1、一带一路 共建繁荣One Belt and One Road Innovation and development常态化 经济体 为中国及全球经济走向繁荣Along the way not a entity and mechanisms but to cooperate in the development of ideas and suggestions,is to rely on China and the countries of the existing bilateral and multilateral mechanisms, with the aid of the existin
2、g and effective regional cooperation platform, to borrow a historical symbol of the ancient Silk Road, to hold high the banner of peace and development, actively develop and along the countrys economic partnership, work together to build political mutual trust, economic integration, cultural toleran
3、ce of the interests of the community, the fate of the community and the community responsibilitye7d195523061f1c01ef2b70529884c179423570dbaad84926380ABC1F97BAEF0C8FC051856578EAB7874501A1FFE158C4981707381814BCC4D9A8E3554438DEE4FBCF5A5B4D2A8B0989AB57E8BAC65EB0B6D2A388667319150DE47EF93B3ECAF9E6FD0B40031
4、AEBDA6178BACFD9EB9FA877B4E1D7577BD97B78340E5A9A5692B20D70F0603BE6E75一带一路Belt and Road常态化 经济体 为中国及全球经济走向繁荣Along the way not a entity and mechanisms but to cooperate in the development of ideas and suggestions,is to rely on China and the countries of the existing bilateral and multilateral mechanisms,
5、 with the aid of the existing and effective regional cooperation platform, to borrow a historical symbol of the ancient Silk Road, to hold high the banner of peace and development, actively develop and along the countrys economic partnership, work together to build political mutual trust, economic i
6、ntegration, cultural tolerance of the interests of the community, the fate of the community and the community responsibility腾飞【 】壹【 】贰【 】叁【 】肆【 】伍 基础数据 政策环境 五通发展 国际合作 公话丝路The Silk Road Economic【一带一路】Belt and Road 中国腾飞 中国【 】壹 一带一路之基础数据Along the way not a entity and mechanisms but to cooperate in the
7、development of ideas and suggestions,is to rely on China and the countries of the existing bilateral and multilateral mechanisms, with the aid of the existing and effective regional cooperation platform, to borrow a historical symbol of the ancient Silk Road, to hold high the banner of peace and dev
8、elopment, actively develop and along the countrys economic partnership, work together to build political mutual trust, economic integration, cultural tolerance of the interests of the community, the fate of the community and the community responsibility虽领阅过宁静的时光,尝过静默思考的片刻,体味过自由的快乐却总是向往院外朗朗的读书声,总在9月1
9、号格外想念背着书包上学的情景那时的雨天,巷口的木棉花开始以白色的面纱飘落而今,木棉纷飞的情景还经常摇曳在梦里兰亭 院里院外:给久违的文化和温情一个出口春秋视觉感谢您选择并购买本店铺设计案例,所有作品都已设置精美动画,您只需要根据自己的文稿修改文字或者替换相关元素即可,当然也可以根据实际需要重新组织各画面元素,再次感谢,祝您工作顺心COMPANY brief 一带一路 共建繁荣“一带一路”(英文:The Belt and Road,缩写B&R)是“丝绸之路经济带”和“21世纪海上丝绸之路”的简称。它将充分依靠中国与有关国家既有的双多边机制,借助既有的、行之有效的区域合作平台,一带一路旨在借用古代
10、丝绸之路的历史符号,高举和平发展的旗帜,积极发展与沿线国家的经济合作伙伴关系,共同打造政治互信、经济融合、文化包容的利益共同体、命运共同体和责任共同体。一带一路The Belt and Road路上丝绸之路东汉起自中国古都洛阳,西汉起自古都长安(今西安),经凉州、酒泉、瓜州、敦煌、中亚国家、阿富汗、伊朗、伊拉克、叙利亚等而达地中海,以罗马为终点,全长6440公里。这条路被认为是连结亚欧大陆的古代东西方文明的交汇之路,而丝绸则是最具代表性的货物。北线:珲春-吉林-长春-满洲里-俄罗斯-欧洲A海上丝绸之路是指古代中国与世界其他地区进行经济文化交流交往的海上通道。2000多年前,一条以中国徐闻港、合
11、浦港等港口为起点的海上丝绸之路成就了世界性的贸易网络。4唐代,我国东南沿海有一条叫作“广州通海夷道”的海上航路,这便是我国海上丝绸之路的最早叫法B一带一路The Belt and Road感谢您选择并购买本店铺设计案例,所有作品都已设置精美动画,您只需要根据自己的文稿修改文字或者替换相关元素即可,当然也可以根据实际需要重新组织各画面元素,再次感谢,祝您工作顺心一带一路The Belt and Road文字文字文字文字点击输入相关的文字内容点击输入相关的文字内容点击输入相关的文字内容点击输入相关的文字内容一带一路The Belt and Roade7d195523061f1c01ef2b7052
13、关元素即可,当然也可以根据实际需要重新组织各画面元素,再次感谢,祝您工作顺心COMPANY brief 关键词关键字关键字关键字关键字关键字关键字关键字关键字关键字关键字关键字关键字腾飞 中国【 】贰 一带一路之政策环境Along the way not a entity and mechanisms but to cooperate in the development of ideas and suggestions,is to rely on China and the countries of the existing bilateral and multilateral mechan
14、isms, with the aid of the existing and effective regional cooperation platform, to borrow a historical symbol of the ancient Silk Road, to hold high the banner of peace and development, actively develop and along the countrys economic partnership, work together to build political mutual trust, econo
15、mic integration, cultural tolerance of the interests of the community, the fate of the community and the community responsibility一带一路The Belt and Road单击此处添加标题此处添加详细文本描述,建议与标题相关并符合整体语言风格,语言描述尽量简洁生动。尽量将每页幻灯片的字数控制在200字以内,据统计每页幻灯片的最好控制在5分钟之内。1单击此处添加标题此处添加详细文本描述,建议与标题相关并符合整体语言风格,语言描述尽量简洁生动。尽量将每页幻灯片的字数控制在
16、200字以内,据统计每页幻灯片的最好控制在5分钟之内。2单击此处添加标题此处添加详细文本描述,建议与标题相关并符合整体语言风格,语言描述尽量简洁生动。尽量将每页幻灯片的字数控制在200字以内,据统计每页幻灯片的最好控制在5分钟之内。3一带一路The Belt and Road欢迎购买本套模板,本模板由春秋视觉工作室专业设计,春秋视觉,致力于奉献!贴心于服务!专业定制,精心开发!多年工作经验打造全新的PPT作品!欢迎购买本套模板,本模板由春秋视觉工作室专业设计,春秋视觉,致力于奉献!贴心于服务!专业定制,精心开发!多年工作经验打造全新的PPT作品!专业定制 精心开发点此输入文字点此输入文字壹点此
17、输入文字点此输入文字贰点此输入文字点此输入文字叁点此输入文字点此输入文字肆一带一路The Belt and Road点击输入你想输入的文字内容点击输入你想输入的文字内容点击输入你想输入的文字内容点击输入你想输入的文字内容一带一路The Belt and Road腾飞 中国【 】叁 一带一路之五通发展Along the way not a entity and mechanisms but to cooperate in the development of ideas and suggestions,is to rely on China and the countries of the ex
18、isting bilateral and multilateral mechanisms, with the aid of the existing and effective regional cooperation platform, to borrow a historical symbol of the ancient Silk Road, to hold high the banner of peace and development, actively develop and along the countrys economic partnership, work togethe
19、r to build political mutual trust, economic integration, cultural tolerance of the interests of the community, the fate of the community and the community responsibility一带一路The Belt and Road输入相关主题文字项目名称:输入相关文字信息项目内容:输入相关文字信息项目时间:2017项目说明:这里输入项目的简要说明文字,精简为主,可不要此项。此处添加标题点击此处添加文本点击此处添加文本此处添加标题点击此处添加文本点
20、击此处添加文本此处添加标题点击此处添加文本点击此处添加文本一带一路The Belt and Road请输入文本内容请输入文本内请输入文本内容请输入文本内容请输入文本内容请输入文本内容请输入文本内请输入文本内容请输入文本内容请输入文本内容请输入文本内请输入文本内容请输入文本内请输入文本内容请输入文本内容请输入文本内容请输入文本内一带一路The Belt and Road点击输入你想输入的文字内容点击输入你想输入的文字内容点击输入你想输入的文字内容点击输入你想输入的文字内容点击输入你想输入的文字内容一带一路The Belt and Road请输入文本内容请输入文本内容请输入文本内容请输入文本内容请
21、输入文本内容请输入文本内容壹贰三一带一路The Belt and Road此处添加标题点此输入文字点此输入文字此处添加标题点此输入文字点此输入文字此处添加标题点此输入文字点此输入文字此处添加标题点此输入文字点此输入文字一带一路The Belt and Road腾飞 中国【 】肆 一带路之国际合作Along the way not a entity and mechanisms but to cooperate in the development of ideas and suggestions,is to rely on China and the countries of the exis
22、ting bilateral and multilateral mechanisms, with the aid of the existing and effective regional cooperation platform, to borrow a historical symbol of the ancient Silk Road, to hold high the banner of peace and development, actively develop and along the countrys economic partnership, work together
23、to build political mutual trust, economic integration, cultural tolerance of the interests of the community, the fate of the community and the community responsibility点击添加文字模板点击添加文字模板点击添加文字模板点击添加文字模板一带一路The Belt and Road一带一路The Belt and Road此处添加内容一此处添加文本内容此处添加文本内容此处添加文本内容此处添加文本内容此处添加文本内容此处添加文本内容二此处添
24、加内容此处添加文本内容此处添加文本内容此处添加文本内容此处添加文本内容此处添加文本内容此处添加文本内容写入文本单击此处添加文字单击此处添加文字单击此处添加文字单击此处添加文字单击此处添加文字单击此处添加文字单击此处添加文字单击此处添加文字写入文本写入文本写入文本一带一路The Belt and Road121此处添加标题点击此处添加文本点击此处添加文本2此处添加标题点击此处添加文本点击此处添加文本一带一路The Belt and Road一带一路The Belt and Road在此录入上述图表的综合描述说明,在此录入上述图表的描述说明。在此录入上述图表的综合描述说明,在此录入上述图表的综合描
25、述说明,在此录入上述图表的综合描述说明。020103添加标题在此录入上述图表的描述说明,在此录入上述图表的描述说明,在此录入上述图表的描述说明。添加标题在此录入上述图表的描述说明,在此录入上述图表的描述说明,在此录入上述图表的描述说明。添加标题在此录入上述图表的描述说明,在此录入上述图表的描述说明,在此录入上述图表的描述说明。腾飞 中国【 】伍 一带路之公话丝路Along the way not a entity and mechanisms but to cooperate in the development of ideas and suggestions,is to rely on C
26、hina and the countries of the existing bilateral and multilateral mechanisms, with the aid of the existing and effective regional cooperation platform, to borrow a historical symbol of the ancient Silk Road, to hold high the banner of peace and development, actively develop and along the countrys ec
27、onomic partnership, work together to build political mutual trust, economic integration, cultural tolerance of the interests of the community, the fate of the community and the community responsibility相关主题关键字此处键入文字此处键入文字此处键入公司简介此处键入公司简介此处键入公司简介此处键入公司简介此处键入公司简介此处键入公司简介此处键入公司简介此处键入公司简介此处键入公司简介此处键入此处键入
28、公司简介此处键入公司简介此处键入公司简介此处键入公司简介此处键入公司简介此处键入公司简介此处键入公司简介此处键入公司简介此处键入公司简介此处键入一带一路The Belt and Road在此插入内容在此插入内容在此插入内容在此插入内容在此插入内容在此插入内容一带一路The Belt and Road一带一路The Belt and Road01点击添加标题在此录入上述图表的综合描述说明,在此录入上述图表的综合描述说明,在此录入上述图表的综合描述说明,在此录入上述图表的综合描述说明。02点击添加标题在此录入上述图表的综合描述说明,在此录入上述图表的综合描述说明,在此录入上述图表的综合描述说明,在
29、此录入上述图表的综合描述说明。03点击添加标题在此录入上述图表的综合描述说明,在此录入上述图表的综合描述说明,在此录入上述图表的综合描述说明,在此录入上述图表的综合描述说明。04点击添加标题在此录入上述图表的综合描述说明,在此录入上述图表的综合描述说明,在此录入上述图表的综合描述说明,在此录入上述图表的综合描述说明。一带一路The Belt and Road添加文字添加文字添加文字添加文字单击此处添加文本 点击此处添加文本点击此处添加文本点击此处添加文本点击此处添加文本点击此处添加文本点击此处添加文本一带一路The Belt and Road共建繁荣感谢您选择并购买本店铺设计案例,所有作品都已设置精美动画,您只需要根据自己的文稿修改文字或者替换相关元素即可,当然也可以根据实际需要重新组织各画面元素,再次感谢,祝您工作顺心COMPANY b
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