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1、A Boy Best Friendclient n _assess v _=被评为_ n _依靠,指望_=_=_=_4. 即将发生_ = _=_5. I reckon that _6. 肯定会_的需求_ _crater n _agile adj _mechanical adj _imitation n _v _tightly adv _adj _desperate adj _ adv _的线索,提示_ _ faulty adj _n _16.consistent adj _vocabulary客户,客人,顾客评价评定be assessed as assessmentbank onrely on

2、 depend onrest onaround the corneron the horizonon the way我认为be bound to demand for坑敏捷的,灵活的机械的仿制品imitate紧紧地tight拼命的,绝望的desperatelyclue to 有故障的,有缺陷的fault一贯的,一致的translate the following sentences 1. Have to make an effort to jump high. _2. Thats why Im bringing one here. _必须努力跳高。所以我要带一只过来。3. The outer

3、side of the crater sloped southward and the earth, which was low in the southern sky, was nearly full, so that the entire crater-slope was brightly lit. _本句是一个复合句,其中and连接两个_句, which 引导_,so that 引导_southward 是副词,意为_. 以-ward 结尾的副词都有“向方向”的意思,如_向前, _向北方so that 意为_ eg. I took no notice of him, so that he

4、 flew into a rage. _lit 原形 _A smile lit up her face. _环形山外侧向南倾斜,南面天空下方的地球全部显现出来, 因此整个环形山山坡明亮了起来。并列非限制性定语从句结果状语从句向南方forwardnorthward因此,所以我没注意到他,他因此大发雷霆。light 她微微一笑,脸上露出了喜色。4. The slope was a gentle one and even the weight of the spacesuit couldnt keep Jimmy from racing up in a floating hop that made

5、the gravity seem nonexistent. _keep sb from doing _=_eg. These worries kept her from sleeping properly. _山坡非常平缓,即使吉米穿着厚重的太空服,也不能阻碍他跳着跃向山坡,就好像引力不存在一样。阻止某人做某事stop/ prevent sb from doing sth这些烦恼使她睡不好觉。5 Jimmy, expert though he was, couldnt outrace Robutt._观察总结特点:Happy as they were, there was something

6、missing.尽管他们很快乐,但总缺少点什么。Try as he might (= however hard he tried) , he couldnt open the door.他想尽了办法也没能打开门。论速度,吉米虽然是个能手,但他比不过罗布特.6 Jimmy couldnt go wrong while Robutt was around, tripping him when he was too near a rock, or jumping on him to show how much he loved him, or circling around and squeakin

7、g low and scared when Jimmy hid behind a rock, when all the time Robutt knew well enough where he was. _trip v : to make someone fall by putting your foot in front of them when they are moving _eg. He didnt notice me and stretched out his foot suddenly, almost tripping me. _只要有罗布特相伴,吉米就没有危险。当吉米过于靠近一

8、块岩石,它会扑倒他;罗布特不会扑向他,以表达爱意;当吉米藏在岩石后,罗布特就原地打转,低吼,战战兢兢,不论什么时候,罗布特都对吉米的位置了如指掌。把(某人)拌倒他没注意到我,突然伸出脚,差点把我拌倒。7. Its just programmed to act the way it does. _8. Jimmy held out his arms and Robutt was in them in one bound. _hold out _ eg. 她向他伸出手。 _bound : a long or high jump made with a lot of energy. _9. Robu

9、tt is just adjusted to act as though it loves you. _adjust to doing sth _as though _从句中经常用_它的反应只不过是按照编好的程序去做而已。 (按某种方式去做)吉米伸出双臂,罗布特一跃跳了上去。伸出(手或手里的东西)She held out her hand to him.跳跃罗布特只是设定好,假装很爱你。调节,适应,习惯似乎,好像虚拟语气10. I love Robutt and thats what counts._count v to be important or valuable _eg _ you h

10、ave good computer skills .真正重要的是,你是否拥有良好的计算机水平。我爱罗布特,我觉得这是最重要的。重要What really counts is whethersummary1. 努力去做_2. 那就是为什么;所以会_3.因此,所以_4. 照亮,喜形于色_5. 阻止某人做_6.as conj _7.trip v _8.按某种方式去做 _9. 伸出 _10.调节,适应 _11.重要的是 _make an effort to do thats why so thatlight (sth) up keep sb from doing 尽管 (倒装)把拌倒be progra

11、mmed to do hold out adjust to (doing) sth what counts is . Jimmy,1._long and agile arms and legs , was out on the crater , looking 2.(thick) and stubbier with his spacesuit on. Robutt , a dog, was a mechanical imitation, 3. had four legs , tripping Jimmy or jumping on him 4.(show) how much he loved him, or 5.(circle) around and squeaking low and 6.(scare) when Jimmy hid behind a rock . Robutt 7.(adjust) to act as if it loves Jimmy. Jimmy held Robu


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