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1、大学英语(B)统考模拟Model Test 2Contents交际用语1 阅读理解2完型填空3翻译4写作4词汇与结构3交际用语之 用语Answer the phone:Hello ( Good morning ), this is 2822677. This is Marys phone. This is Mary speaking. It is (Mary) here.Hello , Mary here . Mary speaking.不能用“I am .”, 如果对方找的正是本人,可用“ Yes ,speaking ”即可。“Sorry youve dialed the wrong num

2、ber. 交际用语之 用语用英语通话时,千万不可以问:“Who are you?”问对方是哪一位时,可以用以下几种方式:Whos that / whos speaking , please? 请问你是谁?Whom am I speaking to ? 跟我通话的是谁?May I have your name ?我可以问你的名字吗?Is that you , ? / Is there, please?某某在吗?询问职业What does sb. do?What is sb.?时间Whats the time?What time is it?日期Whats the date?What date i

3、s it?询问价格:How much?时长How long?频率How often?Every other day. 每隔一天。More Practice2006年3月真题 What would you like to have, meat or fish? _.A. Either will doB. Yes, I like meatC. Yes, I like fishD. No, they are not my favoriteA Thank you very much for giving me so much help. _.A. No thank youB. Youre welcom

4、eC. OKD. ThanksB Must I be home before seven? _.A. No, you needntB. No, you mustntC. Yes, you willD. No, you wontA Would you rather come on Friday or Saturday? _.A. Yes, of courseB. No, thanksC. It doesnt matterD. FridayD I doubt whether the Chinese Football Team can win the game this time. _.A. Tha

5、ts trueB. Its hard to sayC. I like the teamD. I dont believe it B I believe weve met somewhere before. No, _.A. it isnt the sameB. it cant be rightC. I dont think so D. Id rather notC Oh dear! Ive just broken a window. _! It cant be helped.A. GreatB. Never mindC. Thats fineD. Not at all B I had a re

6、ally good weekend at my uncles. _.A. Oh, thats very nice of youB. CertainlyC. Its a pleasureD. Oh, Im glad to hear thatD Thank you ever so much for the book you gave me. _.A. No thanksB. Im glad you like itC. Yes, it is goodD. No, its not so goodB What day is today? _.A. Today is March 25thB. Today

7、is SaturdayC. Today is fineD. Today is coldB阅读理解正确的解题顺序,以节省时间阅读时一定要“忘我”解题时一定要在文章中找到根据词汇与结构It is said to beIt is said thatBe good atDo well inA fewA littleFewlittle据说擅长于有一些(表肯定)几乎没有(表否定)词汇与结构On ones mind: 担忧In ones mind: 记在心头Lie-lay-lain-lying: 平躺,位于 lied-lied-lied-lying: 撒谎 Lay-laid-laid: 放置,下蛋词汇与结构

8、表示金钱,距离,时间,重量等的数字均为但是概念,谓语动词用单数。确数后所带的单位使用单数形式约数后所带的单位使用复数形式Seven thousand 七千Several thousands of 数以千计的词汇与结构quite a few 相当多的 quite a little 许多 quite a bit 相当多 quite a lot of 相当多quite a lot 经常名词动词词汇与结构Mean doing 意味着Mean to do 意欲做 (intend to do)I mean to go, but my father would not allow me to. 我想去,但是

9、我父亲不肯让我去。 To raise wage means increasing purchasing power. 增加工资意味着增加购买力。词汇与结构All of/none of/ any of (三者以上)All of 强调整体 所有都None of 强调整体 所有都不Any of 强调个体 每个都Both of/neither of (两者之间)Both of 两者都Neither of 两者都不完型填空Extend: 延伸,扩展The hot weather extended into October.炎热天气一直持续到十月。Illustrate:举例说明,阐明He pointed

10、at the diagram to illustrate his point.他指着图表来说明他的论点。Perform:履行; 完成; 执行;表演They always perform their duties faithfully.他们总是忠实地履行自己的职责。Conduct:引导, 管理, 指挥He conducted the members of the audience to their seats.他引观众到他们的座位上。完型填空Attribute:归于,属于 (后加to)They attribute their success to their teachers encourage

11、ment.他们把成功归因于老师的鼓励。Contribute:有助于, 贡献给,投稿, 捐助(后加to)Honesty and hard work contribute to success and happiness.诚实加苦干有助于成功和幸福。Distribute:分发, 分配, 散布The mother distributed candy among children.母亲给孩子们发糖果。完型填空Suspect: 怀疑 (表内心存有疑虑),猜想The police suspected that Bill did it.警察怀疑那件事是比尔干的。I suspect hes coming.我猜

12、他来了。Wonder: 怀疑(表惊奇),想知道We wonder that the little boy is a university student.我们很惊奇这小男孩是大学生。I wonder who he is.我很想知道他是谁。完型填空Effective: 有效的 (强调效果)Efficient: 有效的(强调效率)The new secretary is a quick, efficient worker, and the boss is quite satisfied with her.新来的秘书是个敏捷的、效率高的工作人员,老板对她很满意。Their efforts to improve the production have been very effective.他们提高生产


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