1、Unit 2 SuccessLesson 3 Getting to the top 目录页contentsPre-readingIPost ReadingIVFast ReadingIIGrammar VIIIIntensive ReadingHomeworkPre-reading1. Which athlete do you admire most? Why?2. What did they do to get to the top of the sport?to push oneself to the limitsto give up everything for the sportto
2、live ones life to extremesto be willing to do the extra little bitto be totally focused on the sportto strive for greatnessPre-readingDiscuss the questions and use the phrases below to help you. Fast ReadingFast Reading 1. What is the article about ?2. Is it from an encyclopaedia entry, an academic
3、book or possibly a blog?3. Who do you think the writer is?Read the article quickly and answer the questions.The article tells the story of an athlete and the sacrifices she makes for her sport.I think it is from a blog.I think the writer is a triathlete. Intensive ReadingIntensive ReadingThe situati
4、on the writer facesThings she gives up as an Olympic athleteHer friends worries and her reactionsThe fears she faces on a daily basisRead paragraphs 1-4 and fill in the blanks.Birthday parties, family holidays, nights out She will lose her friends;She knew they were right.Whether she is pushing the
5、limits too much; whether she is being selfish.Read paragraphs 5-8. Identify the reasons why the writer was able to get to the top. Use a diagram to illustrate and talk about your analysis. Intensive ReadingReasonsget ahead on class work rather than go out and playget the bus on her own at ten years
6、oldgo to swim 100 lengths of the pool while other kids played pool gamesthe only girl in a rugby club of 250 boysRead the article again. What do the phrases or sentence refer to in the article.a very good reason (line 3)on a day-to-day basis (line 12)The list is endless. (line 19)an enormous amount
7、of drive and determination (line 20)three of four outstanding years of winning stuff (lines 37-38) Intensive ReadingPost Reading1. What are the three most important reasons why the writerwas able to get to the top? Find evidence to support your conclusion.2. What is your opinion about the writers at
8、titude and commitment to the profession she has chosen?Post Reading: Think and shareGroup work.Suggested Answer1. The first important reason is that she was born with an enormous amount of drive and determination (in paragraph 5). The second important reason is that she has always lived her life to
9、extremes, whatever it is she is applying herself to (in paragraph 6). The third reason is that as a professional athlete she is prepared to do that littie extra in her preparation that sets her apart from her competitors (in paragraph 8) .Post Reading: Think and shareSuggested Answer2. I think she w
10、ill get to the top because she has so much commitment to the profession she has chosen and she is so determined to be the best.Post Reading: Think and shareRetell the passage according to your understanding. Why push to the limits?lose a lot1. Have always lived my life to extremes.2. Your dream is t
11、o be the best.3. We are willing to do that extra little bit that might take us to the top.reasonsalthoughPost Reading Post Reading: ExerciseIt 1. _ this:Iwasbornwithan2. _ amountofdriveanddetermination. Inmyattempttostrivefor greatness,Imade3. _ sacrifice,livingmylifeto 4. _ whereeveryworkouthadamen
12、tal5. _ thatseemed toomuchfor mostpeople.Ifyouarenottotallycommitted toyour sportCompletethesummaryusingthecorrectformofthewordsandphrasesbelow.enormous outstanding extreme countless intensity length selfish normal boildownto applymyselfboils down toenormouscountlessextremesintensity Post Reading: E
13、xerciseandwanttolead a6. _ life,you canneverbea(n)7. _ athlete,letalone anOlympic champion.Youmay think itisunhealthyor8. _ togo tothese 9. _, butthatisthewayIroll,no matterwhat Im10. _ to.Completethesummaryusingthecorrectformofthewordsandphrasesbelow.enormous outstanding extreme countless intensity
14、 length selfish normal boildownto applymyselfnormaloutstandingselfishlengthsapplying myselfGrammarFocus on Language: Difficult sentencesHewasworriedthatIhadnolongerbecomefuntotrainwithandthatIwasindangerofbeingleftwithonlyaworldchampionship medalandnoonetoshareitwith.Page36他担心和我一起训练不再是一件愉悦的事情,担心我处于只
15、剩下世界冠军的奖牌而无人可以分享的危险境地。Focus on Language: Difficult sentencesHowever,deepdown Iknewelementsofwhathewas sayingwereright.Page36然而,在内心深处,我知道他说的有一些是对的。Focus on Language: Difficult sentencesPage36我总是疲意不堪,每次锻炼带来的心理压力对于大多数人来说都难以应对。我把极限提升到了大多数人认为超出健康的程度。Iwasalwaystiredandevery 10workouthadamentalintensitytha
16、tseemedtoomuchformosttohandle.Iwas pushingthelimitsandextremesbeyondwhatmostthoughtwerehealthy. I thinkofcountlessbirthdaypartiesandnightsoutIhavemissed,ruininga family holiday in France because of the endless searchforaswimmingpoolto trainin,almostmissingmybrothersweddingbecauseIwastoobusyhiring a
17、carindowntownJohannesburganddrivingthroughthe“no-go”areasinorder todoagroupridewiththe localtriathletes.Focus on Language: Difficult sentencesPage36我想到了曾经错过的无数生日派对和本来可以外出狂欢的夜晚, 因为一直寻找可以训练的游泳池,而破坏了一次去法国全家旅行;我忙于在约翰内斯堡市中心租车,开车闯过“禁行”区.以便和当地的铁人三项运动员一起骑行训练,差点错过哥哥的婚礼。Callit unhealthyifyouwant,butthatistheway Iroll,nomatterwhatitis Imapplying myselfto. Focus on Language: Difficult sentencesPage37你若说这是一种病态也行,但这就是我的做事风格,不管做什么我都会全力以赴。VIHomeworkHomeworkChoose the four mos
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