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1、高中英语单词天天记fasten素材高中英语单词天天记fasten素材PAGE PAGE 11高中英语单词天天记fasten素材 fasten v。fsn( fastens; fastened; fastening ) 双解释义 vt.1。系紧,拴牢 make or become firmly fixed or closed vt. vi。2.闩住 become closed or attached vt。3.盯住 gaze at 基本要点1。fasten的基本意思是把某物系于某处,或把门闩住。可引申为某人的眼睛盯在某物或某人身上。2。fasten既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动

2、词时,可接名词作宾语。宾语后接on或to等介词,表示把某物固定在另一物的上面。可用于被动结构。3.fasten作不及物动词用时,主动形式含有被动含义。 词汇搭配+名词fasten ones attention集中注意力fasten a badge别上徽章fasten a bandage扎上绷带fasten the blame把罪过强加于某人fasten box锁箱子fasten a horse拴马fasten a rope用绳子系fasten a seat belt系紧安全带fasten the sheets of paper把纸张钉起来+副词fasten attractively吸引住fas

3、ten firmly紧紧关住fasten properly关紧fasten securely牢牢钉住fasten tightly紧紧拴住fasten down扣住fasten off打个结fasten off the thread把线打个结系牢fasten together把订在一起fasten up关紧,捆牢,钉牢,扣住fasten up the box钉牢箱子fasten up ones coat把上衣扣好+介词fasten the dyes into the cloth使布深染而不褪色fasten onupon系上,扎上,把装上,集中于,强加于,纠缠住,握住,抓牢fasten on th

4、e idea坚持这种想法fasten a crime on sb 加罪于某人fasten ones eyes on a person眼睛盯着某人fasten fault on sb 把错误加在某人身上fasten ones hope on。.。把希望寄托在上fasten the lid on this box给这个箱子钉上盖子fasten a notice on the door把通知钉在门上fasten onto one紧紧抓住某人fasten to把固定在上fasten to a post把系在柱子上fasten to the tree把拴在树上fasten the bookshelf t

5、o the wall把书架固定在墙壁上fasten an ox to the tree把牛拴树上fasten a rope to a post把绳子系在柱子上fasten the box with a strong rope用一根结实的绳子把这只箱子捆牢 常用短语fasten off(v。+adv。)固定好 finish fastening sthfasten sthoffFasten the thread off with a knot.打个结把线固定好。When you sew up to this end, fasten off the thread.当你缝到这头时,把线打个结.fast

6、en on1(v.+adv。)把牢牢地装上 fix sth on firmlyfasten sthonShe fastened the badge on。她别上了那枚徽章。I cant fasten on the button.我扣不上这个纽扣。 用于be ed结构The lid wont come off accidentally, its been fastened on.盖子不会掉下来,装得很牢。fasten on2upon(v。+prep。)1.抓住; 赶紧利用 take eagerly fastened on the idea at oncefasten onupon sthThe

7、stranger fastened on my arm.那个陌生人紧紧抓住我的胳膊.The president fastened on the idea at once.总统立即拿定了这个主意。Once hes fastened on an idea, you cant get him to change his mind.他一旦认定某种看法,你就休想叫他改变主张。2.盯住; 注意 pay attention to; stare atfasten onupon sb/sthThe boys eyes fastened on the stranger。那个男孩的眼睛紧紧盯住那个陌生人.Every

8、ones eyes fastened on the little girl in the middle of the stage.大家的目光集中在舞台中央的那位小姑娘身上。His gaze fastened on the pictures.他盯着那些相片。The sentries fastened on anything suspicious on the border。哨兵们密切注视边境线上任何可疑的动静.fasten sth onupon sb/sthHe fastened his eyes on me。他用眼睛盯着我。He fastened his attention on her。他的

9、注意力集中在她身上。The boy fastened his eyes on the toys。那孩子眼睛盯着玩具。As he fastened his eyes on the food, he couldnt help feeling hungry。望着那些饭菜,他不禁感到饥饿难忍。 用于be ed结构His eyes were fastened on the boiling, tumbling waves。他的眼睛凝视着汹涌的波涛。Five hundred pairs of eyes were fastened upon him eagerly。五百双眼睛热切地盯着他。3.缠住 follo

10、w sb continuously and make him boredfasten onupon sbHe always fastens on a newcomer to the club to tell his stories.他总是缠着俱乐部新来的人把自己的阅历告诉他。Sickness has fastened on him。他病魔缠身. 用于be ed结构I object to being fastened on in that way。我反对那样被人纠缠不休。fasten oneself onupon sbNo sooner had I got in the door than he

11、 came and fastened himself upon me.我刚一进门,他就来缠住我。4。把加在某人身上 add sth to sbfasten sth onupon sbThey tried to fasten the responsibility for the accident on me, but luckly I could produce witnesses to prove that I was not at fault.他们企图把事故的责任加到我的头上,幸而我能举出证据证明我是无辜的.Why do you fasten such a nickname on her?你

12、为什么给她取这样一个绰号? 用于be ed结构It looks as if the blame has been fastened on an innocent person。看起来好像一个无辜的人受到了惩罚。fasten onto(v。+prep.)盯着 pay attention tofasten onto sb/sthFasten onto what the official broadcasting station is saying。注意官方电台是怎么说的。The researcher was fastening onto his microscope when the door o

13、f the lab was opened with a bang。当实验室的门砰地一声打开时,这个研究人员正全神贯注地看着显微镜。fasten to(v。+prep.)系拴,扣在上 fix sth firmly to sthfasten sth to sthFasten the horse to the tree。把马拴在树上。He fastened the ox joke to the wagon pole。他把牛轭系在车辕上.The fisherman fastened his net to the side of the boat。渔夫把渔网拴在船舷上.We had to fasten

14、the notice to the door with a nail。我们必须用钉子把通知钉到门上。He fastened the calendar to a wall。他把日历挂在墙上。She fastened a flower to the front of her dress.她在衣服前襟上别上一朵花.He fastened a light to his bicycle.他在他的自行车上装了一个车灯。Fasten your cheque to the letter so that it wont get lost.把支票放到信里收好,别弄丢了。 用于be ed结构Our bookshel

15、f is fastened to the wall.我们的书架固定在墙上。Ropes were fastened to its neck and forelegs.人们用绳索拴住它的颈和前腿。fasten up(v。+adv。)扣上 (cause to) close说明 fasten up常不用于进行体。fasten upThis dress fastens up at the back。这件衣服在后面扣扣.fasten sthupHe fastened up his coat.他把外衣系紧。Youve fastened your buttons up the wrong way.你的扣子扣错

16、了。Do not fasten all the windows up while you sleep。睡觉时不要将所有的窗户都关紧。They have fastened up all the parcels.他们把所有包裹都捆扎好了。 句型例句用作不及物动词S+(+A)The door will not fasten。这门关不上。The window doesnt fasten.窗关不牢。The lock will not fasten.这锁子锁不上。The box wont fasten.这盒子关不紧。The bag wont fasten properly。袋子系不牢。用作及物动词S+n.

17、/pron。He fastened his seat-belt.他系好安全带。I shut the door and fastened the bolt。我关上门,拴上插销。He never fastens the top button of his shirt.他从来不扣衬衫的第一个纽扣。He fastened the two sheets of paper together。他将两张纸钉在一起。He sat down on the floor and fastened them together with a piece of string。他坐在地上,用线把它们订起来。 用于be ed结构I walked back to the classroom to ch


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