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1、高中英语Unit5NelsonMandela_amodernheroPeriodFourGrammar_Wordformation作业新人教版必修1高中英语Unit5NelsonMandela_amodernheroPeriodFourGrammar_Wordformation作业新人教版必修1PAGE PAGE 16高中英语Unit5NelsonMandela_amodernheroPeriodFourGrammar_Wordformation作业新人教版必修1Unit 5 Nelson Mandela-a modern heroPeriod FourGrammarThe Attributi

2、ve Clause () (where,when,why,prep.which/whom)基础巩固.单句语法填空1She visited the school last weekend where her mother once worked.2Do you still remember the day when you went to high school?3I dont believe the reason why he was late for school this morning.4Robert is a lawyer to whom you can turn for help w

3、hen youre in trouble。5Have you seen the film for which he became famous ten years ago?6I lost my glasses without which I cant see the blackboard clearly.7Do you know the American singer who/whom/that the two boys are talking about now?8Bob was put into a situation in which he had to lie to his paren

4、ts.9Do you still remember the days in which we worked in the countryside?10The real reason for which he gave up his job isnt unknown.句型转换11The house has been pulled down。He lived in the house 10 years ago.The house where he lived 10 years ago has been pulled down。12We settled down in a small village

5、。In front of the village ran a winding river。We settled down in a small village in front of which ran a winding river。13She has three sons。All of her sons are abroad now。She has three sons and all of them are abroad now.She has three sons,all of whom are abroad now.14There are sixty students in our

6、class。Thirty of the students in our class are girls.There are sixty students in our class,thirty of whom are girls.15The school lies in the east of the town.He once studied in the school.The school where he once studied lies in the east of the town。16Do you remember the days?On those days we played

7、together。Do you remember the days when/on which we played together?。完成句子17The factory where/in which he works(他工作的) is the largest one in this city。18The day when/on which his father returned(他父亲回来) from abroad is the happiest day in the boys life。19I dont know the reason why/for which he was absent

8、 today(他今天缺席的)20The house which was destroyed in the terrible/big fire(在大火中被毁坏的) has been repaired。21We made a survey among the students,78% of whom(其中78%的学生) were for this project.22The picture reminded me of the old days(that/which) I spent together with you in America(我和你一起在美国度过的)能力提升。完形填空John en

9、tered a college and often worked late until 12 at night。He fell into the 23 of smoking a year ago.He smoked so much that he 24 had a cigarette on his lips.He 25 while he read,while he watched television and 26 while he drank a cup of coffee or tea。He smoked nearly forty cigarettes a day,but he was 2

10、7 about it。Johns friend,Frank, 28 many times to 29 him not to smoke.“Smoking is bad for your 30 !” he said。“Youd better give it up。 But his advice didnt 31 。Before long,John 32 that he often got a bad cough, 33 he went to see a doctor。The doctor 34 him carefully and asked whether he often smoked.Joh

11、n told him the 35 .Then the doctor told him that his cough was 36 by smoking and he wouldnt get any better unless he stopped smoking.“If not,” said the doctor,“you will never 37 from your cough and some other illnesses may also be caused.” John became 38 and made up his mind to give up smoking.At th

12、e beginning,it was very 39 for him。Every 40 he wanted to smoke,he got something to eat.At last,he was not 41 smoking at all.And he no longer had 42 。eq x(语篇解读本文讲述了约翰戒烟的故事.)23A.stage BhabitCinterest Dopinion答案B解析fall into the habit of为固定短语,意为“染上的习惯”。stage时期;opinion意见。24A.still BsometimesCnever Dalway

13、s答案D解析由上文中的so much可知,此处应为“嘴里总是叼着烟。always总是,符合语境。25A。stopped BsmokedCburst Dplayed答案B解析根据上文,此处应是描写约翰一连串的吸烟场景。stop停止;burst爆裂;play表演。26A.ever BjustCeven Donly答案C解析根据上下文,此处even用来加强语气。ever曾经;just仅仅;only仅仅.27A。happy BangryCmean Dactive答案A解析由前一个分句内容和转折连词but可推断出这里表示他很开心。happy高兴的,符合语境.mean吝啬的;active活跃的。28A。f

14、orgot BexplainedCleft Dtried答案D解析由上下文可知,此处表示弗兰克多次尝试劝朋友戒烟。29A.advise BbegCcommand Dcall答案A解析根据下句直接引语的内容可知,此处应是“建议”约翰戒烟。advise sb.to do sth.建议某人做某事;beg sb。to do sth.恳求某人做某事;command sb。to do sth。命令某人做某事。30A。friendship BstudyChealth Dsleep答案C解析吸烟有害健康。health健康,符合语境。friendship友谊;study学习;sleep睡眠.31A。contin

15、ue BworkCreturn Danswer答案B解析由But可知,弗兰克的建议并没起作用。work在此意为“起作用”。continue继续;return归还;answer回答。32A.recognized BunderstoodCfound Dshowed答案C解析根据下文约翰去看医生可知,此处表示不久约翰“发现自己咳嗽得厉害.find发现,符合语境。recognize认出;understand理解;show展示。33A.but BsoCthough Dor答案B解析前后两个分句为因果关系,由于约翰咳嗽得很厉害,因此他去看了医生.so因此,符合语境。34A。saw BjudgedCwatc

16、hed Dexamined答案D解析医生详细地给他做了“检查并询问他是否经常抽烟。see看;judge判断;watch观察;examine检查。35A.truth BreasonCaccident Ddisease答案A解析由下文医生对约翰说的话可推断出,约翰说了“实话。truth事实,符合语境。reason理由;accident事故;disease疾病。36A.followed BrewardedCcaused Deducated答案C解析be caused by意为“由引起”。follow跟随;reward酬谢;educate教育。37A.attack BrecoverCescape Ds

17、uffer答案B解析医生诊断出病因后,建议约翰戒烟,此处强调说如果不戒烟,他将不会“康复。recover康复,符合语境。38A。generous BselfishChopeful Dworried答案D解析听了医生的话,约翰开始“担心”起来。worried担忧的,符合语境。generous慷慨的;selfish自私的;hopeful有希望的.39A.unfair BtiringChard Dpeaceful答案C解析由于抽烟已成习惯,所以刚开始戒烟对他来说很“难”.hard困难的,符合语境。unfair不公平的;tiring令人厌倦的;peaceful和平的.40A.day BtimeCway

18、 Dsecond答案B解析根据上下文,此处应是“每次”约翰想吸烟的时候。41A。concerned about Bcertain aboutCafraid of Dinterested in答案D解析到最后,约翰对吸烟一点也不“感兴趣”了。be interested in对感兴趣;be concerned about关心;be certain about对有把握;be afraid of害怕。42A。troubles BpainsCcoughs Dcigarettes答案C解析由于不吸烟了,所以也不“咳嗽了,对应上文约翰去看医生的事.trouble麻烦;pain痛苦;cigarette香烟。.

19、语法填空Last week,we celebrated my parents fiftieth wedding anniversary(周年纪念日)This morning,they left on a long trip to Hawaii。They were as 43. (excite) as if it were their honeymoon(蜜月)When my parents married,they had only enough money for a three。day trip fifty miles from home。They made an 44. (agree)

20、that each day they would put a dollar in a special metal box and save it for a honeymoon in Hawaii for their fiftieth anniversary.Dad was a policeman,and Mom was a school teacher.They lived in a small house and did all 45. (they) own repairs.Raising five children was a challenge,and sometimes money

21、was short,46。 no matter what emergency came up,Dad would not let Mom take any money out of the “Hawaii account(账户)”As 47. account grew,they put it in a saving account and then bought CDs。My parents 48. (be) always very much in love since the day they got married。I can remember Dad 49. (come) home an

22、d telling Mom,“I have a dollar in my pocket,” and she would smile 50. him and say,“I know how to spend it。When each of us children married,Mom and Dad gave us a small metal box and told us their secret,51. we found attractive.All five of us are now saving for our dream honeymoon.Mom and Dad never to

23、ld us how much money they had managed 52. (save),but it must have been fairly large because when they cashed in those CDs,they had enough for the flights to Hawaii and a hotel room for ten days and plenty of spending money.语篇解读本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了作者的父母非常恩爱,他们在结婚时用一个金属盒子建立了一个“夏威夷账户”,在结婚50周年纪念日的时候到夏威夷度蜜月。

24、43答案excited解析考查词性转换。asadj。as。.。和一样,主语为they,指人,故用excited,表示“兴奋的。句意为:他们兴奋极了,好像这次旅行是他们的蜜月一样。故填excited。44答案agreement解析考查词性转换。根据前面的不定冠词an可知,后接名词形式。make an agreement达成协议.句意为:他们达成协议,每天他们都会把一美元放在一个特殊的金属盒子里。故填agreement。45答案their解析考查代词.设空处修饰名词repairs,故用形容词性物主代词。句意为:他们住在一所小房子里,并且自己做所有的修理工作.故填their.46答案but解析考查连

25、词。根据前后句意可知,这里为转折关系。句意为:养五个孩子不容易,而且有时钱很短缺,但不管发生什么紧急情况,爸爸都不会让妈妈从“夏威夷账户”中取出一点儿钱.故填but.47答案the解析考查冠词。这里特指前句中的Hawaii account(夏威夷账户),故用定冠词the。句意为:随着账户的增长,他们把钱存入储蓄账户,然后购买CD.故填the。48答案have been解析考查动词的时态.根据since可知用现在完成时,表示从结婚那天一直持续到现在。句意为:从结婚那天起,我的父母就一直非常恩爱。故填have been。49答案coming解析考查非谓语动词.remember doing sth.

26、记得做过某事,此处与连词后面的telling作并列宾语.句意为:我记得爸爸回家告诉妈妈。故填coming。50答案at解析考查介词。smile at sb。对某人微笑.句意:她会微笑着对他说:“我知道怎么花这笔钱。”故填at。51答案which解析考查定语从句。这里为非限制性定语从句,指代前面的一件事,故用关系代词which。句意为:后来我们几个孩子都先后成家,父母给我们每人都送了一个小金属盒子,并且告诉我们他们的秘密,我们发现这招确实很让人着迷.故填which.52答案to save解析考查非谓语动词.manage to do sth。设法完成某事。句意为:父母从来没有告诉我们他们究竟存了多

27、少钱。故填to save。概要写作阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。When you are learning English,listening,speaking and writing are important,but reading can also be very helpful。When you read,you can not only learn some new words,but also you can learn how to use these English words。When you read,it gives you a good examp

28、le for writing.Read something that you can (more or less) understand.If you need to stop every three words to use a dictionary,it is not interesting.Reading books with reasonable number of new words is very important。If there are four or five new words on a page,write them in your notebook。But you d

29、ont have to write them while you read.Instead,try to guess their meanings as you read:mark them with a pen.Then come back when you have finished reading to look them up in a dictionary and write them in your own vocabulary book。Then try to remember them.You should develop a good habit of reading.For example,read for a short time once a d


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