



1、供应链管理双语Supply Chain Management一、课程基本情况课程类别:专业主干课课程学分:3学分课程总学时:48学时,其中讲课:48学时,实验(含上机):0学时,课外 0学时课程性质:必修开课学期:第5学期先修课程:物流管理学;运筹学适用专业:物流管理类本科专业教 材:苏尼尔乔普拉(Sunil Chopra). 供应链管理 战略、计划和运作(Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning, and Operation) (第5版). 清华大学出版社, 2014.4. ISBN: 9787302355779开课单位:经济管理学院物流管理系二



4、特征;难点:理解供应链绩效评价指标和战略匹配原则。2、供应链网络设计(10学时)(1)了解全球供应链网络设计; (2)理解供应链中网络设计的主要工具和方法;(3)掌握分销网络的设计与电子商务的应用;重点:供应链中的网络设计模型;分销网络的设计与电子商务的应用;难点:全球供应链网络设计3、供应链中的供需管理(10学时)(1)了解销售和运营计划的关系:供应链中的供需计划; (2)理解供应链中的综合计划;(3)掌握供应链中的需求预测;重点:供应链产品的需求预测方法、综合计划的编制;难点:需求预测的误差控制、供应链中供需计划的整合4、供应链中的库存计划与管理(10学时)(1)了解理解供应链的不确定性管

5、理及安全库存;(2)理解作为供应链规模效益管理的周转库存;(3)掌握经济订货批量模型及安全库存设定的基本方法;掌握最优产品可获性水平分析办法。重点:经济订货批量模型及安全库存设定的基本方法;最优产品可获性水平分析办法;难点:不确定环境下库存和可获性水平的分析。5、运输网络的设计与规划(2学时)(1)了解供应链运输的主要形式;(2)理解运输规划模型; (3)掌握运输与其他供应链职能的效益背反关系。重点:供应链运输的主要形式和运输规划模型的设定和求解;难点:运输规划模型的设定和求解;6、供应链的跨职能关键要素管理(6学时)(1)了解供应链管理中的信息技术;(2)理解供应链的采购决策;理解供应链的定

6、价和收入管理(3)掌握供应链中协调技术。重点:供应链的定价和收入管理以及供应链中协调技术;难点:供应链协调技术的合理应用7、复习与机动(2学时)四、课程考核(1)作业等:作业:5次(包括综合分析与报告12次)(2)考核方式:闭卷或开卷考试(3)总评成绩计算方式:平时成绩、期中考试成绩和期末考试成绩等综合计算五、参考书目(1)Christopher. Logistics and Supply Chain Management. Pitman Publishing; 1992; ISBN 0-273-0-3415-4 (2)Mangan, Chandra, Lalwani, Butcher. Gl

7、obal Logistics and Supply Chain Management. J.Wiley & Sons; 2008; ISBN 978-0-470-06634 2.6 (3)Russell and Taylor. Operations Management along the Supply Chain. J.Wiley & Sons, 2009, ISBN 978-0470-23379 2.7 (4)马士华. 供应链管理. 高等教育出版社. 2011年03月. ISBN:9787040310351Supply Chain ManagementI. Basic Informatio

8、nType:compulsory courseCredit: 3 Total class hour:48Time for the class:the 5th semesterPrerequisite course:Logistic Management;Operation ManagementTextbook:苏尼尔乔普拉(Sunil Chopra). 供应链管理 战略、计划和运作(Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning, and Operation) (第5版). 清华大学出版社, 2014.4. ISBN: 9787302355779Depa

9、rtment:Department of logistic management in Economic Management School= 2 * ROMANII. Characteristics and Objectives1. Characteristics of the courseWith management, logistics management and operations management as the theoretical basis, supply chain management is a course by the means of mathematica

10、l statistics, operations research, computer information processing, etc.Through learning of this course, students should be aware of the basic framework and the basic theory of supply chain management, master the basic method and means of supply chain management, and the integrated use of these know

11、ledge ability. During the course, we should guide the students analyze the problems combining the theory and practicewith new ideas, new knowledge of supply chain management, then cultivate the students innovation consciousness eventually.2. Objectives of the courseBy learning this course, students

12、should understand and master the basic theory of supply chain management, understand the significance, problems and countermeasures of supply chain management, have the ability to analysis of supply chain management correctly, master the methods of scientific management of supply chain and the direc

13、tion of optimizing it, do prepare for the subsequent courses. Which are divided into the following:Master the basic connotation and the significance of supply chain managementUnderstand and analyze the main classic case of supply chain managementMaster the basic theory and method of supply chain inv

14、entory managementBe familiar with the basic theory and method of supply chain procurement managementUnderstand the basic theory and methods of the supply chain coordinationKnow the main method of supply chain optimizationUnderstand the main problems and strategy of supply chain management practicesU

15、nderstand the difference between supply chain management methods under different environment= 3 * ROMANIII. Contents of the course1. Building a strategic framework to analyze supply chain(8 hours)(1) Understand the famous supply chain enterprises; understand the typical case of supply management;(2)

16、 Comprehend the goal of supply chain management by case study; comprehend the performance evaluation of supply chain; comprehend the supply chain strategy fit and its scope;(3) Master the basic concept of supply chain and supply chain type;master the main drivers and the supply chain metrics;Key poi

17、nts: the concepts, types and characteristics of the supply chain and supply chain management;Difficult points: understand the supply chain performance evaluation and strategic fit principle.2. Designing the Supply Chain Network(10 hours)(1) Understand the global supply chain network design;(2) Compr

18、ehend the methodof supply chain network design;(3) Master the design of distribution network and the application to e-Business;Key points: the network design model in the supply chain; the design of distribution network and the application of e-Business;Difficult points: the global supply chain netw

19、ork design3. Planning demand and supply in a supply chain(10 hours)(1) Understand the relationship between sales and operations planning: supply and demand in the supply chain planning;(2) Comprehend the supply chain integrated planning;(3) Master in the supply chain demand forecasting;Key points: t

20、he supply chain demand forecasting method, the integration plan establishment;Difficult points: demand forecast error control, the integration of supply and demand plan4.Planning and managing inventories in a supply chain(10 hours)(1) Understand understand the uncertainty in the supply chain andsafe

21、ty inventory;(2) Comprehend the management economies of scale in a supply chain, thecycle inventory;(3) Master the method of economic order quantity model and the basic ways of safety inventory setting; master the optimal level of product availability analysis method;Key points: the economic order q

22、uantity model and the basic methods of the safety stock setting; the determining method of optimal level of product availability analysis;Difficult points: the analysis of inventory management under uncertainty environment and availability level.5. Designing and planning transportation networks(2 ho

23、urs)(1) Understand the main form of transportation supply chain;(2) Comprehend transportation planning model;(3) Master the trade-offs between transportation and other functions of the supply chain efficiency.Key points: the main form of transportation of the supply chain; the planning model of the

24、transportaion;Difficult points: the setting and solving of the transportation planning models;6. Managing cross-functional drivers in a supply chain(6 hours)(1) understand the supply chain information technology;(2) Comprehend the decision-making of supply chain procurement; comprehend the supply chain of the pricing and revenue management(3) master in the supply chain coordinati


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