已阅读5页,还剩47页未读 继续免费阅读




1、深静脉穿刺什么是深静脉穿刺?指经体表将导管或监测探头 置入上、下腔静脉及右心房、肺动脉内的一种有创的操作技术。适应症及用途监测中心静脉压衡量右心泵功能及时应用急救药物、输血、输液经导管安装临时起搏器漂浮导管(PCWP)长时间静脉营养(TPN)相对禁忌症Anticoagulation or thrombolytic therapyBleeding disordersCombative patientsDistorted local anatomyVasculitis Cellulitis, burns, severe dermatitis at site物品准备做穿刺前准备好物品和液体穿刺包,静

2、脉静脉导管无菌纱布、无菌手套、5ml一次性注射器两个,铺巾、中心静脉穿刺包(内有导丝、中心静脉导管、扩皮器等)薄膜敷贴等0.9%NS和利多卡因各一支在检查的过程中,使物品都处于备用状态穿刺的基本原则确定深静脉置管是否有必要签署同意书掌握解剖知识熟练使用穿刺用品取得病人配合严格无菌操作穿刺过程中总有一个手持导丝敢于请示上级(敢于放弃)穿刺时请保持穿刺针负压重新定位时须将针尖退至皮下术后胸片再次定位Seldinger technique粗针定位Use introducing needle to locate vein导丝顺针而入Wire is threaded through the needle

3、移开粗针 Needle is removed扩皮 Skin and vessel are dilated顺导丝置入导管Catheter is placed over the wire移开导丝Wire is removed固定导管Catheter is secured in place颈内静脉穿刺术解剖学关系体表标志穿刺方法禁忌症颈内静脉穿刺禁忌症上腔静脉血栓形成气管切开术后一侧穿刺失败后对侧穿刺解剖学关系体表定位中路定位及操作体位:病人仰卧,头低位,右肩部垫起,头后仰使颈部充分伸展,面部略转向对侧。穿刺点与进针:锁骨与胸锁乳突肌的锁骨头和胸骨头所形成的三角区的顶点,颈内静脉正好位于此三角形的中


5、后方膈前角肌与锁骨下动脉伴行,锁骨下静脉在前,锁骨下动脉在后;3.胸骨顶在锁骨下静脉后方约5mm处 误伤胸膜是经皮锁骨下静脉穿刺可能遇到的最大危险。解剖特点锁骨下静脉解剖标志清楚,位置较浅表,粗大(内径12cm),成人粗如拇指,血流快,经常处于充盈状态,故易于穿刺。锁骨下静脉插管不影响气管插管及人工呼吸;置管后不影响病人活动,便于护理。股静脉穿刺禁忌症下腔静脉病变(血栓、滤网)局部感染心肺复苏术后腹腔内压增加股静脉穿刺置管术股静脉的解剖:股静脉位于股鞘内,紧靠股动脉内侧。股静脉的体表投影位置为腹股沟韧带中、内1/3交点下方约2.5cm处。体位及穿刺点穿刺点:病人仰卧,大腿稍外展,在腹股沟韧带中

6、、内1/3交点下方约2.5cm处触及股动脉搏动的内侧进针:向内上方呈45角,进入2.54cm并发症血栓并发症机械并发症:误穿动脉、气胸、血胸、血气胸、出血、动静脉瘘、胸导管损伤、神经损伤感染并发症: 穿刺部位感染:红肿、硬结、脓性分泌物 导管细菌定植:导管培养(+),外周血培养 (-) 导管相关性血行感染:外周血和导管培养出相 同细菌各种入路穿刺方法比较穿刺入路优点缺点颈内静脉一旦出血可快速发现,并且易于按压止血;气胸发生率相对较低;导管不易移位容易误穿颈内动脉;仍有一定气胸发生率锁骨下静脉病人舒适容易并发气胸,插管病人不宜使用;一旦出血不易按压止血;病人年龄2岁不宜使用导管移位发生率高股静脉

7、容易定位;无气胸发生可能;推荐于急诊使用;极少发生不良并发症DVT;穿刺点容易感染;对于长期制动、卧床患者不建议使用Practical problems common to most techniques of insertionArterial punctureUsually obvious but may be missed in a patient who is hypoxic or hypotensive. If unsure, connect a length of manometer tubing to the needle / catheter and look for bloo

8、d flow which goes higher than 30cm vertically or is strongly pulsatile. Withdraw the needle and apply firm direct pressure to the site for at least 10 minutes or longer if there is continuing bleeding. If there is minimal swelling then retry or change to a different routeSuspected pneumothoraxIf air

9、 is easily aspirated into the syringe (note that this may also occur if the needle is not firmly attached to the syringe) or the patient starts to become breathless. Abandon the procedure at that site. Obtain a chest radiograph and insert an intercostal drain if confirmed. If central access is absol

10、utely necessary then try another route ON THE SAME SIDE or either femoral vein. DO NOT attempt either the subclavian or jugular on the other side in case bilateral pneumothoraces are produced.Arrhythmias during the procedureUsually from the catheter or wire being inserted too far (into the right ven

11、tricle). The average length of catheter needed for an adult internal jugular or subclavian approach is 15cm. Withdraw the wire or catheter if further than this.Air embolusThis can occur, especially in the hypovolaemic patient, if the needle or cannula is left in the vein whilst open to the air. It i

12、s easily prevented by ensuring that the patient is positioned head down (for jugular and subclavian routes) and that the guidewire or catheter is passed down the needle promptly.The wire will not thread down the needleCheck that the needle is still in the vein. Flush it with saline. Try angling the

13、needle so the end of it lies more along the plane of the vessel. Carefully rotate the needle in case the end lies against the vessel wall. Reattach the syringe and aspirate to check that you are still in the vein. If the wire has gone through the needle but will not pass down the vein it should be v

14、ery gently pulled back. If any resistance is felt then the needle should be pulled out with the wire still inside, and the procedure repeated. This reduces the risk of the end of the wire being cut off by the needle tip.Persistent bleeding at the of entryApply firm direct pressure with a sterile dressing. Bleeding should usually stop unless there is a coagulation abnormality. Persistent severe bleeding may require surgical explora


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