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1、 名词性从句中的(主语、宾语和表语) 陈树清 一. Teaching aim 1. 了解四种名词性从句种类 :主语从句、表语从句 、宾语从句和同位语从句。 2. 用熟宾语从句到识别主语和表语从句。 二. Teaching importance 1.熟练运用宾语从句 2.识别主语和表语从句 三 Teaching content 三种名词性从句的三类连词1.单纯连接词:(1)that (无词义且不做成分) (2)whether, if (有词义,但不做成分) 2.连接代词:what(ever),who(ever), whom,which. etc (有词义做主、宾、表、定语等.)3.连接副词:wh

2、en, where, how, why (做状语等,有词义)(一) 宾语从句概念:用一个完整的句子做_,_或部分_的宾语,这个句子叫做宾语从句。宾语从句的一、二、三。 1.指:一种语序 ,宾语从句只能用_语序 2.指宾语从句的两种时态 (1)主句是 一般现在时 ,从句可用_ 。 (2)主句是一般过去时 ,宾语从句常用 _,客观真理,自然现象,格言谚语时,宾语从句依然用 _。 3. 指 三种:连接词_ (1), 的宾语从句_只起连接作用,不做成分,可 省第 _个 ,有宾补时常用 _做。 (2),一般疑问句由Whether ,if “是否”在从句中不做成分,一般情况下 可以替换。当(1) _ (2

3、)从句中有_ (3) 从句中有_ 时不用if。 (3),特殊疑问句由wh-引导的宾语从句。who,whom,whose, what, which,和when, where, why, how 等连接,在句中既有连接作用又充当句子的成分。Practice 根据汉语完成宾语从句. you know _(她出生在何地)2. We dont know _ (谁会来教我们英语)3. We dont know _(为什么她迟到) . will do_尽力帮助这个孩子 5. The speaker said _( 熟能生巧)6. He told me _( 他已经给 我发邮件了). (二)、主语从句在复合句

4、中作主句的主语.为避免句子头重脚轻,经常用it作形式主语, 常见的句型:1. It is known/reported/ said/that 2. It is clear/necessary/ true/ that3. It is a pity/ an honor/ a surprise that 4. It doesnt matter whether5. It seems / appears(vi) that 6. It occurred to me that.(我忽然想起) (三)、表语从句,位于系动词之后。(be动词或feel, look,smell, sound,appear, .注意

5、1). 表语从句一律用陈述句的语2).表语从句的引导词that无实际意义,但不能省略. 3).表语从句只能用whether. 4). The reason is that 四. 高考难点考查 (一) what 和that的区别 ”什么” 在名词性从句中做主语、表语、宾语 或定语。 ,无词义,仅引导从句,不做从句中任何成份 Practice 1. I wonder if this is _you are looking for. 2. Our school is quite different from _ it was before. 3. Its known to all_ the eart

6、h is round earth is round is known to all . known to us all is _the earth is round. (二)whether,if引导名词性从句的区别, 及物动词后宾语从句whether和if可互换; 1. 但从句位于介词后只能用whether, 与or not 或不定式连用时常用whether 2. 引导表语、主语(句首)或同位语从句只用whetherPractice 1. I asked her _ she had a cell-phone we will hold a picnic tomorrow depends on t

7、he weather. 3. Parents are worried about _ we are fit. 4. I dont know _ or not he will come5. The question is _the water is clean. doctor cant make it clear _ the old man will wake up or not .7. I dont know _you want to go camping. we will be free tomorrow is unknown五. 名词性从句综合 一.用适当的连词填空 were told _

8、 our team had won the gold medal.m glad to hear_ you will come to visit me. dont know_excited I was at the good news.4. _ the work is worth doing is not clear. asked _he was late for the meeting. 2 cant decide _ he is fit for the job. dont know _he was absent again. will do the work needs discussing

9、. found it strange_ she had not finished it yet. we need is more practice. remember _ this used to be a small village. studies hard will make the teachers happy.13. The problem is we can do to help the poor .14 .Its important _ we get on well with our parents. 二.语篇填空I was feeling sad because my moth

10、er was out of job. It left me wondering going to happen to us.I got off the college shuttle bus and started walking. Then I heard piano music and singing rising above the noise of the people and the traffic .I walked much (slow) so I could find out was coming from. Through the crowd I saw a young la

11、dy sitting at a piano with a carriage next to her. She was singing songs about love,keeping on trying. The way that she was singing (comfort) me a bit. I stood there (watch) her play for about fifteen minutes,thinking must take courage to perform on her own in the middle of a crowd. She must have fe

12、lt my presence she would occasionally look in my direction. By now I was telling myself that if she could perform in front of hundreds of people that she didnt know,I could at least tell her good she sounded .I walked over and (put) some money in her carriage and said,“Thank you. I have been going t

13、hrough a hard time lately,but ve done made me hopeful again.”: slowly4. comforted 5watching7. because 8 .how 10. What 一 请判断下面的名词性从句1They want to know what they can do to help us. the delayed flight will take off depends much on the weather. pointed to the hospital and said,“That is where I was born.

14、”4. Its considered unwise to give a child whatever he or she wants. 5It is difficult for us to imagine what life was like for slaves in the ancient world.6I am not sure whether thats one of his favorite universities.7The reason to succeed is that you are better than anyone else in the field.8. This

15、is what my mother used to tell me. problem is how we can improve our reading skills in such a short time.10. It doesnt matter whether you have lived there for a short or a long time.11. Its reported that the water pollution has become more and more serious. was why we asked the expert to help us to

16、deal with the pollution problem. 13. I think what impresses me about his painting is the colours he uses. all over the world are dreaming that they will always live a peaceful life.15. I want to ask you whether/if you could help to develop a good habit of taking notes. wanted to see what happened. by myselfs_why you are than


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