1、XX公司XX年秋季马铃薯运输及结算协议Transportation & Settlement Contract协议签署日期(date):20XXX年8 月 日买方(甲方):XXXXXBuyer: XX Co., Ltd卖方(乙方):Seller: 关于XX公司秋季土豆运输及结算事宜,经各方共同协商一致达成如下协议,共同遵守:After negotiation by both, buyer and seller have executed this Contract and reached the terms and conditions stipulated below:乙方需具有合法的承运资
2、格/资质及相应合法手续,具有履行甲方运输任务的货运能力,有完善合理的管理体系及专业管理队伍。承运人需要提供xx营业执照、税务登记等企业资料文件证明。如有违约行为,在各方确认后,甲方可以在支付的费用中扣除。Seller should be qualified for transportation and have related legal licenses; seller should have the capacity to complete buyers transportation job. Seller should prepay 200,000 Yuan to buyer as de
3、posit.运输计划为:乙方需将XX公司在 XX 等 地区马铃薯基地所出产的全部合格马铃薯运输至XX公司在xx工厂所在地。B. Transportation plan: Seller should transport all the potato in the fields of DuoLun to Harbin factory.运输包装说明:乙方需要提供车况良好便于装卸的固定车辆运输。车辆运输包装为(商品薯包装为: 集装袋为大约650公斤/袋,装满后袋子直径约100厘米、高度110厘米,可装载两层。种薯包装为:网袋50*80CM,为保证运输中防止损伤,种薯装车高度不超过12个平放网袋。)C.
4、 Package: The commercial potato will be packaged by big bags, it will be about 650kg each bag, the size will be 100cmL/W*110cmH, two layers in the truck. The seeds potato will be packaged by mesh bags. The mesh bag size is 50cm*85cm. Potato will be stacked not more than 12 layers on the truck. Selle
5、r should provide the suitable trucks to finish the job. 运输要求:车辆的护栏到车厢底板不低于1.55米,车辆的厢底和内侧厢板需要铺绑棉被或防寒毡之类的缓冲、防寒物,车辆配备合适的苫布(装车后需及时盖好)、捆绳、防寒被,运输需做到将每天产出并包装完毕的土豆及时运出,做到日产日清(当天剩余量小于20吨除外)。货物装车后与卸车前后均要求司机在过磅后的单据上签字确认,并作为结算重量依据。运输货物最高点不超过3.9米。D. Truck: The fences of the truck should be more than 1.55M high;
6、the truck should be laid by bedding and so on, in order the potato cant be bruised. Seller should finish all the potato (dig out in the field) transportation in the day, unless the left potato is less than 20 tons. The drivers should sign the report tickets after weighing the potato. The highest poi
7、nt is not more than 3.9M.车辆选择限制:乙方应提供种植户已雇佣的车辆以外的车源,不得与种植户基于已有车源进行竞争。乙方应登记种植户已经签约的车辆车牌号,并禁止在利用已登记的车辆进行本协议项下的运输任务。如发现违规使用,该车的运输费用将不予结算。Restriction in truck usage: The seller should provide additional truck resources beyond the hired truck by the growers and should not compete with growers on the exis
8、ting truck resources. The seller should prepare a registration book to register all the trucks hired by growers and is prohibited to use these trucks in transportation request under this contract. Any truck found that not follows this restriction will be punished with no settlement on that trucks fr
9、eight. 运输地点为: 由多伦或XX指派的其他种植基地 ,运输到xx工厂所在地 。E. Address: The potato should be transported from Duolun or other locations decided by XXCain fields to Harbin factory location.运费价格为:由多伦或其他由XX指派的基地至xx工厂 390元/吨。运费包含所有运输当中造成或产生的所有费用(如道桥费及燃油费、货物保险、税金等),乙方承担运输当中所发生的所有风险及可能给甲方造成的损失。甲方只需唯一支付运费。F. Price: From _D
10、uolun or other locations decided by XXCain_ to Harbin is _390_Yuan/ton; The freight includes all the expense on road, buyer only pay the freight to seller.运输任务量为:甲方种植基地出产的全部合格产品。以实际发生的运输量为准, 但不少于10,000吨。少于10,000吨,按10,000计算运费。超过10,000吨的运输量以上的,乙方有权依据自身运力和成本,决定是否满足甲方的用车要求;对于乙方已确认未能满足的用车要求而甲方坚持乙方提供的情况下,
11、运输价格调整为当时各方认可的市场价格基础上上浮12%。具体装车地点为: 各种植基地至xx工厂 。乙方需对车辆合理安排,保证运量能够达到500吨/天。运输任务未全部履行前,乙方不得中途改变计划或安排。如有任何调整需提前2天通知甲方人,并在甲方同意后方可按改变计划。G. quantity: The shipment quantity is based on the actual demands, but the minimum amount is 10,000 Tons; Regarding the demand above 10,000 tons, the seller has the righ
12、t to decide if they will provide the service or not. If the seller already refuses the truck demands but the Buyer still need the seller to ship, the freight will be the market price agreed by two parties plus 12% mark-up. Seller should ensure that they can ship out more than 500 tons each day, if h
13、ave any adjustment should let buyer know it and get the approval by buyer in advance. 运输任务履行期限为:xx年9月1日起至2014年10月1日止。H. time: All the work should be completed from Sep 1st to Nov 1st , 2014. 土豆收购款结算:乙方于xx年xx月至1xx月依照甲方的指令支付共计1亿5千万土豆收购款给种植户,并负责开具相应的收购单据和向甲方提供土豆销售的增值税票。甲方向乙方提供等额银行承兑汇票用于甲乙各方土豆款的结算;对于乙方需
14、要贴现汇票的情况,贴现费用需直接汇入甲方认可并由甲方监管的账户,并由此账户直接支付收购款给种植户,不得挪作他用。对于不需要贴现的汇票,甲方在乙方已履行对种植户的支付后的5日内向乙方提供等额的汇票。结算中造成或产生的手续费及其他费用(例如贴现息等等)共计2,800,000元,在本协议涉及的收购款结算完毕后的5个工作日内由甲方以现金方式支付给乙方。Potato settlement: The seller should pay up to 150,000,000 potato payment to the growers based on the instruction from XXCain,
15、and be responsible for issues all the vouchers, VAT invoices related to this settlement. The buyer will pay the seller with bank draft with the equal amount of 150,000,000 RMB. If the seller need get the bank draft cashed from the bank, the cash need to be remitted to the bank account approved and c
16、ontrolled by the buyer. All the cash need to be paid directly to the growers and could not be used in any other purpose. The buyer agrees to pay the commission and other cost during this settlement, total 2,800,000 RMB. The payment will be in cash within 10 working days after all the settlement on p
17、otato completed.甲方责任及义务:I. Responsibility of buyer运输任务开始前明确装车时间、地点、工作流程,与关于人员做好联系工作。负责为乙方召集豆农、农场主、工厂、仓库、甲方财务结算等部门召开沟通协调会议。全部的沟通协调工作必须在距离xx月前5天内履行。如没有落实沟通协调工作,造成乙方未能正常在商定时间内顺利履行运输、土豆购款结算等工作,乙方不承担由此带来的责任。a. Buyer should confirm the time, address, procedures at first with seller, before starting the tr
18、ansportation work.运输工作开始后,农艺师需提前48小时将预计产出的土豆运输量、预计派车数量电话通知乙方并书面确认。 b. Agronomists should inform seller the next day plan 48 hours in advance by phone or paper confirmation. For example: how many trucks, how many tons potato.运输工作中,负责装车现场及卸车现场的人员及车辆管理,做到高效率有序。在调配车辆时如发生陷车等类似事件,如为农艺师安排则由甲方负责处理解决。c. On t
19、he spot, agronomists are responsible the stuff and trucks management. 在乙方运输任务履行后,如发票准确,运输工作无过错,甲方需及时将关于费用按商定结算清楚。d. Buyer will pay in time if seller has no fault in the transportation work and the invoice is right. 乙方责任及义务:J. Responsibility of Seller:乙方需预先做好车辆组织及安排计划,人员配备合理,卸车地点均有相应负责的现场人员处理及沟通协调。遵守
20、甲方的运输安排及相关单据的流转。a. Seller should prepare enough trucks and staff, unloading field should arrange a supervisor to manage the trucks and the transportation reports.安排合适车辆及车型按商定时间及地点准时到达,装车完毕后按商定路线,及平均运输时间到达甲方指派卸货地点。无特殊情况未能随意超过拟定的运输时间,如有超时到达需说明情况,并安排延后卸货及检查。b. The potato trucks should go along the stip
21、ulated road. All the trucks should take same long time to run on road.承运人对运输的货物全过程有责任做好防雨、防火、防丢失以及避免其它会损害到货物的可能因素及行为,如发现有何异常情况,及时采取措施,并通报甲方。c. Seller is responsible to avoiding the potato from rain, fire, loss and other possible factors. 乙方司机需服从甲方管理人员的合理安排及调配,对于不配合及扰乱秩序的个别司机人员,甲方有权不予安排装车或卸车至不予采用为止。d
22、. The drivers should be supervised by buyer in XXCain site, if have someone cant obey the rules, buyer can refuse to arrange the loading or unloading, moreover can fire the driver or ceasing the contract.乙方司机有责任做到:合理停车位置、盖好蓬布、捆扎结实,按预定时间及路线行车,配合装车人员清点好货物数量及核对清楚单据。保证货物运输安全及时,如有何问题及时向关于负责人及甲方管理人员汇报(如发生
23、停车、二次倒运等情况)。e. The driver responsibility: find good parking place near the field, cover the potato with canvas after loading, run along the stipulated road line, checks the potato transport report and the potato quantity with supervisor. 由于天气原因面致使的运输计划改变,乙方应予以积极配合。f. Seller should cooperate with buy
24、er if the plan has any change.乙方工作人员食宿问题自理。g. Seller should arrange foods and accommodation. 出现的与运输关于的所有安全问题由乙方负责。h. Seller should be responsible to all the safety issues related transportation.为保证安全,每天装车作业时间以甲方作业时间为准。i. For the sake of security, Seller should arrange the transportation work accordi
25、ng to buyers running time. 违约及处罚:本协议一经签署,乙方无权中途终止协议或另外提出附加条件。如乙方不履行运输义务及中止协议除保证金不予返还,视甲方损失程度,有权继续追究乙方应承担损失。在各方商定的运输任务后,由于乙方原因造成超期履行任务,未运出货物每延误一天按相应运费金额扣除3%(如遇雨天无法运出仍然计算在内),如因此遭遇低温,乙方需按实际情况赔偿给甲方造成的损失。如运输途中发生土豆缺少,按每公斤3元计算。集装袋发生破损按90元/条计算。如因路上延误(超过48小时)、倒运、雨淋、霜冻等原因造成土豆损伤、腐烂,乙方需按3000元/吨赔偿甲方。如因雨天或甲方原因造成无
26、法运出与乙方无关。K. Fell back and penalty: After signing the contract, seller has no right to terminate the contract or claim other condition else. If seller cant obey the condition, buyer neednt refund the deposit, moreover still can claim seller to compensate the other loss. The potato is worth 3Yuan/kg, the big bag is worth 90Yuan/ea, if have any loss, seller should compensate according to this price. If the delay b
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