1、六年级上册新人教PEP版英语课件1.能听、说、读、写GPS等单词。2.能够听、说、认读本章句型,并能正确使用升降调读句子。 学习目标RevisionWhere is the post office?Next to the hospital.Where is the hospital?Next to the cinema.Where is the cinema?Next to the bookestore.Where is the bookstore?Go straight ahead.presentation passGPSstarsmapGlobal Positioning System全球
2、定位系统presentationWhat is Robins new feature ? He can find food. He can find the way.First look at the question,then skim through the text and answer the question.presentationHow many places did they pass by ?Underline(在下面划线)them in the text.Two.bookstore_hospital_经过presentationRobin: Were in front of
3、 the cinema. Lets go straight and turn left at the bookstore. Follow me, please!Wu Yifans grandpa gave Robin a new feature. He now has GPS. He can help the boys find the Italian restaurant.Followv.跟随;跟着presentation Mike: Is it far?Robin: No. Now we are behind the hospital. Lets turn right and then t
4、urn right again.Faradv.远adj.较远的presentationMike: There is the restaurant!presentation Robin : My new GPS works!Wu Yifan: Yes! Ill tell Grandpa. But lets eat first. Im so hungry!tellv.告诉;告知presentationWu Yifan and his friends want to eat some pizza in an Italian restaurant.They _and_. They_and then turn right again.go straight turn left at the bookstoreturn right点击图片,播放视频。presentationpresentation降调:通常用于陈述句、特殊疑问句、表示命令的祈使句升调:通常用于一般疑问句、表示客气的请求的祈使句 Tips for pronunciationListen,look and say.Robin hasGPS.Follow please! me, Is it far ?Where is the restaurant?用 表示升调,用 表示降调。prese
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