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1、2023年四川省课堂大比武活动参赛课学科:英语 版本:必修四(外研版)课题:The Student Who Asked Questions 类型:多媒体课课程设计方案送课单位:四川渠县第二中学2023年11月多媒体教学课程设计方案设计者:徐志琼 执教者:徐志琼 授课时间:2023年11月一、教材内容 READING AND VOCABULARY为“阅读课。”课文“The Student Who Asked Questions ” 讲述的是中国当代科学家袁隆平。袁隆平,男,1930年 9月出生于北京,1953年毕业于西南农学院农学系。毕业后,一直从事农业教育及杂交水稻研究。 19801981年赴


3、读方法、阅读速度、阅读技巧和阅读理解的准确度和深度(阅读欣赏)上得到提高。教师可以参考使用本书提供的下列程序:Step 1: Warming up by defining sciences; Step 2: Before you read; Step 3: While you read (do some exercises) ;Step 4: After you read (retell this passage and complete the passage with correct words )二、学习者特征分析(说明学生学习特点,分析学生基础水平)本课的教学对象是高二年级学生, 在本

4、课之前我们已经了解了国内外的一些著名的科学家。但同学们对袁隆平先生的了解比较少,对杂交水稻的了解也比较少,通过对本文的阅读和讲解,让学生更加深入的了解袁隆平与杂交水稻。由于本班学生基础知识比较差,所以本次讲解比较浅显简单。三、学习目标与任务(一)、学习目标描述1、知识与能力:(1)Learn some new words and expressions;(2)Master the sentence structures;(3)Enable students to talk about“the father of hybrid rice- Yuan Longping”.(4)Understand

5、 the text and answer the following questions。 (5)Enable the students to understand the details about the passage,choose the correct answer according to the text and fill in the form about the passage.2、过程与方法:(1) Skimming and scanning;(2) Asking-and-answering activity in understanding the text;(3)Dis

6、cussion.3、情感、态度与价值观: Make students know something about the current development of science and technology,as well as make them learn from those great scientists, such as the spirit of devoting toScience.(二)学习内容与学习任务说明1、学习内容与任务: Learn about Yuan Longping and the hybrid rice; Enable students to talk a

7、bout“the father of hybrid rice- Yuan Longping”.Enable the students to understand the details about the passage,choose the correct answer according to the text and fill in the form about the passage.(三)教学重点难点1、教学重点:(1)Talk about“the father of hybrid rice- Yuan Longping”. (2) Discuss the question of c

8、omprehension2、难点是: (1)Understand the importance of scientists achievements.Discuss the questions. The new rice replaced vegetables in 50 thousand square kilometres. According to him, what was the key to feeding people? 四、教学设想和媒体环境构思(一)教与学策略 This is a reading class, we should learn about Yuan Longpin

9、g and the hybrid rice,so I show some pictures first about rice, then we lead in Long .I make a introduction about him, he is a student who asked questions. Then we open our books and read this passage. We do some exercises to learn about this passage.(二)教与学方法1、教法:由于本节课远离学生生活,所以我展示了一些关于杂交水稻和袁隆平的图片将学生

10、带入课堂,还让学生观看一个关于袁隆平和杂交水稻的小视频引起学生兴趣。 2、学法:前面的图片和视频已经带动了课堂气氛,然后我们进入课文学习,让学生带着问题去读文章,理解文章,通过小组讨论小组竞赛答题带动学生学习与理解本文。 五、学与教媒体的选择与运用序号媒体类型内容要点使用时间资料来源教学作用使用方式1课件Show a picture about hybrid rice 随机遴选 Lead in 演示2课件Show a picture about Yuan Longping随机遴选 Lead in演示3课件 Learning goals随机自制Let students learn aboutLe

11、arning goals in this class. 演示4视频 Show Longping and theHybrid rice.随机自制 Let students be interested in this class 演示5课件Review some new words which will appear in this passage.随机自制 Learn about the new words.演示6课件 Listen to the tape find the main idea about this passage5分剪辑 Train students in listening

12、播放7课件 Do some exercises through reading this passage.随机自制Master the reading skills.演示8课件 Do some exercises through reading paragraph 1-3.随机自制 Master the reading skills.演示9课件 Do some exercises through reading paragraph 1-3.随机自制 Master the reading skills.演示10课件 Complete this passage using correct word

13、s.随机自制 Training the grammar演示11课件 homework随机自制 Training the writing skills.演示填表说明:1、媒体在教学中的作用分为:(1)表示事实;(2)创设情景;(3)提供示范;(4)呈现过程,解释原理;(5)设疑思辨,解决问题;(6)其他。2、媒体使用方式包括:(1)设疑播放讲评;(2)讲解播放概括;(3)讲解播放举例;(4)边播放,边讲解;(5)反馈评价;(6)其他六、教学过程设计程 序教师引导学生活动媒体支撑课前参 与探究课题: Learn about some great scientists and their achie

14、vements. Finding out some great scientists by themselves.网络、光盘、书刊资料等,帮助学生了解;课中研读一提问引思导出课题Smart Boys and girls,do you know what it is?Yes,its hybrid rice. And do you know what roles the hybrid rice play in our life? (3) Yes, rice is our staple food. But do you know who discovered the hybrid rice?(4)

15、Give a short introduction about him. Show a short video. (1)Its hybrid rice. (2)Its our food when we are angry. (3) Longping. (4) Watch the video. (1)Show a picture about rice.(2)Show a picture about rice. (3)Show a picture about Yuan Longping. (4)A short video.二研读课文交流解析Check the learning goals.Revi

16、ew the new words about this passage.Now ,please open our books and turn to page 32. Listen to the tape recorder carefully, pay attention to the pronounce, and find out the main idea about this passage.Fast reading: please read this passage quickly, and find true or false. produces more rice than any

17、 other country.2. Yuan Longping asked a lot of questions at school.3. The government helped him in his research.4. The new rice replaced vegetables in 50 thousand square kilometres.Careful reading:please read this passage carefully, then finish these questions. If you dont find the answer, you can d

18、iscuss with your partners.1. Who is the leading figure in the rice-growing world?2. What nickname was he given?3. According to him, what was the key to feeding people? 4. What was the breakthrough in 1970? did his discoveries result in?6. What is the most important crop in Pakistan? (1) Learn about

19、the goals. (2) Learn the new words. (3)Listen to the tape recorder carefully, find out the main idea.The students read this passage quickly by themselves, finish the questions.(the students are divided three groups)After reading, the students answer the questions .(the students are divided three gro

20、ups)Show the picture.Show the picture about the new words.Show the question on the PPT. Show the questions.注重延伸三深入思考拓展延伸(1)We have learn about this passage now, please retell the story and complete this passage using correct words.Yuan Longping, a leading figure in China, (make) great efforts for China to become the worlds largest rice producer. He was born and (bring) up in China. From an early age, he was (interest)in plants. He experimented with (difference) types of rice when (they) was a young teacher. In 1970 a naturally male rice plant (discover). Then researchers wer


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