1、September 23-24, 2019 Hangzhou, ChinaTaobao and Tmall - Massive and Fast Growing Retail Marketplace1JIANG Fan, President of Taobao and TmallMarketplace Growth at Scale平台规模增长Diversified Product Supplies供给多元发展Enhanced Consumer Experience消费场景升级Technology Empowering Commerce技术赋能商业2Rapid User Growth 平台用户
2、规模高速增长Marketplace Growth at Scale755 Million Mobile MAU(1)Up 121mn YoY in June 2019Accelerated Growth of DAUUp 26% YoY in Q2 QTD FY20 (3)674 Million AAC (2)Up 98mn YoY in Q1 FY20User Growth 用户增长Up 226mnUp 208mnNotes:China retail marketplace Mobile MAU for the month ended June 30, 20193China retail m
3、arketplace annual active consumer for the last twelve month ended June 30, 2019Q2 QTD FY20 represents the period between July 1,2019 and August 31,2019.Penetrating into Less Developed Areas Drives User Growth 下沉市场驱动用户增长(1)(1)(2)70%40%2,000Marketplace Growth at ScaleUser Growth 用户增长+Over 70% of New C
4、onsumers are from Less Developed Areas70%+新用户来自下沉市场User Penetration in Less Developed Areas下沉市场人口渗透率RMBFY18&19 Average ARPU of New Consumers from Less Developed AreasFY18&19 下沉市场新用户ARPU平均值Notes:For FY 2019Average of first year annual spending of new users in FY2018 and FY20194Robust Growth on China
5、Retail Marketplaces 中国零售平台规模高速增长YoY Growth of Alibaba China Retail Marketplaces Physical Goods GMV (Excluding Unpaid Orders)YoY Growth of Tmall Physical Goods GMV (Excluding Unpaid Orders)Marketplace Growth at ScaleChina Retail Marketplaces 中国零售平台规模26%25%34%26%30%8%8%9%9%21%21%24%29%33%34%22%9%YoY G
6、rowth of Tmall Physical Goods GMV (Excluding Unpaid Orders)YoY Growth of Online Sales of Physical Goods in China According toNational Bureau of StatisticsYoY Growth of China Retail Sales According to National Bureau of StatisticsFY18FY19Q1 FY19Q2 FY19Q3 FY19Q4 FY19Q1 FY205Marketplace Growth at Scale
7、Others 2% Home Deco 3%Tmall Drives China Retail Sales Growth 天猫驱动消费市场增长44%FMCG 28%Tmall FMCGYoY Growth of Physical Goods GMV During Jan-Aug 2019, Excluding Unpaid OrdersNational 11%(1)YoY Growth of Retail Sales in China During Jan-Aug 2019Tmall 天猫Notes:Source: NBSSource: Sino Market Research, China
8、Market MonitorAuto 43%China Retail Sales During Jan-Aug 2019(1)1-8月全国社会消费品零售总额分布Apparel 12%Consumer Electronics 12%Tmall ApparelYoY Growth of Physical Goods GMV During Jan-Aug 2019, Excluding Unpaid OrdersTmall Consumer ElectronicsYoY Growth of Physical Goods GMV During Jan-Aug 2019, Excluding Unpai
9、d Orders26%22%National 3%(1)YoY Growth of Retail Sales in China During Jan-Aug 2019National -11%(2)YoY Growth of Retail Sales in China During Jan-Jul 20196Diversified Product Supplies to Meet One Billion Consumers Demand多元化供给满足中国10亿消费者需求BrandsProducts from OriginsImported ProductsLong-tail ProductsN
10、ew BrandsNew Products新品牌新商品From Farmers农场直供From Manufacturers工厂直供Global Brands海外品牌Global Buy全球购C2C闲鱼C2CLong-tail Products特色商家 New Categories 新品类High Quality 品牌品质Value-for-money 高性价比Global Direct Sourcing 全球直供Diversification 丰富多元7Competitive Advantage from Dierentiated Supply Chain 从供给侧实现天猫的差异化竞争优势Di
11、versified Product SuppliesTmall New Supply Strategy 天猫新供给战略New Product LaunchNew Brand IncubationCustomized Products新品首发新品牌孵化天猫联合定制8(2)Tmall Has Become the First Choice for Brands New Product Launch 天猫已成为品牌线上线下新品首发阵地Diversified Product SuppliesBrands - New Product Launch 品牌供给 - 新品首发Category Top One
12、in Month of LaunchCategory Top One in Month of LaunchCategory Top One in Month of LaunchNumber of SKUs Launched on Tmall in 20182018年天猫上市新品SKU数YoY Growth for New Product Sales in 20182018年新品销售同比增长50mn+80%Estee Lauder LipstickHuawei Mate 20 SeriesHottoys Iron Man Toy% of sales of New Products in Tota
13、l GMV of Tmall Apparel in Aug 201953%服饰类目2019年8月新品销售占比9New Brand Incubation 新品牌孵化Diversified Product SuppliesBrands - New Brand Incubation 品牌供给 - 新品牌孵化New Consumers新人群New Media新媒体New Trends新趋势Consumers in Less Developed Areas下沉人群Social Media社交媒体New Categories新品类Young Generation年轻人群Short Videos短视频Con
14、sumer Segmentation消费分层Male Consumers男性用户Live Streaming直播Consumption Upgrade消费升级New Demand Calls for New Brands新消费催生新品牌Sub-brands of Large Groups大集团的子品牌New Oversea Brands海外新进品牌Newly Created Brands新生代品牌New Factory Brands产业带新品牌Perfect Diary New Beauty Brand完美日记New Coffee Brand三顿半咖啡Tmall Becomes the Lar
15、gest Birthplace of New Brands天猫将成为最大的新品牌诞生地10Leveraging Data Technology to Digitize and Upgrade Manufacturers 通过数字化能力,实现原产地产业带的全面升级Made-to-order Factory聚划算“天天工厂”To Digitize and Upgrade 10,000 Manufacturers in Three Years3年实现10,000家工厂的数字化升级Diversified Product SuppliesProducts from Origins 源头供给Collect
16、ive Sourcing产地集采Customized Products联合定制On-demand Manufacturing产销协同Alibaba Cloud IntelligenceCainiaoAnt FinancialTaobao/ JuhuasuanQianxuan Scale 千选体重秤Ice Sleeve 冰 袖Factory DigitizationSmart LogisticsSupply Chain FinanceSales with CertaintyAug 2018 Oct 2018 Dec 2018 Feb 2019 Apr 2019 Jun 2019 Aug 2019
17、3mn+ Orders(1)3mn Orders(2)Notes:Number of accumulated orders since October 2018Number of accumulated orders since April 2019Alibaba Business Operating System Upgrades Manufacturers阿里巴巴商业操作系统升级工厂Monthly Orders of Customized ProductsCustomized ProductsC2M月度订单量C2M定制商品11Active Taobao Marketplace of Lon
18、g-tail Products 活跃的淘宝特色长尾市场Diversified Product SuppliesTaobao Marketplace of Long-tail Products 淘宝特色长尾市场Farmer 农人大学生村官创业寻味店铺名:大学生村官创业寻味开店时间:2013年 Store Open Year: 2013Designer 匠人极有家原创设计师店铺名:慕芮雅开店时间:2017年 Store Open Year: 2017ACGN Merchant 二次元COS服制作店铺名:喵屋小铺开店时间:2018年 Business Started from 2018Two-yea
19、r CAGR for Sales of Long-tail Products on Taobao is over 30%(1)淘宝特色原创市场过去两年的复合增长率大于30%12Notes:(1) CAGR for the period of Sep 22, 2017 to Sep 21,2019Idle Fish - Fast Growing C2C Community and Market 闲鱼 - 高速增长的C2C社区市场C2C Sale of Secondhand ItemsRecycle/ ResellC2C House LeasingProduct LeasingDiversifie
20、d Product SuppliesIdle Fish 闲鱼13Idle Fish - Fast Growing C2C Community and Market 闲鱼 - 高速增长的C2C社区市场Diversified Product Supplies20mn DAU as of Sep 2019Accelerating Growth of DAU2000万级DAU闲鱼持续加速增长Idle Fish 闲鱼RMB100bn+60mn+1.3mn+Jan 2016Sep 2016 May 2017Jan 2018Sep 2018 May 2019FY19 GMVFY19成交金额Number of
21、 Active Individual Sellers in FY19 FY19发布商品人数Number of Interest- based Communities 累计鱼塘数(1)14Notes:(1) YoY Growth of average DAU in the period of September 1-20, 2019.Diversified Product Supplies to Meet One Billion Consumers Demand多元化供给满足中国10亿消费者需求Directly Sourced ProductsImported ProductsDirect fr
22、om FarmsDiversifiedProduct SuppliesC2CNational BrandsMade-to-orderDirect from Manufacturers供给多元发展Designer BrandsLong-tail ProductsGlobal BrandsTrendy BrandsNew Brands15Enhanced Consumer Experience消费场景升级Interactive Entertainment娱乐化互动Recommendation Feeds信息流Taobao Live Streaming淘宝直播16Interactive Entert
23、ainment Product Matrix Accelerated User Engagement 娱乐化互动产品矩阵,加速拉动用户活跃度提升Taobao PointsTaobao LifeSmall Game in 618 FestivalSmall Game in Double 11 FestivalSmall Game for Cash Coupon金币庄园淘宝人生叠猫猫双11合伙人红包签到Enhanced Consumer ExperienceInteractive Entertainment 娱乐化互动17Increasing Visits to Recommendation Fe
24、eds 信息流成为主要访问入口Enhanced Consumer ExperienceRecommendation Feeds 信息流UV up 104% YoY in Q1 FY20Q1 FY20 UV同比增长 104%Unique Visitors to Recommendation Feeds75% of MAU Visited Recommendation Feeds首页MAU渗透率Increasing MAU Penetration Rate75%56%Diversified Content Contributes 22% of Pageviews泛内容PV占比% of Recomm
25、endation Feeds Pageviews22%UGCHot Topics话题PGCVideos视频Channels频道Live Streaming直播Themes主题Q1 FY19Q1 FY20Q1 FY19Q1 FY200%Aug 2018Aug 201918Enhanced Consumer ExperienceTaobao Live Streaming 淘宝直播RMB 100bn+GMV in FY19FY19成交金额Taobao Live Streaming 淘宝直播140%GMV YoY Growth in FY20 YTD(1)FY20 YTD成交同比增长50%+FY19
26、% of Tmall Merchants Using Live StreamingFY19天猫商家直播渗透率19Notes:(1) Growth of GMV led by Taobao live streaming from April to August 2019Taobao Live Streaming 淘宝直播Cosmetics直播+美妆Apparel直播+服饰Jewelry直播+珠宝Food直播+食品Auto直播+聚划算+天猫汽车Enhanced Consumer ExperienceTaobao Live Streaming 淘宝直播618 Festival80%+Tmall Me
27、rchants Using Live StreamingiFashion Week 新势力周30% of First-day SalesLed by Taobao Live StreamingJan-Aug 201930%+% of Sales Ledby Taobao Live StreamingFY19240%YoY Growth of Sales Led by Taobao Live StreamingDouble 9 Festival 99划算节2,000+Sets of Cars Sold via Taobao Live Streaming20Technology Empowerin
28、g Commerce技术赋能商业Tmall Flagship Store 2.0旗舰店2.0Digitized Uni Operation全域数据化运营Immersed Shopping Experience in 5G Era5G时代场景化购物21From Product Management to Consumer Management 帮助品牌商家从货品运营走向消费者运营Products货品Improve Online and Oine Connection线上线下连接升级Technology Empowering CommerceTmall Flagship Store 2.0 旗舰店
29、2.0Conversion RateTmall Flagship Store 1.0旗舰店1.0PriceTo Enable 10,000 Brands and 200,000 Merchants to Accelerate Digitization and Drive New Growth帮助1万品牌,20万商家加速零售数字化升级,搭建新阶段增长引擎品牌门店在线货品&服务共享会员&权益互通Increase Openness开放能力升级Tmall Flagship Store 2.0旗舰店2.0Enhance Application of Data数据应用升级粉丝分层互动 会员精细运营 品牌个
30、性化表达Transactions定制能力升级开放场景升级互动营销升级成交Brands Official Corporate Website Powered by Alibaba Business Operating System建立在阿里巴巴商业操作系统上的品牌官网22From Product Management to Consumer Management 帮助品牌商家从货品运营走向消费者运营Customized StorefrontBranding SpaceShopping Mini ProgramOffline Store个性化品牌店铺品牌空间购物小程序品牌门店Improve Onl
31、ine and Oine Connection线上线下连接升级品牌空间Technology Empowering CommerceTmall Flagship Store 2.0 旗舰店2.0品牌门店在线货品&服务共享会员&权益互通Increase Openness开放能力升级Tmall Flagship Store 2.0旗舰店2.0Enhance Application of Data数据应用升级粉丝分层互动 会员精细运营 品牌个性化表达粉丝互动升级千人千面会员中心 品牌内容 品牌互动 门店商品 门店服务定制能力升级开放场景升级互动营销升级 附近门店Consumer Management
32、More PreciseMarketing More EfficientApplications More OpenOnline and Offline Closer消费者运营更精准营销更高效应用更开放线上线下更紧密Brands Official Corporate Website Powered by Alibaba Business Operating System建立在阿里巴巴商业操作系统上的品牌官网2323Digitized Uni Operation 全域数据化运营Operation by Merchants 商家自运营场景Tmall Flagship Store 2.0Weitao ContentCRM Management用户画像生活方式会员生命周期New Retail 新零售场景Offline Store SalesSun Art RetailLingsh
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