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1、 我们应该学会处理我们生活中遇到的问题。(deal with)We should learn to deal with the problems that we meet in our life.我明白了实现目标意味着勇于面对挑战。(means)I have understood that realizing the goal means facing challenge bravely.5岁孩童中只有百分之四十能享受学前教育。(have access to)Only 40 of five-year-old children have access to pre-school educatio

2、n.他说他不愿意以牺牲他的业余时间为代价接受这份工作。(at the cost of)He said that he would not like to accept this job at cost of his spare time.楼上收音机的声音妨碍了我的工作。(interfere with)The sound of the radio upstairs interfered with my work.钟每隔20分钟敲响一次,因此现在应该是11点20分。 (at intervals)The bell rings at 20-minute intervals,which means it

3、 is 11:20 now.这本书获得了好评,但是从实际销售情况来看,它并不太成功。(in terms of )The book has been well reviewed, but in terms of actual sales it hasnt been very successful.很明显,事情的发展让我大失所望。(turn out)Obviously,Im disappointed at the way things have turned out.Unit2在我了解所有的事实之后,我就能给你提出建议了。(be in a position to do)When I know al

4、l the facts,I will be in a position to advice you.我们轮流值夜班,这样就不会有人总是夜班了。(rotate, shift)We rotate the night shift so that no one has to do it all the time.她又一次第一个想出了增加销售量的新主意。 (come up with, boost)Once again,she became the first to come up with a new idea for boosting sales.在父亲的帮助下,她十几岁时就在电影界取得了成功。(ma

5、ke it)With her fathers help,she made it in films when she was a teenager.一有人走进屋子,孩子们就开始炫耀起来了。(show off)The children start showing off as soon as anyone comes into the house.即使你与她意见相左,她的话也值得听一听,毕竟她很有经验。(even though)Even though you dont agree with her,she is worth listening to .After all,she is very e

6、xperienced. 我们想鼓励学生参与学院的管理工作。(participate in)We want to encourage the students to participate fully in the running of the college.他已获准恢复自由,条件是他离开这个国家。 (grant)He has been granted his freedom on condition that he leaves the country.Unit3起火时,办公室人员惊慌逃出。(flee in panic)Office workers fled in panic as the

7、fire broke out.我看见这小男孩溜进厨房,偷了一条面包。(slip, make off with)I saw the little boy slip into the kitchen and make off with a loaf of bread.最终,这位法官允许布朗夫妇收养这个无家的孤儿。(eventually, adopt)Eventually,the judge permitted the Browns to adopt the homeless orphan.众所周知,如瑜珈等放松的方法能缓解压力对身体造成的不良反应。(ease, stress)As is known

8、 to all,relaxation techniques like yoga can ease the harmful effect of stress on the body.所有的乘客都从一辆巴士转到另一辆巴士。(transfer)All passengers were transferred out of one bus and into another.虽然我们遭受了严重的自然灾害,但我们一定能克服一切困难。(suffer from)Though we suffered from serious natural disasters,we are sure to overcome al

9、l difficulties.人们担心那些老兵可能熬不过冬天。 (veteran, survive)There are concerns that those veterans may not survive the winter.当马克想起那起事故时,仍感到恼火。(upset) It still upsets Mark when he thinks about the accident.Unit4小偷看见远处的警察转身就逃。(turn on ones heel)The thief turned on his heel and ran when he saw the police in the

10、 distance.这是你出的主意,所以要是出什么差错的话,我将惟你是问。 (responsible)It was your idea,so if anything goes wrong I shall hold you personally responsible.一些人认为,对大多数的男人来说,爱情只不过是他们人生的一个插曲。(episode)Some think that for the majority of men,love is but an episode in his life.我讨厌他这种逆来顺受的懦弱性格。(turn the other cheek)I hate to se

11、e his weak personality that makes him simply turn the other cheek.艾丽丝太粗鲁无礼了,你该教训她一下了。(put sb. in his / her place)Alice is too rude;its time you put her in her place.他在一次宴会上堵住了我,非要和我大谈他那艰难的童年,无聊得我要死。(corner)He once cornered me at a party and bored me to death about his difficult childhood .当他有这种古怪情绪时

12、,我怎么也不能让他理解我的意思。 (get to sb.)When hes in this strange mood ,I just cant get to him .你怎么能不顾一切反对意见而一意孤行呢?(cling to)How could you set aside all the objections and cling to your own course?Unit5缩小贫富差距是政府面临的主要难题之一。(challenge)Reducing the gab between rich and poor is one of the main challenges facing the

13、government .他还拿不定主意,但我相信我们最终肯定能把他说服。(win over )He hasnt made up his mind ,but Im sure well win him over in the end 他帮助了我,并希望我能为他做点儿事作为报答。(in return)He helped me ,and in return hoped that I could do something for him你或者不让孩子靠近药箱,或者把药箱放在孩子拿不到的地方。(keep away from)You should either keep your child away fr

14、om the medicine box ,or keep the box away from them . 所有的行李都在机场受到检查,以确定其中没有危险物品。(screen)All luggage is screened at the airport to make sure it contains nothing dangerous .多年来,这个部门建立了一个知识的宝库。(build up, reservoir)The department has built up a reservoir of knowledge for many years . 我想要一杯咖啡,还有一杯水。(as w

15、ellId like a cup of coffee ,and a glass of water as well .他非常绝望,因而威胁说要结束自己的生命。(so that, put an end to)He was so desperate that he threatened to put an end to his life .Unit6 他妻子死后,他情绪越低落越是借酒浇愁。(turn to)After his wifes death ,the more depressed he got ,the more he turned a drink .当她发现丈夫有外遇后,他们的婚姻破裂了。

16、(fall apart, cheat)Their marriage fell apart when she found out her husband was cheating on her with another woman .我觉得我在农村住了之后就无法适应大城市的生活了。 (be used to doing sth.)I didnt think I could be used to living in a big city after living in the country .我对她在经历事故后表现得那么平静感到惊讶。(amazed)I was amazed at how calm

17、 she was after she had gone through the accident .她所有的精力都集中在小孩身上,因此很少有时间做别的事情。(focus, as a result)All her energies are focused upon her children and as a result she has little time for anything else . 请不要让孩子们在海里游泳,因为那里有一些危险的水流。(keepfrom)Please keep the children from swimming in the sea ,because ther

18、e are some dangerous currents.他突然辞去职务使我们都很惊讶。(takeby surprise, resign) It took us all by surprise that he suddenly resigned post . 如果没感冒的话,我 HYPERLINK /show_liju/现在.html t _blank 现在应该是在工作,而 HYPERLINK /show_liju/不会.html t _blank 不是躺在床上。(instead of)If I hadnt got a cold ,Id be working instead of lying

19、 in bed .Unit7在我看来,取得成功的最佳途径是努力工作。(get ahead)In my opinion ,the best way to get ahead is through hard work .让我们感到失望的是, 我们所有的建议都遭到拒绝,不管它们的价值如何。(regardless of)To our disappointment ,all our proposal were rejected regardless of their merits .我感到他做错了什么事,可我又没有根据。(base on)I feel he was doing something wro

20、ng ,but I have got nothing to base it on .我跟你说话的时候,你要留心听! 不然你会漏掉一些重要信息。(pay attention)Pay attention when Im talking to you ,otherwise youll miss some important information .一些人已经注意到生活方式的任何改变都将影响一个人的健康。(have an effect on)Some people have noticed that any change in life style will have an effect on on

21、es health .这两个政党从选举以来就一直彼此冲突。(in conflict with)The two parties have been in conflict with each other since the election .护士在照顾病人时,要尽很多责任。(fulfill)A nurse has many duties to fulfill in caring for the sick .我们不想听你的想法,只讲事实!(stick to)We do not want to hear your opinions ;stick to the facts!Unit8设法正确地看待你

22、目前遇到的问题,你会发现情况没有你想象的那么糟。(putin perspective)Try to put your presents problems in perspective,and youll see that things arent as bad as you think.他倒是想来,但没有得到许可。(allow) He would like to come ,but hes not allowed to.我们在公园里看见了各种各样的动物和植物。(all sorts of)We saw all sorts of animals and plants in the park.她犯了

23、个错误,但她自己并没有意识到。 (realize)She has made a mistake but she doesnt realize it.他身体逐渐虚弱,卧床的时间也就更长。(more of)As he grows weaker ,he spends more of his time in bed.我给你们讲的故事会使你们热泪盈眶的。(bring tears to sb.s eyes)I would tell you stories that would bring tears to your eyes.总共有6 000家公司参加生产这些飞机所需要的部件。(involve in)In

24、 all ,6000 companies are involved in producing the parts that are needed for these aircraft.如果你知道所有的事实,你就会立刻改变主意。 (aware of)If you are aware of all the facts ,you will immediately change your mind.二、第一册Unit1我已经戒掉睡前吸烟的坏习惯,再也不用听妻子不断地发牢骚了。(giveup)Having given up the bad habit of smoking before bedtime,

25、 I no longer have to hear my wife complaining all the time.与其他同龄人不同的是,他迷恋京剧。(setapartfrom;beaddictedto)What sets him apart from other people of his age is that he is addicted to Beijing Opera.她对他用情至深,愿意克服任何障碍与他结婚。(sothat;obstacle)She is so much in love with him that shes ready to overcome any obstac

26、le to marry him.只是在考试成绩出来之后,我才意识到必须更加刻苦才能不落后。(only;keepupwith)Only after the result of the exam came out did I realize I would have to work harder to keep up with the others.作为主要谈判人,她在打破双方之间的障碍上创造了奇迹。(miracle)As chief negotiator she has performed miracles in breaking down barriers between the two si

27、des.您无需担心,男士是不允许进入这个房间的。(need;allowsb.todosth.)You dont need to worry. Men are not allowed to get into this room.如果要我在上大学还是去工作两者间选择,我会选择前者而非后者。(insteadof)If I had to make a choice between going to college and finding a job, I would choose the former instead of the latter.尽管说明书上说“一次吃一片”,他还是一下子吃了三片。(i

28、nspiteof;atatime)In spite of the instruction of taking one pill at a time, he took three all at once.Unit2似乎总是这样的你赚得越多,你花得就越多。(the more, the more)It always seems the more you earn, the more you spend.革命运动对他们的利益造成了直接的威胁。(pose)The revolutionary movement poses a direct threat to their interests.她觉得自己和尼

29、克都从这次经历中受益匪浅。(figure)She figured that both she and Nick learned a lot from the experience.摆在你面前的只有两种选择:要么投票支持他,要么投票反对他。(eitheror)There are only two choices before you. You either vote for him or vote against him.我预料到会受到指责当你成为公众人物时,这是在所难免的。(go with the territory)I expected the criticism it goes with

30、the territory when you are a public figure.人们越来越关心电子游戏对儿童行为的影响。(get concerned about)People are getting more and more concerned about the effect of video games on childrens behavior.过去的两年我不停地从一个地方搬到另一个地方,所以我很快就适应了这个新城市。(get used to)I have been moving from one place to another over the past two years,

31、 so it doesnt take me long to get used to this new city.他们批评领导层,但避免进行正面质疑。(shy away from)They criticized the leadership, but shied away from a direct challenge.尽管我们存在分歧,但仍能找到共同点。(despite, common ground)Despite our disagreements, we have been able to find some common ground.Unit3即使父母反对你的提议,你也应该注意听。(r

32、eject, be supposed to)Even if your parents reject your proposal, you are supposed to stay focused.在电话里你不用承诺什么。(commit to)You dont have to commit to anything over the phone.很明显我们的老师相信这种教学法。 (obvious, believe in)It is obvious that our teacher believes in this teaching method.在生命的历程中,他们渐渐认识到友谊是最珍贵的财富。 (during the course of)During the course of life, they gradually realized that friendships are the best treasures.你认为成功的关键因素是什么? (credit as, key)What do you credit as the key factors to success?反病毒软件能保护容易受到攻击的电脑,使之免受病毒侵害。(vulnerable, shieldfrom)An


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