已阅读5页,还剩108页未读 继续免费阅读




1、Module 1 Unit 1 We lived in a small house 教案 1 教学目标学问目标 :使同学能听、说、读、写单词still, programme, lady, life ,different, ago, interviewer, enough, television, grandchildren, change 句型 :There were/weren t . There are . We lived many years ago.We live now.2.才能目标 : 1能依据情境正确使用There be ,We lived many years ago. We

2、 live now.句型谈论生活、学习中的事物;2连续学习过去发生的事情,将过去与现在进行对比,特别要留意的是动词的过去时态;3.情感目标 : 1发挥同学的想象力 ,激发同学的习积极性;小组合作使同学体验学习、参加、合作、竞争的乐趣;2比较过去与现在的生活 ,体会我们现在生活的幸福3 重点难点,培育同学的爱国主义情操;教学重点 :生词及新句式 There were/weren t . 的教学与运用;教学难点 :如何让同学在课堂上学会 There be , We lived many years ago. We live now.句型并能在生活中敏捷运用该句型;4 教学过程Step I Warm

3、 up 1.课前三分钟口语交际呈现同学会话: “-Did you have a good time in your holidays. -Were there any happy things in your holidays. -What did you do in your holidays.-Where did you go.-How did you go.”等通过这样的沟通 ,老师可以帮忙1第 1 页,共 85 页同学回忆相关的语言学问 铺垫;,例如 :一般过去时的用法、 常用词汇等 ,为后面的教学做2. 复 习 一 些 规 就 及 不 规 就 动 词 过 去 式 drop-dropp

4、ed, visit-visited, is/am-was ,are-were, go-went, come-came, buy-bought do-did, run-ran, meet -met等;3.借助一些图片复习 There is/There are.句型;Step II Learn the new words 1.在小组长带领下学习新单词;2.全班跟标准音读一遍;课件上或课本单词表 3.检查谁会念这些新单词; 这时候通过课件图片创设一些情境帮忙同学直观懂得词意;会念的同学举手 ,念对的其他同学就跟他读 再跟读 ,并开火车操练;4.全班齐读这些单词;5.在组长带领下小组内读单词并呈现;6

5、.抽号检查单词的把握情形;Step III Leading in the topic of the text. ,不对的 ,老师赐予订正 ,其他同学T:After the new year, we had lots of changes. Yes, no changes.no progress.引出 change-changing. Now Lingling is still in England with Sam and Amy. They are watching a programmer about changing. Please look and listen. Step IV Te

6、xt teaching Listen to the tape once. Think about: What It s about_China_. 2. 分段听录音;s the programmer about.1T: Whats the changing in China. How was the life different in China many years ago.看图,听录音其次段 ,也可以看动画视频 ,填词;Old lady: We lived in a small house. We _ didn have enough food. T here werent any bus

7、es. There werent any televisions.2第 2 页,共 85 页T: How about the life now. 看图 ,听第三段录音;填词;Interviewer: How about now. Old lady: We live in a big house. We have got lots of food. There are lots of buses and cars. I watch TV every day. Yesterday I watched TV with my grandchildren. T Interviewer: Thanks f

8、or _talking_ to us. 3 看图 ,听第三段录音;填词;Amy: China is changing. Lingling: I miss China. I miss my grandmother. 3. Listen to the tape and repeat. 4. The whole class read the text together. 5. Read the text in groups. 6. Show the text in groups. Step V Discussion. 课文在分别描述中国过去的生活状况及现在的生活状况时句型有何不同 .小组 内争论并填

9、空; Many years ago 多年以前 Now 现在 We lived in a small house. We live in a big house. We didn t have enough food. We have got lots of food. There weren y buses. There are lots of buses and cars. There weren t any televisions. I watch TV every day.Step VI 给一些组的代表发言 ,小结 : 表示过去 “有” 表示现在 “有”单数There was There

10、 is复数 There were There are表示过去 “没有 ” 表示现在 “没有”单数 There wasnt There isnt 复数 There werent There arent 3第 3 页,共 85 页Step VII .Look, listen and say in part 1 Step VIII 拓展运用 课本活动 4There be 结构单数的运用;_ _ a small house four years ago. A little boy _in it. _in it .There _a small tree. Now _ _a big house. He _

11、in it. _ _a big tree. And _ _three dogs. He _listening to music. Step IX. Summary and do the homework:回家后问问自己的爷爷、奶奶、外公 或外婆,他们以前的生活与现在的生活有什么不一样;比较过去与现在的生活体会到我们现在生活在社会主义幸福感;把结果在下节课用英语告知老师和同学 . Module 1 Unit 2 She didnt have a television 教案一、教学内容:Unit 2 She didnt have a television.二、学习任务:She didn t hav

12、e a television.三、教材分析:本单元主要是学习谈论过去发生的事情,合的发音;四、学情分析:在此基础上仍要学习字母组4第 4 页,共 85 页五年级的同学对英语学问有了肯定的基础,过去时态的也接触过, 因此学习过去时态时没有太大的难度,关键是动词的过去式的书写和音标的学习是同学的一大难点,加强此方面的学习是至关重要的;五、教学目标 :1.学问目标:学习目标语句: She didn t have a te levision. 单词: fire, radio, telephone, field, hope 学习eia: c:的发音,通过朗读含有这些字母的单词感知这些字母 的读音;学习本

13、课的 Chant,这项内容不作要求,让同学依据自己的情形挑选学习与把握;2.才能目标:1、仿照课文语音语调,并能运用到生活当中与同伴进行精确沟通;2、使同学能在真实语言环境中用英语进行沟通,学会表达过去的事 情;3.情感目标:1、使同学乐于张口说英语,培育同学学习英语的积极性,树立学习 英语的自信心和成就感;2、培育小组间的合作意识和竞争意识,勉励同学的大胆呈现才能,5第 5 页,共 85 页激发学习英语的爱好;3、培育同学忆苦思甜的精神,通过今昔对比,训练同学珍爱现在美 好的幸福生活,努力学习;五、教学预备:录音机,单词卡六、教学程序:1.热身复习:(1)复习第一单元的内容;老师带领同学简洁

14、的复述本课有关中国 变化的内容;2. 学习新知A: 听录音,解决以下问题 预习提纲: 给同学 5 分钟的时间,小组争论,完成以下任务; (1)划出新单词(2)划出动词过去式(3)明白课文故事大意B:依据预习,逐一解决问题 1学习新单词: radio, telephone,hope 依据手势让同学学习,印象深 刻 fire,由 firemen: fire 和 men 组成 field,通过简笔画 “田”学习2整理动词过去式6第 6 页,共 85 页watchwatcheda television programme talktalkedabout her life cookcookedon a

15、fire workworkedin the fields dont didn thave a televisioncant couldentread or write让同学一边整理动词过去式一边说短语;3让同学简洁沟通课文的故事大意;C:听录音,跟读 D:听录音,回答疑题 1Daming wrote a letter to lingling. 2An old lady talked about her life many years ago. 3She worked on a fire. 4She didnt have a television. E: Read the text by you

16、rselves.让同学自读课文 3.拓展练习: Think and talk about your grandparents many years ago. 4.听音跟读,重点点拨 same. 5. Homework: Changes, changes everywhere, nothing stays the 1听录音,读熟课文;(必做)2写一封信给老师或者是同学,沟通一下你假期的经受;(选做)7第 7 页,共 85 页Module 2 Unit 1 She learnt English 教案1 教学目标1、语言学问目标 : 1、通过以旧引新、自主识记、小组合作等形式,让 90%的同学对本节

17、课的重点单词 these、dancer、learnlearnt、foreign、language、grandparents做到精确娴熟的认读;对 词做到会听、会说、会读、会写;these、dancer、learnlearnt 单2、能在问题的引领下 ,80%的同学通过朗读实践、小组合作 ,在课文 中找出所提问题的答案; 能在老师的引领下 ,90%的同学能精确无误说 出本课重点句型 Did your grandma learn English. Yes, she did. /No, she didnHes learning English. 80% 的同学能懂得并运用句型;2、语言技能目标 :

18、1、能口头敏捷运用 Did your grandma learn English. Yes, she did. /No, she didn ;这类语句询问过去的行为,并回答;能够区分一般过去时,现在进行时 ,能够用英语描述自己或他人做了某事,或正在做某事;2、能借助关键词及老师、同伴的提示 ,对课文进行精确的认读;3、能利用所学学问进行情形交际练习 行时描述事情;3、情感态度 : 1、在平常能主动观看生活及他人的变化,即使用一般过去时及现在进,积极参加各种英语实践活8第 8 页,共 85 页动并与伴侣一起共享自己的生活体验;2、在小组活动中 ,能积极与其他同学合作 ,进行问题的争论及沟通;3、

19、在英语实践中进一步增强学习英语的爱好和自信心 ,关注英语是一门世界语言及学习英语的普遍性和重要性;2 学情分析五年级同学 ,奇怪心强 ,活泼好动 ,仿照才能极强;经过一段时间的英语学习,同学与同学之间已经显现了两极分化;一些同学对英语有着较深厚的学习爱好 ,在课堂上积极发言 ,已经初步具有自学才能 ,明确学习英语的重要性 ,但也有少数同学由于英语底子较差等缘由 ,对英语的学习爱好渐渐降低;老师应因势利导 厚的英语环境中大胆地学习和使用英语,循循善诱 ,使其在老师营造的浓 ,以提高综合运用英语的能力;在教学中我留意了教材前后编排的连续性 ,教学时做到有的放矢 ,把新旧学问有机结合起来3 重点难点

20、教学重点 : ,循序渐进 ,化难为易;1、能口头敏捷运用 Did your grandma learn English. Yes, she did. /No, she didn ;这类语句询问过去的行为,并回答;能够区分一般过去时,现在进行时 ,能够用英语描述自己或他人做了某事,或正在做某事;2、能借助关键词及老师、同伴的提示 ,对课文进行精确的认读;3、能精确认读过去式 :is-was dancedanced learn-learnt 9第 9 页,共 85 页教学难点 :能利用所学学问进行情形交际练习 般现在时、以及现在进行时描述事情;4 教学过程 Step1warmup 1 Studen

21、ts say a chant. ,即使用一般过去时、一2 The teacher and the students play a game to review the past tense of the verbs. Step 2 Presentation 1 The teacher says “ I went shopping and bought lots of things” , and asks: “ What did you do yesterday.”2 Then the teacher points to the student who answered the question

22、 just now and ask another student: “ What did she/he do yesterday.”3 The teacher asks the students to turn to page7 to do exercise3 with “ What did he/she do yesterday.”Step 2 Presentation 1 The teacher says “ I went shopping and bought lots of thin gs” , and asks: “ What did you do yesterday.”2 The

23、n the teacher points to the student who answered the question just now and ask another student: “ What did she/he do yesterday.”3 The teacher asks the students to turn to page7 to do exercise3 with 10第 10 页,共 85 页“ What did he/she do yesterday.”Step 3 Text learning 1 The teacher plays the tape, the

24、students listen to the tape and match the questions and answers. 2 The teacher plays it again and the students repeat. 3 The students read by themselves and role play it. While practicing, the teacher corrects the mistakes students made. Step 4 practice Play a game. The first student says: “ I went

25、shopping.” Next one says: “ He/She went shopping, I watched TV.” Next one says: “ He/She went shopping. He/She watched TV. I ” The team has the most sentences will be the winner. Step 5 Addactivities 1 The teacher shows some pictures about PE stars, then ask students to say the different between eve

26、ry two pictures using past tense .Ask students to talk about the stars they like. 2Interview time: Suppose you are an interviewer, and asks the information of your partnersfamily, like this, “ What did your mother/father/grandma/grandpa do.”11第 11 页,共 85 页Step 6 homework 同学们 ,你们知道家人的过去吗.请赶快询问一下他们的情形

27、并用She/He many years go. Now she/he 写下来;如 : He was a driver many years ago. Now he is retired. Module 2 Unit 2 Mr. Li was a teacher 教案1 新设计 1、Greetings and say a chant. 2、Read the words quickly we have learnt in last lesson. 3、She2 教学目标 1、Greetings and say a chant. 2、Read the words quickly we have le

28、arnt in last lesson. 3、She12第 12 页,共 85 页3 学情分析 本课的词汇 class, study, hard, retired, 句型 Ten years ago, Mr Li was a teacher. He taught Chinese. Chen Hai is an English teacher. Hes teaching Mr Li.4 重点难点 1、能够在实际生活中敏捷的运用本课的词汇和句型谈论人物过去和 现在的情形和活动;2、明白并把握字母组合单词中的发音规律;5 教学过程 1. 出现Presentation 1T: Ten years ag

29、o, Mr Song was a teacher in Middle school of Tang Shan. He taught Chinese. 教学 taught 这个单词teach-taught 2T: I was a good student in his class. I studied very hard. 教学 study 这个单词 studystudied,同时帮忙同学懂得 hard的意思并教读发音; T: Who studied very hard in Grade1 or Grade 2. S: .studied very hard inGrade1/2.通过询问让同学复

30、习巩固重点句型; 3T: Now, Im a English teacher, we work in the same school. And we all teach you. Its very interesting. Yes.2. T: This class Chen Hai will tell us a story about himself. It more 13第 13 页,共 85 页interesting. Lets have a look. OK.1Listen and answer the question: What does the word “ retired” me

31、an.2通过听录音 ,懂得课文 ,讲解 retired 这个单词;3make sentences with the word” retired” , eg:My grandpa was a worker. Now he is retired. Let students make sentences. 通过同学说句子巩固单词; 4Listen and repeat 5Read it in groups. 3. 发音部分 1draw saw aw字母组合的发音 chair hair air 字母组合的发音 class pass ass字母组合的发音 让同学自己通过读单词总结发音规律 2 Game:

32、单词小博士 把一些学过的具有此类发音规律的单词写到黑板上 ,同学通过读单词 , 判定发音 ,写到相应方框下面;如 :bear, pear, glass, grass3 listen and repeat . 4、poem 1 read the sentences, and learn the words: leaves, move, through 2 Read and understand the meaning. 3 Listen and repeat 14第 14 页,共 85 页4 Say and do the actions. Module 3 Unit 1 She had eggs

33、 and sausages 教案1 教学目标1、认知目标 : 复习巩固食品、水果、饮料、一日三餐的单词 ,学会本单元单词 egg email sandwich traditional delicious 2、把握不规章动词的过去形式 havehad 3、运用句型 What did she/he have for breakfast /lunch /dinner yesterday. She /He had 谈论饮食习惯2 学情分析本节课是外研版学校五年级英语下册第三模块English Food的第一单元 She had eggs and sausages;在本单元中 ,通过 Daming 收到

34、的一封电子邮件 ,提出了英国人的用餐习惯,以及向别人询问昨天一日三餐吃过什么的详细表达方法;因此 ,在授课过程中 ,必需提示同学在询问别人时要用助动词 did 表示过去时态 ,比如 What did you have for breakfast.而回答也要用过去式 I had eggs and sausages;3 重点难点学 会 运 用句 型 “ What did she/he have for breakfast /lunch /dinner yesterday. She /He had ”谈论饮食习惯15第 15 页,共 85 页4 教学过程 Step1 Warming up 热身活动

35、1、师生日常问候 2、师生一起朗诵 Chant 有关食物水果 设计意图 :老师引领同学一起有节奏地说歌谣,既让同学复习了食物的英语单词 ,又创设了轻松愉悦的学习氛围; Step 2 Presentation 新课出现 1、头脑风暴在黑板上写出 Food这个单词 ,四人小组在规定时间内写出他们组所知道的食物 ,比一比哪组说的单词多而且拼写正确 2、学习新单词,其他小组可以补充;T: I had bread this morning, what did you have. Ss: I had rice/milk/noodlesT: We always have rice, noodles, and

36、 dumplings for meals. They are Chinese food. Do you know English food. Ss: Talk about English food which they know. T: Tell the student Daming get an email from Lingling. It talk about English food. Now let title. see what Lingling introduces. Then write the egg sandwich hamburger sauages fish and c

37、hips 设计意图 :通过小嬉戏和图片 ,熟识各种食物名称 ,既锤炼了同学的单16第 16 页,共 85 页词拼写才能又激发了同学的求知欲望; Step 3 Teach new lesson:课文教学 1、Show them some new word cards and teach them the pronunciation. 2、 Open their books; listen to the tape for the first time, ask the students to find out the new words and the name of the food. And

38、explain some English eating habits. 3、 Give the student some questions: What did Daming have have. What did Lingling have for breakfast/lunch/dinner. Listen to the tape for the second time, ask the students to answer the question, and then check the answer together. 4、 Ask the students to see the pi

39、ctures and play the tape, the students read after it. At last the students read the text in pairs. Grammar: simple past tense 引导同学自己操练 ,自主学习;Sentences: What did she have for breakfast /lunch/dinner. She had eggs and sausages/sandwiches/fish/chips/ Listen for the third time: follow it and pay attenti

40、on to the key points . 设计意图 :利用 PPT 来复习一般过去时的构成,用图片引出新的单词 ,引出新单词的同时又引出了新的句型 ,这样同学好懂得 ,也能学到新的内容; 17第 17 页,共 85 页Step4 Practice练习 1、 Use the sentences to make dialogues in pairs. 出示食物图片 ,练习本 单元句型2、按要求写单词 . give过去式 _ city复数 _ drink过去式 _ sing名词_eat现在分词 _ study过去式 _ dangerous反义词 _ shop现在分词 _ know 同音词 _ w

41、ear 同音词 _ same 反义词 _ 3 用动词的正确形式填空 1.Many years ago, she_cook on a fire. s_go to the supermarket. 2.Let3.He _do her homework last night. 4.They _be going to cook English food. 5.Lingling had a sandwich because she- like hamburgers. 设计意图 :通过小练习 ,复习了动词的各种形式 ,巩固了新的学问; Step 5 Homework家庭作业 1、 Make a surve

42、y: A; What did you have for breakfast /lunch /dinner . B:I had for breakfast /lunch /dinner Name _ Breakfast _ 18第 18 页,共 85 页Lunch _ Dinner _ Module 3 Unit 2 Sam ate six hamburgers 教案1 教学目标1.通过两个不同时间单词yesterday , tonight的比较 ,使同学学会依据不同时间挑选使用合理的时态 , 2.同时应留意动词的适当形式的变化;eat ate give gave have had What d

43、id you eat/have yesterday. I ate/had 2 学情分析 1、五年级的孩子思维活跃 ,形象思维才能强 ,求知欲强、乐于表达、愿 意沟通 ,抽象思维才能比较弱 ,留意力简洁分散 ,老师实行嬉戏 ,课件,儿 歌,歌曲等多种方式来增强同学学习的爱好和留意力;通过猜一猜 ,唱 一唱,说一说 ,演一演等活动 ,让同学在动静结合 ,两人小组 ,练习与竞争 结合的活动中学习语言 ,应用语言;2、学习上 ,他们也具有一些学习才能,把握了一些学习方法 ,但是这就更需要老师的进一步引导 ,循循善诱 ,关注每名同学的个性体验;用文本为同学架起通向生活的一道桥梁,让同学在学习中生活 ,生

44、活中学习 , 19第 19 页,共 85 页会学习 ,会生活;3 重点难点通过两个不同时间单词 last night , tonight的比较 ,使同学学会依据不同时间挑选使用合理的时态4 教学过程Step1: 热身运动1.老师出示一起食物的图片2.口语对话 : ,同时应留意动词的适当形式的变化;,同学快速的说出英语单词;T: What did you have for breakfast yesterday. S: I hadT: What did you have for lunch yesterday. S: T: What did you have for dinner yesterd

45、ay. S: Step 2: 出现新课 一复习课文 老师播放 Listen read and act out 的录音 ,同学跟着视频一起复习对话 内容;老师出示课本的图片 ,同学尝试复述对话内容;20第 20 页,共 85 页同学两人一组 ,仿照对话 ,询问对方的爸爸妈妈昨天吃的什么 . What did your father have for breakfast/lunch/dinner. He had What did your mother have for breakfast/lunch/dinner. She had 老师请同学上台表演对话二Look listen and say

46、,并且评出优秀表演小组;1.老师播放课本的录音 ,同学听录音回答以下问题 : What did the cat eat. 2.再次播放录音 ,同学跟读句子 ,并且找出问题的答案;3.老师询问同学问题 : He ate all the fish and he ate all the meat. 这句话为什么用一般过去时呢 . 由于描述的过去的事情;So he has got no food now. 这句话为什么用一般现在时呢 . 由于 now 现在 ,描述的现在的事情 ,所以一般现在时;4.同学跟着录音一起朗读句子,留意语音语调和指读;5.全部分成两组 ,分别跟着录音朗读句子;三Listen

47、and read 21第 21 页,共 85 页1.老师出示课本插图 ,介绍本部分内容 : Amy 给 Daming 写了一封电子邮件 ,我们看看发生了什么;老师播放课本录音 ,同学听录音回答疑题 : How many hamburgers did Sam eat at school. Does Sam like eating hamburgers. Does Lingling like eating hamburgers. 同学翻开课本 ,朗读对话 ,从课文中找出问题的答案;4.老师讲解新单词 : Gave是 give 的过去式 : 给 Tonight 今晚 Very much 特别5.同学

48、从对话里面划出一般过去时的句子 子;6.同学在从对话里面划出一般现在时的句子,翻译并且大声朗读这些句,翻译并且大声朗读句子;7.老师再次播放录音 ,同学一句一句跟读录音 ,留意语音语调 ,老师订正错误的发音;8.全班同学分成两组 ,分别朗读课本句子 ,老师评出正确朗读小组;Step 3:巩固与扩展老师预备好一些食物的卡片 ,然后反面放在桌子上 ,同学四人一组 ,一个人任意挑选一张卡片 ,然后同学四人一组 ,仿照课本的句子 ,依据卡片编写故事内容;老师评出正确创意小组;22第 22 页,共 85 页Step 4:家庭作业 1.听录音跟读课文三遍 ,请家长签字;2.誊写新单词各三遍;Module

49、4 Unit 1 Lets make a home library 教案1 教学目标 1.学问目标 1使同学把握单词“ library, sent, CD , idea, put, shelf, heavy, dictionary, card, library card ”;2使同学把握句型“These are all books about science. sput them on Shelf A. Let Where are the books about animals . Theyre on Shelf A.;”2.才能目标使同学能运用所学语言提出建议3.情感目标,说明能做的事情;1

50、.让同学积极参加学校及家庭的各项活动;2.培育同学的团结协作精神和竞争意识;2 学情分析本课的授课对象是五年级的同学 ,他们经过两年多的英语学习 ,已把握了肯定的语音、词汇、语法、话题表达等英语基础学问 ,具备了肯定的听、说、读、写才能 ,形成了肯定的综合语言运用才能;因此 ,教学中,应从同学已有的学问、才能、体会和爱好动身,依据教学内容 ,采纳敏捷的教学方法 ,细心设计教学活动 ,促使同学在参加、实践、体验、合作与沟通活动中学习、运用并把握学问 才能,稳固英语学习爱好;3 重点难点,进一步进展综合语言运用1.把握本课的单词“ library, sent, CD , idea, put, sh

51、elf, heavy, dictionary, card, library card ;”2.娴熟地把握句型“These are all books about science. Let sput them on Shelf A. Where are the books about animals . Theyre on Shelf A. 并且能娴熟的应用于生活当中;4 教学过程活动 1【导入】 Warmup Greetings 24第 24 页,共 85 页活动 2【讲授】 Presentation Play a guessing game T:Do you like playing gam

52、es. OK, were going to play a game called “ Riddles ” . There are six riddl es, I read them for you, then you try to tell us the answer. The answer is on the screen. 课件出示 :六幅图片 ,上面有编号 A、B、C、E、D、F;每个谜语对应 本课的新单词; 1 It s round 圆的,It can play播放music.CD Which one. 2 You can put放books on it.shelf put T: Th

53、is is a book shelf .We can put books on it. 学习“ shelf ”“ put ” . 升降调 ,phonics教学法; 3T: You can borrow借books from it. library 重点学; 4T: You can use it borrow books from the library. 学习“ library cardcard ” library card ,card5T: You can write emails on it.sent T: Yes, It s a computer. I think all of you

54、like it very much .Right. Because we can play computer games, we can sent emails. Yesterday I sent an email to my friend. 学习“ sent ”6T: You can find Chinese words汉字in it .dictionary, heavy 带一本 字典,利用实物教学; 25第 25 页,共 85 页活动 3【练习】 Practice 1. Now lets check the new words.老师利用升降调领读全部单词,然后看口型猜单词; 2.课件 9P

55、lay a game. Read these words as quickly as you can.利用白 板的探照灯功能让同学来快速认读单词; T: Please clap hands for yourselves like this. me.”“ Well done, you. Well done, 设计意图 :通过这两个练习让同学进一步熟识和把握本课的生词; 活动 4【活动】 Textlearning T: A friend sent many books and CDs to me. What should I do. T:I have a good idea ,学习“ idea ”

56、 , Lets make a library.1. T: How to make a home library. Look at the screen. Step 1,classify分类the books. 课件 9 T: There are three books .Theyre books about animals. We can say “ These are all books about animals.”T: Look at these pictures. What can we say. Yes, “ These are all books about art.”2.课件 1

57、0T: Who can make a sentence. S1: “ These are all books about dictionaries.”3.T: Step 2 , arrange整理the books. 26第 26 页,共 85 页课件 11 “ These are all books about animals.” , “ This is Shelf A.”“ Let s put them on Shelf A.”课件 12 “ These are all books about science.“ Let s put them on Shelf B.”4.课件 13Step

58、 3, how to find a book. 假如你要找书 ,你会说 : Where are the books about_, please . 你应回答 : They are on Shelf _ . 5.课件 14Drill. T: I want to find some books. Who can help me. 句型 练习,老师提问 ,同学回答 ,请同学问同学; 活动 5【活动】 Group work Open your book, turn to page 20 ,Look at the cartoon, first time you just listen. Listen

59、again, then answer questions Listen and tick利用白板的书写功能; 1.Who sent these books and CDs to Amy and Lingling. A. Daming B. Afriend C. John 2.What are these big books. A. They re books about science.B. They re books about Maths.C. They re dictionaries.27第 27 页,共 85 页 3.Where are the books about art. A.

60、On Shelf A B. On Shelf B C. On Shelf C 4.What are the books about on Shelf B. A. Animals B. Computers C. CDs 设计意图 :让同学带着任务来学习课文 的懂得课文; 活动 6【作业】作业,通过回答疑题帮忙同学更好Module 4 Unit 2 We can find information from books and CDs 教案1 教学目标1、把握单词 :information, e-book, project, guide, film, as well, way, on, topic.


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