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1、1. Directions: A. Title: Only Stricter Traffic Laws Can Prevent Accidents B. Word Limit: about 200 words C. Yoour commpossitiion shoouldd bee baasedd onn thhe OOutllinee giivenn inn Chhineese bellow: 1. 每天天全世界界都有成成千上万万的人死死于交通通事故。 2. a. 开车车的人越越来越不不注重自自己的行行为规范范,公德德意识越越来越差差。 bb. 整整个社会会对肇事事者持纵纵容态度度,交通通的

2、发展展给城市市和乡村村带来很很大影响响。 3. 制定定交通通法规遏遏止交通通事故的的发生。 例文文: Onnly Strrictter Traaffiic LLawss Caan PPrevventt Accciddentts Thhouggh tthe posssibbiliity of livvingg a lonng aand happpy liffe iis ggreaaterr thhan eveer bbefoore, evveryy daay wwe ccitees tthe inccreddiblle sslauughtter of menn, wwomeen aand chi

3、ildrren on thee rooadss. MMan verrsuss thhe mmotoor-ccar! Itt iss a nevver-enddingg baattlle wwhicch mman is lossingg. TThouusannds of peooplee thhe wworlld ooverr arre kkillled or horrribbly muttilaatedd eaach yeaar aand we aree quuiettly sitttinng bbackk annd lletttingg itt haappeen.Itt haas bbeen

4、n riighttly saiid tthatt whhen a mman is sitttinng bbehiind a ssteeerinng wwheeel, hiss caar bbecoomess thhe eexteensiion of hiss peersoonallityy. TTherre iis nno ddoubbt tthatt thhe mmotoor-ccar oftten briingss ouut aa maanss veery worrst quaalittiess. PPeopple whoo arre nnormmallly qquieet aand pl

5、eeasaant mayy beecomme uunreecoggnizzablle wwhenn thhey aree beehinnd aa stteerringg-whheell. TTheyy arre iill-mannnerred andd agggreessiive, wiillfful as twoo-yeear oldds aand uttterlly sselffishh.Thhe ssurpprissingg thhingg iss thhat soccietty ssmilles so bennignnly on thee mootorristt annd sseemm

6、s tto cconddonee hiis bbehaavioor. Eveerytthinng iis ddonee foor hhis connvenniennce. Ciitiees aare allloweed tto bbecoome almmostt unninhhabiitabble beccausse oof hheavvy ttraffficc; tthe couuntrrysiide is dessecrrateed bby rroadd neetwoorkss; aand thee maass annnuall sllaugghteer bbecoomess noothi

7、ing morre tthann a staatissticc, tto bbe cconvveniienttly forrgotttenn.Itt iss hiigh timme aa woorldd coode werre ccreaatedd too reeducce tthiss seenseelesss wwastte oof hhumaan llifee. WWithh reegarrd tto ddrivvingg, llawss off soome couuntrriess arre nnotoorioouslly llax andd evven thee sttricctes

8、st aare nott sttricct eenouugh. A codde wwhicch wwas uniiverrsallly accceptted couuld onlly hhavee drramaaticcallly bbeneeficciall efffecct oon tthe acccideent ratte.2.Diirecctioons: A. TTitlle: Parrentts AAre Tooo Peermiissiive Witth TTheiir CChilldreen NNowaadayys B. Worrd LLimiit: aboout 2000 woo

9、rdss C. Yoour commpossitiion shoouldd bee baasedd onn thhe OOutllinee giivenn inn Chhineese bellow:1. 孩子子成为家家庭的中中心,父父母日渐渐失去应应有的权权威。 2. 父母母对孩子子的溺爱爱和忽视视导致青青少年犯犯罪。3. 孩子子的生活活过于安安逸对他他们日后后的成长长不利。 例文文: Paarennts Aree Tooo PPermmisssivee Wiith Theeir Chiildrren Nowwadaays Thheree arre ccounntleess artticlle

10、s on chiild carre iin mmagaazinnes andd neewsppapeers. Wiith so mucch uunsoolicciteed aadviice flyyingg abboutt, mmum andd daad jjustt doontt knnow whaat tto ddo aany morre. In thee ennd, theey ddo nnothhingg att alll. So, frrom earrly chiildhhoodd, tthe kidds aare in chaargee annd ppareentss llivee

11、s aare reggulaatedd acccorrdinng tto tthe neeeds of theeir offfsprringg. WWhenn thhe llitttle deaars devveloop iintoo teeenaagerrs, theey ttakee coomplletee coontrrol. Laax aauthhoriity oveer tthe yeaars makkes adoolesscennt rrebeelliion agaainsst ppareentss alll tthe morre vviollentt. IIf tthe youu

12、ng peooplee arre ggoinng tto hhavee a parrty, foor iinsttancce, parrentts aare askked to leaave thee hoousee. TTheiir ppressencce mmereely spooilss thhe ffun. Whhat elsse ccan thee pooor parrentts ddo bbut obeey?Chhilddrenn arre hharddy ccreaaturres andd moost of theem ssurvvivee thhe hharmmfull inn

13、fluuencce oof eextrremee peermiissiivennesss whhichh iss thhe nnormmal conndittionn inn thhe mmodeern houusehholdd. BBut a ggreaat mmanyy doo noot. Thee sppreaad oof jjuveenille ddeliinquuenccy iin oour ownn agge iis llarggelyy duue tto ppareentaal llaxiity. Mootheer, bellievvingg thhat litttlee Joo

14、hnnny ccan loook aafteer hhimsselff, iis nnot at homme wwhenn hee reeturrns froom sschoool, soo liittlle JJohnnny roaams thee sttreeets. Thhe ddiviidinng-llinee beetweeen perrmisssivveneess andd shheerr neegliigennce is verry ffinee inndeeed.Thhe ppsycchollogiistss haave mucch tto aanswwer forr. TTh

15、eyy shhoulld kkeepp thheirr moouthhs sshutt annd llet parrentts gget on witth tthe jobb. AAnd if chiildrren aree knnockked aboout a llitttle bitt inn thhe pproccesss, iit mmay nott reeallly mmattter tooo muuch. Att leeastt thhis willl hhelpp thhem to devveloop vvigoorouus vviewws oof ttheiir oown an

16、dd giive theem ssomeethiing possitiive to reaact agaainsst. Perrhapps ttherress soome truuth in thee iddea thaat cchilldreen wwhove hadd a surrfeiit oof hhapppineess in theeir chiildhhoodd emmergge llikee sttodggy ppudddinggs aand faiil tto mmakee a succcesss oof llifee.3.Diirecctioons: A. Tiitlee:

17、PPeopple Shoouldd Bee Reewarrdedd Acccorrdinng TTo AAbillityy, OOr TTo AAge Andd Exxperrienn cee B. Woord Limmit: abboutt 2000 wwordds C. Yoour commpossitiion shoouldd bee baasedd onn thhe OOutllinee giivenn inn Chhineese bellow: 1. 年轻轻人进入入社会要要对论资资排辈的的现实。 2. 社会会上种种种要素阻阻碍年轻轻人发展展。 3. 雇主主应该正正确看待待一个人人的能

18、力力,按其其能力付付给报酬酬。 例文文: Peeoplle SShouuld Be Rewwardded Acccorddingg Too Abbiliity, Orr Too Agge AAnd Expperiiencce Yooungg meen aand wommen joiin tthe hieerarrchyy annd ttakee thheirr pllacee inn thhe qqueuue. Theey ggo tto tthe verry eend of thee quueuee annd sstayy thheree noo maatteer hhow briillii

19、antt thhey aree. WWhatt thhey knoow iis mmuchh leess impporttantt thhan whoom ttheyy knnow andd hoow oold theey aare. Whhat theey kknoww iss muuch lesss iimpoortaant thaan wwhomm thhey knoow aand howw olld ttheyy arre. If theey aare ablle, theeir abiilittiess wiill be ackknowwleddgedd annd rrewaarde

20、ed iin ddue couursee - thaat iis, aftter tweentyy orr thhirtty yyearrs hhavee paasseed.Thheree seeemss too bee a gigganttic connspiiraccy aagaiinstt yooungg peeoplle. Whiile on thee onne hhandd soocieety prooviddes theem wwithh beetteer eeduccatiionaal ffaciilittiess, oon tthe othher it doees iits b

21、esst tto eexclludee thhem froom tthe jobbs tthatt reeallly mmattter. Thheree arre eexceeptiionss, oof ccourrse. Soome youung peooplee doo maanagge tto bbreaak tthrooughh thhe bbarrrierr deespiite thee reestrricttionn, bbut thee grreatt maajorrityy haave to waiit ppatiienttly forr yeearss beeforre tt

22、heyy caan rreallly givve ffulll reein to theeir abiilittiess. TThiss meeanss thhat, inn moost fieeldss, tthe vieews of youung peooplee arre nneveer hhearrd bbecaausee thheree iss noo onne tto rreprreseent theem. Preesiddentt Keenneedy wass onne oof tthe nottablle eexceeptiionss. OOne of thee moost t

23、raagicc asspeccts of hiss asssasssinnatiion is thaat mmankkindd waas ddeprriveed oof aa yoouthhfull leeadeer.Reesenntmeent is thee caausee off a greeat deaal oof bbittternnesss. TThe youung ressentt thhe oold beccausse ttheyy feeel depprivved of thee goood thiingss liife hass too offferr. TThe oldd

24、reesennt tthe youung beccausse ttheyy arre aafraaid of lossingg whhat theey hhavee. AA maan oof ffiftty oor sso mmighht ssay, WWhy shoouldd a youung rasscall sttraiightt ouut oof sschoool outt off scchoool eearnn moore thaan II doo? BBut if thee yooungg raascaal iis mmoree abble, moore dettermmineed

25、, harrderr-woorkiing thaan hhis midddlee-agged criiticc, wwhy shooulddntt hee? EEmplloyeers shoouldd reecoggnizze aabillityy annd rrewaard it jusstlyy. TThiss woouldd reemovve oone of thee biiggeest cauusess off frricttionn beetweeen oldd annd yyounng aand ulttimaatelly iit wwoulld lleadd too a bett

26、terr soocieety.4.DDireectiionss: A. Wrritee ann esssayy off abboutt 2000 wwordds. B. Yoour esssay shoouldd bee baasedd onn thhe ooutllinee beeloww: 1. 主题题句:人人们对大大学合并并持有不不同的态态度; 2. 发展展句: a. 一些人人认为大大学合并并是建设设世界一一流大学学的重要要举措。 b. 另一一些人认认为大学学合并有有一些潜潜在的问问题,如如管理问问题。 3. 结论论句:大大学合并并利大于于弊,但但应考虑虑到带来来的问题题。 例文文: U

27、nniveersiity Merrgerr Unniveersiity merrgerr, aa hoot ttopiic bbothh onn annd ooff cammpuss, hhas recceivved mucch ppubllic atttenttionn. PPeopples aattiituddes towwardds iit vvaryy grreattly.Soome peooplee faavorr itt ass ann immporrtannt sstepp thhat uniiverrsittiess taake towwardds tthe goaal oof

28、 ffirsst-rratee woorldd unniveersiitiees. Theey aarguue tthatt, oonlyy thhrouugh merrgerrs ccan uniiverrsittiess giive fulll pplayy too thheirr owwn aadvaantaagess annd mmakee upp foor ttheiir ddisaadvaantaagess. TTakee thhe mmergger bettweeen TTsinnghuua UUnivverssityy annd tthe Insstittutee off Ap

29、ppliied Artts aas aan eexammplee. TThe forrmerrs strrenggthss inn thhe ffielld oof hhighh teechnnoloogy commpleemennt tthe lattterrs repputaatioon ffor artt. TTheyy allso poiint outt thhat uniiverrsitty mmerggerss wiill inccreaase thee coompeetittivee poowerr off Chhineese uniiverrsittiess inn thhe

30、wworlld. In spiite of theese arggumeentss, ttherre aare thoose whoo seee iit aas aa haastyy deecissionn whhichh haas ssomee pootenntiaal pprobblemms. Theey cclaiim, forr innstaancee, llocaatedd faar aawayy frrom eacch ootheer, thee unniveersiitiees iinvoolveed iin aa meergeer aare usuuallly ffaceed

31、wwithh thhe ttouggh pprobblemm off maanaggemeent.Inn myy oppiniion, unniveersiity merrgerr haas mmoree addvanntagges thaan ddisaadvaantaagess, bbut uniiverrsittiess shhoulld ttakee innto acccounnt tthe pottenttiall daangeers ressulttingg frrom merrgerrs. 如何看待待宠物热热1. 有有些人喜喜欢养动动物作为为宠物。 9ZZBF11sMgg 2.

32、有些人人反对圈圈养动物物作为宠宠物。 =V+XZ 3. 你的观观点。 a5-=00L OL rDD4 ee 参考考范文 V55B-S.i nowwadaays, wiith thee immproovemmentt off thhe ppeopples lliviing staandaard, soome peooplee foorm a hhabiit oof rraissingg smmalll orr doomessticc annimaals as petts. somme rraisse ssmalll ddogss orr caats as theeir petts wwhille

33、 ootheers raiise varriouus bbirdds oor ffishhes as theeir petts. theere aree sttilll evven somme ppeopple raiisinng ssnakkes andd ottherr unnusuual aniimalls aas ttheiir ppetss. KK_QCCYS . lQBBM0|n DDoess annyonne hhavee thhe ssamee oppiniion of raiisinng aanimmalss ass peets? noo, ssomee peeoplle o

34、objeect to thee iddea of raiisinng aanimmalss ass peets. too thhem, annimaals havve ttheiir oown rigght to livve aa naaturral liffe llikee huumann beeinggs. on thee ottherr haand, thhe wway peooplee raaisee annimaals as petts hhavee a neggatiive infflueencee onn thhe ssurrrounndinngs succh aas ddogs

35、s bbarkkingg att miidniightt, ddogss cchassingg peeoplle oon tthe strreett annd sso oon. whaatss moore, soome aniimalls wwilll trranssmitt soome disseasses. inn myy oppiniion, i do nott liike thee iddea to raiise aniimalls aat ppetss. aanimmalss haave theeir ownn riightt too leead a llifee ass thhey

36、 likke. we shoouldd noot ddeprrivee thhem of theeir natturaal rrighht. in thiis wway, wee wiill livve iin aa peeaceefull woorldd inn haarmoony witth tthe othher livvingg crreatturees. kTTJDDv; owniing a pprivvatee caar H3e 1. 目前,有越来来越多的的人拥有有私家车车;(图图表略) 99cbII3rGGz 2. 拥有私私家车的的利与弊弊; D.( 3. 结论。 .)qq;ZZ

37、 参考考范文&T+atLLN NNowaadayys , thheree arre mmoree annd mmoree peeoplle oowniing priivatte ccarss. oon tthe onee haand, soome weaalthhy ppeopple whoo eiitheer aare thee booss of thee prrivaate commpanny oor tthe whiite-colllarr maanaggerss inn biig ccomppaniies havve ttheiir pprivvatee caars. onn thhe

38、 ootheer hhandd, ssomee yooungg peeoplle wwho aree fuuturre-mmindded buyy prrivaate carrs aaheaad oof ttheiir iincoome by loaans froom bbankks. 3rQ77e IIs iit aa goood or badd thhingg too haave a pprivvatee caar? jusst aas aa cooin hass twwo ssidees , soo thheree arre bbothh addvanntagges andd diisa

39、ddvanntagges of havvingg a priivatte ccar. soo faar aas iits advvanttagees aare conncerrnedd, ttherre aare twoo exxamppless foor tthiss. ffirsst , itt pllayss a verry iimpoortaant parrt iin pprovvidiing itss owwnerr wiith connvenniennce, ennabllingg thhe oowneer tto ggo wwherre hhe wwantts tto qquic

40、cklyy annd eeasiily. seeconnd, it cann heelp itss owwnerr too saave a llot of timme wwhicch mmay be wasstedd byy waaitiing forr ottherr veehiccless. hhoweeverr, iit aalsoo haas iits dissadvvanttagees . foor oone thiing, itt wiill havve aa neegattivee efffecct oon bbothh thhe ccrowwdedd trrafffic sys

41、stemm annd tthe envviroonmeent in thee loong runn. ffor anootheer, it plaacess buurdeen oon tthe pubblicc uttiliity in prooviddingg moore parrkinng llotss. xbee$Q IIn sshorrt , owwninng aa prrivaate carr haas bbothh itts aadvaantaagess annd ddisaadvaantaagess. iit iis aadviisabble thaat wwe sshouuld

42、 payy muuch atttenttionn too thhe eenviironnmenntall prroteectiion by nott haavinng aa prrivaate carr iff wee haave litttlee orr noo prractticaal uuse of thee prrivaate carr16媒媒体与名名流. 17保护大大自然. 188我们们就要断断水了! 199汽车车与空气气污染. 200你们们把孩子子惯坏了了!社会热点点话题(16)Meddia & CCeleebriitieesOnne hhunddredd yeearss aggo

43、, peooplee beecamme ffamoous forr whhat theey hhad achhievved. Toodayyscceleebriitiees,hhoweeverr, oofteen ddo nnot beccomee knnownn foor aany endduriing(永久的的) aachiieveemennt, theey aare simmplyy faamouus ffor beiing fammouss wiith thee heelp of thee meediaa. TTheyy arre ddisttinggnisshedd byy thhe

44、irr immagee orr trradeemarrk aand theey hhavee noothiing greeat butt a bigg naame. Thhat is to sayy, tthe foccus of pubblicc atttenntioon hhas beggun to shiift awaay ffromm knnowiing whaat ssuchh peeoplle ddid to knoowinng wwhatt thhey loookedd liike. Wiith thee arrrivval of telleviisioon, thee faac

45、ess off alll kkindds oof cceleebriitess beecamme aas ffamiiliaar aas tthosse wwe ssaw acrrosss thhe bbreaakfaast tabble. Wee caame to knoow mmoree abboutt thhe llivees oof oour favvoriite cellebrritiies thaan wwe ddid aboout mosst oof tthe peooplee wee knnow perrsonnallly, no mattterr thhey aree moo

46、viee sttarss, ffashhionn moodells, proofesssioonall atthleetess, aand eveen ccarttoonn chharaacteers.In a wwordd, cceleebriitiees aare creeateed bby tthe meddia, annd ttheyy arre eexacctlyy liike us excceptt foor tthe atttenttionn thhey gett frrom thee meediaa.社会会热点话话题(117)PPresservvingg Naaturral R

47、essourrcessEveer ssincce mman apppearred on thee eaarthh, mmans ssurvvivaal hhas beeen hheavvilyy reelyiing on natturee. AAlmoost eveerytthinng wwe uuse in ourr evveryydayy liife commes froom nnatuure. Wiith thee deevellopmmentt off teechnnoloogy andd poopullatiion groowthh, tthe amoountt annd rrang

48、ge oof mmateeriaals useed hhas inccreaasedd att ann allarmmingg raate. Hoowevver, naaturral ressourrcess arre nnot ineexhaausttiblle. Somme rreseervees aare alrreaddy oon tthe briink of exhhausstioon aand theere is no hoppe oof rrepllaciing theem. Thee wiidesspreead watter shoortaage is an exaamplle

49、 iin ppoinnt. If mann coontiinueed tto ssquaandeer nnatuurall reesouurcees wwithh noo thhougght forr thhe ffutuure, thhe wwholle wworlld wwoulld bbe iin aa meess.Timme iis rrunnningg ouut. It is up to us to takke eeffeectiive meaasurres befforee thhe ssituuatiion getts oout of hannd.社会热点点话题(18)GLOOB

50、ALL SHHORTTAGEE OFF FRRESHH WAATERRPeooplee offtenn thhinkk thhat watter willl nneveer bbe uusedd upp. TTherre iis pplennty of watter, suuch as raiin, watter froom tthe rivverss annd wwellls. In facct wwateer iis rrathher limmiteed oon tthe earrth. Wiith thee raapidd inncreeasee off poopullatiion an

51、dd faast devveloopmeent of inddusttriees, watter is morre nneedded thaan bbefoore. Soome bigg ciitiees iin CChinna aare faccingg thhe pprobblemm off waaterr shhorttagee allreaady. Whhat shoouldd wee doo abboutt thhe wwateer sshorrtagge? I thhinkk, ppeopple shoouldd bee maade awaare of thee reeal sit

52、tuattionn abboutt thhe wwateer. Andd ceertaain lawws sshouuld be madde tthatt noo waaterr wiill be polllutted. Wee haave to prootecct tthe exiistiing watter ressourrcess annd ddeveelopp neew ooness. IIn tthiss waay II beelieeve thaat oour cittiess wiill nott bee thhirssty forr waaterr inn thhe ffutuure.社会热点点话题(19)CARRS AAND AIRR POOLLUUTIOONCaars havve ccreaatedd a lott off seerioous proobleems in ourr woorldd. AAll thee tiime, thhey aree puumpiing hugge aamouuntss off waastee gaasess innto thee attmosspheere, caausiing disseasse aand e


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