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1、课标专用5年高考3年模拟A版2021高考英语专题三形容词副词数词试题课标专用5年高考3年模拟A版2021高考英语专题三形容词副词数词试题PAGE PAGE 21课标专用5年高考3年模拟A版2021高考英语专题三形容词副词数词试题专题三形容词、副词、数词探考情 悟真题【考情探究】考点考卷年份题型课标全国课标全国课标全国20192018201720162015201920182017201620152019201820172016形容词语篇型填空higher(high)energetic(energy)careful(care)wonderful(wonder)global(globe)succe

2、ss-ful(success)greater(great)natural(nature)tradition-al (tradi-tion)短文改错interesting interestedhappilyhappysuddenlysuddenmuchmany;seriouslyseriouscoollycool;amazingamazed;去掉better前的moreinteresting interestedordinarily ordinarylarger largedifference different;late latestworseworst;freelyfree副词语篇型填空po

3、orly(poor)longer(long)worse(bad)officially(official)before/earlier;regular-ly (regu-lar)finally(final)actually(actual)fairly(fair)regular-ly(regular)slowly(slow)so;hugely (huge)loudest(loud)certainly(certain)gradually (gradual)短文改错hardlyhard;nowthenherethere删除so much 中的much;latelatersteadysteadilyto

4、overy/soearlierearly;Beside Besides去掉so very much中的very;terrible terriblyImme-diate Imme-diatelysuchso数词短文改错2019课标全国考查了数词的用法,将基数词five改为序数词fifth分析解读1.语篇型填空、短文改错主要考查形容词、副词的句法功能,因此考生需要掌握形容词、副词在句中作什么成分。2。对形容词和副词的构词法(构成形容词的后缀,“形容词+-ly”构成副词)的考查是五年高考课标全国卷语篇型填空、短文改错的重点之一。3.对形容词、副词的比较等级(形容词及副词比较级、最高级的构成规则;形容

5、词及副词平级、比较级、最高级的基本句型)的考查是五年高考课标全国卷语篇型填空、短文改错的另一个重点。4。对形容词、副词的辨析(如many和much的区别,hard和hardly的区别,before和ago的区别,so和such的区别等)是五年高考课标全国卷语篇型填空、短文改错的一个难点。5。对数词的考查主要是基数词和序数词之间的相互转换。6。对形容词、副词构词法和比较等级的考查仍然是未来高考语篇型填空、短文改错的重点。破考点 练考向【网络清单】形容词()形容词的基本用法()形容词比较级和最高级的构成规则()形容词构词法副词()副词的基本用法()副词比较级和最高级的构成规则()“形容词+-ly”

6、构成副词的规则形容词、副词比较等级普通句式1.平级比较:as+原级+as.(和一样)He gets upas early asI.他和我起得一样早。not as/so+原级+as.(不如)He doesntget upas/so early asI.他不如我起得早。2.比较级:比较级+than.(比更)He gets upearlier thananyone else in his class.他比班里其他人都起得早。the+比较级+of.(两者中更的)He isthe taller ofthe 2 boys.他是两个男孩中较高的。no+比较级+than.(两者同样不)He isno tall

7、er thanhis brother.他和他弟弟一样不高。其他比较级句式:besuperior to=be betterthanbeinferior to=be worsethan3.最高级:Li Ming isthe most hard-workingstudent in his class.李明是他班里最努力的学生。Of allthe subjects,I like artbest.在所有的科目中,我最喜欢美术。固定句式more.than.:He ismore a writer than a teacher.与其说他是老师还不如说他是作家。否定式+比较级:Icouldnt agree mo

8、rewith the writer.我非常同意作者的观点。the+比较级,the+比较级:The harderyou work,the betterresults youll get.你学习越努力,成绩就会越好。比较级+比较级:We are becomingricher and richer.我们变得越来越富裕。倍数表达倍数+as.as.倍数+比较级+than.倍数+the+名词+of.倍数+what从句倍数+that/those of.如:The output ofthis year is3 times whatit was in 2015.=The output ofthis year i

9、s3 times that of2015.今年的产量是2015年的三倍。Afterthe new technique was introduced,the factory producedtwice as many cars in 2015 asthe year before.新技术被引进以后,这家工厂2015年生产的小汽车的数量是前一年的两倍。固定短语:more or less差不多,几乎;whats more更有甚者;lessthan少于;morethan多于;no morethan仅仅;not morethan至多,不多于易混形容词、副词的用法数词基数词()序数词分数、小数、百分数【考点

10、集训】考点一形容词、副词构词法1.Winners in life set goals and follow them through。 (success) people just let life happen by accident.答案Unsuccessful2。Wood became very expensive and hard to get,so the Chinese had to either find a substitute for their(value) wood,or learn how to use it better.答案valuable3。The study co

11、mpared grandparents who acted as (occasion) caregivers with those who did not。 答案occasional4。It is more important for us to carry on the Silk Road Spirit in the face of the weak recovery of the(globe)economy, and complex international situations。答案global5。Today, the Great Wall is generally recognize

12、d as one of the most (impress) architectural wonders in history。答案impressive6。If we are(satisfy) with only a few rules we have memorized, we are not really learning the language。答案satisfied7.In her opinion, educators should more(close)match school schedules with teenagers sleep needs.答案closely8。Half

13、 spicy and half clear broth is(ready)available at most restaurants.答案readily9。(tradition), food eaten on this day was renamed after parts of the dragon.答案Traditionally10。If a person is(physical)disabled, he cannot afford to be psychologically disabled as well。答案physically考点二形容词、副词的比较等级1.Now Hechi is

14、 still one of Chinas (large) copper drum sites。答案 largest2。But few have done as well as Coco, Disney-Pixars(late)masterpiece cartoon, which hit the big screen on Nov. 24.答案latest3.A survey by the Chinese Academy of Sciences shows that the average life of Chinese intellectuals is 58 years, 10 years (

15、low) than the nations average。 答案lower4。The dining room is twice as (big) as the kitchen。 答案big5。(few) people write with their left hands than with their right hands。答案Fewer6.He is the (young) of all the boys in the class。答案youngest7。 The (hard) he worked, the more progress he made.答案harder8。I like

16、tea and coffee, but the (late) is my favorite。答案latter考点三易混形容词、副词和数词单句改错1.There are so much things we disagree about。 答案muchmany2.He was too frightening to say anything. 答案frighteningfrightened3.Why are you being so much horrible to me? 答案删除much4。He told me that he had visited the Great Wall 3 years

17、 ago. 答案agobefore 5。He had thought such little of the patient that he was not in a condition to answer it. 答案suchso6.My birthday is on July five。 答案fivefifth【五年高考】A组统一命题课标卷题组考点一形容词、副词构词法1.(2019江苏,28)Unlike traditional gyms, app-backed gyms offer people(flexibility) options to exercise.答案flexible2。(2

18、019天津,15)A dogs eating habit requires regular training before it is (proper) established。答案properly3。(2018江苏,34)Despite the poor service of the hotel, the manager is(reluctance) to invest in sufficient training for his staff.答案reluctant4。(2017江苏,29)Only five years after Steve Jobs death, smart-phone

19、s defeated (convention)PCs in sales。答案conventional5。(2016浙江,13)A sudden stop can be a very frightening experience, (especial)if you are travelling at high speed。 答案especially6.(2015安徽,26)Im so (gratefully)to all those volunteers because they helped my terrible day end happily。答案grateful7.(2015福建,23)

20、It was(consider) of Michael to inform us of his delay in case we got worried。答案considerate8。(2015湖北,27)Even though the conference hall is near his apartment, he has to hurry a little if he wants to be(punctually)。答案punctual9。(2015浙江,13)Most of us,if we know even a little about where our food comes f

21、rom,understand that every bite put into our mouths was (former)alive.答案formerly10。(2015湖北,29)The girl used to be shy,but is (gradual)getting active in group work and is more willing to express herself.答案gradually考点二形容词、副词的比较等级(2015四川,7)Andy is content with the toy。It is the(good)he has ever got.答案be

22、st【三年模拟】A组20182020年模拟基础题组考点一形容词、副词构词法1.(2020届安徽“江淮十校”联考一,63)It looks as if sad music can be enjoyablerather than (simple) depressingbecause it triggers positive memories.答案simply2.(2020届黑龙江哈尔滨师大附中9月月考,44)In the vineyards of Moyu, thanks to the hot and dry climate that results from being surrounded b

23、y the desert, huge quantities of large and (juice) grapes with very thin skins are produced.答案juicy3.(2020届贵州贵阳8月摸底,66)In Cape Town in South Africa baboons come into the city when they are (hunger).答案hungry4。(2020届河南天一大联考阶段检测,68)Even today,no matter where Chinese people live or what dialect they spe

24、ak, they can still communicate(easy) in writing。答案easily5。(2020届山西太原五中9月月考,50)Whether you like KFC or not, his story is (true) inspirational。 答案truly6.(2020届河南许昌高级中学月考一,44)Some (wealth) businessmen and high officials came by, but they simply walked around the rock。答案wealthy7.(2020届黑龙江大庆铁人中学开学考试,64)M

25、onarch butterflies, like most butterflies, are (terrible) important for plants。答案terribly8.(2019安徽“江淮十校联考二,69)Although these adverts seem (usual) to us now, perhaps future generations may consider some of todays ads to be just as strange.答案unusual9.(2019安徽A10联盟阶段考试,63)Thousands of computer enthusias

26、ts find computer shows around the country so (attract) that they buy parts, take them home and assemble(组装) their own computers。答案attractive10。(2019河北保定摸底考试,68)For example, there is trouble in being able to prove (exact) what certain drugs are made up of, as well as being able to keep the effects th

27、e same every time. 答案exactly11.(2019安徽A10联盟阶段考试,62)You can (easy) jump from one website to another。答案easily12。(2018河北五个一联盟联考二,65)The articles are intended for younger readers, but adults will find this site(suit)for them as well.答案suitable13。(2018湖北襄阳调研,66)The WHO announced, in 2014, a plan to fight

28、 obesity and invited governments to encourage its citizens to adopt a(sense)diet and to take some exercise。答案sensible考点二形容词、副词的比较等级1.(2020届安徽“江淮十校”联考一,61)Weve all turned to sad music to make us feel (good)at some point in our lives, but why does doubling down on the sadness help drag us out of the m

29、ire(泥沼)?答案better2。(2020届河北邢台摸底一,63)Thousands of years (late), native American tribes including the Apache, Zuni, Navajo and Pueblos lived on the land. 答案later3.(2020届河南九师联盟9月质检,63)It will be the (long) roller coaster in Florida, measuring 5,053 feet or nearly a mile in length.答案longest4。(2020届黑龙江哈尔滨

30、师大附中9月月考,41)A grape seed that falls into the soil of Xinjiang is very fortunate, as Xinjiang is (well) suited for growing grapes than anywhere else。答案better5.(2020届辽宁六校协作体期初考试,62)Chinese will become the (five) elective test item for the Unified State Exam in addition to English, German, French and S

31、panish。答案fifth6。(2019海南儋州一次统测,67)Jin Yong achieved a(great) success than any other contemporary writer.答案greater7.(2019河南洛阳期中考试,68)Shenzhen is recognised as the (young) city of China.答案youngest 8。(2019安徽A10联盟阶段考试,69)These days, as compared to ten to fifteen years ago, the job of assembly is made (si

32、mple) by producers of parts that are largely standardized。答案simpler9.(2018江西名校学术联盟质检,69)Eighteen years later, were still here and doing(well)than ever.答案better10.(2018浙江温州普通高中高考适应性测试,57)He lost all his wealth and couldnt pay for his insurance, but there was even(bad) news to come。答案worseB组2018-2020年

33、模拟提升题组1.(2020届安徽“江淮十校”联考一)Ive left two bags of them on your desk. Help yourself and I sincere hope youll enjoy them。 答案sinceresincerely2.(2020届福建永安一中、漳平一中联考一)Having been exposed to foreign teachers since a young age, I can communicate with others in fluently English。 答案fluentlyfluent3。(2020届甘肃天水一中一次

34、考试)As is known to all, eating self-cooked food is a much healthier and little costly way of life than eating in a restaurant。 答案littleless4。(2020届贵州贵阳8月摸底)Anyone fond of reading is freely to go there whenever they are available。 答案freelyfree5.(2020届山西太原五中9月阶段性考试)The rest, about 5, dont take the issu

35、e serious。 答案seriousseriously6.(2020届河南许昌高中月考一)Finally we put on wonderfully performances, singing and dancing happily。 答案wonderfullywonderful7.(2019湖北孝感一中、应城一中等五校期中联考)With friendship, life proves happily and harmonious.答案happilyhappy8。(2019湖南浏阳六校期中联考)To my greatly relief, he brought textbooks to me

36、 and helped me with my lessons.答案greatlygreat9.(2019福建长汀一中等六校联考)Whats bad, some students are likely to compare the brands of their smart phones with their classmates。答案badworse10.(2019湖南三湘名校教育联盟联考一)Only a few people were walking quick on the streets wearing their masks.答案quickquickly11.(2019福建安溪一中、养

37、正中学、惠安一中、泉州实验中学期中)Now I like her even more and I am glad I have so a great sister.答案sosuch12.(2018吉林百校联盟联考)He couldnt fall slept with lights on.答案sleptasleep13.(2018湖南永州一模)They say that once moved, animals will have more room and good living conditions in the suburbs。答案goodbetter14.(2018四川双流中学月考)Whe

38、n people return back from their travel, they will generally feel fresh and energetic, ready to work harder。答案去掉backC组2018-2020年模拟综合题组Passage 1 A 13-year study of early childhood 1 (develop) made by Harvard University has shown that,by the age of three,most children have the big potential to understa

39、nd about 1,000 wordsmost of the language they will use in ordinary conversation for the rest of their lives。 2 (addition),the research has shown that while every child was born with a 3 (nature) curiosity, it can decline 4 (great) during the second and third years of life。Researchers say that the hu

40、man personality is formed during the first two years of life,and during the first three years children learn the 5 (base) skills they will use in all their 6 (late) learning both at home and at school。It is 7 (general) acknowledged that young people from 8 (poor)socioeconomic backgrounds tend to do

41、less well in our education system。 As a result of the research evidence of the importance of the first three years of a childs life,a pilot(试验性的)programme that focused on parents as the childs first teachers started in the US.As the programme shows, working with the family, rather than bypassing(绕开) the p


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