyfaraway areas .It isvery hardfor rescueworkers because
60、most houses and scattered aroundthe mountains ,which as inhabited by Yi and other ethnic minority groups.The quakehit the area at 5:10a.m. Beijing time( 2,110Wednesday GMT). Earthquakes regularly affect the two counties, with 2 quakes measuring 5.0 and 6.0on the Richterscalekillingat least3 people a
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