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1、第 PAGE6 页 共 NUMPAGES6 页2023年最新的英文matter的汉语是什么意思我们要知道单词matter的英文音标,还要知道它实际的汉语意思。百分网小编为大家精心准备了英语单词matter表达的汉语意思,欢迎大家前来阅读。 matter的汉语意思 英 m t (r) 美 m t 基本解释 名词 物质; 事件; (讨论、考虑等的)问题; 重要性 不及物动词 要紧,重要; 化脓; 有重大影响; 有重要性 相关例句 不及物动词 1. All these things do not matter now. 所有这一切现在都无关紧要了。 2. We usually see eye to

2、eye on the things that really matter. 我们对于重要事情总是看法一致。 名词 1. Everything we can see and touch is made up of matter. 我们能看见和摸到的每件东西都由物质组成。 2. This is a matter of no account. 这是一件无关紧要的事。 3. The matter in your essay is excellent but the style is deplorable. 你的文章内容不错,但是文体很糟。 matter的词典解释 1. 事情;状况;问题 A matte

3、r is a task, situation, or event which you have to deal with or think about, especially one that involves problems. e.g. It was clear that she wanted to discuss some private matter. 很明显,她想谈些私事。 e.g. Until the matter is resolved the athletes will be ineligible to compete. 除非这个问题得以解决,否则这些运动员没有资格参加比赛。

4、2. 事态;情况;局面 You use matters to refer to the situation you are talking about, especially when something is affecting the situation in some way. e.g. If your ordinary life is out of control, then retreating into a cosy ritual will not improve matters. 如果正常生活都一团糟了,那么再讲究小情调根本无济于事。 e.g. If it would facil

5、itate matters, I would be happy to come to New York. 如果对事态发展有利,我很乐意来纽约。 3. (是 的)问题;取决于 的问题;关乎 的问题 If you say that a situation is a matter of a particular thing, you mean that that is the most important thing to be done or considered when you are involved in the situation or explaining it. e.g. Histo

6、ry is always a matter of interpretation. 历史总是一种阐释角度的问题。 e.g. Observance of the law is a matter of principle for us. 守法是我们的一个原则问题。 4. (印刷或阅读的)材料 Printed matter consists of books, newspapers, and other texts that are printed. Reading matter consists of things that are suitable for reading, such as boo

7、ks and newspapers. e.g. .the Government s plans to levy VAT on printed matter. 政府对印刷品征收增值税的计划 e.g. .a rich variety of reading matter. 种类繁多的阅读材料。 matter的情景对话 道歉 A:Please excuse my careless words. 请原谅我那些无心的话 B:It doesn t matter at all. 一点也没有关系 问候 A:Good morning, Jerry. How s everything 早上好,杰丽。一切可好 B:Fine, just fine. Thanks. 好,都挺好的。谢谢。 A:Doing anything for lunch 午饭的时候你有事吗 B:Well, as a matter of fact, I ve got a lunch date with Bob Thomas. 不瞒你说,我跟鲍勃托马斯约好了一起吃午饭


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